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What game are you currently playing?

I played through the indie game Industria

It's essentially... an indie FPS made sorta in the vein of something like Bioshock, but with more basic gameplay. You're a researcher in the GDR (East Germany) and you get news that the wall has been declared open, so you run into your research facility to grab documents and find your lead/lover. You end up being teleported into some sort of alternate reality and it goes from there.

My quick Steam review:

I was first made aware of this game via the Digital Foundry video some time back. I figured at some point I'd try it out, so, here we are.

The environmental art in the game is often astounding, and although this sounds like damning praise I'd describe the game as an 'asset tour'. In my opinion it stayed consistent throughout except that the very beginning does a bad job of selling the game visually. I'm a huge fan of ray-tracing and DLSS, and both were appreciated massively here as they grounded the stellar art with realistic lighting interactions and a cohesive image.

What really surprised me is that the gameplay wasn't as poor as I expected. The developers wisely chose simple enemy types and simple weaponry, they kept things simple presumably according to their own capabilities. Most enemies rush the player, with a small few able to fire guns of their own. Your own guns feel satisfying to fire. It's a very basic setup and it isn't like the game has 'good' combat, but I think it's likely as good as it could be given the kind of game they were making and the manpower they had.

The story is... unfinished and not particularly impressive, but I did miss a lot of notes so I'll do a more thorough playthrough later. I liked the rapport between the two main voiced roles in the game, and as a whole I thought their voice acting was good too.

There were a few issues I experienced playing the game:

Resolution option is non-interactable. Fullscreen mode is stuck at improper resolution (in my case, 1080p on display res of 1440p)
Solution: Running at Fullscreen Windowed matches game res to display res.

UE4 crash message on closing the game, every time.
Solution: None.

Steam defaults to keyboard & mouse emulation mode for gamepad, despite game having controller support. This is a problem especially because the emulation mode doesn't seem to support necessary functions for game.
Solution: change controller preset to 'Gamepad'.
(Note: this is while using PS4 controller via Bluetooth, haven't tested other configurations)

Mist in streets section appears as a flat plane perpendicular to the camera at a certain distance rather than as a sphere, shifting according to perspective.
Solution: N/A

At one point I experienced a sharp FPS drop, turning the game into a slideshow.
Solution: Alt-tabbing fixed the issue.

A crash during gameplay happened when leaving the town hall. The error message indicated the possibility of a memory error, so I ran a stress test on the memory and found no issues, so I suspect it's on the game.
Solution: None.

In addition to the above, there were a disproportionate number of spelling errors in the game's text, including one note later on that felt like it had been written more hurriedly than this review.


I finished the campaign that came on the disc for Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. I enjoyed the game overall, it's a lot of fun in co-op. I downloaded and played the free DLC mission as well, and it's probably better than the game on the disc. Not sure about buying the expansions though.

With all this talk of a remake, I started Silent Hill 2 for the first time. I tried the first game, and it is perfectly fine, except for the aiming of weapons. I take for granted nowadays something as simple as aiming a gun or sword in game, but in Silent Hill 1 it is truely awful. Anyway, I jumped to 2 and it's much improved. I saved and quit just after doing the clock puzzle in the apartment building
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I started Silent Hill 2 for the first time. I tried the first game, and it is perfectly fine, except for the aiming of weapons. I take for granted nowadays something as simple as aiming a gun or sword in game, but in Silent Hill 1 it is truely awful.
You baby. You actual hecking baby. Aww is aiming too hard for wittle baby? Poor thing.

You're meant to run past all the enemies so it's never an issue, dur.
Yep. Even Resident Evil on ps1 is better, which Silent Hill is a clone of. They could have at least copied the aiming
I was just toyin' with ya, little scamp. Don't take me too seriously.

Silent Hill games aren't known for their gameplay, it's best not to think of them as serious survival horror games or anything like that. I'm a huge fan of SH2 in particular and even I'd say the gameplay is kind of perfunctory, it exists because it has to, nothing more.
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I was just toyin' with ya, little scamp. Don't take me too seriously.

