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What are the worst things you've done in games to other people?


This thread is inspired by Son of Godzilla's post in the IGN Pikmin 2 Review thread.

The worst thing I have ever done was in Animal Crossing (this was about 2 years ago). I went over to my sister's town and wrote on her bulletin board:

The Tree-Chopping Mafia is coming to town.

-The Tree-Chopping Mafia-

A couple days later, I went back and I wrote:

The Tree-Chopping Mafia is now in Ant Hill (her town name).
Please, do not do anything to upset us, and we will have no need
to chop down any of this town's trees.

-The Tree-Chopping Mafia-

I was with her the time of this (to see her reaction), and she started laughing. I pretended to know nothing about the situation (which she bought), saying I'd never seen or heard anything like it in the game before. She wrote some smartass comment on the bulleting board how the TCM could go to hell or something along those lines. The next day, on the bulletin board...

The Tree-Chopping Mafia has been disrespected. We will begin to chop
trees immediately tomorrow morning.

-The Tree-Chopping Mafia-

She apologized on the bulletin board saying she didn't want her trees to be all chopped down (she was competing with my town for population and trying to get the golden axe). I created a new character file called "TCM" and sent her a letter from the Tree-Chopping Mafia saying that chopping had begun, and that she should never disrespect them ever again. Meanwhile, I bought about ten axes and went over to Ant Hill and began chopping down EVERY tree in her town. The next day she found the letter and tree stumps everywhere.

She still doesn't know I did it. :D


Back when the Sims first came out, I got my jollies by skillfully positioning items around the pool and laughing as the sims who got in could no longer get out. They drowned, and I ate a sandwich.

It was a good sandwich.

(I guess sim people dont count, though :?)


AniHawk said:
This thread is inspired by Son of Godzilla's post in the IGN Pikmin 2 Review thread.

The worst thing I have ever done was in Animal Crossing (this was about 2 years ago). I went over to my sister's town and wrote on her bulletin board:

A couple days later, I went back and I wrote:

I was with her the time of this (to see her reaction), and she started laughing. I pretended to know nothing about the situation (which she bought), saying I'd never seen or heard anything like it in the game before. She wrote some smartass comment on the bulleting board how the TCM could go to hell or something along those lines. The next day, on the bulletin board...

She apologized on the bulletin board saying she didn't want her trees to be all chopped down (she was competing with my town for population and trying to get the golden axe). I created a new character file called "TCM" and sent her a letter from the Tree-Chopping Mafia saying that chopping had begun, and that she should never disrespect them ever again. Meanwhile, I bought about ten axes and went over to Ant Hill and began chopping down EVERY tree in her town. The next day she found the letter and tree stumps everywhere.

She still doesn't know I did it. :D

LMAO, that's awesome

mac said:
In Mario I'd hit the pause as the other guy was jumping.

LOL, my friends and I used to do that to each other
i used to make my brother cry by stealing his lives when we would play 2 player Super Mario World. WTF was that feature for anyway?


Lost Weekend said:
Back when the Sims first came out, I got my jollies by skillfully positioning items around the pool and laughing as the sims who got in could no longer get out. They drowned, and I ate a sandwich.

It was a good sandwich.

(I guess sim people dont count, though :?)

Nope, only us normies.

Deku Tree

This is not that bad, everyone did it but in KotOR I
killed the sacred fish on Manaan
and I felt terrible afterwards.


Time ta STEP IT UP
In the Battlefield: 1942 mod today, I was in a server with FriendlyFire on.

I was doing great every round, but then I had to get off the computer and drive to a friends. So before I left, I made sure to make everyone's life on my team a living hell for the next 5 minutes.

I started by manning a double seated plane, and then, since there was a teammate in the plane too, I would drive the plane into a friendly tank (or group of people) and jump out and parachute to safety as I watch the destruction.

Then, since I was at Iwo Jima, I took a flamethrower and I just stayed near an ammo box and started torching up the spawn. Everyone who spawned would just die almost immedietely.

