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What are you reading? (July 2012)

What! Carlos wrote a sequel to Shadow of the Wind?? Oh man I am getting this right now.


I've heard this is a good one and that I might be well-advised to stop the series after this one, so we'll see how I feel :p

Don't let others decide for you whether you like something or not. I really liked Wolves of the Calla and I didn't think the folowing books were too bad either. I didn't love everything but I was very happy I finished it. If it's not working for you and you aren't enjoying it, just stop but don't let others cloud your experience.

Its not that the others are necessarily bad(well some of them kind of are) but more that Wizard and Glass is on a whole other level compared to the books that follow. I finished it in 2 days I was so pulled in. The characters and scope of that story is so much better than anything else that once you get back to the main arc its just uninteresting.


A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole - 76-pages in, and I'm blown away by what I'm experiencing so far. Really excited to read the rest of this.;o

I'm jealous when I hear about someone reading it for the first time. Enjoy.

I'm currently reading David Brin's new novel, Existence. Wonderful, so far.


Saint Nic
Its not that the others are necessarily bad(well some of them kind of are) but more that Wizard and Glass is on a whole other level compared to the books that follow. I finished it in 2 days I was so pulled in. The characters and scope of that story is so much better than anything else that once you get back to the main arc its just uninteresting.

It's my favorite book of all time. I couldn't finish the series because of how much of an impact that book had on me and Roland's adventure. Such an incredible book...



Finished the book yesterday, soooooo good. I expected simple The Count of Monte Cristo in scifi setting but it is so much more.
Hey reading-gaf, I need some help!

I'm looking for a book about the Inca Empire during the 15th and 16th centuries.

The beginning, how the empire was built - how did it become an empire.

The fall, what happened when the Spanish came.

I've searched the web for a while but this is really not my field, so I was wondering if anyone out there could help me find a book with good status about this subject.

You're describe one of my all time favorite books ...


Aztec by Gary Jennings

I can't recommend it enough. It's The Long Ships in the Aztec world.


Okay I'm giving up on the Windup Girl again, I just can't get into it.

Can gaf recommend something for someone who likes Terry Pratchett and Brandon Sanderson?


Can anyone suggest a book(s) similar to 'The Cuckoo's Egg' by Clifford Stoll? I've read: Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, Ghost in the Wires, The Fugitive Game, and The Watchman. Fiction or non-fiction, it doesn't matter.

It's been twenty years or so since I've read it, so I'm not sure how well it holds up today, but how about The Hacker Crackdown by Bruce Sterling? It's about how the US government attempted to deal with the perceived threat of hackers in the late 80s, which goes about as smoothly as you'd expect. It's available for free on Project Gutenberg.

Also, I've never actually read my copy, but I've had Masters of Deception: The Gang That Ruled Cyberspace by Michele Slatala sitting on my shelf for an embarrassingly long time, and that looks like the sort of book you're looking for.



Its not that the others are necessarily bad(well some of them kind of are) but more that Wizard and Glass is on a whole other level compared to the books that follow. I finished it in 2 days I was so pulled in. The characters and scope of that story is so much better than anything else that once you get back to the main arc its just uninteresting.
I can totally understand you blasting through it like that. When I started reading it again I sat down at about 11pm, intending to read for half an hour or so, and the next thing I knew I'd flown past where I left off a few years ago and it was 1:30am. Great book.

I was surprised at how easily I slipped back into it. Thankfully the synopsis of the previous books at the beginning was pretty good, and I found a ton of little story elements that I'd completely forgotten coming back to me. I guess the gap between III and IV being released originally (1991-1997) was pretty similar to my hiatus, so I'm no worse off than someone who read them when they came out.
I'm honestly always a little surprised at how much people seem to love Wizard and Glass. I like the stuff with Blaine, but the part with Susan never interested me. I think it's probably my least favorite book of the series.


Just finished this;


(Wow, this book was ridiculous. So good, my favorite in the series so far.)

