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What are the best and worst managed companies in the gaming industry?

Scotty W

I have been thinking about this for a while. What makes or breaks a company in the long run is not just having intelligent and creative staff, but having people who can retain that and organize them in an efficient way. Let’s look at a bad example first.

Sega. Sega of America was run sooo badly. The Genesis was printing money, but they got greedy and confused and overwhelmed the consumer. The Genesis, Genesis model 2, Sega CD, the 32x, the Nomad, the Neptune, and an infinite number of peripherals. Plus they released the Saturn way too early, and when the Dreamcast came out, they did not retain Bernie Stolar (though he made errors as well).

One thing that really stands out in this sea of mismanagement is with one of the original builds of Sonic X-Treme. It was being developed using the Nights engine, but without the knowledge of Yuki Naka. When he found out, he had the project cancelled. Of course, the developer was part of Sega of America.

On the other hand, Sega of Japan seems to have been run very well. During the 90’s they made so many great and experimental games. It was not lack of talent, money or creativity that ruined them. If not for the damage done to them by SOA, they would still be a major force. SOA drained their blood.

Nintendo strikes me as a very well managed company. I know at this point the fanboys are going to chime in about how F-Zero never got a sequel or how they hate Nintendo’s rerelease policies or friend codes, but hear me out.

The fact that they are able to continue to thrive in a market dominated by giants is quite interesting. And the fact that they do this without releasing that many games is also interesting. They are a fascinating mix between being conservative but also creative.

Their delayed policy on rereleases is annoying as a gamer, but it makes perfect business sense. It allows games to develop a cache or nostalgia around them so powerful that they are able to carry a system.

A comparison of Zelda and Assassin’s Creed is interesting. Both are massive games, but UBI has diluted the brand terribly by simply releasing too many games. In 20 years Wind Waker will sell well, but I have serious doubts about Assassin’s Creed rereleases.

Nonetheless, the UBI production line is really amazing. That they are able to produce so much high quality work in a short time is unbelievable. But I think they are victims of their own success as well, because these are massive teams that are too big to fail, which means that innovation is dangerous in the big picture. Innovation is confined to variations on a familiar experience. I am thinking of all the controversy that surrounded Wind Waker when it was announced. I am not sure UBI is confident enough to take a risk like that.

Something that deserves serious thought is how a company can keep from being a victim of their own success. Rockstar seems to be going in this direction. Remember how quickly GTA 3, Vice City, San Andreas, and the Stories were released. But after GTA V, they seem to have developed a paralysis that is eating their brains. Perhaps it is the challenge of adapting to new technology, like Square had after the PS 1 era.

Talented programmers often go off the deep end when given too much time and resources, and so they need to be reined in. In addition they need to be made to work well as a team, otherwise the most talented team will produce only chaos. But too much control is fatal in the long run. Eidos milked the Tomb Raider franchise to death, and the developers simply got sick of it.

One last thing: I realize that I have said mostly good things about Njntendo, so I just want to list some of their catastrophes for a moment. Betraying Sony for the SNES CD was cosmic stupidity, losing Square a disaster, Wii motion control games haven’t aged that well, the DS doesn’t have many good games, the Virtual Boy, and the new Metroid is taking way too long.

What other companies management deserves recognition?


Platinum Games must be among the best. Their survival instincts throughout this decade was remarkable considering how little their high budget games sold. Then they started to partner up with bigger companies and now they are established.


SquareEnix is one of the worst. Square was a juggernaut in the gaming world in the SNES/PS1 days and Enix also made quality games. Now all the old talent is gone from Square and the magic just isn't there. From a sales perspective I guess they are doing fine. But comparing games from then to now is a huge difference.

Rockstar I would think is one of the best. Makes great games that sell extremely well and are highly awaited. Have also been doing it for along time and arguably only gotten better.


