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What game are you currently playing?


I´ll probably give Evil Genius 2 a chance. I´m done with Nioh 2 and the next game I´m actively waiting for, Back 4 Blood, has been postponed quite a bit.
Final strech of my yearly playthrough of RE4. Playing it with texture mod on PC. So beautiful but I hate the fact that the QTEs are broken on 60 fps. For at least 3 instances in the game there is no way around to switching to 30 fps in order to get through...

Aside from that I bought only my 4th Switch game last Saturday. Pikmin 3. Playing 1-2 days per session here and there. Insanely charming game. Most of Nintendos games are not my thing but every time I find something I dig from them I end up in awe of the creativity they put in.


Put down Tactics Ogre yesterday. Finished in the Neutral path, got through about half of Chapter IV along the Chaos path, logging in about another 15-20 hours with Coda, and got to that point I always do -- loving it and not wanting to burn out.

Re-picked up Valkyrie Profile Covenant of the Plume for another annual playthrough. Jeez, I love this game. Though the gameplay has some very significant differences, I put the story and dialogue right up there with FFT: WotL and TO: LucT.



Stuck on the final boss of Cyber Shadow.

3 fucking phases with boss having full new health bar every time, while I have to beat all three with 1 and no health items. Lose anytime and whole fight starts over.



Have been eyeing this (for me) daunting bad boy for a while. Found out yesterday it's no longer 30FPS on PS4Pro. Coupled with it being on sale I took the plunge. I've only scratched the clouds above the surface but I've got a good feeling!


Took me a month but I beat trails of cold steel 4. Even got the true ending. Now all I gotta beat is paper mario origami king and I'll have beaten all of the games I got at Christmas.


Finished/got platinum in Sekiro on sunday, pretty good and very hard, too hard some times, but it's worth.
Will watch some series to relax a little and will start Avengers in the weekend, probably.


I started Diablo 3 this week with a friend. Its been fun. Nice progression in terms of constantly rewarding you/dangling the carrot in front of you.

Tried to play Disco Elysium and I'm just having trouble getting into it. It feels too slow for the energy levels I have for games these days. I get an hour a night before bed if I'm lucky and its dragging, I really want to like it. Hoping if I stick with it I'll get into it. And still playing GTA Online. I swear they did some update to the graphics with that last update a month or so ago. I don't know why I still find it fun. Its mindless fun but still fun.


Yakuza Kiwami... after coming in hot from seeing the ending of Yakuza 0. (playtime 111 hours.. gasp) I intend to go thru the Yakuza Series from 0-6, but was thinking about taking a break in between. But Kiwami's ending, just made me jump right back in. :D (Poor Poket Circuit Fighter... He's like 47 yr old virgin, as he was like 29-30 virgin back in 1988 ;))

Currently at the point right before meeting Haruka for the first time. Doing all the side quests to level up, so that I can move onto the story comfortably. (I tend to do that in any RPG type games, that I throughly do all the possible side quests and all, before moving onto main story.)

It's actually pretty neat experience, coming from the Original Ryuga Gotoku.
My old Ryu Ga Gotoku impression back in Dec 2005

I did also played localized version of the original (with Mark Hamill as Majima's VA) - it's been a long while since the game became such a mainstream title in the west too. :) I really can't remember when was the definite moment when Yakuza series became big name in the west? I don't remember PS2 versions were that popular in U.S., and I don't think US version of PS2 Yakuza 1/2 sold very well in U.S. either. I remember being even grateful that Yakuza 2 was even released in U.S., even though it was sub only (IIRC). Brings back lots of memories and also at the same time, makes me feel quite old. (which I am LOL)

I don't really expect Kiwami as good as Zero (as many people have already mentioned) - but my main focus would be how I remember the original PS2 and how differently the story is told or fleshed out. Very much looking forward to it.
Got Metal Slug on sale from GOG. Ever since, I've been replaying it here and there with the Hori fighting stick mini. What's bugging me is that I probably could play it in a much smoother way using something like MAME but I'm not sure how to set it up properly...


Still working on my PS4 backlog, now on PS5, and just beat Valkyria chronicles 4. Playing Days Gone now and it's fun but its kind of weird that the zombie stuff is much less interesting than fighting normal people.


replayed C. Harmony of dissonance.
Still going through Last of Us 2, damn this is a long game! passed the first half and gameplay feels old already but the graphics make it worthy.
Started Uncharted on the Vita, (only thing I missed at the time) and damn its horrible, i hate those gesture based mechanics!

Naked Lunch

Gunstar Heroes [Genesis] - Did a playthru for the first time in years. Just as good as run n guns ever got. So much creativity and humor over every inch of this game. I love those little green dudes in the forest stage - I just noticed one is throwing up a peace sign after you finish Pink and her gang. I used to be so jealous of this game and my Genesis owning friend with me being a Nintendo kid back in the day.

