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What are you reading? (February 2013)


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Last time I made a post in one of these threads it was probably March or April of last year. I started reading this piece of shit:


Got about 2/3 of the way through and promptly lost all my will to read. I put down my Kindle and hadn't touched it since. I was just going to skip it but I decided to trooper on and have since read up to the final chapter and somehow, against all odds it has turned into an even BIGGER piece of irredeemable trash. It's by far the worst thing I've ever read and I'm kinda shocked I'm actually going to finish it. It has been an endeavor.

Next on to:


My zeal for reading was reignited because I had promised myself I was going to finish this before season 3 of the show started. I had listened to the first 2 audiobooks in the years leading up to their respective seasons, so this is going to be the first one I will go through unabetted by the dulcet tones of one Mr. Roy Dotrice. I'm sad about that, but I'm gambling on likely being able to read it in less time it would take to listen to it. I'm still scared of its length vs. the time crunch of having to read it in less than 2 months as someone who reads slow and has a lot of other stuff vying for his leisure time.


Neo Member
The Once and future king is an all-time favorite of mine. I haven't been able to find anything that can match it in terms of Arthurian fantasy, but I'm thinking of starting Mary Stewart's Arthurian series, which starts with The Crystal cave. I know someone with very good taste who recommends it highly.

And also worth mentioning is the Camulod Chronicles by Jack Whyte. These put the Arthurian legend into a really gritty historical context. I have only read the first two books of the series. The first was absolutely amazing. It totally blew me away. The second was good, but not quite as good as the first. I'm not sure how the rest of the series holds up but people seem to like them pretty well, and I plan to find out in the near future. I'll probably start the whole series over myself because I want to read that first book again and it's been several years. These are basically magic-free historical novels, but they may introduce some subtle fantasy elements later, like prophecy and things of that nature, or maybe not.

Thanks for the recommendations!

I looked into Mary Steward's Arthurian saga and it does look intestering. Also, the local Half Price Books has had Skystone by Jack Whyte sitting on a shelf for a long time and I had no idea it tied into the Arthurian legend! Sounds like it's worth picking up. :]


Well, if you insist. ;)

I am reading Akira. I read the first volume last night. :3

I really dislike the manga of Akira. It's got great art, and the story and characterization definitely feels more "complete" than the anime film. But it's incredibly bloated, and really doesn't have much to it to justify the 6-volume length. The film on the other hand manages to do more with "less" if you get what I mean, and comes off much better as a result.


Next on to:


My zeal for reading was reignited because I had promised myself I was going to finish this before season 3 of the show started. I had listened to the first 2 audiobooks in the years leading up to their respective seasons, so this is going to be the first one I will go through unabetted by the dulcet tones of one Mr. Roy Dotrice. I'm sad about that, but I'm gambling on likely being able to read it in less time it would take to listen to it. I'm still scared of its length vs. the time crunch of having to read it in less than 2 months as someone who reads slow and has a lot of other stuff vying for his leisure time.
I'm almost positive GRRM and co. doubled back and re-released the Storm of Swords audiobook with Roy Dotrice doing the narration because the fans loved his work so much on the other books. I need to check that to make sure, but I'm almost positive that's the case.

edit: wait...I'm an idiot. Re-reading your post, I'm guessing you're simply choosing to read the book instead of listening to it. And Feast for Crows was the one Dotrice went back to do, not Storm of Swords. Ignore me :lol either way, enjoy. Storm of Swords is awesome.


Maybe they've always been this cheap, but I just noticed that almost all of Richard Stark's Parker novels are $3.99 on Kindle.


The Once and future king is an all-time favorite of mine. I haven't been able to find anything that can match it in terms of Arthurian fantasy, but I'm thinking of starting Mary Stewart's Arthurian series, which starts with The Crystal cave. I know someone with very good taste who recommends it highly.

Is it me? I have very good taste, and I recommend it highly!

In all seriousness, Mary Stewart's Merlin Trilogy in particular - I haven't read the fourth book - is absolutely fantastic. I liked it almost as much as The Once and Future King. They is different enough that they are difficult to compare them, though. Stewart's trilogy tends to be more historical fiction, and most of the magic really isn't at all. They feel like very different stories. I much prefer Stewart's Merlin, though.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I'm almost positive GRRM and co. doubled back and re-released the Storm of Swords audiobook with Roy Dotrice doing the narration because the fans loved his work so much on the other books. I need to check that to make sure, but I'm almost positive that's the case.

edit: wait...I'm an idiot. Re-reading your post, I'm guessing you're simply choosing to read the book instead of listening to it. And Feast for Crows was the one Dotrice went back to do, not Storm of Swords. Ignore me :lol either way, enjoy. Storm of Swords is awesome.

