Ready Player One? Y
Game? Prospero's Hide and Seek. Primary: Follow the Gates of Horn to find Elpis and seek Mnemosyne. Put out the flames at the gates you pass. Secondary: Find your new spiritual realm. Tertiary: Slay the Ur-Grue to become ruler of the Spiritual House.
Where? Tartarus (Look to Cetus for the furthest star to set bearing from Navigli to Navigli via Cape of Needles, Thessaloniki,...Ahtohallan... East(of Eden) in degrees longitude above 56S latitude)
Requirement: Soul.
Token? Y Given to a confluence before losing all hope at Hell's Gate(Full Moon in May).
Seekers: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Unknown
Change seeker to do the next right thing. Harmonize.
Sunrise becomes Sunset for two months after the Moon(Cleopatra VII) passes Regulus(Ptolemy XVI). If we go by the book like Lieutenant Saavik, Admiral - Every man and every woman is a star - making Moon circuits into Sun circuits, meaning two months become two years and the extra life for the second Death Star and a new hope.
Hold onto your Oort clouds o Headless Ones.
Last one in is a rotten egg.