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What game are you currently playing?

Restarted Sekiro after finishing Elden Ring. Maybe this time I will complete it.

Spending one billion dollars to make your apartment look like this but then getting insane glare on the TV because of the white walls + sunlight lol oops!

Finally beat Ys VIII, it was good, not amazing like the hype train would have you believe. Guess I'll go back to Astral Chain to finish that off (and Resident Evil Remake?) before Valkyrie Elysium hits.

If you want disappointing then try Ys IX. I'll agree that Ys VIII isn't the best game ever or anything though, idk who says it is, the battle system needs work and I'm not sure if they're able to do that. Ys IX instead went in the direction of pretending to be a Trails game except really bad


I beat Vergil mode for DMC5 on Devil Hunter. I tried the bloody palace but got walled at floor 60 at the boss knight with the greatsword. Waiting for Splatoon 3, so I started playing Warioware: Get it together. It's my first Warioware game, it's very fun so far. I enjoy the originality of the game.
Finally picked up Spiderman for PS4, having fun with it so far but I could tell from the reviews it would be massively overrated. Still a good game but nowhere near the best of that year. More of a confirmation that I should wait until MM drops to bargain bin price before picking it up.


Monster hunter Rise/Sunbreak
I'm amazed by the sublime art direction, character/enemy animation, and depth of the mechanics.
I've only really dabbled (300 hours is a dabble in MH terms I'm assuming) with Monster hunter world, so I'm keen to rectify that.
:messenger_grinning_smiling: Yup. It's addictive, though, ain't it.
Fortnite and The World Ends With You Neo. Tried playing Final Remix first, but it's built for the DS, and it's not the same. I decided to jump into the one built for traditional controllers. Fun so far.
Were you able to play the original? I thought it was a fantastic game. Though the controls during battles could be trying at times, they balanced things well enough to make it work. The concept of everything was just great. When I initially saw the presentation, I was pretty turned off by the characters and vibe of the game, but it turned out being a lot more for me than I was expecting. A classic for sure.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
PS5: Cult of the Lamb - It's pretty good. Perhaps a bit to repetitive. I do like the kind of warped take on Animal Crossing it can feel like at times

PC: Spider-Man - Running at true 4K, with solid HDR, DLSS, and actually good raytracing, is something to behold. The framerate jumps about, but since it's always consistently between 72-ish to 110 even during heavy action and dense "scenes" I am fine with it. I could definitely toy with some settings to make it more stable but screw it, I am enjoying the insane visuals

PC: Elden Ring (for the third time around, focusing on multiplayer this time) - Tag Team, back again. Check it to wreck it, let's begin. Party on, party people, let me hear some noise DC's in the house, jump, jump, rejoice

Switch: I've decided to get back in and finish Luigi's Mansion. I dropped it a long time ago when my old Switch started having issues while I was traveling. Looks surprisingly good on the OLED


Playing Sifu currently, and enjoying it so much that I don’t regret picking up the Vengeance physical copy edition for full price instead of waiting for the current digital edition sale (that I didn’t know about).

Huge fan of martial arts movies, and this game feels rewarding and satisfying as I progressively improve my skills bit by bit.


Elden Ring still. I managed to beat Magrit, though I needed both help from the summon and the cooperation call. I think I was underpowered, or had a bad weapon, or didn't have the skill. Or maybe the boss was just hard as hell! LOL!

Now off exploring the other parts of the map, before I come back to progressing through the game proper. It's fun just to run around in and smash up baddies.


Primarily ive been playing soul hackers 2 on ps5. I've enjoyed it so far.
Also beat the last big side story in cyberpunk.

Mr Hyde

Finished the second game in the Cowabunga collection, TMNT 2 the arcade game. A huge improvement over the first one and the game I'm feeling most nostalgic over, due to me playing this a lot as a kid. It still holds up, it's a fun brawler that's more in line with Double Dragon than the shit sandwich that was the first game.


Playing FF7R that I got from PS+ a while back. Never played OG FF7 but pleasantly surprised so far, especially the story telling.

Healthy amounts of cringe too (which I do enjoy, thank you very much), but I think it balances it quite well by also being self aware at times.

Took a little while to click for me but the combat is great, especially bossfights. Definitely gonna get Intergrade to complete the experience.


:messenger_grinning_smiling: Yup. It's addictive, though, ain't it.

