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The New Guy

Unconfirmed Member
Underrated song. Wonder how many people on here have heard it. Timeless bop.



The New Guy

Unconfirmed Member
Vibing to this right now. Today actually was a good day. Always love when I wake up in a good mood, and the day actually feels good. I wish they all felt this way. Waiting for the Work week to ruin it. At least Cyberpunk is soon.




Sometimes i hear rank 80s synthpop, done by a good band, and I realise why they felt comfortable taking it so goddamn seriously. The second part of this song (with good headphones.. kicks in after the second chorus, you feel the grind of the knob being turned to eleven over the course of about 10 seconds) takes no prisoners~ and the lyrics~ :messenger_fire:

R.I.P. Mark Hollis :messenger_sad_relieved::messenger_sad_relieved:

Great taste as always.. do i detect a yearning for more MBV in your gravitating to this sound? Maybe not, but i at least heard something in there~
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Great taste as always.. do i detect a yearning for more MBV in your gravitating to this sound? Maybe not, but i at least heard something in there~

Thanks dude. Real kind compliment.

I've always loved shoegazey stuff. MBV is solid, but not my favorite.

How are you?


Thanks dude. Real kind compliment.

I've always loved shoegazey stuff. MBV is solid, but not my favorite.

How are you?
Going good thanks! Looking forward to tallying up the 80s movie thread later today, i think! Popping with excitement for Cyberpunk 2077 spawning in my mailbox in a few days, and I'm still juicing on Talk Talk today... talk about an underrated, under-mentioned band.. i can think of few artists who have produced a string of albums with wall to wall great songs like those guys did..

The sincerity and weight of this one is notable.. there are lyricists, then there are challengers and eye peelers

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The New Guy

Unconfirmed Member
"I don't know how to start this shit"

A bigger lie has never been told. I think Nas has got to be up there as one of the most talented rappers out there. His flow is out of this world.

Don't know if this is the right thread but I have been listening to my playlist I've made that anyone is welcome to follow and please let me know of suggestions to add to this playlist.

The New Guy

Unconfirmed Member
The only good part of Fallout 76 when it launched. I sometimes prefer this to the John Denver version. It's just a great cover, for a sadly undwhelming game.


The New Guy

Unconfirmed Member
Reminds me I need to watch 8 Mile again. Shame Eminem didn't do any more films, better than most artists that try to convert to acting.


Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service

The Ritualz track is barely even a song, more of a soundscape. Would be a good track to put on in the background sometime.
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