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Finished Days Gone and started Horizon ZD for the first time.

Days Gone was a nice game, played in on survival mode and had a good time with it. Surely better than critics said. Also had no performance issues, but that may be because i rsn it post patched on the Pro.

Horizon had a rough start for me. Almost gave up, but now i'm past the beginning and ventured into the open world. It's quite fun. And pretty.
im somehow stil trying to finish Assassins Creed Origins. it feels like this game refuses to end. And i like it less and less as i go on. I love the beautiful look of the map. I really like Bayek. But everything else drives me nuts. The combat is bad. There is barely any sense of discovery or exploration as the game shows u everything. And because of the map u know that if there is no icon in an area there is no reason to explore since there is nothing there.

i hopped back into Daemon X Machina. Story is bleh. Dialogue is atrocious, framerate is questionable. But gameplay is fun. And most of all the mechs look great and are fun to customize. If this game got a sequel i think they could really make something great.

my original PS3 died last year. I finally replaced it. I wanna finish inFAMOUS 2 and Arkham Origins. Everything seemed to transfer over to my new PS3, except my Assassins creed II save. I know i beat it but i wasn't sure if i beat the DLC. I wanted to check that and than go into AC Brotherhood

Im pretty much always playing TitanFall 2. Normally im also playing some Destiny 2 and Apex....but i've bounced off of those for awhile.


Playing Thronebreaker and really enjoying the story and some of the puzzles. Weirdly doesn't seem to like QR as it causes asset pop in a weird way.
Ghost of Tsushima! I'm about 8 hours in and just wow. The game is a masterpiece. Riding horseback through the fields is just gorgeous. I also love the combat and stealth. Its like the japan assassins creed that we always wanted.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Rome Total War Remaster

I know it's only a remaster, but God damn this is probably the finest remaster I've ever played. The fact they've even included the old chest codes as well just makes it so much fun. Currently doing a Cathage campaign (without cheats) and it's just amazing.

Med 2 remaster next please Sega.

Mr Hyde

Acquired Sylphid in Secret of Mana and continues to exploring the upper lands. Very annoying enemies here (casting confusion, worst status effect ever) but the landscape is beautiful. One of the prettiest 16-bit games I've seen.


Finished Strange Journey Redux (Law). Will probably revisit FFTA2 (DS) today. It's been a while. A cute, fun game.

EDIT: Forgot how pretty the game is. And man, once you hear that battle music again, so good. I know the game is night and day in tone compared to the original FFT (probably my all-time favorite game), but for what it is, it's really kinda great. Such a funny and lighthearted sense of humor. :D
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Cyberpunk 2077 on Series X. Pleasantly surprised how good this game actually is. The story and voice acting are fantastic and really caught me off guard as I was prepared to be disappointed based on all the early issues. And from a performance standpoint the game feels and looks pretty dang good on the X.


Finally finished Yakuza Kiwami 2. 77 hours.
Like rest of Yakuza series, I earned all the skills & powered up + all the side quests, but not the mini-games. I am really bad at some of the games like Karaoke, and this time for gaining Haruka's trust to EX level was especially tough. At least it wasn't something that I don't understand at all (like Mahjong or Japanese Shogi, although I like playing Koi Koi.) Caberet club was enjoyable like Zero, but wasn't too sure of that Majima Construction mini-game. I did it mostly - but didn't do the last few after finishing the main storyline for that one.

Yakuza 2 back then from PS2 days - I always thought the game didn't really grab me storywise. Too much melodrama, I guess - and same thing happened with Kiwami 2. After coming from excellent Zero, which I feel like it has the best storyline so far - and even Kiwami 1 which improved a lot of storytelling by adding in the struggles of Nishikiyama - felt superior. It is my first new "dragon engine" game, so 30fps on Series X was rather rough in the beginning, but towards the end felt pretty good. I'm especially impressed by the outdoor graphics in general. Some of the scenes were pretty breathtaking.

Was fiddling around with Yakuza 3 just a little bit after finishing Kiwami 2 - and I was shocked how poor it looked. Yakuza 3 on PS3 was my last Yakuza game that I've played before, and I realized how much things were improved on Zero, Kiwami 1&2. Back then I remember the facial animations were touted as top notch, but even Kiryu looks almost comical, and oh the animation when walking around...! Another thing I noticed was how Kiryu's voice over the years have changed. He definitely sounds much younger & higher pitch than Kiwami or even Zero Kiryu.