Were you able to play the original? I thought it was a fantastic game. Though the controls during battles could be trying at times, they balanced things well enough to make it work. The concept of everything was just great.
I still have the DS card, but to be honest I'm liking this one WAY more than I liked the original (and I liked the original a fair bit).


Reverse groomer.
Me and my friend decided to do halo Co op and this game just LENDS itself to 2 players. I can see why people were fucking disappointed with the lack of splitscreen because 2 people make the game 2x as fun
I am playing the ultimate in videogame technology, Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
I was playing that the other month and the servers must be up still on PS3 cause someone joined my campaign. I didn't notice at first but got a good laugh from it, such a surprise.

OT, I'm still grinding out Dragon Warrior VII. Roughly 60 hours in, characters are gaining classes. This game is effing long, I'll add more to the thread I have on it but yea, the game is a slog but also enjoyable. Of the 60 hours I've played, I'm probably pushing 15 hours of straight grinding.


I was playing that the other month and the servers must be up still on PS3 cause someone joined my campaign. I didn't notice at first but got a good laugh from it, such a surprise.

OT, I'm still grinding out Dragon Warrior VII. Roughly 60 hours in, characters are gaining classes. This game is effing long, I'll add more to the thread I have on it but yea, the game is a slog but also enjoyable. Of the 60 hours I've played, I'm probably pushing 15 hours of straight grinding.
Yeah I noticed earlier, I was foolin around and joined a multiplayer Versus match and someone's co-op campaign. I restarted from the beginning though. I wonder if the campaign dlc is worth it (probably not).

Enjoy Dragon Quest/Warrior 7, I played on the 3ds. I didn't beat it, but it was a good game

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Greedfall Gold on XSX (had original on PS4 but didn't get far, so decided to get the upgraded version on XSX)
Saint's Row on XSX
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 on Switch
Multiple games on the Steam Deck: Neon White, Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion.....etc

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Tomb Raider (2013)

This game is not very good at all. The animation is all twitchy, the camera is shaky, Lara's actions are constantly bordering on retarded and the "Tomb Raid" part of the title is limited to baby's first puzzle rooms with a chest at the end.

The combat is the worst. The AI is some of the most braindead I've ever encountered , worse than the first Uncharted.
They just kept walking up to you and taking headshots one after another. The whole game is like this, just take cover behind a crate or wall and wait. Eventually they'll abandon their cover and just come to you, it doesn't even take long. When they make their way over, headshot, rinse, repeat. It's almost funny.

You can't move bodies in the game and this is how almost every encounter I've had in the game has ended.
Rise of the Tomb Raider is much better

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
If that's supposed to mean that Cyberpunk's is somehow inferior, oh fuck off would you?

Many of Cyberpunk's missions have very good and open level design allowing for multiple playstyles, and its story is in fact better than what Eidos Montreal came up with (I still love all DX games though, even Invisible War).
Deus Ex is MUCH better than Cyberpunk. It's more of an RPG and you can approach every situation how you want to. You can go stealth or guns-a-blazin'. The upgrades are insane and cool (I'm talking about the original Ion Storm one)
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Yeah I noticed earlier, I was foolin around and joined a multiplayer Versus match and someone's co-op campaign. I restarted from the beginning though. I wonder if the campaign dlc is worth it (probably not).

Enjoy Dragon Quest/Warrior 7, I played on the 3ds. I didn't beat it, but it was a good game
So the servers really are up then, lol. That is so damn funny to me.

Yea, DQ7 is pretty cool but it's a deeply flawed game on the PSX. I'm determined to see it through though, kind of like a bucket-list game, I just feel compelled to play through it because of how archaic and huge it is. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Holy fu*k are old games good. Finished Onimusha 1 and now playing the second one.



I just hope there will be games like that again in my lifetime.
Nice. I was on an Onimusha kick last winter. Played through the first game, it's still a stone-cold masterpiece. Got probably a 1/4 of the way through 2 and I was loving it. Something pulled me away though, need to go back to it at some point. I loved the sense of adventure and talking with the townspeople, really different in scope compared to the first game.


So the servers really are up then, lol. That is so damn funny to me.

Yea, DQ7 is pretty cool but it's a deeply flawed game on the PSX. I'm determined to see it through though, kind of like a bucket-list game, I just feel compelled to play through it because of how archaic and huge it is. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Yeah, I'm certain. There was someone Level 99 in one of the matches ha ha. I'm fairly sure the servers for Resi Evil 5 & 6 on ps3 are still up too.

Kudos for playing the original version of DQ7.

