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What do you think about marriage?

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We could get married, being Canadian. We're just kinda iffy on the whole thing, 'cause... well, it's weird, and we know it. Marriage is a religious thing between a man and a woman, even in our eyes. We've been together happily for 3 years, we've bought a house we're moving in to in the middle of July, and we can't see ourselves needing a certificate to show that we're together. The benefits of marriage can fuck themselves. :D

Plus, this way if Heath Ledger or Jake Gyllenhaal or someone comes along, it won't technically be being unfaithful~. ^_^


:skips the rest of the posts:

I like the idea of it. I'd like to be totally into someone and have that same sentiment returned, and feel glad to wake up and see that person nearby, even in bad times and whatnot.

Will I ever find someone like that? Perhaps not... but I'm not willing to settle on anything less, either.


Authorized Fister
We could get married, being Canadian. We're just kinda iffy on the whole thing, 'cause... well, it's weird, and we know it. Marriage is a religious thing between a man and a woman, even in our eyes. We've been together happily for 3 years, we've bought a house we're moving in to in the middle of July, and we can't see ourselves needing a certificate to show that we're together. The benefits of marriage can fuck themselves.

Actually, I married my BF two weeks ago. It's kinda strange ,but hey, I really think the advantages are there. I made an hadoc contract so if we split in the future we'll keep what we had before. He has a kid and I think it secures the child.
I enjoy being married, and I can't wait for my son to be born. You guys hating on it now I'd hate to be you when you're 40 and start to realize that life isn't going to mean much when you're all alone.


JeFfRey said:
Actually, I married my BF two weeks ago.

Hey, congratulations! :)

JeFfRey said:
I made an hadoc contract so if we split in the future we'll keep what we had before. He has a kid and I think it secures the child.

Does the child live with you two? I think I might want one someday, and we have a girlfriend whose willing to do it for us if we opt against adoption.


Evolution VIII said:
I enjoy being married, and I can't wait for my son to be born. You guys hating on it now I'd hate to be you when you're 40 and start to realize that life isn't going to mean much when you're all alone.

Alone /= unhappy.

I'd hate to be married to someone that hits their midlife crises and goes loco as well.

It goes both ways.


Authorized Fister
Hawksley said:
Hey, congratulations! :)

Does the child live with you two? I think I might want one someday, and we have a girlfriend whose willing to do it for us if we opt against adoption.

Yup, she does. The mother has two weekends a month with her though. That whats happen when a gay drinks too much and there's a hot woman in the room... :p
Tazznum1 said:
Alone /= unhappy.

I'd hate to be married to someone that hits their midlife crises and goes loco as well.

It goes both ways.

Well, midlife crisis happens whether you're married or single. But you're right, it all depends upon your perspective.

Although statistically, those who are single are more prone to depression and anxiety attacks (especially in later years) than those who are not alone.
Evolution VIII said:
You guys hating on it now I'd hate to be you when you're 40 and start to realize that life isn't going to mean much when you're all alone.

Unless you're filthy stinking rich and banging every hot celebrity chica in existence! :D


Funny that's what i'm doing :p Got a daughter, love her to death, and now going through divorce.



It is necessary? Not really.

I've been married for almost 5 years now. I had been with my wife for some 7-8 years before I decided that I wanted to be a married man. Being married to me isn't a sign of success, it isn't something I felt I HAD to do and it certainly isn't something that made life particularly easier or better. However it is something that has allowed my wife and I to more readily operate as a pair firmly comitted to the same goals. Its definitely not something that has been easy because after all you are TWO people with different ideas and such trying to work towards the same goal.

Marriage like anything else isn't for everyone. There are many people who get married when they shouldn't have, and marriages can end simply because people grow apart. Getting married does entail a fair amount of risk as well because divorce can be both nasty and expensive. Some people live rich full lives without ever getting married and some people are married for decades with kids and grandkids.

Its all really up to you. What you don't like now - you may like later. I never really thought I'd get married, never expected it, never really wanted it. As I grew older and enjoyed more and more time with my wife, it was just a natural thing for me. Just don't do it if you aren't 2 billion percent sure that its the right thing for you!


aka The Hound
I think the problem with marriage is that it's an unrealistic expectation; that is, to stay with ONE PERSON for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. It can be a huge disappointment, because you never know how you or your partner will change over time. Not to say that it can't work, I know it does for many people, but you never know. Why just the one option? How about a 3-5 year contract with the option to renew? It may sound callous, but it might just make it a little less scary and-possibly-more enjoyable. I wouldn't want to abolish the traditional marriage, I just believe there should be more options.

