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What game are you currently playing?

Trying to play Tenchu 3 on PS2 (but it's so damn black, I just bought x900h tv and I can't wrap my head around settings to make those older games look playable, I can't distinguish anything from scren or see a character lmao)
+ MK11


Dreams in Digital
Too grindy, buggy mess or boring?

I've read that it has a slow start and picks up but I've been playing for 3 hours now and it's the most boring Assassins game I've ever played. The landmasses are huge but there's hardly anything to do on them. The very first landmass, just after the start, is about half the landmass of the first island in Odyssey, but it only has 4 things to discover, unless something opens up later. The music is very dull and unexciting, as is the sound effects. The characters are bland and the dialogue is delivered without enthusiasm or drama. There's this constant feeling of 'something missing' as if the whole game isn't loading in. It's an odd and disappointing feeling.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Jedi Outcast and Deus Ex.

Jedi Outcast has the worst shooting I've experienced in a while. It checks everything: low accuracy weapons, slow shots and enemies that can't stop moving. At least I like the level design and the music. Can't wait to get the light saber and start the true game.

Deus Ex is amazing tho. Just reached Hell's Kitchen and I'm loving the music, stealth, writing and atmosphere. The shooting sucks but I don't mind, I guess it's by design because if you could shoot like in Doom there would be no need for stealth at all.

In fact, I would say that electrifying a kid for mocking me and my cool sunglasses and throwing his body into the sea has been my gamer moment of 2020.


I don't have enough to say about it for a LTTP thread, but I started the Link's Awakening remake last night and it digs up a bunch of nostalgia for me. The game is just a joy to explore.

That being said, holy moly the frame rate is bad. Normally I'm not one to notice a frame drop here and there but it's all over the place. You can't play for more than 30 seconds without watching the frame rate stutter and tank, sometimes with slowdown as well. The whole game feels held together with digital duct tape, a shambling corpse brought back to life from 1994 that feels ready to fall apart at any minute. I don't know what I expected, but I would have thought this would be patched by now.
Mafia remake
Horizon Zero Dawn (finishing up)
DUSK (perpetual playthroughs)
DOOM Eternal (seeing if I'm cutout for the DLC, I'm probably not)
Death Stranding (just getting started, won't invest whole heartedly until Cyberpunk and/or Mafia is complete)


Dungeon Defenders Redux -

A official community made mega mod that modernized, and re-balanced damn near everything (Just released on 12/15). Lot's of fun so far, and saved me some money since it's scratches that tower defense itch I've been having.

Mr Hyde

Took a break from Demon's Souls and booted up Days Gone. First impressions are good. Looks gorgeous and runs silky smooth. I'm constantly at awe at the graphics, goddamn it looks good. The wind blowing in the trees, the rain that smatters on the ground, mud on your bike as you're cruising to your next destination. Very atmospheric. Looks next gen sometimes. It does feel a little too copy paste of TLoU though, but I hope the biker theme and characters will set it apart.


Killing Floor 2, Avengers, Immortals: Fenyx Rising

All on PS4. KF2 is definitely not Triple A but there’s still fun to be had. Avengers I’m working on getting all characters to Max Level. This game has improved massively since release, especially the frame rate, but matchmaking is still gimped. Immortals I’m tempted to take back, even though I bought it at GameStop for $29.99. The frame rate is just awful and it stutters. I’ll try again once I get a PS5.


Gold Member
Dark Souls - Those annoying enemies that shoot diseased darts at you in Blighttown can burn in the abyss. :) I am gradually playing it cause I know the whereabouts pretty well. I am about to go to Sen’s Fortress.

Bloodborne - I finished Bloodborne more than a couple times and I just finally fought
Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos
This will be my 3rd character at level 82. I did just fine, but I was kinda nervous getting in front of the boss. I’m also a bit embarrassed that I missed that boss back when it first came out.