Advance Wars [GBA and Gamecube GB Player] - my favorite strat game of all time - and another baffling franchise Nintendo has shelved. Even though it has such simplistic graphics and presentation, every map and mission has a story to tell - stuff like the lone troops posted on the mountain terrain getting maximum view range to spot that last hidden enemy arty that would have lost me the match. How incredible would an online Switch Wars entry be?

Halo MCC [XB1] - Multiplayer mostly on Halo 3. Gotta keep my Halo game up in the lead up to Infinite. 343 hinted Infinite flights are coming if you are part of the Insider program.

Mr Hyde


So far it's very good. Amazing. Thr atmosphere is second to none. Heavy Metroid- vibes, awesome gunplay, fluid controls and fantastic implementation of DualSense. It feels incredibly immersive. Imagine if Nintendo did a proper Metroid with these production values.

Selene is a good character, very believable, headstrong, intelligent, a perfect fit for this kind of adventure. The story is subtle, but intriguing and mystic, which adds to the overall atmosphere in a great way.

Only in the first biome and I'm already floored by the quality at display. Huge step up from Housemarques previous games. It feels like I'm gonna be in for a truly memorable experience.
Resident Evil 0 (PS4), Resident Evil 6 (PS4), Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Wii U), Resident Evil Revelations (Wii U), Dragon Quest 11 (PS4), Earthbound (Wii U).

I always play multiple games at once, like to switch it up cause sometimes I just don't want to level grind, etc. Also, PS4 is in the basement, Wii U is for gaming in bed.
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Pokemon Sword. Much better than X/Y and Sun/Moon, but not quite Black/White. It has great features for competitive battling though.


I ended up rage quitting on origami king. Whoever at Nintendo that thought the ring puzzle combat thing was a good idea needs to have their head examined.

Dr. Suchong

Hurriedly playing Granblue fantasy versus before Arc System Works/Cy games release some sort of sequel.
I usually stay away from Arc related stuff like Blazblue and Guilty Gear because I can't keep up with the sequels or whatever.
How the hell do people keep up with it all?


Powering through Dragon Quest 11 S (PS4). I got wrecked by one of the bosses, but luckily I randomly found an amazing place to level up. Got six levels in two hours, probably over-leveled now. Going to keep grinding until I get bored, then I'll go beat the boss finally.


Resident Evil 0 (PS4), Resident Evil 6 (PS4), Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (Wii U), Resident Evil Revelations (Wii U), Dragon Quest 11 (PS4), Earthbound (Wii U).

I always play multiple games at once, like to switch it up cause sometimes I just don't want to level grind, etc. Also, PS4 is in the basement, Wii U is for gaming in bed.
So, eh, whadda think of that Resident Evil franchise? ;)


Gold Member
Working on Day's Gone.. I think im almost done with it. Still working my way through Bravely Default II. Pokemon Snap is ready for pickup and im seriously considering returnal.
I've been playing MLB: The Show 21 pretty much exclusively for the past week. I've improved a lot but my Diamond Dynasty team is still garbage. If I sell my diamond Freddy Freeman, I can afford the 2 packs that give you 2 diamond players. I think it's worth it. Loving the game though.
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Outriders, I'm having fun in co-op with a friend but the login issue still remains on the ps5 so it sours the overall experience having to restart the console multiple times just to get in, luckily it's only a stop gap until village releases.
I've finished endings A, B and C on NieR Replicant. I am undecided if I will finish going for the platinum trophy. I got the platinum in thee original NieR, and it was pretty tedious farming.

Either way, I'm taking a break to play Returnal.


Destroy All Humans remake on gamepass PC.

I am quite impressed how good it looks. Unreal 4 put to great use, technically and artistically. Plus it runs in native 4K 60.


Just finished up my very first play through of Dark Souls (Remastered) on PS5.

Now I’m waiting on a sale for Dark Souls 2 because I’ve never played that one either. (I’ve played through every other FROM “souls” games except these)

Until then, I will probably wait until RE Village comes out.


Started up yakuza 5 yesterday. Really wish the collection got better treatment. Assuming the bump in framerate ruined some key physics but it's not unplayable. Excited to jump into 6


Started up yakuza 5 yesterday. Really wish the collection got better treatment. Assuming the bump in framerate ruined some key physics but it's not unplayable. Excited to jump into 6
Really enjoyed 5 then enjoyed 6 even more. Was like going to next gen too due to the modern engine.


Just scored King of Fighters 97 on Steam. I like how they've done the scanlines/pixels, there's a very thin black line inserted that kind of gives it depth.

Though, nn the crt monitor at 4:3 is the place to be!


Man, forgot how punishing Covenant of the Plume is on that first playthrough, just in terms of pretty much having to sacrifice at least one party member and having to stick with the ones you've been using, since under-leveled characters likely won't live long enough in a given battle to gain experience. Still great, but I'm kinda ready for NG+ for a slightly more relaxed playthrough. Guess I'll do the C route on this first playthrough and knock that path out.
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