Spider-Man Miles Morales and Ratchet and Clank (60fps
Gunstar Heroes [Genesis] - Did a playthru for the first time in years. Just as good as run n guns ever got. So much creativity and humor over every inch of this game. I love those little green dudes in the forest stage - I just noticed one is throwing up a peace sign after you finish Pink and her gang. I used to be so jealous of this game and my Genesis owning friend with me being a Nintendo kid back in the day.
Advance Wars [GBA and Gamecube GB Player] - my favorite strat game of all time - and another baffling franchise Nintendo has shelved. Even though it has such simplistic graphics and presentation, every map and mission has a story to tell - stuff like the lone troops posted on the mountain terrain getting maximum view range to spot that last hidden enemy arty that would have lost me the match. How incredible would an online Switch Wars entry be?
Halo MCC [XB1] - Multiplayer mostly on Halo 3. Gotta keep my Halo game up in the lead up to Infinite. 343 hinted Infinite flights are coming if you are part of the Insider program.
Thanks I will give it a try when I have the ps5. By that time the game will be 25/30 euroI dont like turn base,but love yakuza. Do you think I would still like it? I quit persona 5 because of the turn base, But could tolerate it in the south park games.
It is a mix of 3D platforming and 3rd person shooter with RPG elements set in a postapocalyptic desert.
I am only 3 hours in but so far I've enjoyed the platforming and some Metroid Prime reminiscent elements like of course being a lonely woman exploring a hostile environment, but also the use of different shooting colours and the enemy lock system.
For now I don't have any advice about story and plot, but from what I saw it isn't the point.
Go for it:
I don't recommend it:
- if you like some platforming challenge (there are some rewards based on how fast you complete the levels or how many items you collect, and a special reward if you manage to achieve all at once).
- if you are interested in some "TPS character action" beat 'em up with a combo system (although I'm not very far in the game, so I have not yet managed to master it and I can't say how deep it goes into complexity).
- if you are not patient enough or interested in starting levels over and over in order to 100% them.
- if you are too easily bothered by repetitive RPG elements like upgrading your gear with mere numbers.
Well, I beat it. Not 100% though, but I did get more than 75 orbs.Enjoy it while it lasts. The finale of this game is.... horrible. Prepare for mindless grinding. Just as a heads up.
Watched the final hour or so on YT. I hate when games do this... Having fun so far? Good, now go back and grind for hours to beat the final section of the game.
Absolutely. I just did a camp earlier on a bridge and midway through I got the message that a storm is approaching. So I turn around, check out where it's coming from, wait until it engulfs the whole area and proceed to mop up the camp during the storm.Jumped back into Mad Max after the 120hz update. IMO, it holds up well. Probably too much shit to do to clear the map but I don't know if that really is a knock against it. They nailed the atmosphere of the mad max universe.
How much time can you get out of the first chapter? It looks super interesting, bit I'm nervous there's not enough meat on the bone currentlyDemeo. The game came out of nowhere and has completely consumed me. It will eventually be playable on PC without VR but I highly recommend picking it up in VR if you can. Currently it is my GoTY and I cannot wait for the next chapter.
I’ve already spent over 8 hours in game. I’ve beat the boss Twice but had over a handful of runs fail. I will continue to play because of the cosmetics unlockables and I still want to learn more about the gameplay. Certain skills work off each other and I am still learning all that.How much time can you get out of the first chapter? It looks super interesting, bit I'm nervous there's not enough meat on the bone currently
Just got it for $4.99 through the PS Store, and it’s really fun. Been playing for a week. The bone crushing, badass fights are delightful!!!Jumped back into Mad Max after the 120hz update. IMO, it holds up well. Probably too much shit to do to clear the map but I don't know if that really is a knock against it. They nailed the atmosphere of the mad max universe.
I just got through completing the game with about half of the side missions completed. My vehicle and character are pretty much maxed out so doing them all isn't necessary.Just got it for $4.99 through the PS Store, and it’s really fun. Been playing for a week. The bone crushing, badass fights are delightful!!!
Seems like there’s a lot of little missions on the map though. Am I really supposed to do them all?! Seems repetitious
You don't really need to. They do help you improve Max and his cares so the story missions will be easier. Like most open world games, I was obsessively clearing everything on the map until I got about halfway through the game and then I stopped, due to boredom and I was already maxed out or close to it.Just got it for $4.99 through the PS Store, and it’s really fun. Been playing for a week. The bone crushing, badass fights are delightful!!!
Seems like there’s a lot of little missions on the map though. Am I really supposed to do them all?! Seems repetitious
I am guessing you are playing on PC because MCC is actually 6 games?! I have so many achievements on MCC it's crazy but I still will never have all of them.Been playing a lot of MCC lately, and while this isn't a game, I've been going through Umineko:When The Seagulls Cry.
For MCC, I'd recommend it. 343i have fixed a large quantity of the issues present and all 4 games are out. Together, everything is $40. The only downside is that you have to "manually" install everything you buy, which is dumb and something that 343i should fix. That aside though, the games take me back to 2008-10 and I feel like the port is pretty good.
And for Umineko, I'd once again recommend it. It's a good mystery, that's for sure and I'm almost finished with it. Though if you do get it, I recommend downloading the mod that brings voice acting and PS3 sprites as the version that's on Steam doesn't exactly have any voice acting, and I feel like the PS3 sprites are superior to the remade sprites that are in the Steam release.