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What are you reading? (May 2013)

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Just finished.....


Decent introduction to a western vampire story, might read the next one.

Moving on to:




Revelation Space 01 - Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds

I think I am in love with this book. It has monopolized about 80% of my reading time since I started it. The setting is absolutely amazing with some of the best world building I've ever seen.

I'm still a little confused about some things -- some of the lingo is a little dense, and the setting is very futuristic -- but the story is so compelling that I'm content to suffer through a little confusion, and the more I understand, the more interesting everything becomes. Some of the imagery in this book is utterly mindblowing, particularly the description of the huge, lonely "lighthugger" space-ship. It almost feels like a setting that belongs in a horror film.

Overall, the vision of the future here is a mix of utopian and dystopian characteristics. Humans have invented all the cool technology we've always dreamed of, but people are still as corrupt as ever, and the universe is still a dangerous place to be. As a result, ruins and chaos mingle freely with incredible scientific wonders, and there are all sorts of weird contrasting elements. It seems really unique to me. I'm not sure it is, because I'm certainly more of a fantasy/horror guy than a science fiction guy, but I've never read anything quite like this.

There is so much potential for awesome storytelling in this universe that it boggles my mind, and I can see myself devouring this whole series pretty fast. I don't have a huge amount of experience with modern space opera, but for what it's worth, I think I like this more than Hyperion.
You're supposed to be confused about certain things still. The author drip-feeds you information in a very designed way.

I felt this book was pretty special, too.


Currently reading


I knew what kind of story I was getting into beforehand, but it's still shocked me. A look into the mind of a ... very strange man.
I'm reading Revelation Space too and the only thing that bothers me is the Jugglers. What an awful name for blatant deus ex machina. I'm digging the story but I'm not sure I want to continue with the series if its more Jugglerizations.


I can't decide what to read =/ I feel so confused now without a book to read. I just need Abbadon's Gate to come out next week and I'll dive into that.


I'm reading Revelation Space too and the only thing that bothers me is the Jugglers. What an awful name for blatant deus ex machina. I'm digging the story but I'm not sure I want to continue with the series if its more Jugglerizations.
If its the only thing that bothers you, it'd be a shame to stop.


I usually read some short story anthologies when I get like that, easy to pick up and put down and come back to later.

Amazon has a ton of them for cheap - http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_n...d-keywords=megapack&rh=n:133140011,k:megapack

Never thought of this, but will definitely keep this in mind, I've just decided what to read though. lol


I keep feeling odd that I'm drawn to these YA books, or in this case even younger then that for this, but the reviews are saying it's great, and it sounds like something I'll like. edit: and I just see tht tragiccomedy gave it 5 stars as well, who commented on my 'Curious Incident..' choice, so maybe this is another winner :p


I can't decide what to read =/ I feel so confused now without a book
I am always like this lately. I have all these great books to check out on my to-read list and I get all excited.

And then I get unsure of what to read and decide to just read...nothing. So dumb. I honestly wonder if it's some sort of disorder :lol

Just finished.....


Decent introduction to a western vampire story, might read the next one.
That sounds pretty neat.

And that cover continues his terrible covers tradition. Not sure what is it about them, but they always look hilariously cheesy to me for some reason. Great writer, though.
Huh, no, I didn't see it either. Apparently, they made several other movies based on Vonnegut's work, some which probably were good. I haven't watched any of them though.

I have avoided them on purpose as well. The Slaughterhouse Five film I keep noticing on the Netflix Instant queue but don't have the heart to check it out.

I guess Showtime had a series "Kurt Vonnegut's Monkey House" back in the day that featured episodes from his great short story collection Welcome To The Monkey House. I would actually like to check that out but don't know if it's on Youtube or available to purchase anywhere.

Thanks for the post Tragicomedy. I'll keep those in mind as well.


I am always like this lately. I have all these great books to check out on my to-read list and I get all excited.