I was kicked shortly after.


Console Market Analyst
I remember signing on to a random server on Medal of Honor Allied Assault multiplayer. It was some kind of clan gathering, and they were creating a giant Totem of people for a group photo. I suggested, quite friendly I thought, that they should turn the password feature on if they weren't going to be playing a match. They told me to "fuck off".

So, 10 minutes later, after they had stairstepped their way to a 25 man totem, the "photographer" told everyone to hold still while he tried to find the best angle...

I shot the base of it with a panzer. Bodies came tumbling down all around me and gibbed on contact with the ground. Since I was the only one left alive, the map ended and I was the victor. They screamed at me for 5 minutes before resetting the server with the password feature activated.

Agent X

Soon after Super Street Fighter II came out, I learned of Zangief's "magic throw" (360 degree motion with Forward kick while you're blocking an attack), where you could "suck in" the opponent from any distance and do a double backdrop. I used it several times against the PC, usually to get the edge when I was losing. One time, I was playing against a friend in a close fight (he was using Ryu, throwing lots of fireballs), and just for kicks I did the Zangief magic throw from all the way across the screen (eventually leading to the win). He immediately shouted, "What the hell was that?" and I started to laugh, which clued him in that I knew exactly what was happening and did that intentionally. :D

After that, I felt bad about the whole thing, and I promised him that I would never use the magic throw against him or any other human opponent again. More than a decade later, I have still kept my promise.


Goreomedy said:
I remember signing on to a random server on Medal of Honor Allied Assault multiplayer. It was some kind of clan gathering, and they were creating a giant Totem of people for a group photo. I suggested, quite friendly I thought, that they should turn the password feature on if they weren't going to be playing a match. They told me to "fuck off".

So, 10 minutes later, after they had stairstepped their way to a 25 man totem, the "photographer" told everyone to hold still while he tried to find the best angle...

I shot the base of it with a panzer. Bodies came tumbling down all around me and gibbed on contact with the ground. Since I was the only one left alive, the map ended and I was the victor. They screamed at me for 5 minutes before resetting the server with the password feature activated.



I love stalking people and killing them in the most vicious ways in the Hitman games. After finishing a mission, I usually go back and kill everyone. Even innoncent npc. I take my time, carefully selecting the right weapon, and then i wait until the target is at the point.. and then BLAM. I love doing the same scenarios over and over again, but by using different methods or weapons. I do the same thing in Morrowidn and GTA (the cops are so frigging annoying tho)

I love the dance club level in Hitman3. I just position myself next to the dance floor and tatatatatata unload on the dancers. Executing the couples having sex is always funny too. I always keep the caged dancers and the fat guy and his girls for the end ;)

I do the same exact thing in online fps games against other players. I prefer being the lone, predatory wolf in most games. I love tracking down some guy for long periods of time, hiding behind stuff, being stealth. And when he's standing still looking at something, I stab him in the back or shoot him behind the head with my pistol.

I may have issues.


Me, my girfriend and her sister always play Monkey Ball 2, and well, I usually take it easy on them so they stand a chance. Well this one time we were playing Monkey Fight, and they were both talking maaaaad shit, so I just wailed on them; Ended up winning the round with like 150 points - they both had less than 20. lol.


AniHawk said:
This thread is inspired by Son of Godzilla's post in the IGN Pikmin 2 Review thread.

The worst thing I have ever done was in Animal Crossing (this was about 2 years ago). I went over to my sister's town and wrote on her bulletin board:

A couple days later, I went back and I wrote:

I was with her the time of this (to see her reaction), and she started laughing. I pretended to know nothing about the situation (which she bought), saying I'd never seen or heard anything like it in the game before. She wrote some smartass comment on the bulleting board how the TCM could go to hell or something along those lines. The next day, on the bulletin board...