I think Microsoft/Xbox division has been managed well in the last couple of years. After the colossal failure of a launch for the Xbox One with Kinect, always online, no game sharing etc., they eventually reversed their bad decisions by making a kinectless Xbox One S, acquiring more studios for first party content, releasing game pass with good deals for many months and have focused on having the Xbox Series X being a gaming machine, not a TV/Kinect Camera hub thing. After the launch of the Xbox One they could have doubled down on all their stupid decisions and insisted that Kinect was the future and maintained their general stupidity and arrogance. But instead they eventually reversed course and have made good decisions in recent years, something not every badly managed company does. I am thankful for their positive moves because I recently got an Xbox One S and have been enjoying the value of gamepass for a few weeks now and am looking forward to Flight Simulator eventually. While I personally prefer Nintendo first party output (sadly around 1 big game per year since 2018 now) I think that if Xbox can find a place for itself in showcasing good games it should do well in the future.
Worst managed in like losing money cause there are alot of game company that are managed pretty bad but they still make boat loads of money like 2K & EA & Activision
I like how Atlus is managed. Often hears what fans want, doesn't make devisive sequels, publishes good niche titles and not only focusing on series making most money.

Badly managed must be Konami. I mean, they have such a rich catalog of IPs they don't nurture, rather make crappy pachinko machines.

Scotty W

SquareEnix is one of the worst. Square was a juggernaut in the gaming world in the SNES/PS1 days and Enix also made quality games. Now all the old talent is gone from Square and the magic just isn't there. From a sales perspective I guess they are doing fine. But comparing games from then to now is a huge difference.

Rockstar I would think is one of the best. Makes great games that sell extremely well and are highly awaited. Have also been doing it for along time and arguably only gotten better.

I think both of these companies are questionable, and possibly victims of their own success.

Square has gone downhill since the ps2 and Gta V was so big that Rockstar seems to be paralyzed by its own success. Once these companies became huge, they became much more conservative. I think it is healthy for a studio to also produce smaller and medium size games.

Losing Leslie BenZies and San Houser are massive losses for Rockstar.

Scotty W

I like how Atlus is managed. Often hears what fans want, doesn't make devisive sequels, publishes good niche titles and not only focusing on series making most money.

Badly managed must be Konami. I mean, they have such a rich catalog of IPs they don't nurture, rather make crappy pachinko machines.
Atlus is a really interesting one. I don’t follow them at all. I still think of them from the old days when they made strategy games. Never played them but people seem to love them. I think they do Persona, right? They remind me of From Software which spent years in the niche rpg trenches before getting huge with the souls games.

Konami is an interesting one. They used to produce tons of high quality stuff, and were not afraid to do risky and creative games, but I think Metal Gear ruined them in a way. They are great games, but when a studio gets big, they get conservative, and it is understandable that execs would be leary of having hundreds of millions tied up with something as eccentric as Metal Gear. The hard shift toward Pachinko is strange, though. Why torpedo one business? Why not have two? Though granted, you should see how big the pachinko places are in Japan. My North American perception of it was that it was a casual hobby for a few Japanese. But even small towns in Japan have large pachinko parlors- and frequently more than one.
erm Sqaure Enix by mile.

Have you seen this companies output since the ps360 gen? seriously? Down right incompetence comes to mind.

Ff13 took forever to come out and what was it? A boring corridor with super annoying characters. Then after making one of the most unpopular mainline FF games, they release 2 sequels for it because it was cheaper and quicker than making new games.

They messed up 14 completely and to make a new game.

15 Another mess a tutorial in how not to make an triple A openworld game. The side quests were the definition of fetch or go speak to this person - I guess they got enough practice with lightening returns and FF14 ARR. Not only that the story was shit and if you stick to the main story the game is extremely short.

kingdom hearts 3 - haven't played it but I hear how shit the game is outside of its gameplay as in the wait wasn't worth the pay off.

FF7 remake - well much better improvement than all of the above but the fact it is midgar only and then filled to the brim with padding shows SE incompetence, arrogance and greed (again). This was them saying "erm we can't get the whole game out in 3 years ( since due to incompetence of sourcing it out lost 2 years) you will just get an expanded midgar and like it".