Silent Hill games aren't known for their gameplay, it's best not to think of them as serious survival horror games or anything like that. I'm a huge fan of SH2 in particular and even I'd say the gameplay is kind of perfunctory, it exists because it has to, nothing more.
I know. I was hoping you'd take the re clone-bait he he.

That's kinda disappointing dude. I was hoping for a good survival horror game that was fun to play. I already know the story because the game has been around 21 years


Gold Member
After starting and stopping a few times, I finally finished Judgement. What a great game. Ended up starting Lost Judgement and amazed at how beautiful this game is. Parkour, skateboarding, detective work, new fighting style, what more could you want!
I know. I was hoping you'd take the re clone-bait he he.

That's kinda disappointing dude. I was hoping for a good survival horror game that was fun to play. I already know the story because the game has been around 21 years
Where's your spirit? Your pride of being a gamer? I've seen hogs on a farm with more of a gamerly outlook than that.

Reading the abstract plot summary on a Wikipedia article or, heavens forbid, watching a Twitch stream of your favourite streamer playing the game for ten minutes at a time before pausing to read an hour's worth of donation messages from mentally-ill people is not the same as playing the videogame! There's much more to the experience than the straightforward details of the story! Sit your arse in your gamer cave with some headphones on, move your Purple Heart PVC figures out of view so you don't get too distracted, and freaking game...

Next you're going to tell me that you haven't played FF7 because you know that Aeristh Diesth


Where's your spirit? Your pride of being a gamer? I've seen hogs on a farm with more of a gamerly outlook than that.

Reading the abstract plot summary on a Wikipedia article or, heavens forbid, watching a Twitch stream of your favourite streamer playing the game for ten minutes at a time before pausing to read an hour's worth of donation messages from mentally-ill people is not the same as playing the videogame! There's much more to the experience than the straightforward details of the story! Sit your arse in your gamer cave with some headphones on, move your Purple Heart PVC figures out of view so you don't get too distracted, and freaking game...

Next you're going to tell me that you haven't played FF7 because you know that Aeristh Diesth
Fine, jeez


Pokemon Arceus - I'm pretty much at the beginning but so far i like it. Never played a Pokemon game for long before.
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Mr Hyde

I've finished most of the games now in the Cowabunga collection, bar the Tournament fighters and some GB-games. I think this is one of the best retro collections I've ever seen. Been having so much fun with these games, it's like nostalgia overload. Turtles in Time and T2 the arcade game, plus the arcade versions are the best games in the collection. Konami did a terrific job of bringing these classics to modern platforms.



Vampire Survivors. Game is like digital crack.


Banjo Kazooie (XBLA). I have a boxed copy for the N64 that I still never beat, so I fired up the X360 version on the Series X. Going to beat it this time and 100% it as it is quite short. Game is still amazing but the controls and camera are ass (as is the case for many N64 games).


Code Vein: Playing on Steam Deck. It’s more complex then Souls games, and I’m honestly still trying to wrap my head around it. I do like some of the QoL features.

Far Cry 6: Playing on PC. Still playing. It’s so sooooo big. I love my weapons and the feel. I’m really enjoying it, but I’m ready to move on. I might just plow through the story now. I’ve already cleared so much side content.


Decided to try out the PS3 streaming feature on PS+ Premium and ended up replaying ICO. It might be my favorite game of all time. Simply a masterpiece.
The same can't be said for the streaming portion. I have good internet speed and am hooked up via ethernet cable, and it's still terrible. Really frustrating as when it works it actually works well but had many instances where it automatically closes the game because the connection is too bad. They really need to work out a way for the games to be available via download.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
80 hours already put into Yakuza 5.

It's shaping up to be one of my favs. Gameplay could be a bit (much) harder, but I'm enjoying all the side content, which there is a ton, and the story, which is quite enjoyable with all the different cities and characters.