She apologized on the bulletin board saying she didn't want her trees to be all chopped down (she was competing with my town for population and trying to get the golden axe). I created a new character file called "TCM" and sent her a letter from the Tree-Chopping Mafia saying that chopping had begun, and that she should never disrespect them ever again. Meanwhile, I bought about ten axes and went over to Ant Hill and began chopping down EVERY tree in her town. The next day she found the letter and tree stumps everywhere.

She still doesn't know I did it. :D

shuri said:
I love stalking people and killing them in the most vicious ways in the Hitman games. After finishing a mission, I usually go back and kill everyone. Even innoncent npc. I take my time, carefully selecting the right weapon, and then i wait until the target is at the point.. and then BLAM. I love doing the same scenarios over and over again, but by using different methods or weapons.
The hotel level in Hitman: Contracts is wonderful for this. :D

Ill Saint

Goreomedy said:
I remember signing on to a random server on Medal of Honor Allied Assault multiplayer. It was some kind of clan gathering, and they were creating a giant Totem of people for a group photo. I suggested, quite friendly I thought, that they should turn the password feature on if they weren't going to be playing a match. They told me to "fuck off".

So, 10 minutes later, after they had stairstepped their way to a 25 man totem, the "photographer" told everyone to hold still while he tried to find the best angle...

I shot the base of it with a panzer. Bodies came tumbling down all around me and gibbed on contact with the ground. Since I was the only one left alive, the map ended and I was the victor. They screamed at me for 5 minutes before resetting the server with the password feature activated.

Playing Streets of Rage wih a friend, I told him that if he jump kicked off the side of the elevator level, he'd get a 2up. He kept trying at least half a dozen times before he flipped and tried to strangle me (no joke).


AniHawk said:
This thread is inspired by Son of Godzilla's post in the IGN Pikmin 2 Review thread.

The worst thing I have ever done was in Animal Crossing (this was about 2 years ago). I went over to my sister's town and wrote on her bulletin board:

A couple days later, I went back and I wrote:

I was with her the time of this (to see her reaction), and she started laughing. I pretended to know nothing about the situation (which she bought), saying I'd never seen or heard anything like it in the game before. She wrote some smartass comment on the bulleting board how the TCM could go to hell or something along those lines. The next day, on the bulletin board...

She apologized on the bulletin board saying she didn't want her trees to be all chopped down (she was competing with my town for population and trying to get the golden axe). I created a new character file called "TCM" and sent her a letter from the Tree-Chopping Mafia saying that chopping had begun, and that she should never disrespect them ever again. Meanwhile, I bought about ten axes and went over to Ant Hill and began chopping down EVERY tree in her town. The next day she found the letter and tree stumps everywhere.

She still doesn't know I did it. :D

I don't think that's as bad as my friend's stunt on his brother. Around Halloween, he was mailing his brother and posting on the board about "Franken Stan." The brother was CONVINCED Franken Stan existed and he would give out Halloween costumes the day of Halloween and you could go around town and Trick or Treat. He's 14.


i used to purposely go into team deathmatch in Q3A and kill all of my teamates, when they'd get pissed and asked WTF i was doing i'd reply "this is TEAM deathmatch right? where you kill your teamates?" then they'd try to explain that it was the other way around. I'd be all "sorry man...i'm new at this" and they'd let me continue to play only for me to do it AGAIN the next game.
A winner is me!

Back in the old PSO days on the Dreamcast this little punk used the NOL trick on me repeatedly. So I found out how to do the trick too ... and those that used to play PSO know what happens when NOL was done one too many times. Looking back I feel a little guilty, but the guy was a douchebag.


AniHawk said:
The worst thing I have ever done was in Animal Crossing...

hahah! Tree Chopping Mafia, beautiful! I did some pretty mean things to the Pikmin, but I also had some crazy Animal Crossing wars with my sisters, I did something like that. This one time I posted on the board that the Secret Mole Squad invading the town. Well the next day I dug tons of holes around her house and side of town, pulled out all her flowers, it was so mean, but the reaction on her face when she saw it was so funny. She couldn't figure out why none of that stuff happened to my house (we both moved into the same town).

