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Dragon Quest XI S Definitive Edition on SX. My 2nd time playing it after platnium'd it on PS4 years ago.

Started in 2D then transitioned to 3D. Might go back to 2D tomorrow.


Days Gone on PS5. I just cannot put this game down. While not the perfect game. Cringeworthy writing, transitions to cutscenes, glitchy AI etc. But man. It's beautiful, immersive and addictive. Really hope this one gets the 2nd part with some of these issues fixed.
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I got Far Cry 5 as a pack-in game with the PS4 Pro I recently brought, I was close to trading it in, but having never played any of them before, outside briefly playing the first one when it came out....it's never been a series that really caught my attention.....so I decided I'll give this a go, and its quite good so far, handy having the AI companion with you, quite funny seeing the NPC's glitch, either they can't seem to reverse a pickup truck...or can't seem to hop over a fence...


I was busy with something, so haven't played anything since I finished Demon's Souls (about a week ago). I'm thinking about starting something with a turn-based combat and / or lots of text. Just because I got a bit tired of action after 25 hours of Demon's Souls :p I might start FF XII but not sure..

Apart from that, I'll also continue playing FF XIV. There's Starlight celebration and I love it <3 Hesitating a bit because I'll need to redo all the settings and customizations since my laptop had an SSD failure and I had to get a new one :messenger_persevering:
Days Gone on PS5. I just cannot put this game down. While not the perfect game. Cringeworthy writing, transitions to cutscenes, glitchy AI etc. But man. It's beautiful, immersive and addictive. Really hope this one gets the 2nd part with some of these issues fixed.
Seems pretty common that this game is received like that. lol
It was for me as well... First I was like... meh... not a bloated simulation game again.... Then.... I kinda dig it.... And before I knew it I was playing all day long.

I have to say though the game does overstay it's welcome a bit towards the end. Still a great game.


Neo Member
I have a nice mix right now. Bloodborne and Cyberpunk on PS5, League of Legends, and Total War Warhammer 2 (post-rework Wood Elf campaign).

K.S v2.0

Put down Cyberpunk until bugs fixed but I look forward to diving back in like Witcher 3 once it got fixed.

Meanwhile... Devil May Cry 5 has my time coz the approaching storm has arrived.

Dick Jones

Platinumed Rachet and Clank last week. I never got into the series but replaying the game on PS5, what a great game. I have a few r&c games on ps3/vita and may have another crack at that. Currently playing Bugsnax. It's fairly dark for the type of game I expected.

Mr Hyde

Finished Morbid: The Seven Acolytes. Short but sweet. It was a top down Souls like with H.P Lovecraft influences. Awesome bosses and enemies, but a tad bit easy for a veteran like myself. Didn't take out the enjoyment at all, it was great fun playing through all the levels and slay all bosses. Good music too, very atmospheric.

Downside was the ending, which wasn't barely an ending, it just abruptly cut away to end credits after the final boss. I wonder if I messed up and got a bad ending or something, I mean some closure would be nice. The other con was no ng+. In games like these ng+ is a must. Missed opportunity here.


It took a little over 60 hours, but I've beaten ni no kuni 2. Overall, I really enjoyed it. It doesn't seem to be a popular view, but I enjoyed it more than the first.


Neo Member
Pc: Cyberpunk 2077, 9 hours in and keep digging it.
XsX: Gears 5 online (keeping Hivebusters dlc for christmas time)
Switch: Grindstone and loving it!!!

Mr Hyde

Demons Souls

What a great fucking game this is. And the remake enhance it in every possible way, from the incredible graphics to the numerous quality of life improvements. It smooths out the rough edges of the original and makes it truly shine like it was meant to be.

I'm constantly at awe, at the breathtaking vistas, to the tight combat, the interesting lore and all the fun npcs and secrets you face on your journey. Bluepoint has really outdone themselves this time. It is the best remake since Resident Evil dropped on GameCube some 20 years ago.

The new generation couldn't begin any better. I'm so happy Sony chose to breathe new life into an all time classic with this amazing next gen overhaul.
AC Origins. Im trying to power thru it still. It just seems never ending. I have 84 hours in. and im not sure im near the ending yet.

