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What are some of the things you HATE about modern gaming?


Gold Member
On the one hand, I hate this remake/remaster trend because it shows how creatively bankrupt the whole industry is. On the other hand, the well done ones like Live A Live and Trials of Mana let me revisit games I missed long ago for whatever reason, and as long as they are faithful they play better than most of the new stuff.

A lot of new games just feel like you’re filling up meters. It feels like they are designed by psychologists to keep you addicted instead of the games being made by people who just want to make great games for the sake of it. It’s really bad.


Gold Member
this additional money whoring post sale of the game
games were record profits even at 60 bucks they increased them to 70 which i guess was due but then they go balls to the wall with monetization post sale on a scale ive only ever seen in free to play games.
u got like 10-20$ micro in some of these games and usually its just a color swap. battle passes, season passes, my team cards they have whole departments dedicated just to monetization it basically becomes a turn off where i wait 2 weeks to a month after release and research the monetization the game has to decide if i will even buy it or skip it.
i used to just buy a game and it would be complete you could even unlock different colors and skins by doing challenges in the games. they have become very greedy and its apparent.
what kills me the most is the games are usually all fucked up and bugged but its ok cause battlepass.


Unresponsive menus, I don't know how games like Call of Duty run just fine while in game, but between matches menus hitch and skip frames like crazy. Must be all that cosmetics that you never actually see in-game 😃


Gold Member
Oooookay, here we go...
  • Overlong tutorials
  • Forced tutorials
  • "Gameplay" sections where you are injured and must move forward slowly
  • Unskippable cutscenes
  • Usually no manuals with physical game media
  • Early Access
  • Games released to retail that are supposedly 'Gold", but are clearly still in beta
  • Terrible storytelling, even in games where this is supposed to be the strength
  • Overabundance of open world games
  • Less creative vision of developers present in final products
  • More games made by committee, which take less risks are more about making as much money as possible
  • 343 Studios
  • Battle passes as the substitute for any other kind of MP game progression system
  • Lack of "next gen" exclusives
  • Way less exclusives in general (where's the excitement of the Mario vs Sonic days?)
  • Preorder bonuses
  • Purchase bonuses locked to certain stores
  • Battle royale replacing every other MP FPS genre
  • GaaS
  • Streaming or subscription as the only option (NES games on Nintendo Online)
  • GamePass as the main focus for MSFT, ahead of just delivering the best games possible
  • Remasters
  • Remasters of games that were released JUST ONE GENREATION AGO
  • Forced 'wokism" in all forms
  • The fall of western games journalism (they didn't have far to fall, but here we are)
  • The fall of console gaming in Japan
  • Legendary Japanese developers moving to mobile development
  • Procedurally generated content as a replacement for hand-crafted content
  • 343 Studios
  • The fall of FIFA and Madden and the rise of FUT and MUT
  • Arcades going from places where you play video games, to places where you gamble for tickets to trade in for cheap prizes
  • The dismantlement of Sony's Japan Studio
  • Season passes that you can purchase before any real details have been announced about content
  • Free-to-play games with 1,282 different forms of currency
  • Pay-to-win
  • Pay-to-lose (glowing Godzilla outfit in CoD Warzone)
  • Always online requirement
  • Always online requirement FOR FUCKING SINGLE PLAYER GAMES
  • Protagonists that talk to themselves constantly and tell the player where to go and what to do
  • Menu systems in console games where you use the analog stick to move around the cursor like a mouse pointer
  • Games that require you to create a secondary account to play (Rockstar, WB Games, etc)
  • And finally, 343 Studios
The fact that we now have a new normal in which console hardware will be mostly sold out almost permanently, and getting new hardware is entirely up to chance. I don't think this is going to change.
This right here. It also stops the hardware companies from doing price drops.

The ps3/360 had like 3+ price drops. Ps4 didn't. Ps2 was $150 at the end there. Now we get price increases. Wtf..

- micro transactions, loot crates, etc, gaas.

