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What drives you crazy in film/TV?

Cutty Flam

This is what I despise:

-Average script / lines or anything below average. Star Wars: The Last Jedi had horrendous writing and script, for example. Made every character look like a dumbass, almost nobody seemed like a legitimate hero worth talking about even if their actions proved otherwise; because the script was so fucking retarded

-Terrible casting. Again, Star Wars: The Last Jedi did a fairly poor job here. It’s fine that Disney went with one lead white chick, lead black dude, lead asian chick, lead white dude who could maybe be seen as latino dude as well, and so on. But why did you choose who you chose? None of them are in excellent shape or have any attributes of legendary heroes. None of them have any creative vision or exceptional acting skills. None of them are even remotely different. They’re all average as could be. I wouldn’t be one fucking bit surprised if the one in charge of casting went inside of a McDonalds and said fuck it, I’m picking one race each first that I see and this will be our cast

-Director has limited ideas, vision, imagination. It happens, but that doesn’t mean its disgraceful. Tarantino never misses a beat. He’s a true director. Everyone else is a tier below and so on. Directors who consistently put out excellent films are next to masterminds. Directors who put out average films are just overpaid camera men imo. To be in charge of such a major project with hundreds maybe even thousands of names involved on a team project and to let them all down like that? That’s disgraceful. Do whatever you can to make the picture one of a kind and do good by all the others putting in countless hours of hard work

-Absolutely deplore average shows these days. Even above average shows. After Breaking Bad, the bar has been set. I’m spoiled now. Better Call Saul as well. They’re on an entirely different level. I watched the first episode of Ozark about a week ago bc someone else decided to watch it... lame as fuck. I wouldnt watch that shit even if I was paid $50 per episode
- Orders hot food and a hot drink, character turns to someone else and is halfway through uttering a sentence, hot food and drink are almost instantly served.

Yeah, I can't stand continuity errors either. Really removes me from the experience. They're all over the place though, unfortunately.

Even funnier (and more ridiculous) is the :

-Character bites food/drinks drink, cutaway, food is now un-bitten (or finished).

-Director has limited ideas, vision, imagination. It happens, but that doesn’t mean its disgraceful. Tarantino never misses a beat. He’s a true director. Everyone else is a tier below and so on. Directors who consistently put out excellent films are next to masterminds. Directors who put out average films are just overpaid camera men imo. To be in charge of such a major project with hundreds maybe even thousands of names involved on a team project and to let them all down like that? That’s disgraceful. Do whatever you can to make the picture one of a kind and do good by all the others putting in countless hours of hard work

The one thing that is painfully apparent is just how vital good direction is to any film. A great director can make virtually anyone appear to be a great actor.

You see it so often. Remove this actor who had a phenomenal performance *with* a great director and put them with an average/poor director, and now they all of a sudden can't act. (Of course there are great actors to whom this does not apply, actors like DDL.)
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Neighbours from Hell
“You wanna shoot me? Go ahead, shoot me!”

If I hear this fucking line one more time in a movie.

Unless you’re suicidal and actually want to die, I can’t envision a scenario where any sane person in real life would try and goad a fella pointing a gun at your fucking head into pulling the trigger.

“Please don’t shoot, I have children...” is more like it.

The whole “go ahead, shoot me” thing doesn’t even add drama or suspense to it, you know it’s always gonna end with them not shooting them. Hollywood needs to ban this line from all scripts!
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Movies where in a kill or be killed situation they knock the bad guy out and run away, they often even leave the knives/guns whatever near the bad guy too.

Such lazy writing that is very apparent in a ton of movies.
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Whenever the baddie has a perfect opportunity to kill a main character, but instead let's stand here and have a 5 minute chat until somebody takes them out from behind. And would you look at that, our saviour was the other character who was virtually dead 10 minutes ago.

This one has particularly been getting on my goat as of late, it’s like every show or film is guilty of this in some way, shape or form. The Incredibles got this one right all those years ago, monologuing doesn’t get you anywhere.


