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What are the worst things you've done in games to other people?


Tormenting my friends in Goldeneye by always picking the Herve Villechaize character.

I'd slap them to death at knee level while they tried to gun me down.

To add insult I'd sing, "The Midget is Gonna Get You" to the tune of The Miami Sound Machine's "The Rhythm is Gonna Get You" as I stalked them.

It drove them batshit.


Whenever possible I will shoot AWPing teammates in the head(FF off of course) to mess up their aim. I don't know if some people consider that bad though.


Goreomedy said:
I remember signing on to a random server on Medal of Honor Allied Assault multiplayer. It was some kind of clan gathering, and they were creating a giant Totem of people for a group photo. I suggested, quite friendly I thought, that they should turn the password feature on if they weren't going to be playing a match. They told me to "fuck off".

So, 10 minutes later, after they had stairstepped their way to a 25 man totem, the "photographer" told everyone to hold still while he tried to find the best angle...

I shot the base of it with a panzer. Bodies came tumbling down all around me and gibbed on contact with the ground. Since I was the only one left alive, the map ended and I was the victor. They screamed at me for 5 minutes before resetting the server with the password feature activated.

Haha! Awesome!


o_O @_@ O_o
I used to be quite good at Street Fighter Alpha 3. Not nearly as good as the world-class players in the (inter)national tourneys showcased at sites like shoryuken mind you, but good enough that I'm confident that at my prime, I wouldn't get completely trashed by them. :)

In any case, "my" machine was the one in the game room at the local university I attended at the time. I routinely pumped a quarter into the machine to pass the 30-45 minutes I had between two early afternoon classes. There were other regulars there who I came to know, and we'd teach other how to play and get better at our game of choice (there were 4 machines there, Alpha 3, Third Strike, Marvel vs. Capcom (1), and Tekken Tag).

One day, I walked in, ready to just pick some random character in V-ism (I was working on getting better with my V-isms at the time) and see if I could get through the game with him/her without continuing. I closed my eyes, let the stick fly, hit start, and ended up choosing Dan. Two matches in, some blowhard walks in with his girlfriend. As I'm playing, I and most everyone else, can hear him talking smack about how he's so good at all of the things people happen to playing at the time (Pool, darts, a ping pong game over in a nearby nook). This isn't entirely uncommon, so everyone largely ignores him.

At some point, his girlfriend actually speaks, and asks him about the arcade cabs to the right of them, as I was still busy playing Alpha 3, and one of the other regulars was not five feet away playing Third Strike. He says, loudly, that "Oh those things don't take any skill. It's just hitting buttons as fast as you can."

At this point, neither myself, or the guy at the third strike machine (to my knowledge) had even turned away from our monitors to look at him, but right then, we turned and looked at each other. I'm sure he saw the same ire in my eyes that I saw in his.

His girlfriend tells him that it "looks more complicated than that" (very perceptive girl btw ;) ), and he says "I'll show you". He, of course, picks to play against me (otherwise I wouldn't be telling this story, now would I? :p )

I was forced to use V-ism Dan as I had been playing with him when he interrupted my game.He chose Ryu. I played normally against him the first round, was not aggressive, but I beat him handily without really showing off at all. For god sakes, I specifically remember not even taunting once throughout the round.

He, of course, had the gall to say I was "lucky".

That is when I decided to showboat.

The second round, I started off aggresively by immediately pounding him into a corner, not letting up until about half his life bar was gone, capping it off with a sweep into a rolling taunt.

For clarity's sake, I'm right-handed.

As soon, as the taunt finished and his Ryu was popping back up, I took my left hand off the machine and started jumping away from the corner with the joystick in the crook of my right hand (with the stick in between my thumb and index finger, against my palm). For the remaining time in the round, I played one-handed, using only the weak punch and kicks (as I could only reach those buttons, without straining, while holding the stick in that fashion).

While I'm doing this, the other guy who had finished his game on the Third Strike machine, looks over and non-chalantly starts having a conversation with me as I'm playing. We start talking, I look away from the screen now and then, as if it didn't really matter (which with this joker it didn't). Finally with about 10-15 seconds left, I finish him off with Dan's weak fireball to the face, as he's getting up. At this, my "opponent" audibly growls in frustration, grabs his girl by the crook of her arm, yells "stupid game" at the machine, and storms out.

I'd never showboated against a complete newb like that, and I never have since, but damn if that didn't feel good.

