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What are you reading? (October 2013)

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You should definitely read Messiah. It's a darker tale and not as epic as Dune, but still a great novel. It feels like the missing epilogue to Dune.

Thanks. Good to know. Dune definitely feels like an incomplete book. As if Herbert had a deadline to make and instead of completely wrapping things up, just put a full stop to a sentence and sent it in.



loved the series and this brings everything to a satisfying end. Farewell Captain Frey.
I thought it was a great ending to a fantastic series, but I hope he returns to the universe one day (not the Ketty Jay). There's still a lot of potential stories he could tell with the Century Knights.

Just hitting page 375, so many things going on I don't even...

If you ever read any of the IJ analysis out there, what DFW pulled off becomes even more mind-boggling.


for fun: The Complete Works of H.P. Lovecraft and War of the Worlds

for work: Youth Ministry that Leaves a Mark and Tactics

Thus far, it's okay. Nothing extraordinary.

I like the set ups of how the author describes the dealt cards.


I think the biggest trouble I had with this book is understanding what the hell makes Kurtz such an extraordinary man and why Marlow would think so of him in this short time. And since this book is essentially about nothing else I can't say I found it all that good. I have to admit though that I'm not a big fan of the whole stream of conscience thing. It is just not my cup of tea.

Heard some good things about this. Really want to tackle it some time, maybe before christmas.


Finished Dune yesterday and I really really liked it. How's Dune Messiah? Should I pick it up? How does it compare to Dune?

It's great as well. Herbert had parts of Dune Messiah and Children of Dune mapped out and written before he finished Dune. 4th book starts off the weirdness, but if you like if definitely worth finishing all 6. I'd say for sure you should read up to book 3, its basically a continuous story.
[*] Glen Cook - The Silver Spike ★★★½ - This is more of a side story than a direct numbered sequel in the series, but I'd argue it remains essential reading to the overall story. In a series known for its darkness, this is the darkest entry so far, tracing the return of a very unexpected character and the journeys of a handful of other key players.
Finished up Ancillary Justice. I have mixed feelings on it. On one hand, it's very original and high concept with some impressive world building, on the other it's almost too alien and original to the point to where I felt a huge disconnect throughout the whole book. It kinda just left me feeling cold and by the end of it, I didn't care much about the story or the characters.

Was in the mood for another western so started this up.

Butcher's Crossing by John Edward Williams




Really enjoyed this, I'll have to pick up more Laird Barron's books and more shorty story collections in general.



Heard good things about these books so I figured I'd give them a try.
Just finished A Prayer for Owen Meany. I WILL FOREVER READ CAPS LOCK IN OWEN'S VOICE! Loved the book.

I proceeded to read the sample to Larry Watson's Let Him go, and it will very likely be the next book I read. I got the "Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father" vibe from the sample.


Don't know why I never post here. I usually hang out on Goodreads where I moderate my too small book club Mic Breaks Only .

I'm on the last section of Crime and Punishment:


This book, and most of the characters in it, are crazy. Quite unexpected and awesome. I've worked up a short reading guide and we have some fun discussions going on here.

I also read Inferno.


I'm not the biggest Brown fan by a couple miles... but this was pure dreg. I have a theory that he used the book as an excuse to do a massive tax write off of his travel expenses for a massive trip around parts of Europe. He used the savings to have a few interns rewrite wikipedia pages about various locations and then mashed them together with a silly plot. Ugh.

I'm hyped for The Circle which I hope to start the day it comes out.


I love Eggers fiction and cannot wait to see what he has in store with this novel.


I'll finish Doctor Sleep probably on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Really enjoying it! But it's very different from Shining haha. Someone going into it expecting a scary, Shining type story will probably be disappointed. It's more of an adventure and drama.

My preliminary review and I guess I'll go into it a bit more once I finish it up.


Is there any way of stopping posts on Goodreads showing what percentage people are up to on a book? Kinda pointless posts really and just adds clutter.

Edit: Nevermind, changed the feed to "Books from people I'm following" and now it just shows ratings. Much cleaner.


Unconfirmed Member
I just finished Game of Thrones and then blasted through Ender's Game. What can I say, I'm a trend-setter.
Finished Invisible Cities.

Working on Brothers Karamazov from last month (it's been a busy month for me I haven't really read as much as I want to).

Also going to bounce between that and Thomas Wolfe's Look Homeward Angel.

Edit: After saying all that I went back to Toilers of The Sea by Hugo. I like the story but never finished it. hahaha


Bill Bryford's new book, about the summer of 1927. A lot of stuff I know about, but not much about. Really interesting and readable, as he always is.


Feel like I've been reading this forever. Oddly, at 1,100 pages, I now want to grab non-fiction books about London and English history in general. Luckily my shelves contain some. Part of me want to charge into his New York novel as well.


Short, but a hoot. It's patterned after the computer logic that might result from asking your boss for a raise. I've got Perec's 'Life: A User's Manual' as well, which I can't wait to read.


Unconfirmed Member

Basically just started. I started reading it after I finished another book but I kind of wasn't in the mood to read anything for a while. Picked it up again yesterday, hope I can finish it before the end of the month.



Short, but a hoot. It's patterned after the computer logic that might result from asking your boss for a raise. I've got Perec's 'Life: A User's Manual' as well, which I can't wait to read.

Life: A User's Manual is incredible, although I think it will take a reread to unlock all of its mysteries and surprises. Anyone who likes word games, puzzles, and/or Borges should appreciate it. I'm anxious to read Perec's "A Void," a novel written without the letter "e" in both its original French and translated English.
^ I heard there was a NOS4A2 easter egg in Dr. Sleep. I love that Stephen King does that with his books .. and I guess his son's books too.


I finished Snuff last night, really was a great book Sam Vimes has certainly grown into one of my favorite Discworld characters.

I was a little sad as i got to the end of this book, with his heath issues this was quite possibly Pratchett's penultimate Discworld book, im looking forward to Raising Steam but there are so many stories left to tell.

How is
Tiffany Aching going to develop, how will Nobby Nobb's relationship with the Goblin girl turn out, will Carrot become King and so many other questions that will probably never get answered :(

Im kind of happy his Daughter will take up the reins but she has big shoes to fill. I assume we will see a new batch of characters from her books but it wont be the same, i just hope Terry has some input so he can give his daughter a general idea of how the existing characters stories should be tied up.


Got back from vacation on sunday and managed to get a little reading done.

Managed to finish 3 books:




Got through 90% of The Passage:



Deciding to read anything while watching Breaking Bad was indeed a bad decision. The only story I care about right now is the one involving Walter White! The Returned is ok so far, but yeah.



Pretty damn nice so far. The pacing is really nice and I'm enjoying the characters and worldbuilding.


Really like it. I just got to the part where it's starting to become really creepy. Far more than typical zombie stories ever do,


The Piano Teacher (swedish edition, English edition is butchered) - I liked the Haneke's film and decided to check out the source material. Really great novel and even more disturbing then Haneke's adaptation.


I finally got my copy of Persepolis today and it's really good. Many Thanks to the GAFer wo said that I should get it.


Can anyone recommend a book that covers the majority of Greek myths and isn't boring to read? There's many options out there but I really don't know where to begin.


About 20% into The Yiddish Policemen's Union. I have no interest in chess so the mystery right now isn't that exciting, but I do like Chabon's writing.
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