But before moving on, I decided to take a break and give Resident Evil 7 another go. I gave up in the beginning part of the game because I was too scared & also I tend to have motion sickness playing 1st person games - and after playing an 30 min or so, felt pretty sick. Time to take out that sea-band and take some ginger pills. :(


Thanks to a Playstation email to order a PS5 last week. I'm playing a ton of Returnal, which is sooo much fun!

Can't wait for Ratchet in a few weeks!!!

Didn't think I'd have a PS5 till next year, really cool thing Sony did sending some of their players those links to guarantee them a PS5.


Mafia The Definitive Edition.

I'm enjoying the classic difficulty a lot. Though I did switch to easy for the race. I tried over 10 times but thought nah. Besides I won it in the original game and I was probably more patient back then.

Still an excellent game. Great and well told story.


Gold Member
Cyberpunk 2077 on Series X. Pleasantly surprised how good this game actually is. The story and voice acting are fantastic and really caught me off guard as I was prepared to be disappointed based on all the early issues. And from a performance standpoint the game feels and looks pretty dang good on the X.
it's really not as bad as people like to make it out to be. it was bad on base consoles at launch there is no denying that but it has improved. it's probably as good as it's ever gonna be on PS4/XB1 but the current gen consoles can kinda brute force it until they get native ports later this year where it will run much better. i played it from day 1 on PC and only experience a few bugs. performance wise it ran well on my PC. i think Series X version will eventually perform better than what my PC can do. i think my PC is dying so when it goes i'll be buying it on Series X to keep playing. can't wait for the free dlcs + expansions. i need more of the game.


still playing Doom (2016). one level a day. it's kind of meh to me. Same with Maneater (Game Pass). I'm guessing I'll get bored soon.

In VR I'm finally playing all the way through Moss. While it's fairly standard as a puzzle game the 3d adds a lot to the graphics. Because it's an indie game though they avoided putting cut scenes in 3d and instead tell the story via a flat story book, which is unfortunate considering what is possible looking at a VR experience like Gloomy Eyes (Tim Burton esque story narrated by Colin Farrell)


Gold Member
i just finished Persona 5 Strikers. well, i got to the final boss and almost killed it. there was only a tiny bit of health left and it fucking wiped me out with its laser beam attack. i had literally only 2-3 hits left to kill it and it kicked me back to the part you need to split up into 3 groups and i couldn't be bothered going through it again so just quit and watched the final cutscenes on youtube.

up next i'm gonna start a new Dark Souls 3 save and play that for a while before I start playing Hades.
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Mortal Shell. And I'm completely destroyed; I'm unable to make it out of the first area. Need to watch some tutorial videos, as I'm not fully understanding the mechanics (I think the devs haven't exactly done a great job of explaining some aspects).

Mr Hyde

The car chase sequence in The Last of Us 2, with Ellie and Jessie might be the most intense, well directed action scene in the history of video games. I've never seen anything like it before, where gameplay mixes together with cut scenes like that. Incredibly impressive work by Naughty Dog.


Ugh, FFTA2 really was what I needed right now. Just laid-back, lighthearted fun. Kinda the Pokemon of the SRPG genre. Nothing too heavy. So good with coffee in the morning...
Playing Demons Souls:

When i get frustrated i play something easy:

Before sleep I might play some:
Trying to finish my 1st open world game ever Ghost of tsushima, it takes two with my GF and my Buddy ,Demon souls Ps5, Re Village, restarted Wreckfest on Ps5 ...fuck i need to win the lottery so i can finish all my games !
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Sekiro (PS5). It's stupid hard at times. Didn't have this much trouble with any of the other Souls games.
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- Metro Exodus EE on PC
- South Park Fractured But Whole on the Switch
- Half-Life Alyx on my VR PC
- Casually advancing the career in Project Cars 3 and Ride 4
- Finished Ace Combat 7 on PC not too long ago and now replaying missions with new planes.

I want to play so many games, so I chip away at all of them a few hours at a time when I can.


Mouse Ball Fetishist
Currently replaying Bioshock for the nth time.

It's amazing how even with all the weapon upgrades unlocked from the start the game is still fun and kinda challenging for me.
The shooting is so satisfying and holds up very well after all these years.

No matter how many times I replay it, I still get lost in Rapture.
I loved Infinite, but I wish Columbia was as atmospheric and mesmerising as Rapture. The game (intentionally of course) focused more on Booker/Elizabeth and did not flesh out the world enough in my opinion.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Finished and got the plat of Shin Megami Tensei III.

played it in Merciful.

am I a heathen?