Sad thing is, it wasn't even expanded, barely anything new, just the same shit padded out.
Atlus is the worst. All the money they left on the table by not porting Persona 5 Royal to Switch makes my head hurt every time I think about it. It must be the most easiest, cheapest port, too, considering the game exists on PS3.

Really, putting P5R on Switch would be free money. 300k in Japan, an easy million in the west. For pretty much no ressources to invest. But no, it's not happening for unknown reasons or, as too many idiots claim: "Atlus just likes to keep Persona on Sony, SMT on Nintendo" - makes no sense.

Scotty W

Atlus is the worst. All the money they left on the table by not porting Persona 5 Royal to Switch makes my head hurt every time I think about it. It must be the most easiest, cheapest port, too, considering the game exists on PS3.

Really, putting P5R on Switch would be free money. 300k in Japan, an easy million in the west. For pretty much no ressources to invest. But no, it's not happening for unknown reasons or, as too many idiots claim: "Atlus just likes to keep Persona on Sony, SMT on Nintendo" - makes no sense.
What do you think abour this S Stefan.North ?

I have never played a Persona game, but I think some games develop a certain mystique by only being on certain platforms.

What is interesting about this take is that Atlus us being criticized for not taking easy money, whereas most of the other companies listed here have been ruined by taking it.


ChatGPT 0.1

Infinityward is the type of company that does new stuff but still bullies other multiplayer shooters with its story modes and addictive multiplayer. Clearly the GOAT developer. Nobody not Bungie, Epic games etc. challenges Call of Duty for the #1 shooter spot.


Gamers were thankful for their work done last generation but lets put into context, Dragon Age and Mass Effect were trash this generation.
Atlus is the worst. All the money they left on the table by not porting Persona 5 Royal to Switch makes my head hurt every time I think about it. It must be the most easiest, cheapest port, too, considering the game exists on PS3.

Really, putting P5R on Switch would be free money. 300k in Japan, an easy million in the west. For pretty much no ressources to invest. But no, it's not happening for unknown reasons or, as too many idiots claim: "Atlus just likes to keep Persona on Sony, SMT on Nintendo" - makes no sense.

this seems more to do with you being upset you didn't get your switch port than the company being terribly managed.


Silicon Knights

It is a special quality of bad management, if you start a lawsuit against the company who provide you with their game enginge for failure to "provide a working game engine", just because you can't get your act together. Then manage to lose the case in spectacular fashion, and have the counter-suit result in you having to recall and destroy all unsold retail copies of your games built with Unreal Engine 3 code, most notably Too Human, the shitshow that started it all.

If you can't remember Too Human, I can't blame you:

It is the most spectacular way I've seen a studio run into the ground so far, it's next level. Yeah, some like the already mentioned Bioware made a few shit games recently, but at least you can still buy them somewhere and they didn't have to recall all copies of the game and grind them into paste for EA studio execs to snort along with other fine powder.


Gold Member
I'll think of some later today. But I know there's a slew of godly PC devs back in the day that suddenly went bankrupt. If any of you beat me to it, please go ahead and post.
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Gold Member
GT Interactive somehow went belly up even though they published seemingly every great PC game of the late 90s. Same with Interplay. How is that even possible?

More recently, just a developer, but Obsidian. I guess they took their business acumen from their former bosses at Interplay. They could never ship a finished game, and people always blamed someone else. Then when PoE came out and was successful, they decided KS was the future of the company, only for PoE2 to flop and then they had to sell to MS to stay alive. Of course, Troika came from the same place, released 3 unfinished games, and then died.


I'd like to offer a special mention for Inti Creates. Over 20 years in business and still a tiny company, yet they've put out some of my favorite games recently -- Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon and the Blaster Master Zero series. They seem to be adept at working with IP partners to produce titles on a budget and on time that still turn out fantastic.
What do you think abour this S Stefan.North ?

I have never played a Persona game, but I think some games develop a certain mystique by only being on certain platforms.