- fanboy shilling for not owning games. For digital only future, for always online. For big mega corps gobbling up other publishers only to keep them off another system.

- woke shit. And constant "female empowerment" or preachy bs

- artwork where the characters all have red noses. (look at wartoon to see what I am talking about. I equally hated the old ue3 gears of War bulky characters in every game from 7th Gen).

- lack of new ideas.

- Less single player AAA games.

- 100-200+ gb installs. I miss 7gb games or shit 24 to 36gb of early ps4 titles. No game should be 250gb..i want to play mw but not if I have to download some stupid f2p game.
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• Buggy launches, patch required to play the game so the disc is useless
• Insanely long games instead of a refined linear but memorable games
• Too many complicated skill/upgrade paths, just lemme pick weapons off the ground
• Too much emphasis on making the game as hard as possible. I just wanna chill and I don't have the patience these days for hard games
• Games as a service
• Having to pay for things that should simply be unlockable by playing the game
• No cheat codes anymore.


Just the general bloat in open world games. After playing Assassins Creed Origins and Odyssey I absolutely detest Ubi Towers. I think the one thing that really pissed me off was exclusive DLC on specific consoles.


Gold Member
Pre-game antics and monetization.

- Boot up a game and you got to watch all those unskippable intros
- Some games require an email address to play
- Nickel and dime syndrome. Play the game and you get that promotional pop up box telling the latest shit to buy in the e-store
We now get a new souls game every 3 years.
Back in mid 2010s we got a souls game every year. DS2 - 2014, Bloodborne - 2015, DS3 - 2016.
Yep, add on Nioh. NIOH2, lords of the fallen and a slew of indie games to that and mid 2010s was a big wave of souls like. Today not so much.


You're playing online shooters. That's trash. But it's optional trash. Jump into fighting games and get some hair on your chest.


- Broken out of the box and require day 1 patches
- The push to ask me to buy loot boxes for "better" experience
- Geared towards online live services
- Can't get 100% completion due to required online play
- Re-Remasters of games that barely requires it
- Game can't run if there is no online
-Online check-ins, needing internet to play. I appreciate that you can buy games digitally, and might be possible, but I would like to be able to unplug from the internet sometimes and just play my downloaded games.
-Discs only having keys to download the games. Seriously, what's the point.
-Finally, I hate that cheat codes on consoles are dead :(


Lately it's been games not letting me explore in peace. I fucking know what the main story objective is devs, I'm purposely ignoring it to find the side content and enjoy the scenery YOU CREATED, I don't need to be reminded every two minutes of where I'm supposed to go.

I understand that the average person's attention span is miniscule but put a damn option for me to turn off hints/reminders.
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Oooookay, here we go...
  • Unskippable cutscenes
  • Terrible storytelling, even in games where this is supposed to be the strength
These two aren't exclusive to modern gaming, and were far worse in older games. Especially unskippable cutscenes in older RPGs like FFX and Kingdom Hearts 1...you better not lose that boss battle or it's that same pre-boss cutscene for the next five minutes.
Microtransactions, video games built to be a service of stupidly worthless, meaningless dopamine hits with no passion or creativity involved.

If i don't see the vision of the artist involved, his creative thought process that led to me experiencing the product for me to stimulate my brain and allow me to have a worthwhile, memorable experience, then what the fuck is the point?

That's why i'm very careful and picky with what i distract myself with in this hobby. Life's waaaaay to short, your 20s and 30s will fly like they're nothing.
games still require a gender than let me put my he she / preferred pronouns. I find it highly offensive . as a rotating he it they / fur / fluid / .... it's frustrating .


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
- I hate when games cheaply use this kind of animation, the skelletal 2d shitty animation.

- I hate when people who claim to be "expert gamers" only know that it's FIFA, COD, Gears of War, Zelda, Fortnite.... but they don't know about games like Vanquish, Siren, Monster Hunter or some other saga.... No They know how to diversify tastes, or only play trash games like Candy Crush or Cheap mobile games.