The next day I posted on the board as the secret mole squad "We will return, your orchard is next, houses marked with blue flowers will be spared"

Of course that morning I had already bought out all the blue flowers from Tom Nook and purposfully put them in my gyro trading thing so she could see them. She later begged me for some because she didn't want her stuff to get wrecked again, especially some of her fruit trees she worked so hard to get. I love that game.


My brother and I often play multiplayer games against each other and we are ultra competitive. We always love to rub it in the others face when we get on a hot streak and drive each other crazy. It's all in good fun. One of our favorite games to fire up is Mario Kart 64's racing mode. When we get into it we can play this game for hours, even after all these years.

When Mario Kart 64 was first released, we played it a whole bunch. Battle mode was great but we took a special liking to racing a season against each other. We would play all the cups back to back and tally the point totals to crown an overall champion. Well, it didn't take long for me to show myself as the dominate player. I would consistantly come in first in every race barring some strange twist of fate. I felt great about myself and made sure he didn't hear the end of it. After a while we moved on to other games, but months later we got the urge to play again. Sure enough, I had retained the ability to continuosly thrash him. Then it hit me, this is to easy. I can usually best him head to head in the games we play but most of the time he is a tough opponent. I began to wonder why it was that he was such a pushover in MK64. My curiostity led me to start glancing at his half of the split screen to see what was wrong with his strategy. The problem didn't take long to present itself. After the hundreds of hours that we both logged in this game, we had both become masters of every little nuance in all facets of this game. But some how, despite all his experience, he never learned one of the most important moves in the game, the power slide boost. Veteran players of this game know how integral this boosting is.

I thought about telling him right away, but it was to much fun having an unfair advantage he didn't know about, and using it to torture him. Bless his heart, he never stops trying to win, but he has long since resigned himself to being the inferior MK64 player. It doesn't really bother him any more when he loses to me. He seems to be satisfied with 2nd, but without the slide boost he can't even always count on that. I get going so fast that the rubberband A.I. blazes past him trying to keep up with me. He doesn't appreciate that to much, to put it lightly, hehe.

Well, we don't get much time to play together anymore, but if we do, I might just continue screwing him over in Double Dash.
Drowned almost one-hundred customers at my theme park in Rollercoaster Tycoon 1. That's what they get for not liking my masterpiece of a rollercoaster.

Can't wait to do some evil/mischievous things in JE, KotOR II, and Fable.


Well, I spent the last year or so of my time playing Starcraft backstabbing people in "7v1 comp stomp" games. Although I don't know if that was really that bad.
the worst thing i probably did was in PSO when i knew how to backstep... basically, you attack while facing away from a wall with certain characters/weapons and the animation puches you backwards thjro closed doors... i would run ahead of the group backstepping thru the closed doors and get a bunch of the good treasure chests... i was so good at it that i would even bypass alot of enemies along the way, which slowed them down even more...

anyway, i used to just do it to show off, and would just wait for them to catch up after a few doors or so...

anyway, this one time these two people who knew each other joined my game and were talking a bunch of shit and not being team players (why did i play in so many open games back then!?) and basically pissed me off... so i cleared my way all the way thru to the boss without them, kicked his ass, and by the time they actually got to the boss teleporter, i was already back on pioneer 2 selling off all the crap i didn't want... that got them really pissed and they started typing up a bunch of cleverly edited profanities at me...


I played Sim Theme Park for a while. Every ride has an entrance and an exit that you have to connect to the park paths. Immediately I saw the advantage of arranging the rides so that the visiting kids would be moved deeper into the park every time they went on a ride. If someone wanted to leave, they would have to walk by and ignore all the rides.