Take this with a grain of salt: After much laughing and discussion about the event with the other guy who had been playing Third Strike next to me, he swore to me up and down that when I started playing one-handed the guy's girlfriend had this big stupid grin on her face as if she was trying not to laugh. Knowing the guy like I do, he's a damned good Third Strike player (could parry like a bitch, and was great with Dudley), but he liked to embellish things a bit. Even so, I like to believe that little bit was true. :D


Great story BreakyBoy, but what you did was not really in the catagory of "worst things you've done in games to other people."

That punk had it coming. I love that you beat his bull-shitting ass right in front of his woman. :D


In Joint Ops Me and a buddy would get 20 to 25 people in a chopper.
Then say they were in a jihad, then fly the chooper into a mountain.


Jumpman said:
Great story BreakyBoy, but what you did was not really in the catagory of "worst things you've done in games to other people."

That punk had it coming. I love that you beat his bull-shitting ass right in front of his woman. :D

Eh, public humiliation is pretty bad (for the guy)... even if he deserved it.
Alex said:
"Smash Bros 64: Pikachu or Link both had these "A" attacks where you could mash the button and the would do a rapid series of jabs. On Hyrule castle you could get someone against a wall and continuously use the attack and the could not escape it.
Also I used to use DK and grab players and carry them over the edge and suicide myself j with them. Or I'd grab someone like Link, who had a crap recovery jump back to the stage, and fall of the stage and throw them right before I would die and then jump back and "Up-B" back to the stage and they couldn't get back."

Your friends sound like they're really, really, really bad at Smash Bros. :p

Well after awhile most ppl could get out of the DK grab fairly easily but when you got stuck against a wall and was being attacked by a constant "A" attack it was practically impossible in most situations to get out of it. You couldn't block or roll away because u were being juggled slighlty off the ground..

Dice said:
Hasn't everyone done this? >:D

Yes, of course but it's still fun. And also that's what disapoints me about Mario Kart: Double Dash!! When you fall of the track its only for like 1-2 seconds and you get put straight back on instead of having to drive from where you fell or the game taking longer to reset you on the track.


Street Fighter II competition got pretty intense back in high school. One of my friend's moves in the arcade was "The Hustle."

He'd talk about how he just started playing the game, and would deliberately throw the first round. It worked best when the other guy really thought he was dominating and even talked a little trash. Then he turned it on for the second and third rounds, totally humiliating the opponent, often getting perfect victories. It was best with the SNES version, because he had a knack for pausing the game right as he struck the killing blow, then handing his controller to the other player and telling them to "kill yourself."


Teddman said:
Street Fighter II competition got pretty intense back in high school. One of my friend's moves in the arcade was "The Hustle."

He'd talk about how he just started playing the game, and would deliberately throw the first round. It worked best when the other guy really thought he was dominating and even talked a little trash. Then he turned it on for the second and third rounds, totally humiliating the opponent, often getting perfect victories.

Hehe, I used to screw with people like that too. I pissed a couple of people off enough to receive death threats.

Teddman said:
It was best with the SNES version, because he had a knack for pausing the game right as he struck the killing blow, then handing his controller to the other player and telling them to "kill yourself."



Time ta STEP IT UP
Teddman said:
It was best with the SNES version, because he had a knack for pausing the game right as he struck the killing blow, then handing his controller to the other player and telling them to "kill yourself."

That is indeed a dignity obliterating bitch-slap.


Teddman said:
It was best with the SNES version, because he had a knack for pausing the game right as he struck the killing blow, then handing his controller to the other player and telling them to "kill yourself."

:lol Ouch.


I have a plan to surprise my sister with a PSTwo.

I think I'll tell her I had an accident while rearranging the systems today and the Xbox fell on top of the PS2 (which she paid $150 for [I paid the other half for it]) and crushed it.

Then I'll show her the system. :D


Haha. I told her and my dad (he was in the room) the story, and they completely bought it.

My sister doesn't seem to be very impressed with surprises though. :|


I was playing SSBM with my girlfriend and she killed my Pichu so i stabbed her in the face with a fucking fork. Did 4 years for that. :(
Papi said:
I was playing SSBM with my girlfriend and she killed my Pichu so i stabbed her in the face with a fucking fork. Did 4 years for that. :(

Considering when SSBM came out, you can't be telling the truth ;)
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