- Video game analysts, in General

- Supposedly idol streamers... who only shout or lack good taste, only criticize a game for nonsense...

- The stupid "Survival Horror" video games that scare the hell out of you with Jumpscare... The ones that lack setting or story.

- I want to play a video game... You can't because you have to download a 20 GBS fucking patch

- An enemy in a video game is different, because of the color change... or because it has a different detail than another... That's what I didn't like about Zelda BOTW.

- MTX, Example... if you headshot an enemy with a sniper... still living with 3 headshots in the same damn head, buy a gold sniper to make it more powerful.


Yeah... just about everything.

- Monetization, P2W mechanics, lootboxes, etc
- Incomplete, buggy releases
- Always online mechanics/DRM
- Political/corporate virtue signaling and political correctness
- Games being dumbed down for the average joe more than ever
- Cinematic games and cringe voice acting
- Characters talking to themselves
- Mobile gaming industry dragging down gaming as a whole
- Games as a service being pushed more and more
- 30FPS still being acceptable by gamers
- Absurd Graphics card prices and NVIDIA's monopoly
- Unreal Engine 4 and shader compilation stutters being the new, trendy thing for PC games. <---Fuck this one in particular.
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Reverse groomer.
The fall of console gaming in Japan
FUCKIN YES thank you for pointing that out. Japan's got more gacha crap than they do have actually worthwhile playable games.

oh, and a BIG one for me
the death of arcades in the west. this has technically been a thing in the US since around 2005/6 but it's still modern gaming to me because fuck that. one of the best most social places for where you can play games has been completely eradicated in my country. what a shame
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No more fun cheat codes or unlockable silliness, or if they do it’s locked behind paid DLC. Every game should have a Big Heads mode, full stop.
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- I hate when games cheaply use this kind of animation, the skelletal 2d shitty animation.
This and vectors in general have completely ruined both modern 2D games and animated TV shows as well.

It easier and cheaper to make than traditional, hand made animation so it became the standard. Of course, looking like shit doesn't matter. What matters is "the story", the "characters", blah, blah, mouth diarrhea.

This is why i respect projects like Cuphead.


The monetization.

Things like Season passes, Battle passes, loot boxes, overpriced cosmetics...



4. Games that are released too early and fix it later mentality.
I hate how modern games are just broken at launch. You are pretty much beta-testing a game at full pop. Wait a year and that game is patched and cheaper too! So why even bother playing the game at launch at full price with all its mess?

THIS! Without question. "Ship now, patch later" is beyond frustrating. Digital distribution is both a blessing and a curse. I get that games are far more complex beasts to make these days, but the fundamentals and game breaking shit should be fixed and in place. Take for instance CoD MW2. I'm loving it but the number of crashes me/others are having, and just plain bad game design (looking at you, UI) are inexcusable for a company the size of ActiBlizz.


oh, and a BIG one for me
the death of arcades in the west. this has technically been a thing in the US since around 2005/6 but it's still modern gaming to me because fuck that. one of the best most social places for where you can play games has been completely eradicated in my country. what a shame

For the longest time we craved for "arcade perfect" ports, remember that? Remember how we had to deal with much worse looking games at home?

Well, after the Dreamcast and Sega/Namco stopped making expensive, state-of-the-art custom hardware, we got exactly that. Home games were just as impressive as arcade games and sometimes even more.

So there was no reason to go to the arcades anymore. Why spend time and energy (not to mention money for credits) for that when we can sit on our asses and play games in our homes that look just as good or better?

We got exactly what we wanted.
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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
This and vectors in general have completely ruined both modern 2D games and animated TV shows as well.

It easier and cheaper to make than traditional, hand made animation so it became the standard. Of course, looking like shit doesn't matter. What matters is "the story", the "characters", blah, blah, mouth diarrhea.

This is why i respect projects like Cuphead.

