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What do you do when you can't sleep?


Gold Member
The only times I can’t almost immediately fall and stay asleep are when I either eat too much after day 7pm or drink too much alcohol. I limit myself to only drinking caffeine from like 9am to 10am most days and try to get at least thirty minutes of exercise a day.


I was hoping for something that had nothing to do with pills.

Will say that certain audio can help other than pills. These have helped me

It's something many members here have suffered from too. My worst cases of insomnia were in the 2000s as mentioned and were largely the result of anti-depressants I'd been prescribed during my college years. I'm off all prescription meds today but it took a lot of support and work to get there. Not something one can do themselves without medical advise or a plan. The 4-days was the result of withdrawal from a medication (Lexapro if I remember correctly) and I've had G.A.D. most of my life which was an underlying cause.

Thank you very much for your input. I do have severe apnea for which I use a machine Philips Respironics Dreamstation (new one because the old was recalled) as well as cellulitis lymphedema in my lower legs for which I've been battling for almost two years now. That combined with diabetes and Neuropathy and it's hard for me to get comfortable. I have nurses that can come by and do wrappings and wound care if they weep. Most of the time it feels like things crawling under my skin (nerve related), or the burning piercing pain like my skin is on fire or the severe itching. That's is mainly what keeps me up at night. Swelling and malformation of the skin have gone down some but it flares up. I've cut salt, sugar, caffeine, carbs, anything I can think of to help remedy lack of sleep and the cellulitis lymphedema. Trazodone helps me above all, knocks me out and I can't feel a thing. :/
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Definitely can feel this, esp when we get older and/or nutrition suffers. I would probably find some low dose melatonin gummies.
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Gold Member
See sunlight in the morning, work out for at least one hour during the day, be worn out physically by nighttime. No caffeine after 12pm.
That is sound advice and I try to exercise five days a week and I still struggle to sleep. I only have natural sugars from fruit and don't drink alcohol or caffeine. White noise from a fan or the sound of rain via a YouTube video for example helps. Stress is my biggest achilles heel and I struggle to stop my mind from racing especially at night.
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