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What are some of the things you HATE about modern gaming?


Just curious about what Gaf hates most about modern gaming.

For me it is:

1. FOMO.
I fucking hate how games make content time sensitive or exclusive for a small window and make that content inaccessible. If one gets truly invested in the game and wants to go after everything they can't. They missed out and should have been there from the beginning.
It feels disheartening to the player. So why bother playing anymore? It seems game designers are fucking stupid and forget about this part. You alienate and cause gamers to stop engaging with the game and step back from the game. completely.
It's worst when you see a collection of items and the game even taunts you about the things you missed and are unable to get. All these skins locked to absurd Twitch streams where you have to watch something for an hour at an ungodly inconvenient time especially. Or Namco Bandai's stupid preorder bonuses that never become available in the marketplace. Oh, also remember those store-exclusive preorder bonuses. Fuck publishers for doing stupid shit like this.

2. Challenges.
Honestly, challenges feel like a fucking chore. One example is Halo Infinite, fuck that game. The game dictates how I play. Imagine a match of SWAT in Halo and you have to melee kill 25 opponents in a single match. It's BS like that will make you want to quit the game and say fuck you game designers.

3. The grind.
You can tell if a game is poor if there is so much to grind and the reward just doesn't feel worth it. Some of the stuff in the game where you grind feels artificially baked into the game where numbers go up and the impact of it doesn't feel like anything at all.

4. Games that are released too early and fix it later mentality.
I hate how modern games are just broken at launch. You are pretty much beta-testing a game at full pop. Wait a year and that game is patched and cheaper too! So why even bother playing the game at launch at full price with all its mess?

5. Successors and sequels in the series fail at the most basic things and lack features that the predecessors had.
Look at the Halo franchise. You see a lot of features added at its peak and then it becomes a downward spiral as features become missing. No female armor, no statistics, no vidmaster challenges, no ranks, no Forge mode, etc.


On disk dlc that we still have to wait a full year for. People who want to assume you are troll and other false labels, if you have any complaints about games that are "10 out of 10", as if we have to love every popular game that comes out.


Content cut from origional game, released later as paid DLC's or preorder guffans. Designed to extract even more money from people who already bought their game/s. Or to hit the fomo crowd.

Never gets not annoying.
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1. The focus on realism and how cinematic games can be over fun and fluidity.

2. Oversaturation of certain genres such as Soulsborne, linear slow walking games like TLOU and GOW, too many open world games which follow the same formula.

3. Delays constantly happening because the developers give release dates too early.

4. Lack of creativity of AAA games.

5. The overabundance of remakes and reboots. Barely any originality nowadays.

6. Microtransactions being overly abused. Games being explicity milked for cash. In Tales of Arise, a 2021 game when you literally go to the campfire to rest the game shoves "Buy microtransactions" in your face. It's getting out of hand.

7. Unfinished games being released with the DLC released to complete the story.

8. Censorship for private messages on PSN.
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Call of Duty still being made each year and people still buying the same shit again and again.
Also big game companies being buyed by even bigger gaming companies.

Edit: People wanting 300Hz/8k everywhere being annoying about some 30 fps games they wouldn't even buy anyway.
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  • installing every game. Its getting better with pre-installs now. But this also leads into my second biggest issue
  • nothing on the disc. Games should play off the disc. The full game should also be on the disc. Nothing feels worse than no actual data being on the disc. And/Or having to install the game just like u were downloading it digitally and its not much faster either. At the very least the disc should install WAAAAAYY faster than me just downloading the full digital copy.
  • new iterations of series/franchises getting WORSE and selling BETTER. Sports games especially are guilty of this. The old Baseball/Football/basketball/wrestling games were better games. And had more features. Now the games just get prettier and they remove more and more content every year. And if they bring back the old content its not as good as the original versions. Its always half-assed.
  • console games that don't have a perfect version. With backwards compatible last gen games the Xbox versions will look ugly but be 60fps. And the Playstation versions will be much higher resolution but because Playstation doesn't give a damn about backwards compatibility all those old games aren't updated and run at 30fps.


I want to buy a game that is 100% complete and in totality on disc upon release day. I hate buying a new game, putting the disc in the console, then waiting X time for the mandatory bloated-ass maximum gigabytes patch to download. I say "mandatory" because to play the game from disc means to play the beta version that was rushed to market. I realize games are far more complicated to make nowadays than they were in the past, that bug testing takes longer, sometimes promised features don't make it into the "gold" disc version for pressing. Thing is, I don't mind waiting longer for the game to release, if only it were to be legitimately finished when it is released. "Why not just buy the game digitally then?" Because I can sell a disc, I can recoup some of that cost later on. With a digital game I can't do that. But this whole "the disc version is the beta" crap is anti-consumer two ways; One you're buying a beta (or just a download-install initiating file) and two it does nothing for archival integrity of this medium.