Alpha Male

Battlefield 2042
Halo Infinite multiplayer
Forza Horizon 5
Riders Republic
Red Dead 2

No Man's Sky
Death Stranding
Demon's Souls

Switch OLED (handheld mode only):
Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Deus Ex is MUCH better than Cyberpunk. It's more of an RPG and you can approach every situation how you want to. You can go stealth or guns-a-blazin'. The upgrades are insane and cool (I'm talking about the original Ion Storm one)
Cyberpunk's open world missions were definitely Deus Ex lite, not the other way round, yeah. I liked Cyberpunk and those missions were fun but they didn't totally scratch the itch because they were little areas completely isolated from the rest of the world in terms of gameplay, you never got the feeling of being really deeply in over your head in a hostile location and every area was designed roughly the same so there was little thrill of discovery, which is usually key in a good immersive sim... Basically, it's not immersive.

Now I have an urge to replay Deus Ex. I have too many games on my plate! Ugh.

Mr Hyde

Currently playing Hyperstone Heist from the Cowabunga collection. Been having great fun with these Turtles-games. Truly a blast from the past. It's a solid collecting with lots of goodies, scanned manuals and boxes, strategy guides, tv shows. A lot of love went in to this one. Say what you will about Konami, but their retro collections have been great so far.


Deus Ex is MUCH better than Cyberpunk. It's more of an RPG and you can approach every situation how you want to. You can go stealth or guns-a-blazin'. The upgrades are insane and cool (I'm talking about the original Ion Storm one)
Lmao where the fuck do you think my name and avatar come from. I finished Deus Ex five times, Invisible War twice, HR and MD once. Cyberpunk, mindblown, also allows you to go stealth or guns blazing. Or hack people's heads. It just does it on much larger scale.


I'm 100+ hours into Death Stranding Directors Cut completionist run on PS5 and considering starting Stray. I usually never play multiple games but this is probably one of the few times where my completionist addiction is making me want to take a break with another game.


Hunt: Showdown Still the best multi shooter out.
ORX Deck building, tower defense, strategy game with some roguelike elements thrown in. Early Access but a lot of fun already
Death Stranding Only couple hours in. Like the story but not sure I'm sold on the rest of it yet.

Steam Deck:
Bunch of random stuff. Most recently Popup Dungeon.

Resident Evil 4 Great game that is also great in VR.
Beat Star Ocean First Departure R on PS5 yesterday. Pretty simple story as you'd expect from a jrpg from this era. Combat action based no real skill involved and too much backtracking. Worth a run through though if your into quirky games.


Stray PS5

Blown away by this. Absolutely gorgeous game, found myself stopping in nearly every scene to just gawp at it. Soundtrack fits perfectly aswell giving the game a mysterious and brooding tone. Didn't think any game would top Elden ring for me this year but Stray has to go in at the No1 spot



Gold Member
Finished RE Revelations yesterday.

Series X: Saints Row (original)
PS5: The Surge 2, Sniper Elite 5, Siege, Battlefield V
PSVR: Puzzling Places, I Expect You to Die

Nothing right now on PC or Switch


Elden Ring still. I managed to beat Magrit, though I needed both help from the summon and the cooperation call. I think I was underpowered, or had a bad weapon, or didn't have the skill. Or maybe the boss was just hard as hell! LOL!

Now off exploring the other parts of the map, before I come back to progressing through the game proper. It's fun just to run around in and smash up baddies.
There are memes about Margit so know that you’re not alone lol
With a melee build he’s brutal, took me like 3 hours to beat.

With a magic build I beat him at the first try. Astrologer really is easy mode. At least until a certain later boss which is painful with magic.

As for OP’s question I’m on another Elden Ring playthrough now. Can’t get enough of this game.
Playing some Returnal as well but I’m currently focusing more on Elden Ring.

Cao Cao

Nice. I was on an Onimusha kick last winter. Played through the first game, it's still a stone-cold masterpiece. Got probably a 1/4 of the way through 2 and I was loving it. Something pulled me away though, need to go back to it at some point. I loved the sense of adventure and talking with the townspeople, really different in scope compared to the first game.

There were some powerful scenes in the games, the music does a lot.
Like this Boss Encounter I don't really see this setup anymore in modern games.


Mr Hyde

Finished Hyperstone Heist from the Cowabunga collection. It's not as good as Turtles in Time but its decent for what it is. Took about 1 hour to finish. Imagine buying this for 60 bucks in the 90s, lmao. And we complain today when a game is 10 hours.
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