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What ever happened to Abandoned?

Can you still download the app on PSN?

Also, does anyone remember the name, and if it released, of the game that was posted in the Abandoned thread. It was another horror game, but all I remember of the trailer was someone, I'm guessing the protagonist, looking up a hill at a couple of headless bodies standing at the top. They're just still for a sec or two, and then suddenly one of them starts walking towards the protagonist.


Guy got a huge marketing boost out of cheer dumb luck, and proceeds to do absolutely nothing with it. Wasted his chance.
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Guy got a huge marketing boost out of cheer dumb luck, and proceeds to do absolutely nothing with it. Wasted his chance.

There was nothing he could have done with it. There was no game to show and no one even remotely talented enough to make a game.


It was fun watching a scammer crash n burn in real time...

Now that it's done the need is mostly pointless. It was very much a "you had to be there" moment

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
It got abandoned
Who didn't see that coming the second they read the thread title?

Lonely No One GIF by Tacoma FD


We've known it was a fake product for years because it looked exactly like the previous ones from the same guy. We knew because with just a little googling, you'd find stuff like this:

And you could corroborate most of that shit yourself.

This guy is one of the millions who thinks he can make a triple A game alone because there was no "team' behind this game. He has overpromised and underdelivered if at all, many times.

You want Abandoned? Check out his previous early access horror game here:

The Haunting: Blood Water Curse

Still available!

If you ever believed in the whole thing, you're stupid and I'm smarter than you and you owe me money (my OnlyFans in bio)
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I still think there’s something more to this project. The app is still up on psn despite multiple failed promises. I remember their website at the time mentioned analytics of how many players interacted with the app…why?


The script looks to be ai generated, this goes along the fact that the whole game is ai generated and described as a dark horror game according to the hidden .mp3 on the website






Why would Roger post this when there was no game? It was just a forest pack

Kind of eerie how the whole narration of the trailer sounds like a prompt?
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Gold Member
I still think there’s something more to this project. The app is still up on psn despite multiple failed promises. I remember their website at the time mentioned analytics of how many players interacted with the app…why?


The script looks to be ai generated, this goes along the fact that the whole game is ai generated and described as a dark horror game according to the hidden .mp3 on the website






Why would Roger post this when there was no game? It was just a forest pack

Kind of eerie how the whole narration of the trailer sounds like a prompt?

Found Hasan's latest alt. Now trying to twist the narrative that it wasn't him but AI.
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