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What are you reading? (March 2015)


I picked up a few books recently I'm excited about.


Isaac's Storm is one of my all-time favorite books. I love how Larson brings out so much personal detail in historical events and how it all builds to whatever event he typically focuses on. I'm 100 pages in and it's fascinating to see how so many little things are building up to the make the disaster all the more tragic.


I started reading this the day he passed. I'll just end up going though them in publication order I think. It seems like it'll be easy (and immensely enjoyable) to pepper Discworld in between other books. I'm a little burned out immense epic fantasy (love em, but just overdone it the last few years) so this sounds like a great series to delve into. I love good worldbuilding and it sounds like Discworld is a fun place to get lost in.


I've heard a lot of good things about this (and Schwab in general). Again, nice to have a standalone, great fantasy story that isn't multiple books that individually make excellent doorstops.


And speaking of doorstops. I'd never even heard of this series until a friend mentioned it recently. I'll wait until I've finished the other books I listed though. This is dessert.
Maybe later. Will keep some of his books on my wish list.

Thanks for the suggestions, but in the end I went with the Book of the New Sun.

And if I got your post right you're the author of Ahvarra?

Good choice on Book of the New Sun, though I'd probably argue that's more low fantasy.



How are the 5 malazan novels from Ian Cameron Esslemont ? With how "open" the main series ended in regards to some plot lines/characters (series end spoiler)
what is that ass Kallor doing now
i'm interested in reading them. Not really interested in the three novels with this Bauchelain & Korbal Broach dudes.

Esslemont Malazan books:
Night of Knives
The Return of the Crimson Guard
Orb, Sceptre, Throne
Blood and Bone

Debating if i should shove them in before i start another big/long series (maybe Revelation Space by Reynolds).


Crossover by Joel Shepherd. Rereading it, actually. It gets better with subsequent readings, and of course it just blows the Bechdel Test out of the water.

I do love that cover. Haven't read or heard of it before, but I'm a sucker for an awesome science fiction cover.

I'm still plugging away at the magnum opus that is The Shadow Rising and the first Sword Art Online light novel. If Tragi's pace through his two books is glacial, then mine must be on the level of continental drift.



Good choice on Book of the New Sun, though I'd probably argue that's more low fantasy.

Yeah. It's not high fantasy but reception for it seems very positive so I went with it.

And congrats on getting your book published. Definitely will give it a shot after I'm done with Book of the new sun.


Finished Theft of Swords and went right on the the sequel Rise of Empire. They're nothing ground breaking and pretty straight forward so far but I'm thoroughly enjoying myself.
Yeah, aside from the fact that the protagonist dresses the fantasy part, the Book of the New Sun is cut more from a science fiction cloth than a fantasy one. I realize the genre lines can get blurry, but by the fifth book things have gone straight science fiction.


I finished Stoner by John Williams last night. I'm sad. I can never go back and read this amazingly special book for the first time again. Guess I'll have to be happy with the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th rereading....

Now onto Old Man's War by by John Scalzi.

I finished Stoner by John Williams last night. I'm sad. I can never go back and read this amazingly special book for the first time again. Guess I'll have to be happy with the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th rereading....

That does it. Stoner is my next read. I need in the club.


Finished "The Broken Empire" triology and it was pretty awsome. The first 2 books were beast IMO and I'm still not sure what i think about the third book, I need to think about it for a while before i make up my melon but i really liked the triology!

Next up is Heroes Die by Matthew Stover


edit: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9579634-prince-of-thorns?from_search=true First book of broken empire trio for anyone curious.
I just finished the final Mistborn book about 5 minutes ago.
There's a bit of a tear in my eye. I'm a sucker for those bittersweet endings. Especially got me when Sazed said that he spoke with Vin and Elend and they were happy, and that Kelsier was still kicking too.
Anyway I absolutely loved all three of the books and couldn't pick a favorite if I tried.

On topic - Going to take a fantasy break since I read Way of Kings -> Words of Radiance -> Well of Ascension -> Hero of Ages. I've heard quite a bit of good things about Hyperion so that's what I'm going to be starting here in a little bit. I love me some sci-fi though most of it has been from games, movies, and television instead of books. Looking to change that now that I'm getting back into reading big time.


Neo Member
For the Vorkosigan fans here - Bujold just announced on her Goodreads blog that she has a new Cordelia novel coming out next February!

Very exciting news especially considering that she had been denying being at work on another Vorkosigan book until recently =)


I could not get into Never Let Me Go at all so I won't bother reading the rest. I did pick up Leviathan Wakes at the library, I heard it was good.


Finished The Black Echo - I bought it because I found it in the 'Books Set in Los Angeles' list on Goodreads. I'm so glad I gave it a try, it opened me up to a fun, new series, which I'm definitely going to continue. It's kind of a lighter version of James Ellroy - particularly of his Fritz Brown stories. Before I continue on with Bosch, however, I'm going to read I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream by Harlan Ellison

If you like the book, I highly highly recommend watching the "lets play" of the PC game based on the novel. It is really quite excellent and expands on the story of the book quite well, I really enjoyed it (and I don't even really watch lets play). The narrative is excellent.