Exactly, and also support vanillaware games


Reverse groomer.
It easier and cheaper to make than traditional, hand made animation so it became the standard. Of course, looking like shit doesn't matter.
its all about creating the product. people who use rigs like that seem to not want their show to even be animated. smh.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
The fact that the only games that "count" today are walking simulators with endless story content instead of actual gameplay.
Yeah I think it's this for me along with the excessively padded lengths. I was playing Quake2 RTX last night and it made me realize how much I liked just being thrown into the action and it just being almost non-stop until you finish the game.


I hate all the patching. You can't just own a complete game anymore. This will become a problem for retrogaming in the future. You will have to hack the console and manually load the patches.
This has already happened with PS3 emulation.

If Steam shuts down, it will be a problem too. Really, they need to provide a way to backup all your games.
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Reverse groomer.
We got exactly what we wanted.
True, but is any arcade port we get "arcade perfect"?
arcades used to have unique controllers and equipment that would make the games more unique, like how DDR used to have those dance pads, how Daytona USA used to have those driving setups that made you feel like you were in a car, how lightgun games like time crisis had plastic gun controllers, there's literally a gundam arcade game in japan where you get into seat shaped like a mech control center and fight other mechs....

for a while the early 2000s and 2010s would try to replicate those types of games with home controllers (even if they never were that good in comparison) but these days games don't even have that, the only way to experience them is to go to the arcade.... and there's hardly any good ones in the states.

not to mention arcade games have better pacing too.. a lot of the time you can put a coin in, and jump straight into the game- it's more plug n play than an old retro gaming console. With console games you gotta sit through a lot of cutscenes, chapters, story beats, etc it takes a long while. The home versions of these exact arcade games end up adding a lot of content that can slow the game down a bit, in comparison

The simple fact of the matter is that arcades still had their place, and if Sega didn't slow down with their arcade innovation they'd still be alive in the US today... but stuff never turns out the way i'd want it to. I think arcades are another reason as to the lack of innovations in a lot of video games these days, every game is designed for a controller or M&K, when arcades gave us so many more infinite possibilities to interface with games. If arcades were still popular and AAA devs still cared about them a lot, we'd have a lot more unique concepts in gaming today, i think.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
  • AAA Games take 5-7 years to make.
  • Everything is a fucking secret.
  • Gaming culture is an embarrassment.
  • There hasn't been any new game mechanics/formulas introduced in AAA gaming since the PS360 era.
  • The PS360 era was the last time game design evolved. Its been the exact same since then with better graphics.
  • Why are 99% of Open World games still following the basic GTA 3 mission structure and design formula?
  • What happened to destructible environments and physics?
  • Why the FUCK does BOTW have some of the best physics in gaming? On that weak ass console?
  • Speaking of graphics, only a few studios actually make great looking games now. 80% of them are under Sony control.
  • Why does every Japanese character-action game look like some anime ass shit with putrid visuals?
  • Why does FROM have amazing art design and shit ass tech? Why can only select few companies achieve both?
  • Why is nothing as cool as the last 40 minutes of Top Gun: Maverick
  • Why do so many indie games use the same artstyle?
  • Why are there so many remakes?
  • Why are there so many remasters?
  • What the fuck is the difference between the two anyhow? Who really cares? DO you actually care?
  • Shit ass looking games like Elden Ring with trash tier combat being praised as the second coming.
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Reverse groomer.
What the fuck is the difference between the two anyhow? Who really cares? DO you actually care?
a remaster is the original game but recompiled for newer platforms and a few enhancements
a remake is basically the original game being remade from the ground up for modern hardware


The entertainment industry has this pandering mentality that gets really irritating.

It is like the whole girl power thing in Captain Marvel. It actually made me wonder if they were going to make the character a lesbian.


Lack of cheatcodes.
Disc copies acting merely like keys to later dl the game.
Time limited activities, seasonal content.
Multiple in game currencies made to encourage microtransactions and micro dlcs.
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