What is interesting about this take is that Atlus us being criticized for not taking easy money, whereas most of the other companies listed here have been ruined by taking it.
Excactly what you say here. Being critisized not taking easy money. Ans it's BS calling a company mismanaged because of that. Many succesful or good games didn't make it on succesful systems. Such criteria would make every company ever mismanaged.
I would say that Paradox Interactive, CD Projekt Red, SCS Software and Larian Studios come to mind when I think of companies doing it right. Giants software is another one that is doing great at cornering a niche and listening to their fans to consistently keep people coming back for the Farming Simulator games.


Gold Member
LJN has got to be one of the worst. Probably the worst game maker for NES games.

They had money to make or publish endless licensed games, but put no money into actually focusing on making a good game. Worst NES baseball game ever too.

If you hit it to third base, the throws are so slow it's an infield single almost every time.


worst :
ea followed by activission blizzard
look what they have done to bungie , blizzard and bioware lately (for ea the list is too long is look at all history)

they make lot of money but they damage the industry by killing licenses / studios.
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Scotty W

worst :
ea followed by activission blizzard
look what they have done to bungie , blizzard and bioware lately (for ea the list is too long is look at all history)

Blizzard was amazing until wow. They got paralyzed by success and now they live off their cash cow.

This is something else I have to say about Nintendo, they have managed to not self destruct after huge success. By this criterion, Sony deserves special mention.

I wonder if these old Japanese firms are inherently better suited to cope with mega success.


WB they have the most cancelled games out of any studio. I've never seen money being funneled into projects and then cancelled or restarted projects 3 times like suicide squad. this superman game that has existed twice and died before it could even fly. A justice league fighting game, a damion wayne batman game, a gaslight batman, the original flash game, the list can get pretty long if you sit here and think about in house or even licensed out projects that got scrapped due to many reasons.

They had a phase for a bit where they had a lack of QA testing going on in their games releasing things that probably wouldnt be green lit as products for consumer use. Only to then waste years fixing them like mkx and arkham knight , arkham origins, specifically on the pc.
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Blizzard was amazing until wow. They got paralyzed by success and now they live off their cash cow.

This is something else I have to say about Nintendo, they have managed to not self destruct after huge success. By this criterion, Sony deserves special mention.

I wonder if these old Japanese firms are inherently better suited to cope with mega success.
Probably also tied to east cultures being less focused on individual.


Atlus is the worst. All the money they left on the table by not porting Persona 5 Royal to Switch makes my head hurt every time I think about it. It must be the most easiest, cheapest port, too, considering the game exists on PS3.

Really, putting P5R on Switch would be free money. 300k in Japan, an easy million in the west. For pretty much no ressources to invest. But no, it's not happening for unknown reasons or, as too many idiots claim: "Atlus just likes to keep Persona on Sony, SMT on Nintendo" - makes no sense.
This post make me think that some of you are confused between Being mismanaged and doing something you dont like
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Electronic Arts. Has to be.

How the fuck can you go about acquiring studios and their intellectual properties and then proceed to run to them ground? The wealth of IPs that EA has in limbo is a crime I tell you. I'm still amazed that Bioware is still around.

And then let's talk about Star Wars. You get handed one of the biggest IPs in popular media and proceed to do all fuck with it for years. All we've gotten are shitty mobile games and three AAA releases (Battlefront 1 & 2, Jedi Fallen Order). Only the third one has really hit it big with gamers and that looks more like a fluke than anything. And now it looks like the license will leave them soon with Fallen Order's sequel being their last title. What a waste.

Electronic Arts should be a giant gaming empire with a ton of titles under it. Yet all they do year in and year out are rely on their sports games for revenue. They should be bigger than what they are currently. The fact that they're not makes me think their management are idiots.

Scotty W

Probably also tied to east cultures being less focused on individual.

Japan also has a famous management style which seems to flow out of this collectivist culture as well.

Reading that wikipedia entry, one thing that stuck out to me was the master-apprentice dynamic. This does not seem to be prevalent in Western companies, probably because they think if you train someone too much they will just go work for someone who pays more. Just imagine how much money Miyamoto could command if he left Nintendo. But instead he stayed there and mentored Aonamura.


Electronic Arts. Has to be.