I'm reading the Phillip K Dick megapack, despite it's ridiculous name and book cover, it's actually quite good


One of the stories gave me unsettling dreams, Second Variety, creepy.
Finished I Have No Mouth .. which happened to also be my favorite story in the anthology. Wow, that was dark. Now I don't fear hell anymore but fear AI.

Going back to the Harry Bosch series and starting book 2 - The Black Ice

The Black Ice by Michael Connelly

If you like the book, I highly highly recommend watching the "lets play" of the PC game based on the novel. It is really quite excellent and expands on the story of the book quite well, I really enjoyed it (and I don't even really watch lets play). The narrative is excellent.


Watching it now. Thanks for the link.
That does it. Stoner is my next read. I need in the club.
Added to my list. You know, the list I'm not making progress on because I'm crawling through WoR.

For the Vorkosigan fans here - Bujold just announced on her Goodreads blog that she has a new Cordelia novel coming out next February!

Very exciting news especially considering that she had been denying being at work on another Vorkosigan book until recently =)

Almost wanted to buy this before I realized I just bought the paperback and that's why I liked it so much.

Station Eleven is also $2.99, so I'm cancelling my Overdrive hold on that and just buying it.
Thanks for the tip. Station Eleven bought.


For the Vorkosigan fans here - Bujold just announced on her Goodreads blog that she has a new Cordelia novel coming out next February!

Very exciting news especially considering that she had been denying being at work on another Vorkosigan book until recently =)

I am actually more excited for a Cordelia book than I would be for a Miles book. Especially if it follows from Cryoburn!

Ugh, I hope she switches things up a little by
not having Cordelia marry someone.


Neo Member
Ugh, I hope she switches things up a little by
not having Cordelia marry someone.
Oh I definitely hope that's the case!
Also I can't think of any eligible age-appropriate characters that she could marry and having someone introduced just for that would be disappointing :(


Audible has the three Southern Reach books in one collection (yahoo! three books for one credit!) called Area X and am reading that one know.

Have about two hours to go of Annihilation and it's really fucking good. Just that descrition of the tower really fucked with my head :)

Only downside is the female narrator. She reads the sentences as Christopher Walken and it doesnt have a natural flow at all.


Audible has the three Southern Reach books in one collection (yahoo! three books for one credit!) called Area X and am reading that one know.

Have about two hours to go of Annihilation and it's really fucking good. Just that descrition of the tower really fucked with my head :)

Only downside is the female narrator. She reads the sentences as Christopher Walken and it doesnt have a natural flow at all.

Enjoy! Loved that series. Looks like the other two books have different narrators, so that might be nice.

I finished A Scanner Darkly. Ending didn't really resonate with me, and I thought though the concepts were good, it seemed like a bunch of middling nothing until a very packed final quarter, same with some of the other Dick stuff I read but very noticeable here.

On to:
now. Should be fun.


Finished Stoner yesterday. Beautiful book. I wouldn't have read it if it wasn't for the number of people mentioning it in these reading threads. Thank you all!

Started on "Small Gods". It was only fitting that my next book be a Terry Pratchett book, even more so because I haven't read any of them in a good long while. Everywhere I looked online Small Gods was highly recommended, and it wasn't among the ones I've read, so it was the logical choice. Loving it so far - 30% in.



The beginning is quite beautiful so far. Reads like a Henry Miller book, but with an actual sense of guilt in his actions.


Finished the whole Atlantis trilogy.

Working on Starship Troopers right now, not what I was expecting but it's still good. Starting What the Dog Saw as well.
Haven't read much of anything lately. I didn't like that, so I picked up book fairly randomly and sat down with it, forcing myself to read even a little bit every day. Now I'm halfway through John Grisham's The Racketeer wishing I had picked something else. All of it is just 'fine'. I don't love, I don't hate it. It's like a movie I'm only watching because I can't see the remote from where I'm sitting.


I just finished The Autumn Republic by Brian McClellan and in a word -- AWESOME.

It's also amazing that the 2nd Powder Mage trilogy's first book seems to be scheduled to release in the summer of 2016. I love quality series that don't take forever to come out.

Speaking of that, after every book I have finished lately I always consider starting The Name of the Wind. It seems like the perfect book for me, and it's great that I could go right into the 2nd book, but after reading the Song of Ice and Fire books last year and being all caught up I don't know if I want to invest in another epic series that isn't done and where there isn't a near future release of another book. That sucks.


Still reading the huge spy novel, wherein I want to shout at the characters, "It's fucking Kim Philby!" every third page. I got side-tracked doing some deep comic reading.

Looking forward to a Cordelia book, and thanks for the tip about Station Eleven.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
I am betrayed!

Still mad about that Word and Void retcon (procon?).

You know, the more time passes, the more I agree with you. I liked when it was subtly implied but left up to the reader to connect the dots. The stuff taking place between W&V and First King was better left unwritten.
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