Now I'm starting this;


(One of the characters in this book becomes important to the Dark Tower series in the next book, so I decided to take a break from the 4 DT books I read in a row before finishing up the series. I'm starting it tonight.)

Before this;


Finished the book yesterday, soooooo good. I expected simple The Count of Monte Cristo in scifi setting but it is so much more.

That cover! Ugh. I've seen some bad covers in my day. This is one of them. A lot of people in this thread seem to love this book and I've thought about reading it, but I'm scared it might be dated. Was that a problem for you?

Okay I'm giving up on the Windup Girl again, I just can't get into it.

Can gaf recommend something for someone who likes Terry Pratchett and Brandon Sanderson?

Are you thinking of sticking to fantasy? I really like the Farseer Trilogy by Hobb.

Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb
I finished The Likeness by Tana French, and really enjoyed it especially the characters and the suspense.

I am now reading American Gods by Neil Gaiman and man this is such a weird but fun ride of a story. I really am enjoying it a lot! I should be done with this book by tonight or tomorrow.

I have never read a Stephen King novel, any recommendations for a newbie? The Wizard and Glass keeps getting praise and thinking of reading that series (Dark Tower, I believe).

I also picked up Contact by Carl Sagan and The Shadow of the Torturer by Gene Wolf and the library just sent an email notification to pick up my requested book, Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill



Underground by Haruki Murakami - Wonderful and depressing read, the second part was probably the most interesting as it put the whole book into a entirely new context that was fascinating to say the least.
I will never understand the Japanese mind. People are dropping around, everybody is coughing around you as are you, eyes burning, nausea, etc, "Well, I'm off to office then!". Another thing was the fact that nobody said anything in the train when people started having symptoms.


That cover! Ugh. I've seen some bad covers in my day. This is one of them. A lot of people in this thread seem to love this book and I've thought about reading it, but I'm scared it might be dated. Was that a problem for you?

Not at all, the book is pretty short and overall very satisfying.


Neo Member
I finished rereading ADWD the other day, and started reading Gun Games by Faye Kellerman. It was a disappointment to say the least, because I usually love her books.

Now I'm reading Clockwise by Elle Strauss, a free book I got for the kindle.


Just finished Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch. A definite lull in quality from the first novel. The next one promises to be more interesting I think. Apparently they are planning movies for the series. Also, apparently Lynch was or is suffering from severe depression and stopped writing as a result. I hope he gets better.

I'm not sure what to read next.


I will never understand the Japanese mind. People are dropping around, everybody is coughing around you as are you, eyes burning, nausea, etc, "Well, I'm off to office then!". Another thing was the fact that nobody said anything in the train when people started having symptoms.

I don´t know how much you know about japanese culture (I´m
an expert) but from what I´ve heard this is due to the extremly high population density in Japan . It leads to a culture that advoactes calmness and quiet behaviour to minimize stress and conflict. But I get your point, it feels incredibly weird to me too.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Just finished the "Wool Omnibus" and also the part 6 prequel. Holy god what a sweet series of books. Can't even think of how to talk about them without sort of spoiling things immediately.

Go get it. it's great.


Finished The Judging Eye by Scott Bakker. I got a weird version. The format of the book (size, proportions etc.) was totally different then the previous three books. And it had so many spelling mistakes, it was crazy. They even spelled Drusas Achamians name wrong in the glossary (it said Drusus Achamian).

The story itself was great, I especially liked Sorweels story. It was quite similar to Cnaiurs imo. And Kelmomas lol. At first I thought the 20 year jump from the previous three books wasn't a very good idea. Too much was left out I thought at first but when I continued reading I realised that it was a good idea by Bakker. The Unifying Wars simply wouldn't be as exciting for a whole book or a series. Who knows, Bakker might release short story dealing with the Unifying Wars.

