J2 Cool said:Mark Grace was my cousin and was coming over the upcoming weekend to spoil us with presents. Rotten ass brother.
scola said:HAHA I remember one now.
I don't remember how much I actually believed it at the time (though I probably did), but my mom used to tell me those reflectors on the lane lines in the road were brail so blind people could drive. lol
Yes I have... and I wondered wtf it had braile too. hmmmm.Miguel said:Ever been to a drive-thru ATM?
Matrix said:Want to know something scary..I used to have an actor friend who's so fucking stupid that he thinks Houston is in Utah
ZombieSupaStar said:not me but I used to tease my brother by "stealing his nose"
I did it one day and gave it to a black football player on tv, the whole day he cried because some guy on tv has his nose, and my dad laughed at him.
dog$ said:I called smoke stacks "cloud factories". I had no idea where else clouds came from...
dog$ said:I called smoke stacks "cloud factories". I had no idea where else clouds came from...
mrklaw said:thunder was the noise of clouds bumping into each other
DSN2K said:god
jett said:On another "cute" note, one of my cousins thought that cartoon characters were actually actors, and not hand-drawn.![]()
It's probably not all your cousin's fault. On a network TV special promoting the movie, one of the writers made a comment like that. It was a joke, but a lot of people believed it.Milhouse31 said:I believe overboard (in BTTF2) existed but were too dangerous so it was impossible to get one. My older cousin told me that and I believed him. THE BASTARD.
Similarly, I was creeped out by some other monster... I don't even remember the movie's name, but I remember the box at the video store with this ugly little thing coming out of a toilet.Insertia said:-I was afraid that if i sat on the toilet something would reach out of it and attack me. I think i got this fear from one of the 'Critters' movie.
I've heard many people say this, and not just kids. Always seemed so counterintuitive to me, since the hot of course becomes cold water on its way to freezing.3pheMeraLmiX said:---That if you place hot water into the freezer you'd get ice faster. I figured that the energy stored inside the molecules could be transferred from one source to another -- so somehow you could initiate the "transforming" of the solidifying process. The more energy, the more it can work harder!![]()
jett said:On another "cute" note, one of my cousins thought that cartoon characters were actually actors, and not hand-drawn.![]()
JoshuaJSlone said:I've heard many people say this, and not just kids. Always seemed so counterintuitive to me, since the hot of course becomes cold water on its way to freezing.
mrklaw said:thunder was the noise of clouds bumping into each other
I don't, but it reminds me of something else. There was a Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd cartoon where as sometimes happens they walked off the side of a cliff and didn't immediately fall. But the joke in this one (I think it was some sort of flashback) was that they didn't fall because they didn't understand gravity. Bugs gives Elmer a book, Elmer looks at it, Elmer falls. At the time, though, my understanding of this cartoon's message was a bit different: Gravity is a force that allows you to walk on air if you think about it. So I tried walking off chairs and such, hoping to walk across the air. No luck.3pheMeraLmiX said:--That if I really tried hard enough I would fly if I jumped off roof (thanks, whatever that movies was with the mute boy who could fly. Anyone remember this movie? *_* haha)
JoshuaJSlone said:I don't, but it reminds me of something else. There was a Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd cartoon where as sometimes happens they walked off the side of a cliff and didn't immediately fall. But the joke in this one (I think it was some sort of flashback) was that they didn't fall because they didn't understand gravity. Bugs gives Elmer a book, Elmer looks at it, Elmer falls. At the time, though, my understanding of this cartoon's message was a bit different: Gravity is a force that allows you to walk on air if you think about it. So I tried walking off chairs and such, hoping to walk across the air. No luck.
Matrix said:Want to know something scary I used to have an actor friend who's so fucking stupid that he thinks Houston is in Utah and that Thanksgiving is a Jewish holiday. He also thought he could catch my Chronic colon illness Colitis if he touched me :|
The thing is he was 15 and thought all of this, I havent seen him in 7 years and I'm sure he's just as stupid today as he was then.
Tenguman said:that woman-asses thing reminded me when I used to think women had 3 holes. ass-hole, pee-hole, sex-hole.
Defensor said:When I saw this sign as a kid:
I thought that meant that's where you park your wheel chair![]()
Looking directly into the sun WILL damage your eyes in a relatively small amount of time, although it may take a while before that damage accumulates to blindness.CavemanLawyer said:-My dad told me if I looked at the sun I would go blind. He forgot to tell me that it would take awhile staring at the sun for this to happen. So for a period I was so scared that I when I went outside I would only look at the ground for fear of accedentally looking at the sun.
3pheMeraLmiX said:--That if I really tried hard enough I would fly if I jumped off a roof (thanks, whatever that movies was with the mute boy who could fly. Anyone remember this movie? *_* haha)
skinnyrattler said:I couldn't think of one until I saw your post. Hell, I couldn't for the life of me figure out why you should be looking out for cars on squiggly stilts:
I mean, at some point, do you hit a button and wobbly legs come out of your car or something?
Jill Sandwich said:![]()
I could add some of my own, but I'd be here all night![]()