Ya, it was an either or thing and I made the reading call based on the time constraint and the ease of picking up the kindle whenevs vs. having to get in the mood to listen. I'm not really one of those "listen to audiobook while doing something else" types unless the secondary task is something REALLY low effort like grinding in an RPG. I don't really multitask well and I lose my train of thought real easy listening to audiobooks unless I'm giving it the vast majority of my focus.


Finished Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell. Loved it! Will definitely read more by him later. Might see the movie too, just to see how they managed to do it.


Just started Tunnel Vision by Sara Paretsky, starring her well-known detective V. I. Warshawski. The second-to-last book in my syllabus for my American Detective Novel course. The flap says she wrote Total Recall, which I didn't know. Haven't actually seen the film, but I, uh, played the NES game. Which was Weird.


Ya, it was an either or thing and I made the reading call based on the time constraint and the ease of picking up the kindle whenevs vs. having to get in the mood to listen. I'm not really one of those "listen to audiobook while doing something else" types unless the secondary task is something REALLY low effort like grinding in an RPG. I don't really multitask well and I lose my train of thought real easy listening to audiobooks unless I'm giving it the vast majority of my focus.
I'm totally with you. I think audio books are great, but sadly I'm unable to stay focused sometimes when multitasking like you said.

My wife can throw one on and do practically anything around the house. She can even listen to it on her commute to work and absorb everything going on :lol I definitely can't do that. Especially a series like ASOIF where you're jumping around with the POV and meeting a lot of minor characters.


Neo Member
Is it me? I have very good taste, and I recommend it highly!

In all seriousness, Mary Stewart's Merlin Trilogy in particular - I haven't read the fourth book - is absolutely fantastic. I liked it almost as much as The Once and Future King. They is different enough that they are difficult to compare them, though. Stewart's trilogy tends to be more historical fiction, and most of the magic really isn't at all. They feel like very different stories. I much prefer Stewart's Merlin, though.
Thanks for the recommendation! Added The Crystal Cave to my library queue. =D
I like historical fiction so I don't mind at all if it leans more towards the historical side.


finished the warm bodies prequel


it was alright, nothing to write home about. In line with Warm Bodies really.

Started reading Less Than Zero again, wich I read about halfway through years ago but never finished it. Gonna do it this time.


and I think, I think im gonna finally listen to all my friends and their mothers and start reading A song of Ice and Fire, even though medieval fantasy isnt really my thing. God help me.



MItHC was okay. Not one of my favorite Dick books, and I got the whole duality/illusion elements but it didn't capture me.

Nexus was awesome. I was a little annoyed that it did devolve into (spoiler)
action/shoot out territory
but everything else about the book is stellar. Easily one of my favorite reads in the past couple years.


Finished Fool Moon, guess I'll just start reading the Dresden Files.


I liked it a lot despite not really liking Werewolf stories but god damn do I hate Murphy. I don't think I've ever disliked a character that much before. Susan is nice though, Dresden better not fuck this up.


Started reading Less Than Zero again, wich I read about halfway through years ago but never finished it. Gonna do it this time.

Exactly the same thing happened to me. Started it years ago and didn't like it at all. Tried reading it a few months ago because I liked American Psycho so much, got halfway through and couldn't stomach it anymore. I believe in giving book second chances but I didn't like this book at all.

Just finished


Very good book. Straight from the horse's mouth Pixies bio. Recommended.

And just started



Finished Fool Moon, guess I'll just start reading the Dresden Files.
I liked it a lot despite not really liking Werewolf stories but god damn do I hate Murphy. I don't think I've ever disliked a character that much before. Susan is nice though, Dresden better not fuck this up.

I said it before but from now on the series will start for real (with one or two smaller bumps along the way).

I'm wondering though what is it that you dislike about Murphy? Like I said she isn't really my favorite character but once she stoped
being a bitch and getting into Harry's way all the time, which if I remember right, at the and of book two
she becomes bearable.
11/22/63 by Stephen King. I've heard good things, and it's off with a bang. Only on about the third or fourth chapter and it's already well into the meat of the story, I like books like that. Excited about this one.


I said it before but from now on the series will start for real (with one or two smaller bumps along the way).

I'm wondering though what is it that you dislike about Murphy? Like I said she isn't really my favorite character but once she stoped
being a bitch and getting into Harry's way all the time, which if I remember right, at the and of book two
she becomes bearable.