The one downside was that Bakker cut down on the philosophical parts. I actually quite liked them in the first trilogy, it's what made the Prince of Nothing trilogy so unique imo. Especially Cnaiur analyzing the Dunyains and how
Moenghus and Kellhus played him
was brilliant. But oh well..

I've now read the first 100 or so pages of The White-Luck Warrior:

Im reading this:


Overall it is quite enjoyable and provocative, better than the movie (which I don't remember too well). It isn't for people who can't handle anything too graphic, I am perfectly fine with most things, but even my stomach turns at some of the stuff in this book lol. It is also very satirical so expect to find a lot of it humorous.
Just finished the "Wool Omnibus" and also the part 6 prequel. Holy god what a sweet series of books. Can't even think of how to talk about them without sort of spoiling things immediately.

Go get it. it's great.

There's another book after the Omnibus? Whaaaaaaaaaa?! Must purchase.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Funny, I'm on the exact same book. I've found with Jordan that the first half of every book takes me about 10 days to read, the last half I can finish off in 4.

It's the same with me, except three weeks instead of 10 days and one week instead of four days.


I'm reading sputnik sweetheart. It's pretty good, but kind of seems like a rehash of a couple of other Murakami novels.


Anyone read Tigana? Sounds neat...still trying to find something to get me back into reading after like 5 months of nothing.

I thought it took a little while to get going. After the first section, I think it got a lot better. It may just be that I wasn't used to his writing style. Definitely reccommended though and it's nice that it's just a stand alone.

T.M. MacReady


Definitely good for fans of the character/show/Leonard in general. I qualify for all 3

Starting today:

Based on Gaf recommendations:


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor


I'm heading into chapter 15 in Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. I'm enjoying it so far ,but I would be lying if I said the
stuff didn't confuse me a little.


This is what I did last year. It really feels great; I hope you're enjoying it as much as I did (and am).

Some favorites from last year (using the word "classic" a bit loosely): Don Quixote, Love in the Time of Cholera, Lolita, The Book of the New Sun, Musashi, The Left Hand of Darkness, If on a Winter's Night a Traveler, Pale Fire, The Complete Fairy Tales (George MacDonald), The Little Prince, Earthsea Cycle (#1 - 3), Song of Solomon, Invitation to a Beheading, The Once and Future King, and The Last Unicorn.

And, of course, The Count of Monte Cristo, which was actually a reread for the GAF Reads topic about it.

The hounhyhnmnyhnmnyhnm section was when shit got real deep, I legit said "wow" at the very last page of the novel

And thank you for all the suggestions, a lot of them have definitely caught my attention, especially the ones bolded. Also, what is this "GAF reads"?

On another note, today I finished The Hobbit (thoroughly enjoyed it). And now I started this one novel that my friend got for my birthday a while back, and I know he got it in jest and sarcasm as it is kind of ridiculous and pretentious "hipster literature"; and my friend and I both make loads of fun of hipsters.

But I am still interested in reading it. So has anyone read Eeeee Eee Eeee? I have no idea what to expect from this.



The hounhyhnmnyhnmnyhnm section was when shit got real deep, I legit said "wow" at the very last page of the novel

That section (in Gulliver's Travels for the uninitiated to this conversation) was really, really great. I think it was probably my favorite (and creepiest) section.

And thank you for all the suggestions, a lot of them have definitely caught my attention, especially the ones bolded. Also, what is this "GAF reads"?

Well, it appears that there is nothing going on at the moment, but for awhile last year we had a series of topics in which people would agree to read a book for the month. Search for "GAF Book Club" or maybe just "Book Club" in topic titles and you find them.


I'm considering bringing it back as an occasional thing. One per month was just too much for me, but it was still fun. I might think more about how to format it to get more discussion/participation.

If I do bring it back, I'll probably just pick a book rather than having people vote. Cuts out the indecision.

Yeah, I suspected that one of the reasons it fell off was because of that indecision and the problem of getting people to vote.

I'll try to participate more if you do bring it back.
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