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what do you think of parents feeding their babies a vegan diet?



i think it's monstrous mang

its time to outlaw veganism

responsible adults that make the effort to carefully plan a vegan diet for a small child can do fine, but parents using it as some sort of idiotic status symbols, probably aren't taking the care to do it right. stuff like b12, zinc and iron is important for mental health and vegans are more likely to be deficient in these.
What it seems to me is that vegans among mentally healthy people, particularly those that are actually mindful of their diet is fine, and it requires planning for children, but if you have any pre-disposition to mental health issues, avoid veganism like a plague


When it comes to religious background, parents often Christian-ize, Islam-ize, or Buddhist-ize, etc, their kids. That's not considered out of the ordinary. Although I'm not vegan, I'm fine with this.

Yes, I am a recovery ex-Catholic. A lot never recover.


Meat is murder (and tasty as fuck).

If you want to be a vegan, fine, but people doing this to children as fucking criminals going against nature. Fuck them in the ass, real hard.

You know what will happen? Little motherfucker will eat meat like no tomorrow when he grows up. Kids should be raised with a balanced diet, not like this.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
You as a Vegan and having kids, there is high correlation with child un-wellbeing. Anectodal evidence is my cousin child is born with some brain damage, which leds him to be probably on their care forever (maybe he is going to be able to eat by himself, but not much more)...

Also some articles: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-...an-children-benefit-risk-expert-a7961906.html

Besides Vegan most often then not != healthy diet, they add so much chemicals to their meals to actually taste like something, it's disgusting.

I think that people in this thread reacting, that you can have Vegan diet and be healthy, means Vegetarian diet, not Vegan...
Meat is murder (and tasty as fuck).

If you want to be a vegan, fine, but people doing this to children as fucking criminals going against nature. Fuck them in the ass, real hard.

You know what will happen? Little motherfucker will eat meat like no tomorrow when he grows up. Kids should be raised with a balanced diet, not like this.
imagine theyre out at a public center and the kid gets a whiff of grilled meat and is thinking "goddamn what is that i need that!!!!!" only to go home to eat oats and shit
Breast milk > any other diet for babies.

Saying that, if you're smart and plan it out for children, there's no reason a vegan diet can't be healthy for them. Infact there's a lot of worse diets to give them, and the amount of little kids you see stuffing their faces with junk food is appalling.

I'm a vegetarian and plan on not giving my kids meat. I've dome the research on that already and know how to go about it to actually give them a better start in live than they woild jave with a 'normal' diet.

If they wanted to try meat when we go out though, I'd absolutely let them. I might not want lumps of animal corpse in the fridge at home, but their diet would be their own choice once they're old enough to make their own decisions.
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Thats one of the things that a kid has to decide by itself sooner or later. Nothing you should force onto it from the beginning.

No discussion here. I wont tolerate such a behaviour.

It needs to grow first and for that it needs everything. After it has grown up and gets a better understanding of how things work and how things are done... then it can decide if it wants to be vegan or not.
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Kev Kev

i know parents who have done this and their children are completely healthy and happy. they are both actually growing up to be big strong boys. it's easily doable. there are a lot of misconceptions about vegan diets being unhealthy, but getting the proper amount of nutrition from a vegan diet isnt an issue these days. plant based diets arent just trendy, especially with all the vegan foods they can process that are packed with nutrition. its expensive though.

however, they always said they would eventually let their children choose between plant based or meat (im not sure what age, 4 or 5? more or less, i dont know, but it was young) and both of their children chose to eat hot dogs lol


Veganism is healthy at all stages of life as far as I'm aware. So as long as the parents do it right then it's fine, same with any diet.

It's absolutely not; my crazy neighbors down the block were forced to stop their vegan diet on their kids by CPS. All 3 kids had almost constant diarrhea and gut issues, and the youngest (the one who grew up fully vegan) was extremely physically stunted.

The parents were forced to give the kids actual animal proteins and fat, and (surprise surprise) the kids have been thriving. Thankfully the youngest has shot up in height in the past 6 months, though I doubt he will ever reach his natural height.

Humans are omnivores; we aren't meant to subsist solely on plants. Anyone who adheres to strict vegetarian/veganism without cheating is harming themselves.

Kev Kev

Anyone who adheres to strict vegetarian/veganism without cheating is harming themselves.

this is wrong

plenty of people live healthy lives off a plant based diet, and they typically live longer than people who eat meat (vegetarians who still eat fish usually live the longest, so in that sense, yes meat can be a very good thing). there is more than enough nutrition in the vegan foods they can make these days. its just expensive, can be time consuming to prepare foods and you have to make sure (just like any other diet) that you are consuming an adequate amount of vegan food to meet your nutritional needs.

so yes, if those parents couldn't afford to feed their children a vegan diet, or they werent educated enough on how to do so properly, then that is child abuse.

but what youre saying is sheer ignorance. it is not harmful to live off of a plant based diet
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On one hand, I feel bad for the kid. On the other hand, that kid will become an adult some day who was raised by vegans, so....maybe it's good if they don't last long?

Kev Kev

Fucking lol mate.

"Vegetarians that aren't vegetarians live longer".