Trying to platinum Persona 5 Royal right now, it's a long game and I'm just past Futaba's palace.
When I'm done with it I want to play: The Last of Us Remake, God of War, Plague Tale Requiem, Tactics Ogre, Syberia 4 and Monkey Island.
That's the list until the end of the year :messenger_sunglasses:


I stuck some more hours in to No Man's Sky because I'm a simpleton who loves all things space-ships. I racked up 200 million in cash and then got bored.

I've moved on to Black Mesa and am enjoying it. (I forgot how annoying the ladder 'mechanics' in Half-Life 1 were.)


Gold Member
Ghost of Tsushima.
Enjoying it so far though after Elden Ring it's a bit underwhelming how much like a generic Ubisoft game it feels. The visuals are really nice though and I like the combat way more than any Ubisoft game. I also appreciate how it has a more natural and seamless integration of the waypoint design with the whole guiding wind and animals mechanic

Mr Hyde

Been staring at the graphics on Forbidden West for two hours now. Holy shit it looks good. Prettiest game on the PS5 I've seen since Demon's Souls. Hard to believe this is cross gen. And it's so smooth and crisp, colors are popping, environments looking incredible. Guerilla ups the ante in the graphics department that's for sure.


Been staring at the graphics on Forbidden West for two hours now. Holy shit it looks good. Prettiest game on the PS5 I've seen since Demon's Souls. Hard to believe this is cross gen. And it's so smooth and crisp, colors are popping, environments looking incredible. Guerilla ups the ante in the graphics department that's for sure.
It's the best looking game I have ever seen.Put over 100 hours into it, and it still looks incredible, it's way better than Demon's Soul's.Horizin 3 is going to look insane
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Omg I detest phone gaming but ever since picking up the new Fold4 and finding apps for the phoneI am stuck playing Diablo Imortal

Edit : make sure you set the game at 60fps


And dragon quest 9
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Finished Yakuza 5, clocked in around 85 hours.

What a ride it has been, one of those games you miss after beating because of the story and characters, but also because of how fun the game is.

Can't believe I only have Yakuza 6 left to play.
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Mr Hyde

Currently playing Resident Evil Directors Cut on PS5. I haven't played the original since at least 15 years ago. Only the REmake. It's so nice to be back where it all started. OG RE is so much nostalgia for me. I bought this game on release 1996 for my own saved money when I was only 15 years old.

I was so hyped for this game. When I first saw pictures of it in gaming magazines I couldn't believe my eyes. The graphics were mind blowing, unlike anything you'd ever seen so far. I came from a 16-bit world of wholesome platformers like Sonic and Mario to a 3D polygonal zombie nightmare. Resident Evil was the first game that truly opened my eyes what games could be.

And it delivered in spades. It was revolutionary. I played the shit out of it for months. It was so damn good and fun. And I was so scared. Resident Evil became my favorite franchise after this and it stayed that way until Demon's Souls came out in 2009, which Wasa other groundbreaking experience that changed my gaming habits. Resident Evil is the best. I will never stop loving it
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With the new game about to come about and A Plague Tale: Innocence about to leave Gamepass decided to play and try and finish the game. Still amazing how well this game looks and holds up with the update.
This game was such a pleasant surprise. I remember seeing the previews about it, and thought it looked interesting. I then promptly forgot all about it, until I got short on stuff to play, and randomly came across it while browsing Amazon.

Looking forward to the second instalment, for sure.


Gold Member
PS5: Platnuming Plague Tale Innocence. Have Far Cry 6 and Stray on the go. COD CW for MP.

Series X: just finished Fear 3. Waiting for the next Plague Tale on GP. Sad I canMt play it day 1 on PS Plus tho.


Contemplating on booting up CP2077 with the new update.

I just need something to push me over the edge. Otherwise been playing Morrowind and Sims 4 on and off.
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