How the fuck can you go about acquiring studios and their intellectual properties and then proceed to run to them ground? The wealth of IPs that EA has in limbo is a crime I tell you. I'm still amazed that Bioware is still around.

And then let's talk about Star Wars. You get handed one of the biggest IPs in popular media and proceed to do all fuck with it for years. All we've gotten are shitty mobile games and three AAA releases (Battlefront 1 & 2, Jedi Fallen Order). Only the third one has really hit it big with gamers and that looks more like a fluke than anything. And now it looks like the license will leave them soon with Fallen Order's sequel being their last title. What a waste.

Electronic Arts should be a giant gaming empire with a ton of titles under it. Yet all they do year in and year out are rely on their sports games for revenue. They should be bigger than what they are currently. The fact that they're not makes me think their management are idiots.

Also This
EA as a whole isn't mismanaged. A company the size of EA only cares about the stock holders, aka profits. They got way too greedy thinking they could've pulled the same BS they have been doing with their sports titles with other titles, namely Star Wars. Their sports titles are HUGE cash cows, because it's literally the same game every year with highly obnoxious gambling mechanics.
A company that's mismanaged would be something like Bioware. 2 consecutive duds in the form ME:A and Anthem, even though EA gave them years of development time.

Telltale Games was also pretty bad, as their downfall was pretty self-inflicted.


EA as a whole isn't mismanaged. A company the size of EA only cares about the stock holders, aka profits. They got way too greedy thinking they could've pulled the same BS they have been doing with their sports titles with other titles, namely Star Wars. Their sports titles are HUGE cash cows, because it's literally the same game every year with highly obnoxious gambling mechanics.
A company that's mismanaged would be something like Bioware. 2 consecutive duds in the form ME:A and Anthem, even though EA gave them years of development time.

Telltale Games was also pretty bad, as their downfall was pretty self-inflicted.

Telltale is basically failed
Top tier:

1. Arc System Works: Probably my favorite company this generation, producing nothing but quality title one after another.
2. Platinum Games: Also another favorite, same as the above, producing nothing but quality.
3. Bandai Namco: This company has been dishing out most of my favorite titles this generation, owns tons of great ips and anime titles.
4. CD Projekt RED: Mostly know them for the Witcher series, Cyberpunk 2077 can make or break them.
5. Rockstar Games: GTA, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne, so many great ips and probably my favorite western company.

Mid tier:

1. Square Enix: Had some rough cycles, but I legitimately think they're making a comeback. Back in their Squaresoft days they were #1.
2. Capcom: Also making a comeback, only to drop again with RE3. They're still doing pretty good.
3. Sega: They may no longer fight the console wars, and poor Sonic had some rough days but their 3rd party games are still as great as ever!
4. SNK: Many great ips over the years, and for the most part I been faithful to them, but lately they've been making some poor choices.
5. Ubisoft: Great games in the past, but lacking these days, can't seem to evolve beyond Assassin's Creed.
6. NetherRealm Studios: Mortal Kombat and Injustice, this company keeps showing promise, but their greed is getting worse with each release.
7. Bethesda Softworks: Hits and misses, does some shady stuff, but I really like most of their ips.
8. Nintendo: How the mighty have fallen, Mario and Zelda are their only saving grace now, their greed has gotten the best of them I'm afraid.
9. Sony: Another mighty that has fallen, I refuse to support their SJW politics.
10. Microsoft: Never really good to begin with, but I like how open they've become, which may or may not push them higher over the years.
11. Atlus: It's disgusting how loyal they are to Sony for a 3rd party, but many people seem to love them so here they are.

Shit tier:
1. Konami: Do they even exist anymore?
2. Koei Tecmo: Greedy ass fuckers, stay away if you value your wallet!
3. Pretty much every other western company: Politics, politics, politics! Fuck off with that shit and just let me enjoy my games! :messenger_angry:
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Ubisoft is best managed company for it's size. They output more games than any other publisher, more than some platform holders I think. They generally do quality stuff, with lots of value. I'm always impressed by them. Their E3 presentations are often best of show. They sometimes release a stinker, but they never outright ruined a franchise of theirs. They do some decent license titles too.