I know you said she would get better but she just rubs me the wrong way. Dresden's attitude towards her just adds to my irritation. She was ok during the finale of Fool Moon but everything before was so annoying. The way she nearly got him killed during the first book, her whole attitude with not trusting him, arresting him, etc. I'm starting the next book today anyway, I hope she continues getting more likable.


I know you said she would get better but she just rubs me the wrong way. Dresden's attitude towards her just adds to my irritation. She was ok during the finale of Fool Moon but everything before was so annoying. The way she nearly got him killed during the first book, her whole attitude with not trusting him, arresting him, etc. I'm starting the next book today anyway, I hope she continues getting more likable.

Well Dresden's attitude towards most women is something that I consider a flaw in the series. But I think that from now on Murphy at least will more and more cease to rub you the wrong way.


Finished Don Delillo's Libra last night. Easily a contender for the best book I've read in the last year or so, probably will be in my top 10 list for a while to come. Made me interested to reader Mailer's work on Oswald, though I'm not sure I'll have much time for it soon.


Aftershock LA

I currently just started Storm Front, by Jim Butcher. My wife read it and enjoyed it, and we already watched the 11 episodes of the Dresden Files. Which we also enjoyed.

So far, I'm enjoying it. She's on book 2, and says it's better than the first, which is good to hear.


Well Dresden's attitude towards most women is something that I consider a flaw in the series. But I think that from now on Murphy at least will more and more cease to rub you the wrong way.

I had a friend strongly recommend it, and while I enjoyed the premise, the juvenile execution, particularly the stereotypical nerd wish fulfillment elements, irked me

Thanks for the recommendation! Added The Crystal Cave to my library queue. =D
I like historical fiction so I don't mind at all if it leans more towards the historical side.

Good to hear! How did you enjoy The Book of the New Sun?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Mistborn Book 2: The Well of Ascension.


I finished the first book at the end of last month and just started this one.


Got about 2/3 of the way through and promptly lost all my will to read. I put down my Kindle and hadn't touched it since. I was just going to skip it but I decided to trooper on and have since read up to the final chapter and somehow, against all odds it has turned into an even BIGGER piece of irredeemable trash. It's by far the worst thing I've ever read and I'm kinda shocked I'm actually going to finish it. It has been an endeavor.

smh. I can understand how it's not going to appeal to everyone, as a lot of fantasy does, but it's hardly 'trash'.


Excellent book for anyone interested in "behind-the-scenes" stories at tech companies.

NT, eh? Interesting choice. Might have to look this one up.
Sons and Lovers
Anna Karenina
Tonnes of Tolkien critical pieces for my essay

Karenina is dense. Veryyy dense, but sort of charming. I like Sons and Lovers' weird pseudo-incestual thing, very creepy.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
smh. I can understand how it's not going to appeal to everyone, as a lot of fantasy does, but it's hardly 'trash'.

Literal trash. Less than trash. If it wasn't the Kindle version I would have thrown it away, burned it or let my rabbit shred it. Possibly the worst thing I've ever or will ever read.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
If I ever met a genie in a magic lamp who gave me three wishes, one of said wishes would be to undo having read Perdido Street Station.


I loved Perdido Street Station. Mieville sets up an incredible universe, and in the early going I was wondering when and if it was going anywhere. But once the plot really kicked in, I was hooked and terrified. I'm waiting for a metal band to pop up with the name
Slake Moth


Neo Member
Good to hear! How did you enjoy The Book of the New Sun?
I thought it was fantastic! I have to say it took me a bit to get into it, but the payoff was absolutely worth it. Very satisfying when you start putting pieces together :) I really like how a lot is hidden in plain sight - you're just missing the key to interpret it. Would love to do a re-read someday.

I picked up Urth of the New Sun as well, but haven't started on it yet. I have this bad habit of adding too much to my library queue...


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I loved Perdido Street Station. Mieville sets up an incredible universe, and in the early going I was wondering when and if it was going anywhere. But once the plot really kicked in, I was hooked and terrified. I'm waiting for a metal band to pop up with the name
Slake Moth
What? How does one become terrified of a book? The only thing I was terrified of was Mieville's thesaurus.


I finished "In The Woods" by Tana French. The writing style was really good, but the plot payoff was kind of weak.

As a break from my normal reading genres, I'm now working on this:


What? How does one become terrified of a book? The only thing I was terrified of was Mieville's thesaurus.

I found it to be a really scary, suspenseful thriller. How does one become terrified of looking up a word once in a while?


I loved Perdido Street Station. Mieville sets up an incredible universe, and in the early going I was wondering when and if it was going anywhere. But once the plot really kicked in, I was hooked and terrified. I'm waiting for a metal band to pop up with the name
Slake Moth

Yeah, the
moths were creepy as hell
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