Spider-Man remastered. The more i play it the more meh i've felt about it. I enjoy the campaign. But i dont find the open world interesting or very fun. As far as collectibles and side missions.

I just started Skyrim special edition off of Game Pass. I put time enough to get to level 15 or something on the original on 360.


Immortals Fenyx
Pes 2021 (my mp only game)
Nioh 2

Was debating Valhalla purchase but Origins and Odyssey have burned me bad.

Mr Hyde

Doing a very focused magic build in Demon's Souls. First I intended the build for Moonlight Greatsword, even trying Valley of Defilement early despite getting my ass handed to me, only to realize it's faith based in Demon's 🙄

Now I'm sporting an Enchanted Falchion +3 with Kris Blade as support weapon. Doing lots of fun utility spells too, such as Hidden Body and Protection, which is fun for that sneaky magic assassin I'm trying out. Got myself HP and MP regen too from Adjudicatior Shield and Falchion which is a nice added bonus, amplifying the strength of my build.

I've noticed Bluepoint redesigned a couple of weapons and armors, looking way cooler now than in the original. Role-playing is a lot more prevalent due to realistic graphics and detailed character creation, which I enjoy greatly.

My only concern is the limited community right now. I've done some co-op helping others, and been invaded a couple of times, but not a single rating of my messages, which is a bummer. Loved the little notification you got from a rating and a health bonus as thanks.


Neo Member
I started a second playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077, I will mix it with Disco Elysium every once in a while., I always wanted to play it.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Finished Cyberpunk and also went back to check out a few different endings (most are naff imo, just there to show you have choices, and some drag on too long, we'd get the point with less of that tbh, I have a few more different choices to make but dread going back, it took me like half a day just to try different choices from my last save already). Maybe they do this to somewhat hide that you basically decide most of it at the end and much like push a button for this or that almost, but it's pretty transparent regardless. I think it's a 7/10 at best game, but still I finished it, so.

I alternated between controller and mkb but mostly stuck with mkb though it makes driving so much worse, driving isn't the core of the gameplay even if there's quite a bit at times (though I guess you can always fast travel with the transit system if you don't care about things like the racing gigs). It took me 40 hours before trying the different choices though I also left it running and took calls/did other stuff so it was probably closer to 35. I ignored almost all gigs unless they popped nearby and I felt like checking out some loot and just did the main story and some of the big side stuff (romanced Panam btw). Not deliberately or anything mind you, just what I felt like doing organically as I played through and in the end saw that I barely did any of the gigs.

My dude was level 23 with most of his implant slots empty and evenly upgraded skills by the end but still the game was easy (on normal), I can't imagine being even more powerful even if there's level scaling going on so that it throws more of the advanced dudes at you with all that super speed and auto dodge stuff some did by the end of it (the quick hacking skills wrecked them anyway). I was basically wallhacking all over the place, getting headshots through walls while they took cover so I was often killing higher level guys that dropped loot I couldn't use for 10-15 more levels so I just dismantled it all, mostly at the side stuff, perhaps the main story scales more or is just lower level to begin with, I dunno without testing that aspect further and for now I don't really care to go back. I don't have any serious issues with the basic controls and combat, it's way better than The Witcher 3 for sure, I guess it's easier to get shooting right. It's pretty plain in feel and AI reactions etc., not unlike Bethesda games (so a huge improvement from The Witcher 3 in that aspect as well, though hardly amazing still). I enjoyed sneaking around certain areas that were designed well enough for that to feel good with the amount of enemies, patrols, distraction/hackable objects/routes, etc. Action combat reminds me of the Borderlands simple feel the most, though not with those high enemy numbers/damage sponges. It's pretty decent fun.

I think it would have been way better as a finely tuned more condensed of the greatest moments 15 hour per playthrough Deus Ex alike than this open world RPG/GTA stuff (the original Deus Ex that is, which just took you to areas of interest the story demanded and had them all meticulously designed to accomodate its gameplay and story goals rather than have a whole city where most stuff are naff and repetitive and you might as well be playing it like Borderlands just going through the motions of shoot and loot and only the big story areas are well designed in a similar way). More focused and balanced in gameplay and story. Maybe even like Syndicate (the FPS) instead of an RPG at all. The story in the end is V and Johnny's story with Mass Effect-esque branching paths and other minor variations, not a fully open create your unique character/live your cyberpunk life thing (which Bethesda does better most of the time, even while having a main story as much as I dislike those broken games of theirs, they can hook you). The bosses weren't anything to write home about but they showed up at the better designed levels and advanced the story and such so they were cool moments overall. Though often enough bugs ruined the impact of cut scenes with my character showing up bald instead of normal or general equipment style weirdness where it tried to force some stuff but failed.