343 are the worst.

They cannot ship a completed title with all the features that previous games in the series had, and they have made TERRIBLE decisions along the way.

Halo 4: No Firefight mode, No Campaign theater. Very questionable artistic decisions, particularly regarding art style and armor abilities.
MCC: Took years to get up and running correctly.
Halo 5: No firefight at launch. No Forge at launch. Still no campaign theater. Abysmal single player. Perhaps the worst suite of multiplayer maps ever. The continuation of that garbage art style, and more bad decisions regarding gameplay.

343’s biggest problem is their management. I don’t think they give a shit about the soul of the franchise.
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The only version of Square Enix that deserves mention in the "worst" discussion is early 2010s Square Enix, where the failure of FFXIV 1.0 caused them to upheave everything they were working on and go all-hands-on-deck for A Realm Reborn. It was DEFCON 1 when XIV 1.0 floundered and everything that wasn't ARR was fucked as a result.

They've been better in the last couple years. Dragon Quest XI was great (and the Builders games are really neat), Shadowbringers is not only the best XIV expansion, but has a sincere argument as one of the best FF games ever, Trials of Mana has been getting a lot of love, and Remake's been doing great outside of a small collection of malding purists.

More people need to be answering Konami. They may still be getting money via gambling, but their video game output since losing Kojima has been nothing short of utterly pathetic.
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Gold Member
Electronic Arts. Has to be.

How the fuck can you go about acquiring studios and their intellectual properties and then proceed to run to them ground? The wealth of IPs that EA has in limbo is a crime I tell you. I'm still amazed that Bioware is still around.

And then let's talk about Star Wars. You get handed one of the biggest IPs in popular media and proceed to do all fuck with it for years. All we've gotten are shitty mobile games and three AAA releases (Battlefront 1 & 2, Jedi Fallen Order). Only the third one has really hit it big with gamers and that looks more like a fluke than anything. And now it looks like the license will leave them soon with Fallen Order's sequel being their last title. What a waste.

Electronic Arts should be a giant gaming empire with a ton of titles under it. Yet all they do year in and year out are rely on their sports games for revenue. They should be bigger than what they are currently. The fact that they're not makes me think their management are idiots.

The thing is, EA is not really a video game company anymore, they're a casino company that uses video games to push gambling poison to young people.

Scotty W

Electronic Arts. Has to be.

I don’t play any EA games at all, but I cannot agree with everything you said.

The fact that they have been around for so long and are still so successful is quite impressive, and very rare, especially for a western company.

I can’t stand sports titles, And looking at a list of what they have released in the last ten years, nothing interests me except Mirror’s Edge and maybe Titanfall. However, the amount of high quality games they have put out is very impressive. I think there are several factors at work:

1: Love has broken your heart. You loved them and they disappointed you, and so you hate them. I am indifferent to them, and feel nothing toward them.

2: I think you have a hardcore gamer’s bias and blindspot. It is easy to forget that most gamers read little to no gaming journalism, and don’t discuss games on internet forums. Most of their controversies are probably unknown to the average gamer- I wonder how much they actually cared about the ending to Mass Effect 3, for example.

3: EA has also made some terrible games and ruined long running franchises. That Star Wars game with all the microtransactions comes to mind.

4:In addition, EA seems to play it pretty safe, releasing upgraded versions of older game year after year. They do not often make fundamental innovations. But isn’t this every huge company? Once a company reaches blockbuster size, they become conservative- see Square, Rockstar, Konami and Valve. This is also a problem with music as well; bands very rarely innovate after the album that broke them.

So I think you have partially confused your dislike for a company as evidence that it is badly managed. They have simply been far too successful both critically and commercially for them to badly managed. Every successful company has successes and failures. The bigger question is whether their recent failures are signs of a larger decline.