By the way, I am married (going on 3 years), and at this point I am happy. I would definitely renew.

The best part about being married:


The Hound said:
I think the problem with marriage is that it's an unrealistic expectation; that is, to stay with ONE PERSON for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. It can be a huge disappointment, because you never know how you or your partner will change over time. Not to say that it can't work, I know it does for many people, but you never know. Why just the one option? How about a 3-5 year contract with the option to renew? It may sound callous, but it might just make it a little less scary and-possibly-more enjoyable. I wouldn't want to abolish the traditional marriage, I just believe there should be more options.

By the way, I am married (going on 3 years), and at this point I am happy. I would definitely renew

Well that's pretty much what it is now. Divorce is not difficult, so long as it's done amicably, so there really is no obligation to stay with anyone for your whole life. The last refuge of that expectation is religion, really.

If my wife and I were to ever break up and/or get divorced, I would still honor my vows as said in our ceremony though. When I said I'd support her so long as we both shall live, I meant it, whatever happens to our living arrangements or legal status.


I will marry a duck, and I will take my case to the supreme court if they don't let me marry a duck initially.


aka The Hound
Divorce isn't difficult for a pair of robots, maybe. If the vows mean NOTHING to you then of course there's no obligation. But for humans with emotions, of course it's difficult. There is so much at stake, especially when there are children. Anyway, my point was that people go into it with the expectation that it will last a lifetime, and that is the source of disappointment (oh, I thought we'd be together forever, etc; and people who "save" themselves for marriage are just asking for trouble). If it actually was a contract for 3-5 years, then it wouldn't be so disappointing if it didn't work. Instead of renewing, just let it expire and be on your way (of course, alimony and child support would still be a problem but maybe terms could be worked out beforehand in the contract).


The Hound said:
Divorce isn't difficult for a pair of robots, maybe. If the vows mean NOTHING to you then of course there's no obligation. But for humans with emotions, of course it's difficult. There is so much at stake, especially when there are children. Anyway, my point was that people go into it with the expectation that it will last a lifetime, and that is the source of disappointment (oh, I thought we'd be together forever, etc; and people who "save" themselves for marriage are just asking for trouble). If it actually was a contract for 3-5 years, then it wouldn't be so disappointing if it didn't work. Instead of renewing, just let it expire and be on your way (of course, alimony and child support would still be a problem but maybe terms could be worked out beforehand in the contract).

Eh? People have no one to blame but themselves for their expectations. Legally speaking, there is no reason to treat marriage as a lifelong obligation anymore. At all. That feeling of obligation comes FROM your expectations and/or your faith.

Right now it's a contract (sort of) with no specific obligation for any length of time, and with a legally established escape clause for both parties.

My point was they don't need to do that. They already have.


aka The Hound
No, they haven't. Sure you can get out of it, through divorce. You are correct in that regard, but what I am suggesting is an OPTION to renew after X years. If you don't, it expires like a driver's license. No divorce, it just ends.


The Hound said:
No, they haven't. Sure you can get out of it, through divorce. You are correct in that regard, but what I am suggesting is an OPTION to renew after X years. If you don't, it expires like a driver's license. No divorce, it just ends.

I don't think a marriage is something that should be able to just expire. Leaving it should be deliberate, because it is something that you would not want to find yourself without accidentally when tax time came around. And in the end it's the same difference either way. You can get out of it if you choose.

But you still missed my point. There is no reason to treat it as a lifelong obligation anymore if you don't want to. It's as simple as that. There's no sense in blaming the government for an obligation you set yourself into.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
At 18, I was a hopeless romantic, and I was sure I'd want to get married somewhere down the line, probably late-twenties.
Now, at 28, all I want to do is fuck around for the next decade or two.


aka The Hound
I didn't miss your point, but i think you misunderstood my suggestion. I want more options, not just one (3-5 years vs. LIFE). Even if my idea were to happen, there would still be divorce, just to get out of it even sooner. Divorce is difficult, my idea would make things easier. Options. That's all I'm suggesting.


No thanks to marriage. I've learned that, over time, people change. The 'best friend' girl that you got married to could be your worst enemy given a decade or so when there's nothing exciting about you anymore. Divorce rates are, what, 60 percent? Nooo thanks.
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