Then I thought ... why let them leave at all? I created a park with only one ride, the exit led to a small, closed in area surrounded by stores and snack shops. No bathrooms were provided, and I jacked up the salt content of the french fries to make them thirstier. In a very short time I had a coral of several hundred miserable kids, who couldn't do anything but spend money.

Kids go in, but they don't come out...


Goreomedy said:
I remember signing on to a random server on Medal of Honor Allied Assault multiplayer. It was some kind of clan gathering, and they were creating a giant Totem of people for a group photo. I suggested, quite friendly I thought, that they should turn the password feature on if they weren't going to be playing a match. They told me to "fuck off".

So, 10 minutes later, after they had stairstepped their way to a 25 man totem, the "photographer" told everyone to hold still while he tried to find the best angle...

I shot the base of it with a panzer. Bodies came tumbling down all around me and gibbed on contact with the ground. Since I was the only one left alive, the map ended and I was the victor. They screamed at me for 5 minutes before resetting the server with the password feature activated.
AWESOME. I wish you could have grabbed a screenshot of that...


Heh, one time in the Wolfenstein MP test, this guy ran around screaming "MEDIC" the entire time. As I was the only medic on the team, I tossed a few health packs around inside and he...well, he had 100% life beforehand so he couldn't grab 'em.

He continued to scream "MEDIC."

So I blew his head clean off. Didn't scream for me one time after that. :D


I used to be a little bastard as a little kid playing arcade games like SF. If I knew I was better, I'd just pick apart their game and get in when they're open, hit a couple jabs, and jump out, repeat. Or freeze them with Guile just to show off and hit a shadow throw (if you freeze them and time runs, the game freezes). In MK2, I'd see what makes an opponent do certain things like jump, crouch right under where they'd land until they jump, uppercut them out immediately, and try to get them to jump again. In GGXX, I'd use Slayer invincibility to do jab combos and dash out.

In the Q3 beta, I played at college so there was no lag and I'd join random games on lvl2, camp the rail gun (I developed some pretty nasty rail aim since it was hitscan) and snipe ppl down all day. If they took the jump pad after me, I could usually shoot them out of the air or jump pad away myself, and shoot them from the air as they were on the floor. This led to incidents like me joining a 1v1, knocking this kid I knew out of the air until the score was like 20 to -4 until he came running down the halls asking who "johnny asscakes" was as I played innocent. What are games good for if not getting your jollies at the expense of others?


Queen of Denmark
I convinced my little brother, who was probably around nine or ten at the time, that you could only land-surf on a turtle shell in Super Mario 64 if you asked one of the whales in the Little-Big world to give you a shell-riding license. I told him that the game converted the speaker in the TV into a microphone, so that the whale would understand what he was saying...but that if he wasn't nice enough, the whale would just eat him. He spent at least a half hour pleading with the TV, saying things like, "Oh great whale...please give me a shell-riding license...I'll be good with it, for real." Of course, he got eaten every time.


when i was at an arcade back in the day there was a girl who must have been 10 years old playing mortal kombat II. i was a few years older at the time and proceeded to put two coins in the machine and whoop her ass. that was one of the lowest moments in my life... :)

User 406

Back in college, I used to play Netrek all the time on the X workstations. Sometimes I would join a server where a game was in progress with a gag name like Smurf Rapist, and just be a general nuisance, spouting garbage in all caps to the general channel, telling the other team when someone on my side was getting ready to sneak in and take a planet, picking up armies and getting myself killed, blowing up on top of friendly ships, tractoring teammates off planets, and so on.

Once I talked a lot of shit to the other team about how I was going to take their planets, and then picked up some armies and ran to the far corner of the map shrieking in terror on the general channel, "NOOO DON'T KILL ME, I WANT TO LIIIVE!" and acted like a complete runnerscum coward for the rest of the game. What was funny was that since a good portion of the enemy team was busy chasing my annoying ass through neutral space, my team was able to take a bunch of planets before the other team realized I wasn't worth the hassle.

