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What are you getting in March: RIP Wallet

Working with a friend on that one. Hopefully I will be able to get it too.
Ooooooh, 100% best girl



Never heard of Unicorn Overlord before this thread lol I’ll get Dragon Dogma 2 if it has a 60fps mode and prob Ronin
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Rebirth is
Game releases if you want to know:

For now, it depends since I may be moving to a new place in March so if that happens then it's nothing for me. But if I don't move then my easy March picks are Dragons Dogma 2 and Unicorn Overlord.
Rebirth and rise of the Ronin are the only two really lighting my fire.

South park snow day will be a laugh and it's fairly cheap, too much of a South park fan to skip that but again it's cheap and I don't count it in my must haves category
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Not yet sure which games I will buy and which ones I will just wait until sales, but I'm looking forward to these:
- The Thaumaturge
- Unicorn Overlord
- Alone in the Dark
- Rise of the Ronin


Rise of the Ronin and maybe Unicorn Overlord...but I'm still deciding if I buy it on PS5 or Switch. Looks to be the type of game to be played in short bursts, to chill before sleeping.


Unicorn Overlord was pre-ordered the day that it was possible to do so.

Dragon's Dogma II and Rise of the Ronin, I will get for around $30-$40.


A Meta Quest 3 incl. Dungeons of Eternity. Wanted to have bought it in January already, but something urgent came up so I had to pass. Luckily the Asgard's Wrath deal was renewed until end of March.

Neon Xenon

March is going to be quite light in terms of game purchases for me. There's Dragon's Dogma II, but even then, I'm not fully set on getting that. I'll hold off and wait to see how it is on launch.
Just as well that I don't have much to buy in March, since I've already got enough things to play. Still looking to make progress in finishing player games before starting/buying others.
FF7 Rebirth, definitely playing and technically my order might arrive in March if it misses the Feb release day. No interest in any of the March releases whatsoever.


Living room PC ~ $3000. RIP wallet indeed.
And with that I’ll finally end my double dipping days. Final one is Horizon Forbidden West, after that I’ll be on PC 100% in the living room, except Switch. Hoping for a good port and some cool mods.
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