That's some big brain statements right there.

they're called pesco-vegetarian

i agree its kind of stupid, but some people believe fish cant feel pain or dont have a soul or whatever bullshit. i dunno, i dont eat any meat, including fish. pesco-vegetarian is similar the mediterranean diet, and those people have some of the longest life spans int he world.
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Kev Kev

That's some bullshit man.

I guess I'm a meat-vegetarian.
that doesn't make sense

you get the biggest brain for that sir
When it comes to religious background, parents often Christian-ize, Islam-ize, or Buddhist-ize, etc, their kids. That's not considered out of the ordinary. Although I'm not vegan, I'm fine with this.
Instilling morals on your kid is not the same as destroying their health.


It's absolutely not; my crazy neighbors down the block were forced to stop their vegan diet on their kids by CPS. All 3 kids had almost constant diarrhea and gut issues, and the youngest (the one who grew up fully vegan) was extremely physically stunted.

Studies have been done by top level organisations that conclude otherwise.

You would need to provide the diets of those children to get any meaningful answer behind your claim. It's very possible that that those children were just on a shitty vegan diet, which will inevitably cause problems - just as any poorly implemented diet would, including an omnivorious diet. But you wouldn't entirely discount an omnivorious diet if someone got problems from eating only steak and lettuce. Same goes the other way.


i know parents who have done this and their children are completely healthy and happy. they are both actually growing up to be big strong boys. it's easily doable. there are a lot of misconceptions about vegan diets being unhealthy, but getting the proper amount of nutrition from a vegan diet isnt an issue these days. plant based diets arent just trendy, especially with all the vegan foods they can process that are packed with nutrition. its expensive though.

however, they always said they would eventually let their children choose between plant based or meat (im not sure what age, 4 or 5? more or less, i dont know, but it was young) and both of their children chose to eat hot dogs lol

lol dont let a kid make such an important choice while its still being a kid that gets manipulated by its own emotions and that is only focused on eat, shit, play, repeat....

They can decide stuff like that around 16-18. With that age they should be able to gather enough information about meat, vegetarian or vegan by themselves to make the choice.
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Yeah that's why life long vegans in their mid 30's are getting chronic health conditions typically found in 60+ year olds :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_ok:

Or they die early because they want to prove that they can do all the extreme things like a meat eater.

For example:

“It seems that people have this warped idea of being malnourished and weak,” she said. “By climbing the seven summits we want to prove that vegans can do anything and more.”

Well in the end... they were malnourished. ;)
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Gold Member
they can feed them whatever they like as long as it's proper food and the baby isn't being harmed. there is nothing wrong with vegan food.

the parents need to make their own choice what to feed their kid until such a time the kid can decide for itself. if it wants to keep eating vegan then it can. or it can knock it self out eating meat.

i've seen parents put their kids down to mcdonalds, kfc, burger king, pizza, chinese food, and god knows what else crap. that's cruelty and abuse.
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this is wrong

plenty of people live healthy lives off a plant based diet, and they typically live longer than people who eat meat (vegetarians who still eat fish usually live the longest, so in that sense, yes meat can be a very good thing). there is more than enough nutrition in the vegan foods they can make these days. its just expensive, can be time consuming to prepare foods and you have to make sure (just like any other diet) that you are consuming an adequate amount of vegan food to meet your nutritional needs.

so yes, if those parents couldn't afford to feed their children a vegan diet, or they werent educated enough on how to do so properly, then that is child abuse.

but what youre saying is sheer ignorance. it is not harmful to live off of a plant based diet

You claim I'm wrong, then post the exact same thing I said. So yes, if you're a vegan who cheats (fish, etc), you will be fine. Go for it.

If you're adhering to the strictest of the diets with your kids, you are actively stunting their growth and brain development. Even adults start to have health consequences when strictly adhering.

Studies have been done by top level organisations that conclude otherwise.

You would need to provide the diets of those children to get any meaningful answer behind your claim. It's very possible that that those children were just on a shitty vegan diet, which will inevitably cause problems - just as any poorly implemented diet would, including an omnivorious diet. But you wouldn't entirely discount an omnivorious diet if someone got problems from eating only steak and lettuce. Same goes the other way.

How can I post the diets of the kids? They aren't my kids. All I saw them eat were fruits, vegetables, and beans.

You can feel free to post the top level studies, though, which show that veganism/vegetarianism without any cheating (no dairy, no meat of any kind) is perfectly fine for kids, and doesn't result in any ill effects, ever, and is perfectly reasonable for the average family to acheive. :messenger_beermugs:

I wouldn't entirely discount an omnivorous diet, as it's the default diet of human beings throughout all of time.


Gold Member
just because you do it doesnt mean its healthy for an infant, they basically need a normal diet to grow. if the kid wants to be a vegan by the time he's 13 then its up to him. same thing with the fuckers who give their kids soda and fast food, then you wondering why the kid is obese. you can eat that shit, but them kids need some milk, steak, sure some greens for vitamins.


If you're sitting your baby down with a bigmac, yes you're a pretty bad parent too. They probably don't even have teeth yet. Can you imagine enjoying sucking on a bigmac until it slowly dissolved by your gumming action? I can't.
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