Mr Hyde

Tried out the Scarlet Nexus demo. Very flashy combat, fast paced with cool moves and finishers. Kinda reminded me of Astral Chain. The hour I played felt more style over substance, and I didn't like how cut scenes were done in comic book style "frames". The music kinda sucked too. The DualSense however felt great, with a nice sense of weight when you unleashed your different powers and abilities. Very mixed feelings. Will probably check it out when it goes on sale.

Naked Lunch

Mostly retro gaming on real hardware via the RetroTINK 5X. Its a beautiful thing:

Mario Sunshine [Gamecube] -I havent played this since it first came out in the early 2000s. I never understood the hate this game gets. There's some incredible platforming here. I love the level design and the artstyle. That harbor stage with all the scaffolding is madness. I sometimes spend an entire play session running around the central hub trying to jump up to certain rooftops and spires. The Gamecube really showed its stuff how you can zoom the camera far out and see almost the entire level with no hit on framerate. Its the ultimate Summer game.

Ace Combat 4 [Playstation2] -Finished a run on expert. The Yellow 13 fairytale-like story intertwined with military missions is timeless. This is when the AC series really took off. The physics in this entry are more realistic, weighty, and more unforgiving than all the titles that followed. I finished the last (fly thru the narrow tunnels) stage on one try. I remember when I first played this game, it took me all night to clear that one.

Sin and Punishment [N64] -Attempted a playthru before diving into its sequel and I got fucking wrecked. Couldnt even make it past the aircraft stage. I guess I lost all my skills in this one - will need practice. The gameplay here is like nothing else in gaming - mad skillz required.

Halo MCC multiplayer [XB1X] -Gots to stay sharp in the lead up to Infinite.
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Started playing Railway Empire again. Enjoyable waste of time.

Also Pokemon Snap (I've found 134 and been almost everywhere - and yet there's almost 90 missing, how?). I've been thinking about getting SMT: Nocturne but I don't if I want to commit to it yet. Also, I kinda want to see if E3 brings any surprise releases.
I've attempted to play this game a million times. And i always bounce off of it from boredom and/or frustration. But maybe just maybe. After the 7th try....Horizon Zero Dawn is finally clicking with me?


Ended up buying a download code for Spider-Man remastered. Still dont care for the story and characters but swinging around the city in the ASM suit to the Horner score is pretty sweet. It's easily the best looking costume in the game.
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Just finished RE Village on PS5. Really good game. I actually prefer a bit more action compared to RE VII

Mr Hyde

The sniper sequence in The Last of Us 2 is probably my favorite set piece in the game. It's masterful in building up tension, and the reveal of the sniper just further builds to the whole excellency of the scene. It's crazy how well Naughty Dog blends gameplay with cinematics in this game. The amount of polish is just outstanding.


Gold Member
nothing right now. i just gave up on Hades. so much for it being the "I'm not like other roguelikes" game. it's just as tedious and annoying. if making it more story heavy than others is their approach to make it different then it's not really doing anything except adding to the frustration of the game. the story isn't going anywhere and most of the time the characters don't have anything worthwhile to say. it's just a guy that has daddy issues and wants to be with his mummy. if you like to read a lot of lore then it's fine but not for me.

gameplay is quite satisfying but that's the same for any roguelike i've played. the thing is all the weapons suck except the sword. i tried them all and i just die so easily unless i have a sword. the fists are quite decent i suppose. the furtherest i got was the 3rd area (the minotaur boss/mini boss) and then for a bit i couldn't even get past the first boss. i ended up enabling god mode cause i felt i wasn't making any progress despite playing about with stats/weapons. i know the whole idea is to keep trying after you die but i want to feel like i'm getting more powerful. shit, i love the Dark Souls games but at least with them i know what i'm doing wrong and what i can improve. i can feel progress but not with this.

maybe it's just me being thick but trying to make a build is confusing. the UI could do with a rework to help clear things up a bit. the only real positive for me is the visuals. it looks great and the art for the characters are beautiful. unfortuantly the rest of the game is trying too hard and ends up mediocre. i'll just be going back to Dead Cells for my roguelike fix. you could probably tell i'm not the biggest fan of the genre but Dead Cells is the one that does it right over all the others.

anyway, for what i'll be playing next. it'll be going back to Death Stranding or Cyberpunk.
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