Remasters/remakes, 5yr+ dev times, stale/sterile gameplay, overbloated design/presentation, obsession with photorealism, and "realism" in general.
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AAA development teams are too big, bloated to the point where creativity is stifled, and one developer doesn't even know what the others are working on anymore as shit gets outsourced to satellite studios or is being done by contract workers that are gone after 6 months and the people left behind or coming in fresh then need to figure out what that guy did during the time he was there...


The low standard of featuring bad frame rates and performance.


The abandonement of solo multiplayer in exchange for Team/Squad-based shooters and PUBG clones.

The focus on cut scenes and melodrama over quality gameplay. Example: I will never prefer a game like Hellblade over DOOM... or even Tetris. Gameplay reigns. Keep all the fluff from standing between me and the game.

Ridiculous development times because too much attention is put on stuffing a game full of nonsense unrelated to GAMEPLAY. Get the gameplay and art and perfomance right and then ship the damn thing. I don't need 60 hours of fucking motion capture and celebrity voice overs, jesus christ.
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For the most part games are in the best state they've ever been in. My 2 gripes:

We're missing out on some great experiences due to monetization changing game design in two ways:

1 - To orient towards monetized progression. At the same time I understand we wouldn't even get some of these perpetually online games if not for that model so I can only be so mad.

2 - Taking amazing development teams away from creating awesome worlds in favor of titles that make more money. The opportunity cost there. Once again, I understand, but perfect world we're getting new amazing things instead.

Cao Cao

Day 1 Patches
Buggy Games (Even with Day 1 Patches) (No, most old games did not had any gamebreaking bugs)
Content cut and put into paid DLC
Open world
Fetch quests, little real sidequest anymore in JRPGs.
Most games feel the same, using same Formular
JRPG's are average at best because they don't know how to make them anymore.
I don’t like the move away from gameplay that you see in many aaa titles.

Generally I think that games are better than they’ve ever been but you have to dig around a little for the quality.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Tutorial, tutorial everywhere. Not skippable in most case.
God yes, I can't stand the slow start.

Even more annoying is when the tutorial laboriously guides you through every single button press "well, would you look at that, A to jump. Crazy" then shows you something complicated / unique to the game that you actually would like to do a few times but the only option is to repeat the entire tutorial again. Oh, and the game doesn't explain it anywhere else.


1. The focus on realism and how cinematic games can be over fun and fluidity.

2. Oversaturation of certain genres such as Soulsborne, linear slow walking games like TLOU and GOW, too many open world games which follow the same formula.

3. Delays constantly happening because the developers give release dates too early.

4. Lack of creativity of AAA games.

5. The overabundance of remakes and reboots. Barely any originality nowadays.

6. Microtransactions being overly abused. Games being explicity milked for cash. In Tales of Arise, a 2021 game when you literally go to the campfire to rest the game shoves "Buy microtransactions" in your face. It's getting out of hand.

7. Unfinished games being released with the DLC released to complete the story.

8. Censorship for private messages on PSN.
Soulsborne is not oversaturated. Nobody has made a good soulslike game except From and Respawn.


Content cut from origional game, released later as paid DLC's or preorder guffans. Designed to extract even more money from people who already bought their game/s. Or to hit the fomo crowd.

Never gets not annoying.
Sometimes pre orders do not change the price of the game, though? What I hate is pre order bonus items that never become avail sometime later after the game has been out for a while. Like the Fighting game chance pack from the evil within. Those flame bolts were absolutely neccessary and made Laura slightly less stressful. Locking a much needed ammo type in a game behind a pre order bonus that will never be on the PSN store where almost everything in said game is weak to fire? Shame on them.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Constant blabbing in every single player fucking game, redudant side content in form of collectibles and trophies which are chore instead of fun!


NES nostalgia hell where you have to read text boxes that slowly print the text to make sure you are not reading too fast. You have a long delay before you can skip them, just to make doubly sure that you read that Taro-kun said something totally charmless, forgettable and pointless in terms of driving the game plot forward. Then, when you get rid of one of these nightmare text boxes, you know you have at least twenty more to get through before anything happens.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Scrubs Dance GIF
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