And I think this raises an interesting point. Among hardcore gamers at least, a lot of people agree with you. Is it really sustainable for a company to be despised by a fairly sizable number of gamers?
OP ignores the errors SEGA Japan have done as well. They forced the Saturn release in the US, and were constantly jealous of the US success. Both the Japanese and American branch were mismanaged badly to the point that they had to be bailed out by Sammy. SOA focusing too much on Sonic and nothing else has pretty much killed them, making Atlus USA the de facto SOA and the old guard are now just a Sonic PR machine. Arron Webber is the only noteworthy SOA employee there and he merely does Sonic PR on Taitter now.

I would say Sunsoft back in the day, as the American Branch tried to push Licensed games instead of their original output and lost the money from buying a Golf course.

They bought Telenet Japan's IPs and do absolutely nothing with it. If it weren't for IntiCreates fateful meeting with one of the higher ups, we wouldn't be playing the new Blaster Master games...so yeah.
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I don’t play any EA games at all, but I cannot agree with everything you said.

The fact that they have been around for so long and are still so successful is quite impressive, and very rare, especially for a western company.

I can’t stand sports titles, And looking at a list of what they have released in the last ten years, nothing interests me except Mirror’s Edge and maybe Titanfall. However, the amount of high quality games they have put out is very impressive. I think there are several factors at work:

1: Love has broken your heart. You loved them and they disappointed you, and so you hate them. I am indifferent to them, and feel nothing toward them.

Love? :messenger_tears_of_joy: I don't and have never loved EA. I tolerated before them because they happened to release some games I was interested in. But now I actively despise them because of their history of ruining great studios and greedily holding to IPs they refuse to exploit, plus their predatory practices (such as microtransactions) have hurt the gaming industry as a whole. If EA were to crash and burn I would not shed a tear for their passing.

2: I think you have a hardcore gamer’s bias and blindspot. It is easy to forget that most gamers read little to no gaming journalism, and don’t discuss games on internet forums. Most of their controversies are probably unknown to the average gamer- I wonder how much they actually cared about the ending to Mass Effect 3, for example.

You don't need to read game journos or browse internet forums to form an opinion, and I'm betting most gamers who played through Mass Effect 3's ending hated it. And people wouldn't care about that ending? Are you kidding me? Mass Effect is a an rpg series that leans heavily on story, as per Bioware's MO. A shitty ass ending like that is bound to piss off even the most casual gamer with little investment to the story of ME.

3: EA has also made some terrible games and ruined long running franchises. That Star Wars game with all the microtransactions comes to mind.

And thank God if Disney/Lucasfilm grow some sense and don't renew the license to EA. Give Star Wars to other game developers who will do something with it. Respawn did a fantastic job with Jedi Fallen Order despite being under EA, let's see what other studios can do.

4:In addition, EA seems to play it pretty safe, releasing upgraded versions of older game year after year. They do not often make fundamental innovations. But isn’t this every huge company? Once a company reaches blockbuster size, they become conservative- see Square, Rockstar, Konami and Valve. This is also a problem with music as well; bands very rarely innovate after the album that broke them.

Compared to EA, companies like Square Enix and Ubisoft have much more going with them in terms of games released and currently active IPs. What has EA released in recent years that wasn't EA Sports, The Sims, Battlefield or a shitty mobile title? Once in awhile they'll release stuff like Bioware titles and Jedi Fallen Order but that's about it. For a company with so many IPs in limbo they should getting their numerous studios to work on new entries to these lost series instead of letting them languish.

So I think you have partially confused your dislike for a company as evidence that it is badly managed. They have simply been far too successful both critically and commercially for them to badly managed. Every successful company has successes and failures. The bigger question is whether their recent failures are signs of a larger decline.

The fact that they vowed to change after winning the Worst Company in America 2 times in a row and still ended up being hated by most gamers today is a pretty big indicator of their incompetence.

And I think this raises an interesting point. Among hardcore gamers at least, a lot of people agree with you. Is it really sustainable for a company to be despised by a fairly sizable number of gamers?

You could ask this of any big media company in today's climate. It seems companies like Disney, Marvel, CBS, and others are hellbent on pissing on the fandoms that helped build them up all in attempt to ride on some SJW virtue signaling bullshit. Hopefully the Covid -19 pandemic shows these companies why it's a bad idea to piss on your customer base.
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