My friends would sometimes join me and we'd spend an evening plaguing various servers where people were trying to play. Sometimes we'd play tag, or act out movie scripts in the general channel, or loudly call upon our team to defend to the bitter end some isolated useless corner planet while the other team gleefully took everything else. We did quite a bit of this sort of performance art^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hinfantile bullshit. :p

The only other thing that springs to mind was when some friends were over and we were playing some fighter I couldn't stand, I think it was Tekken 2, on the PSX. I played a game facing away from the TV, and won by random button mashing.

Since TToB isn't here, I'll also mention that one time he beat a friend in Street Fighter using only his feet. :p
Back when I was really into StarCraft I would often get together for random 3vs3 games. I had gotten to be a very good player at the game and if I sensed my teammates were weak players I would hunker down (turtling was easy with the Protoss) and secretly communicate with the other team, telling them where and when to hit my "allies." I found usually I could get the other guys to ally-up with me for a win if I finished off what was left of my team. It was strangely staisfying. :)
Most of mine come from the good ol N64 days.

F-Zero X: In 4 player mode I would get in front of everyone at the start of the race and then stop dead on a part of the track that had no fences on the track and do a spin attack just as someone was about to get close to me. They'd run right up the back of me and fly off at some weird angle right off the track. Or if it was a section of the track which had fences along the side they would pinball all over the place.

Mario Kart 64: The classic jump in Wario Stadium where ppl would fear falling off. As soon as I got a lightning bolt I would save it and wait until ppl were about to go over the jump and then use it on them as they were about to drive over it so they would fall down and lose a huge amount of time. They soon caught on and would brake and wait for me to use it and then attempt to get over while they were small and still wouldn't make it. Then they tried coming to a complete stop and waiting for me to use it and the would wait until they got big again before driving over. But then I wouldn't use it and they'd get impatient and attempt to take the jump and then I would use it on them anyway :D. Ah great memories.

Goldeneye: Shooting the item boxes and body armor far away from their usual spawn locations so they wouldn't be able to find them! And collecting an item and then throwing a proximity mine where the item would spawn again so it would disguise it when it spawned over it.

Smash Bros 64: Pikachu or Link both had these "A" attacks where you could mash the button and the would do a rapid series of jabs. On Hyrule castle you could get someone against a wall and continuously use the attack and the could not escape it.
Also I used to use DK and grab players and carry them over the edge and suicide myself j with them. Or I'd grab someone like Link, who had a crap recovery jump back to the stage, and fall of the stage and throw them right before I would die and then jump back and "Up-B" back to the stage and they couldn't get back.


While someone was looking through their sniper-scope, I snuck up behind them and beat them to death with a crowbar.


I never did this, but it happened to me a lot.

I was trying to beat the single player mode in Samurai Showdown 2 in the arcade(this was back in the day), when some dumb fuck would put his quarter in and hit start on the player 2 side without even asking me. Then he'd use all kinds of cheap tactics to win and kick me off the machine. :(


"Smash Bros 64: Pikachu or Link both had these "A" attacks where you could mash the button and the would do a rapid series of jabs. On Hyrule castle you could get someone against a wall and continuously use the attack and the could not escape it.
Also I used to use DK and grab players and carry them over the edge and suicide myself j with them. Or I'd grab someone like Link, who had a crap recovery jump back to the stage, and fall of the stage and throw them right before I would die and then jump back and "Up-B" back to the stage and they couldn't get back."

Your friends sound like they're really, really, really bad at Smash Bros. :p


Hmm. Well I beat my brother up really bad back in eighties when zelda just came out after he tripped over my ac cord and I lost 2hours of work. I still feel bad about that, and of all good times we had he brings that up repeatedly on holidays.

I had beggar in eq really get under my skin so I told him I would give him 100pp as long as he could prove to me he was a newbie. I told him I needed to see his exp for proof. Well odd thing after he typed /ex he went linkdead, hehe

I got sick of nasty druids being mean to cute othmir in CS so I would play this song that would undue there snare.

