Been replaying a bunch of Resident Evils after Village. Replayed through 4 and 5, moving onto Revelations today. Rev 2 and RE6 are next on the docket, provided my Resident Evil mood doesn't wear off.
I have to say, both RE4 and 5 are worse than I remember. Not trying to say they're bad games, of course. But the way RE4 turns into a straight up shooter with tank controls during the last third (Island) is still shocking. And RE5 basically took RE4's Island and based an entire game off of that gameplay, but with SLIGHTLY better controls. Lastly, I remember RE5's singleplayer AI being extremely poor, but even my memory couldn't prepare me for how bad the AI really is. Thankfully there are ways to manipulate the AI so that they can be somewhat useful (equipping Sheva with only a sniper rifle helps). Co-op is the way to go with RE5, but unfortunately I couldn't convince anyone to replay it with me on PC lmao
OH and I almost forgot to mention the Quick Time Events. FUCK QTEs, especially ones after a long arduous battle that insta-kill you if you look away for a second. So glad the industry has moved on from QTE garbage lol