Anyway, it's not a trainwreck on PC but I'm disappointed still. Yakuza: Like a Dragon still the GOTY by a wide margin.
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Gold Member
Just tried my first play of TripleA (free Axis and Allies game). I played the Europe map, took Germany and set the AI all to Hard. Used to play this board game with friends long time ago.

Was doing well for a bit even save scumming then got thrashed.

Not the nicest interface which makes it tough (get out the magnifying glass but there is a zoom and some visual options), and way too much grey you'll think your eyeballs became monochrome. But still a serviceable game that works. And hell, it's free.

The UI with left and right mouse clicking is finicky. It's like it works half the time. Couldn't figure out how to check enemy transport ships what was on them. Probably has to do with more mouse click olympics.

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Did a playthrough of Grim Fandango Remastered this weekend; one of the greatest games ever made, even after finishing it so many times the 2nd year is still a masterclass in point-and-clicks.

I then went and started a campaign with the Imperial Guard in DoW Dark Crusade. There's nothing like shooting your Baneblade's demolisher cannon at some chaos cultists to close off the first "real" weekend I've had in a couple of months (no work on Saturday, no revising since the school is on holiday). Should last me the week at least, then I'll probably do it again in Soulstorm. :messenger_smiling_horns:

Mr Hyde

Finished Episode Ardyn for Final Fantasy XV. It was very good, the best out of all dlc that's been released and gave a good insight to an interesting character who got to little time to shine in the main game.

Episode Ardyn also connects with Kingsglaive way more than the other dlc or the main game, which I thought was a nice touch. You'll square off with several of the members of the Kingsglaive squad, even king Regis himself, as you get a chance to explore (and destroy) some parts of the city of Insomnia.

This episode also gives a lot of nice lore to the world of Eos, the Astrals and their pact with the true king, the war that took place among them and, of course, Ardyns motives as to why he wants to destroy Insomnia and the Lucis lineage.

The direction of this dlc was very good. I wish only it would have been longer. I finished it in under 3 hours.


Gold Member
Getting into more PSVR games, trying out demos and plan to buy more soon. Really excited for Hitman VR next month.

Making my way through Cyberpunk 2077, but pretty much only doing the main quests and major side quests. Still crashes too often and at this point just want to finish it up.

Finally getting around to playing more Persona 5. I dropped it years ago and was about 20 hours in. Hasn't taken me long at all to get into the flow again.


Morrowind, I got it on Android w/OMW. It looks better that I remembered. I like clear nights on the west side of Vvardenfell.

Adam Wart

Neo Member
Played Cyberpunk for an hour or so but decided to stop that because of huge glitches. Maybe I was wrong to have read so many negative reviews of the game before trying it myself and I sort of have convinced myself that it is bad. In the end returned to classics like WoW Destiny 2 and Dark Souls.


Gold Member

DQXI has been fantastic. It reminds me of when I first played DQIX and the monsters could be seen on the screen. I bought The Surge 2 after doing some digging into why people liked it so much. I’m in the second are, so I’m hoping it’s better than the first one. I am finishing up Legendary Dark Knight mode with the main cast after beating it with Vergil. Also doing the Bloody Palace on the side. I wasn’t really enjoying Cyberpunk, but I did manage to finish the main mission. I’m replaying Dark Souls again on my NS and I just made it to Blighttown. I took down theCapra Demon with 3 hits with the Black Knight Halberd. I enjoy replaying Dark Souls. Seeing theGaping Demon on the NS was pretty cool too.


I finally tried Ghost of Tsushima (on PS5). It seems like it's going to be really damn good. I'm only like 2.5 hours in.

It's weird how the game runs locked 60fps, but some of these early cutscenes are pretty choppy.
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