One time I was helping a friend to get him icetooth claws and some nasty druid chick KS it from us. So I trained her with about 14 kodiaks. She died. She tried to train me back, well idiot must dont of know what bard was. After I charmed one and took off, she died again. he

And lastly, the thing that brought me the most laughter in EQ. The Melody warping song! I couldnt begin to count how many times I laughed so hard I was crying with that song. There are people still to this day I'm sure that think if you kill too many residents in Unrest, Dalnir, etc, some invisible force will start to warp you around the zone. ROFL..


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Mario Kart 64: The classic jump in Wario Stadium where ppl would fear falling off. As soon as I got a lightning bolt I would save it and wait until ppl were about to go over the jump and then use it on them as they were about to drive over it so they would fall down and lose a huge amount of time. They soon caught on and would brake and wait for me to use it and then attempt to get over while they were small and still wouldn't make it. Then they tried coming to a complete stop and waiting for me to use it and the would wait until they got big again before driving over. But then I wouldn't use it and they'd get impatient and attempt to take the jump and then I would use it on them anyway :D. Ah great memories.

Goldeneye: Shooting the item boxes and body armor far away from their usual spawn locations so they wouldn't be able to find them! And collecting an item and then throwing a proximity mine where the item would spawn again so it would disguise it when it spawned over it.
Hasn't everyone done this? >:D


I created a custom map in Warcraft 2 and gave to a seasoned veteran friend to try out and play me. It consisted of a small island with all the resources to create a reasonable base and, seeing as though it was an island, a shipyard & ships.

However this island was landlocked. And surrounded. By me.

I watched him bury his resources into ships and subs that could travel half a screen at most before (unbeknownst to him) my Cannon towers would pound him to pieces.

Underhanded = FUN
to other people...hmmm

I remember when they put taunts in SfA me and my friend would push each others start button when we were losing leaving the other person open.

In one of the home versions of SF:2 in the VS mode you can make your character controlled by the game...I would pick someone I sucked with but I knew the game would be really cheap with (like Guile) and make my firends think it was me...pretty funny...if you where there.

NES spy hunter had something where the 2p controller could make the car explode...used to do that alot.

Beat a game then tell my friends there a special secret warp zone if you jump down that hole...heheh.


This isn't really on the scale of anything else in this thread (Tree-Chopping Mafia ROCKS), but it's the best I have.

I needed to film a couple of snippets of Winning Eleven 7 for a show. Nobody really wanted to do it because they didn't want to get humiliated at a game they've never played before. I finally convinced one of our cameramen to play on the promise that I'd go easy on him. So we kicked off, and I passed the ball around while allowing him to get used to the controls. I figured I'd go easy by playing all sorts of high risk passes, expecting one to go loose into his path... except I managed to complete pass after pass after pass. Eventually I found myself through on goal at a tough angle, and figured I'd just blast it full power to "realistically" screw up and avoid scoring. Except, uh, the ball flew straight in. So basically, instead of going easy on him, it looked like I showed off for two minutes with one elaborate piece of showmanship before scoring an awesome goal. He wasn't happy. Especially since we used that clip and it ran on TV. I felt bad. Really.
Goreomedy said:
I remember signing on to a random server on Medal of Honor Allied Assault multiplayer. It was some kind of clan gathering, and they were creating a giant Totem of people for a group photo. I suggested, quite friendly I thought, that they should turn the password feature on if they weren't going to be playing a match. They told me to "fuck off".

So, 10 minutes later, after they had stairstepped their way to a 25 man totem, the "photographer" told everyone to hold still while he tried to find the best angle...

I shot the base of it with a panzer. Bodies came tumbling down all around me and gibbed on contact with the ground. Since I was the only one left alive, the map ended and I was the victor. They screamed at me for 5 minutes before resetting the server with the password feature activated.

haha brilliant
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