And then I get unsure of what to read and decide to just read...nothing. So dumb. I honestly wonder if it's some sort of disorder :lol

Eh, I attribute it to my indecisiveness. After I finish one book, do I want to read others like it? Do I want to start something completely different? Am I in the mood for a genre book or a series? How much escapism do I want? Non-fiction time maybe? Uplifting and cheerful or somber and heartfelt? etc etc

Anyways! I started reading "Wonder" last night as mentioned, and while it is definitely what I was in the mood to read in terms of topic wise following "Curious Incident..", in this case another first person perspective of a young boy dealing with being "different" and how he deals with it, etc. And the chapters are very short, and it's a very easy read, but that's the hiccup I guess. It is very very much a young readers book with the narration being very direct as to a 10 year old would say. That being said, I am curious about the character of August and where this story all goes, so I guess that is all that matters. It's certainly a different read knowing I'll be back into Abbadon's Gate when that comes out.
I keep feeling odd that I'm drawn to these YA books, or in this case even younger then that for this, but the reviews are saying it's great, and it sounds like something I'll like. edit: and I just see tht tragiccomedy gave it 5 stars as well, who commented on my 'Curious Incident..' choice, so maybe this is another winner :p

Wonder is the top book I've read this year. Wonder definitely fits into the YA genre, though, so I wouldn't go into it expecting writing on par with Mark Haddon. Having said that, it's a very emotionally moving and engaging story and I absolutely loved the different voices/perspectives.

In my mini-review, I said I expect it will become mandatory reading in middle schools in the future. As the parent of a three year old, I have the same general concerns about the heartlessness of bullies and the relentless teasing that kids who are "different" face in the school setting. I hope my kid is as considerate and caring as August and the other protagonists who stand up for him in the book.


Wonder is the top book I've read this year. Wonder definitely fits into the YA genre, though, so I wouldn't go into it expecting writing on par with Mark Haddon. Having said that, it's a very emotionally moving and engaging story and I absolutely loved the different voices/perspectives.

In my mini-review, I said I expect it will become mandatory reading in middle schools in the future. As the parent of a three year old, I have the same general concerns about the heartlessness of bullies and the relentless teasing that kids who are "different" face in the school setting. I hope my kid is as considerate and caring as August and the other protagonists who stand up for him in the book.

Thanks for the follow up! I mentioned a little about about my initial impressions, but I already feel invested in August's character and to see how this develops, and that's all I really care to ask from a book, to have me care enough to see how it gets from beginning to end.


can i name audiobooks too?

just finished listening to enders game which was awesome. But i dont really care for speaker of the dead so iam going to listen to hard boiled wonderland next

and iam reading these days agter missing the kickstarter :/
Just finished:


Not as incredible as the hype would have you believe but nevertheless I would recommend it.
However, the less you know about the book beforehand the better, if that makes any sense.


It can't compete with the film. But the ending is more plausible than the Hollywood version imo.
Anyone read Dan Browns new book? How was it?

Quite a few comments a page or two back. Consensus was that it had a solid twist at the end, was entertaining enough, but the writing was fairly crappy. I haven't read anything by Brown, but people were saying this wasn't his best book.
Picked up A Farewell to Arms during the Amazon Classics sale from a few days ago. Not too far in yet, but I am enjoying it. Also, I discovered a new word that I am sure to use in the future: winefully.

Picked up A Farewell to Arms during the Amazon Classics sale from a few days ago. Not too far in yet, but I am enjoying it. Also, I discovered a new word that I am sure to use in the future: winefully.


^-- Me too! It's not what I expected so far, but I like it.


I've been trying to plow through Cryptonomicon for like 2 months now. I do like it a lot but I'm finding it difficult to devote a lot of time to it in one sitting.
I've been trying to plow through Cryptonomicon for like 2 months now. I do like it a lot but I'm finding it difficult to devote a lot of time to it in one sitting.

I absolutely loved it, but I'll be the first to admit it took me over a month in a Afghanistan to finish it. Probably closer to two.


Still wandering lost and alone in the Star Trek novel, The Folded World. It wobbles from being entertaining with its ST: TOS version of aliens (golden skin!) and rather interesting Big Idea to being irritating with tired rehashes of Spock/McCoy snipefests.
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