Dragon Quest XI S - Spent a lot of time grinding Metal Slimes. Overall it’s been a wonderful game. I’ve finished most of the NDS titles and increasing the battle speed has helped a lot. It has a lot of charm to it. Each town has some interesting story to be told and the characters in your party are entertaining to watch. If you want a JRPG feeling then DQXI is awesome. I waited a while to pick it up and I’m glad I got the S edition.

Hyrule Warriors AoC - Link is a lot of fun once you get that glide down. Wall kicking off the environment and shooting everything with arrows. The last Musou game I gave a lot attention to was the Gundam Musou games. I’ve played Dynasty Warriors in the past, so Ive had a good history with them. I try not to burn myself out on the genre because it’s really an awesome concept. I also skipped the original Hyrule Warriors when it was out. I bought Little Nightmares tonight for NS.
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Playing Yakuza LIke a Dragon. Wanted something turn-based after finishing Demon's Souls, tried Final Fantasy XII but boy is that combat system complicated !! (can anyone help me to understand it?)
Anyway, Like a Dragon. Chapter 4. Fantastic game in every aspect you can think of. Also one of the best stories and characters in Yakuza franchise. The only thing I really wish was there is some kind of vehicle. I know Nagoshi doesn't want to do cars because he doesn't like how chaotic and "dishonorable" GTA is (that's fair) but a little scooter would be very-very nice, maybe even a bicycle. The city in Like a Dragon is very open and it just feels like it was made for some vehicles. Maybe they plan that for Yakuza 8?


Hades. I had read a lot of people to say it is one of their games of the year but it still caught me by surprise. Quite amazing.

down 2 orth

Grim Dawn and Dead Cells.

Grim Dawn: I'm liking it more than Path of Exile. PoE has better and more varied art design, but its mechanics and options are a bit too overwhelming. I was spending way too much time trying to figure out how everything worked, and trying out new abilities when in the end I just wanted a solid game. Also the story in PoE was all over the place. Grim Dawn is a bit bland in design and I'm having some performance issues, but the gameplay is solid. The writing, lore, and characters are pretty good so far too.

Dead Cells is pretty good. I've never really liked roguelikes, but the game is designed to mix things up now and then so that it's not too repetitive. Still, it's pretty repetitive. Deaths are borderline rage-quit inducing. The gameplay is fun though, and the world is interesting.


Finished the Outer Wilds yesterday. Amazing game, easily a 9/10 for me. It gave me that actual sense of exploration and discovery that very few games have.
The way the whole things is constructed is amazing, it manages to remain engaging and rewarding all the way through despite the fact that it gives you every tool and game mechanic from the very beginning. Progression isn't managed through new skills or tools but by giving player more knowledge about the world and how to interact with it.
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Ghost of Tsushima is feeling pretty badass now. All the tools have kinda come together to where I now just throw myself into groups of enemies and whoop each one's ass. The duels with the straw hat gang are pretty tough. I'm playing on Hard and they can tear through me pretty quickly.
I've read that it has a slow start and picks up but I've been playing for 3 hours now and it's the most boring Assassins game I've ever played. The landmasses are huge but there's hardly anything to do on them. The very first landmass, just after the start, is about half the landmass of the first island in Odyssey, but it only has 4 things to discover, unless something opens up later. The music is very dull and unexciting, as is the sound effects. The characters are bland and the dialogue is delivered without enthusiasm or drama. There's this constant feeling of 'something missing' as if the whole game isn't loading in. It's an odd and disappointing feeling.

I was thinking about picking this up, but what you've said sounds incredibly dull. Maybe I'll pick up No Man's Sky (for a third time) as the next generation update looks wild. I haven't played the game in two or three years. It looks like there is a ton of new stuff.


