*opens MS Word*
Hey! I thought this thread looked familiar. :lol
[quote="So You Don't Read Comics" by me, back in 2003](
NOTE: Important parts are in
bold, for people not wanting to read my ramblings.)
The comic book industry is in a slump. Has been for years. There was a time when top-selling books in the industry experienced sales of close to 1 million copies each month; now, however, a best-selling series is lucky to muster sales of 150k copies each month. And for many comic books published today, sales of even 50k per month is an impossible dream. You've got to admit, that's one heck of a drop-off. People just aren't reading comics like they used to, and the theories about why they aren't reading them are as varied as the comics themselves.
Some folks still blame the slump on the bursting of the speculator bubble back in the early 1990s, an event that nearly killed the industry. Collectors were buying record numbers of comics in the hopes of getting rich, greedy publishers were printing record numbers of comics to get rich, and it all fell apart when collectors realized their investments weren't worth sh*t. The industry really hasn't recovered since, and the aftereffects of that tragedy are indeed still being felt.
Others cite the growing presence of other forms of entertainment - movies, television, video games, and the internet - as a reason for the continued shrinkage of the market. Children and teenagers are plopping down in front of their TVs or computers to be entertained, rather than turn the pages of a comic book, and it seems parents are all-too happy to let them.
Still other industry analysts reference the continued lack of respect that comic books get from the mainstream media and the general public. Comic books as a whole are still viewed as juvenile or deviant wastes of time; wrongfully seen as the stuff of children and the socially inept, only rarely have comics received the praise attributed to "grown-up" literary works and art.
Some of you reading this might protest that last point, arguing that the recent explosion of film adaptations like X2, Spider-Man, and Hulk demonstrates that the public
is willing to embrace the comic book medium. But the fact remains that the success of those films and similar endeavors has not translated into increased sales for the industry.
Whatever the reasons for the slump are, the end result is still the same -
people aren't reading comics like they used to, and that's put the future of the industry in dire straits. What I want to know is...
why? Why aren't people reading comics anymore? I've seen a lot of people in the industry -- creators, publishers, and fanboys alike -- try to answer that question, but the one thing they almost never do is the one thing they should... and that's
ask someone who doesn't read comics.
So that's why I'm addressing YOU, the people on this board who don't read comics. Maybe you used to read them, but stopped years ago for some reason; you were a collector that got burned, or you grew up and thought they were childish, or the cool kids laughed at you when you were reading one. Maybe you're one of those people who just never got into comics at all; you wanted to be different from your comic-reading friends so you didn't read them, or your parents forbid you from buying them, or you were traumatized by some overweight fanboy geek when you tried to buy a comic at his store as a child.
Whatever your motives for not reading them, what I'd like to hear from you now is:
1. Why don't you read comic books?
2. What could the comic book industry do to get you to read them?
Also: older folks with young'uns, in addition to the above questions I'd like to know if you do (or would) allow your children to read comics, and why or why not.
This is a serious topic, so I'd like some
serious, thought-out responses. It's not a discussion, and it's not a debate; just open up and tell me why you, as someone who currently does not read comic books, chooses not to do so. We'll save the discussion for later, once as many people as possible have responded.
And please, PLEASE -
don't post right away. The quicker you post, the more obvious it is that you put little or no thought into your response, the more obvious it is to me that you don't care about the subject, the more depressed I get.
Just... think about these questions whenever you have the time, carefully plan your response, and post a well thought-out explanation. I'll bump this topic from time to time, as many times as it takes to get enough responses, so don't worry about missing your opportunity to respond.
Thank you.
[/quote] IIRC, I think the general response I got was "nothing; I'm an adult now, and comics just aren't interesting anymore." Maybe people's minds have changed since then, so who knows.