One of the most imaginative concepts in yearsssss~Ancilliary Justice by Ann Leckie. Just got to the part where I can understand the title. Interesting core idea.
Neverwhere is amazing. Read that insteadI just finished my first book of 2015. I don't know whether I could count it as being read in 2015 though... but I probably read about half of it this year already as I was up late last night and spent most of the morning reading.
I think I'm going to read American Gods by Neil Gaiman because I've never read one of his books before.
I just finished my first book of 2015. I don't know whether I could count it as being read in 2015 though... but I probably read about half of it this year already as I was up late last night and spent most of the morning reading.
I think I'm going to read American Gods by Neil Gaiman because I've never read one of his books before.
The Long War by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. Got it from a friend for Christmas a year ago. I haven't read the prequel, The Long Earth, but I don't think that should matter much. Pratchett's books are usually self-contained enough despite being parts of various series.
No, no. If you start with his novels, read Stardust or Coraline or The Graveyard Book first.
Whoops. I'm already 20 pages in. I found a nice used hardcover earlier this week so I figured I'd pick it up.
Oh well. Seems like it's a quick read anyway.
My condolences.![]()
Just passed the halfway mark of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Such a fantastic way to start the year.
I've been listening to that one on audio. Great, great book. Can't believe I never read it before.
I've owned that since 2004 and I haven't read it yet. It's high on my list for things to read this year.
The reader just reads them straight off, wherever they turn up. "Blah de blah. Footnote 1: blah de blah." And then carries on from where he left off. I sometimes get slightly lost with some of the lengthier footnotes, but for the most part it works out just fine.
The Long Earth was so good and The Long War made me actually stop reading it![]()
I finished Deadman's Road by Joe R Lansdale a while ago. Really fun book. Reverend Jebidiah Mercer is sort of Lansdale's take on Solomon Kane. Mercer is a fire and brimstone Old Testament type. He hates God for being a hateful motherfucker, but will still spread His word and deal with Evil in all its form. He's also a terrible alcoholic given to horrible acts of violence and easily tempted by women of all kinds.
The short novel Dead in the West makes up the bulk of the collection, and is the best of the tales presented. Initially published as this story introduced Reverend Jebidiah Mercer and the Weird West he inhabited. A splatter-fest in the early 80s horror tradition, its filled with flesh hungry zombies, vengeful Indians and lots of rip-roaring action. It's considered a classic in the genre for good reason. Easily worth the purchase of this collection by itself.
The rest of the stories are genuine short stories, and act as self-contained moments from the life of Reverend Mercer. While some of them are better than the others, they're all consistently entertaining and do a great job of building the Weird West the Reverend brings the Message of God to. It's a nasty pulp west filled with disgustingly crude men who eat decaying horse meat, exhibit poor hygiene and lust after morbidly obese prostitutes. If you enjoy the idea of a fire and brimstone Reverend wandering the old west in search of werewolves, zombies and Lovecraftian inspired monsters gets you all hot and bothered, you should definitely check out this collection.
One of the most imaginative concepts in yearsssss~
Just finished Dune today. Absolutely loved it but was told to skip the rest of the series so I'm gonna move on.
But whatever you do, do not touch the "Dune" books written by Kevin J. Anderson and Brian Herbert. Heck, even if thought as scifi not related to Dune, they're not exactly good (though i guess they have good moments).
Seconding that. There's some bright spots, but those are few and far between. KJA was ..okay doing Star Wars novels. Dune? ugh
Love me some Hugh Howey, I think that's the only one I haven't read. His shorts are great too. This any good? If you like Hugh Howey check out The Martian it was one of his personal favorite last year, that's what turned me onto it.
Ancilliary Justice by Ann Leckie. Just got to the part where I can understand the title. Interesting core idea.
I tried with that book, but it lost me about 1/3 of the way through.
Got it for $2.99 on the Kobo store, so decided to pick it up and give it a read. Saw a lot of great reviews for it, so we'll see.
I have less than 100 pages left in:
Also, I'm technically still reading this, but haven't touched it in a little while. Taking a break.
Also, I'm technically still reading this, but haven't touched it in a little while. Taking a break.