Dreams in Digital
I was thinking about picking this up, but what you've said sounds incredibly dull. Maybe I'll pick up No Man's Sky (for a third time) as the next generation update looks wild. I haven't played the game in two or three years. It looks like there is a ton of new stuff.
I'm now 27 hours in and it's just not anywhere near as good as ACO. They've changed too much to fit the 'raids' theme, making it impossible to clear areas without a crew along with you. Because of that, stealth has no rewards at all. You never get a sense of accomplishment because there's no definitive end on completion of an area. In fact, I'm beginning to wonder if they're re-spawning enemies constantly. It's also set up for riots with the enemies moving about much more and more sporadically, some in twos and threes, and they're alerted much more easily. It feels like a multiplayer game but with AI instead.

On top of that there's a sense of emptiness to the game. What was once small 'tasks' in ACO are now side missions in ACV. What was once side missions in ACO are now main missions in ACV. Some of the side missions in ACO are FAR more in depth than anything I've come across so far in this game. Collecting materials is more irritating, climbing and parkour is more irritating, the skills tree is insanely bad with little to no sense in it, leaving your choice to chance because sections only open up after you've hit certain icons. I tried to choose the Assassin path but so far I'm getting everything thrown in with only the occasional assassins choice. The armour sets and upgrades are also uninspired. You have to do so much to get the materials to upgrade them that just thinking about starting a new set is off putting, leaving you ignoring the others and concentrating only on one. At least that's what I've decided upon.

So far the story is pretty dull too. This is the worse AC game I've ever played. I played ACO 5 times (twice with the DLC), but I'll only play this once, if I ever get to finish it.
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Mass Effect Andromeda is not that bad. Once you've established your first outpost it gets interesting. Discovering new worlds and driving around is pretty fun. Some dialogue is very stiff, but memorable characters do exist in the game.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Dropped JK: Jedi Outcast. I´m sorry but nostalgia is a bitch sometimes. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Game seems to be designed with save scumming in mind, with a lot of cheap deaths and unfair encounters. That, or I'm just very bad at the game.

Was having a lot of fun with Deus Ex, until I reached a place that for some reason made my FPS tank like crazy, which is weird because my PC can run games like Witcher 3 on ultra. Sigh, I'll try again in another computer.

I've also been messing with WH:40K Mechanicus, and so far I´m liking it A LOT. The gameplay is fun, and much more fair than XCOM (there are no % when attacking enemies, you always hit).
The stars of the show tho are the music, voice acting and the art design, which is superb as it seems to be in all WH40K games. Also loving the lore, and I´m not even a WH40K fan.
I'm now 27 hours in and it's just not anywhere near as good as ACO. They've changed too much to fit the 'raids' theme, making it impossible to clear areas without a crew along with you. Because of that, stealth has no rewards at all. You never get a sense of accomplishment because there's no definitive end on completion of an area. In fact, I'm beginning to wonder if they're re-spawning enemies constantly. It's also set up for riots with the enemies moving about much more and more sporadically, some in twos and threes, and they're alerted much more easily. It feels like a multiplayer game but with AI instead.

On top of that there's a sense of emptiness to the game. What was once small 'tasks' in ACO are now side missions in ACV. What was once side missions in ACO are now main missions in ACV. Some of the side missions in ACO are FAR more in depth than anything I've come across so far in this game. Collecting materials is more irritating, climbing and parkour is more irritating, the skills tree is insanely bad with little to no sense in it, leaving your choice to chance because sections only open up after you've hit certain icons. I tried to choose the Assassin path but so far I'm getting everything thrown in with only the occasional assassins choice. The armour sets and upgrades are also uninspired. You have to do so much to get the materials to upgrade them that just thinking about starting a new set is off putting, leaving you ignoring the others and concentrating only on one. At least that's what I've decided upon.

So far the story is pretty dull too. This is the worse AC game I've ever played. I played ACO 5 times (twice with the DLC), but I'll only play this once, if I ever get to finish it.