One person taking down a whole city by himself. I get it, its a movie. But this shit needs to disappear


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Constant strings of Mcguffins. TV shows do this way too much, introduce McGuffin A, the all important thing that the characters have to find above all else, ominous proclamations will be made about its importance or power, spend several episodes hunting it down, McGuffin A is found, has minimal impact but wait .. McGuffin B is the real deal..... Rinse and repeat.
When a character puts his gun on the table when he enters the room to attend to something like a wounded comrade/love intrest or disarm a bomb, Then the enemy comes in, Picks up the gun & takes him hostage. So fucking dumb.
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Elden Member
The constant need to take a plot from a grounded reality to suddenly amplifying all things in the show to make it bigger/crazier than the previous season. Shows like 24, where they started out as plausable (if on the extreme end of it) and then had to constantly one up them selves until it was just bat shit super hero level stupidity. Its like writers stop caring about making things grounded and plausable.

Same issue I have with all the Jurasic Park sequels, the first film felt like it COULD happen, at the extreme side of reality, but still plausable, all the sequels are just outside of reality, impossibly stupid.
This is a nerdy as hell, but it bugs me in comic book/superhero movies when the power level isn’t consistently portrayed. For example, in Blade, sometimes vampires are fast and can jump far and shit. Sometimes they can’t and get stuck climbing up a ladder, ya know? It’s like, why would Blade or a vampire need a ladder? Just use your “super jump” or whatever.

Or in The Avengers, Thor jumps out of the way of gunfire. Like, bruh, that’s Thor. He’s fuckin” bulletproof. Later on he can take a full blast from a star but a gun scares him? Nah, fam.

Welp. I’ll go back to polishing my action figures now
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meta references.

yeah i see you referencing a better movie in your movie. it doesn't impress me. it just makes me wish i was watching that other movie.


Hold onto your panties
I'm not sure if this thread will have much interest, but I've been considering posting it for a while now to see what any might have to say. You can post any issues that drive you mad in the world of cinema and/or television. The focus is as broad as your annoyance.

For me, I want to talk about editing. And in particular the editing "technique" that will show the back of a character who is talking. What drives me absolutely insane is watching this character who is talking - delivering lines - but the head and bodily gestures clearly do not correspond to that of a person who is speaking. Sometimes the audio doesn't even match the environment as it has been clumsily cut/pasted into the scene.

Even worse, and just lazy to a degree I cannot comprehend is that sometimes a good portion of the side of the character's face can be viewed. Yet, there is zero jaw movement and somehow magically speech is occurring. When I see this, I feel Kubrick must be rolling in his grave.
I've been sick of film since the late-90's but what makes it suck to me? This:

-Digital filming and filtering on everything
-Over reliance of CG for everything (blood, sets, scenery, everything is cheap CG)
-Bad or boring actors
-Recycled/reused generic soundtracks/scores/and solid-state
-Bad screenwriting
-Sequels and prequels and remakes
-Subliminal political messages

I remember when it was fun to watch the cheesy Sci-Fi(SyFy) original movies to laugh at how tacky they were in comparison to most Hollywood films. Now, it seems Hollywood is more superficial on cinematography than SyFy.
When films reduce Morocco to a few shithole locations. Shit was cringeworthy in John Wick 3. At least Mission Impossible Rogue Nation broke the mold.

When Russia and China are the de facto bad guys.

Shaky cam and poorly choreographed fight scenes.


You know what I really hate in films and TV shows? One of my biggest pet peeves is empty mugs and cups.
I absolutely hate it when they for example, go to a coffee shop and buy a coffee but you can tell the gad damn plastic mug is empty by how they move it around.
How hard is it to stick some water in there to make it look full of coffee!!!???


Neo Member
in car chase scenes when the windshield is clearly broken and or massive damage done to it, then a quick cut and the car is shiny new.. makes me crazy
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