Yakuza Kiwami... after coming in hot from seeing the ending of Yakuza 0. (playtime 111 hours.. gasp) I intend to go thru the Yakuza Series from 0-6, but was thinking about taking a break in between. But Kiwami's ending, just made me jump right back in.

(Poor Poket Circuit Fighter... He's like 47 yr old virgin, as he was like 29-30 virgin back in 1988

Currently at the point right before meeting Haruka for the first time. Doing all the side quests to level up, so that I can move onto the story comfortably. (I tend to do that in any RPG type games, that I throughly do all the possible side quests and all, before moving onto main story.)
It's actually pretty neat experience, coming from the Original Ryuga Gotoku.
My old Ryu Ga Gotoku impression back in Dec 2005
I did also played localized version of the original (with Mark Hamill as Majima's VA) - it's been a long while since the game became such a mainstream title in the west too.

I really can't remember when was the definite moment when Yakuza series became big name in the west? I don't remember PS2 versions were that popular in U.S., and I don't think US version of PS2 Yakuza 1/2 sold very well in U.S. either. I remember being even grateful that Yakuza 2 was even released in U.S., even though it was sub only (IIRC). Brings back lots of memories and also at the same time, makes me feel quite old. (which I am LOL)
I don't really expect Kiwami as good as Zero (as many people have already mentioned) - but my main focus would be how I remember the original PS2 and how differently the story is told or fleshed out. Very much looking forward to it.