Blech. This sounds so lame, I was never a HUGE assassins creed guy but the setting looked kinda rad and since I'm holding off on cyberpunk and there is not really all that much coming out soon I thought I'd go outside my normal boundaries. Ah well. Thanks for the info, time for some No Man's Sky Next Gen!
A friend got me Okami HD on Steam for Chirstmas, I'm at about 20 hours in I think... and while it is a pretty good game, I really don't see why some people consider it one of the best games ever.

It looks super pretty. Nothing to say there, I love that aspect of the game.
The soundtrack is nice, but definitely forgettable.
People complained about some Zelda games hand-holding you too much, but wow, they probably didn't play Okami, because the game treats you like you've never played a video game in your entire life or something. I guess it was aimed at children?
I also have a hard time believing this was made by Japanese people. It feels like it was made by some Western weebs instead, who tried to cram as many cliches about Japanese culture and mythology in it. Again, the entire fairy tale aspect makes it seem definitely aimed at children.
Gameplay is super repetitive, combat has almost no depth with no real combos (unless that changes later, for the moment all I could unlock at the dojos were extra hits for your basic attack string).


Darkness no more
Cyberpunk 2077 - Amazing game and I didn't really come across many bugs on PC. I really enjoyed the story, characters and gunplay. Some things felt unfinished. I will revist this game again on next gen consoles after it gets a bunch of updates. I'd give the game around a 9 or 9.5. I felt the important things were done really strong and the things they need to improve will only make an already great game even better.

Immortals Fenyx Rising - I didn't expect much from this since it looked like another generic Ubisoft game. I hadn't even heard of it until I saw it mentioned on GAF. This ended up being my sleeper hit of the year. The story and characters are nothing great, but enough to get through the game. The gameplay is where it really shines. Everything is so tightly made that I was always exploring something and having fun. I like that the map is big, but not super huge like an AC game. The combat and upgrades are well done. Granted this came out a few years after BOTW and ripped off most of that game, but I feel it improved enough and I ended up liking it better then BOTW. I'd give this game a solid 9.

Playing now:
13 Sentinels - I started this before Next Gen consoles hit and got side tracked. I'm getting back into it now and have about 12 hours total. I like the way the story is slowly unraveling. I don't really like the strategy game portiion though so I put that on easy just to burn through it when needed.
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Kinda dissapointed a bit with this one, since reviews from people are very positive. Backtracking in this game js terrible and music is either meh or non-existant.

One thing I like though is the combat and mainly the plataforming. Is more pleasuring than I though, was expecting Fox n Forests type of bad plataforming(overabuse of double jumps and excessive need of precise jumps just to move around). Abilities with fervor were nice too.


Pretty much gave up on ac valhalla. Its turned into a boring grind fest with no end in sight. Doesn't help that England is far more boring than Egypt or Greece and the boring story have killed any desire for me to continue.


I beat and platted Spider-Man: Miles Morales (PS4) recently, also played some Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning (PS4) last night trying to get the platinum. Tonight I may play Mafia: Definitive Edition (XBO).


Yoshi's Crafted World. It's sickly sweet and easy to the point of being insulting but fuck it, I'm enjoying it. It's the perfect antidote to my rage inducing attempt at beating Streets of Rage 4 on mania.

Lovely looking game, some of the textures even though they're simple border on eerie photorealism.

Wouldn't mind seeing it emulated on pc at a much higher resolution.

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point n click games which I can get very cheap on gog.com; specially these days that they have a sale. I can play those in my bed with a laptop without depending on twitchy reactions or bathroom pauses
Shot FarCry 5 for cheap and got in there for the sheer madness of standing still and waiting for something to happen. Was not disappointed.

One of the first wild things that happened was Bull vs. Hillbillies with a side serving of rabid wolverine... I just followed the rampage and looted the bodies. :D


Gave Valhalla another chance.Finally made some progress story wise. Also been playing yakuza like a dragon. I'm digging the turn based combat and the story/characters are awesome.


When I'm not helping my son with some Mario Kart Live sessions, I'm mostly back into Stardew Valley, damn 1.5 is good.
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