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What game are you currently playing?


I haven't been able to find something I'm into for a minute, here. Combination of not having much energy to play and some dead ends.

Bounced: Robotech battlecry was nice to finally see. And I would like to finish it, but not because it's fun. The game is spoiled by these (perhaps) poorly tested, cheap parts. The first several times I can think, 'all right maybe this game just had a few rough spots and they're behind us.) But at this point I'm anticipating some bullshit to happen and it does. It's really too bad. I like the idea of finishing it because I'm fond of robotech, but I'm going to hang it up.

Started: stray. This is from PS plus so you can say I'm not that invested. This seems like a game that I would buy when it's 6 bucks on steam and then never play lol.

Anyway, your cat is cute. If you like cats at all it's cool to be one in this game. This is a walking simulator with some light platforming. Not really my thing in the same way that visual novels aren't. I'll play it and I might like it, but I'm mostly clueless on what makes the genre tick. So far, stray is interesting enough to play again this morning.

The graphics are particularly good for a smaller game. If you compare the graphics between this and sifu, for instance, it's a Stark difference. And I thought sifu was a pretty good looking game.

Edit: hey, this game has more action than I thought. I picked it up and it just introduced some more gameplay to spice it up. You run away from head crabs in rooms that are easy puzzles to find out the way to corral them.
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Sleeping Dogs. I've owned this game since I bought it for the X360 and totally forgot I had it, then I got it on the Xbone and once again forgot I had it. Finally I bought it on Steam and forgot I had it for five years.

This game gets so much praise but I'm struggling to enjoy it. Story stuff is fine, the whole Hong Kong vibe is great, music is great and I like the characters. The gameplay is pretty rough though. The hand to hand fighting is shit city, the timing is absolutely off and the combos you learn are useless since you can just spam the jump kick on basically every enemy type outside the QTE-based fights which I hate with a passion. The gunplay is horrendous with super magnetic aim that sticks to unintended targets almost every time or just doesn't do anything at all. Traversal is weird, there is no jump button and everything is handled with a single button which you hold to sprint but also have to release and repress when you come up to obstacles or you will flub the maneuver and lose speed. This would be fine but Wei tends to climb random crap I didn't intend to climb. He also has a tendency to randomly jump off ledges as I run beside them. Then there's the NPCs who Wei will seemingly teleport into while I'm running around trying to avoid them during chase scenes. The animations are awful too. Fighting animations rarely connect or happen out of time so you hit an opponent and while they're falling to the ground they'll suddenly teleport next to you and immediately grab or hit you. Driving boats you become a totem bolted to the floor with exactly three frames of steering animation. Speaking of steering, the driving is about the most well-done part of this game and it's also trash. The e-brake isn't an e-brake, but instead causes a power slide, useful when trying to do a quick 180 but entirely useless when cornering as every vehicle in the game does something different when you use it. Sports cars do alright but just using the brakes at corners when needed loses less speed. Large vehicles just fly off the road like you hit black ice when you use it. The effect is even worse in boats. The camera can't keep up to the action either. It's very often facing the wrong direction and when adjusting the camera manually it's sluggish, often refusing to go where you're directing it. It also gets jammed in corners.

TL;DR I'm a bit disappointed in this game.
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Mr Hyde

Tried out a couple of PS classics now that I've hooked up my PS3. I was initially afraid that they would look shit on my 4K screen, but they look surprisingly good. Currently playing The adventures of Lomax and it's one of my favorite platformers from that era. Nice 2D sprite graphics and it got very colorful world to bounce around in.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
I played every JRPG that exist pretty much :D
But I did not enjoy Persona 5 later anymore, because it was WAY too long. I think it took me 80 hours and I started skipping dialogue near the end.
Not a JRPG but have you played Child of Light?


Finished The Ascent and started the new DLC. Love this game! Controls feel great, cover system works well, cool cyberpunk atmosphere, fantastic sounds. Pretty sure it's on game pass.

Getting excited for Ragnarok and Replaying God of War on PC and Steam Deck and loving it all over again. The combat feels perfect on a portable. Read a little on Norse mythology so appreciating it more this time.

Used to love FM2 but never played a Horizon so was excited to finally try Forza Horizon 5 when it went on sale. Don't really care for the floaty physics and the everything is the track thing. Also wish you could skip the driver customization options and winning cloths from spinning game show. That being said it's a gorgeous game with tons of car pr0n. Fun vehicle customization options and auction house. Don't regret buying and having fun getting the hard to reach sign destructibles - a little of RAGE 1.
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Currently playing Pillars of eternity
I'm having a blast!

Here is a long version.
throughout my childhood and till I got into college, I had the same Pentium 4 1.7 Ghz/ 256 Mb Ram and -the upgrade- 128 mb ATI GPU


Anyways, I only played on it till 2009 or sth, so I only played old school crpgs, those were the ones that worked anyway.

BG1, 2, TOB, IWD... ETC
when I got a decent laptop, which was still a shitty piece of tech, I left those CRPGs for good.
12 years later with nothing worth it, I decided to go back to CRPGs, started with my GOAT planescape torment, played disco elysium
moving on to whatever what black isle developed as well as bioware

I enjoyed those replays but the technical limitations of those titles were a bit of a drag.
And then came Obsidian's Pillars of eternity.
it's really a great game, It takes me back to the feeling I had back then, a solid gameplay and a great story and writing, I'm really enjoying it.
I'm planning to keep it getting through all those new cRPGs, those really show how things have deteriorated these past 10 years or more even

I would recommend it to anyone interested in good writing and great characters
With a peculiar and a very interesting world.


Currently im enjoying my first playthrough of The Last of Us Part 1. It's been so intense and awesome, the amount of footage I'm capturing has inspired me to make my own trailer style video

Check it out 🙏


Currently im enjoying my first playthrough of The Last of Us Part 1. It's been so intense and awesome, the amount of footage I'm capturing has inspired me to make my own trailer style video

Check it out 🙏

Awesome haha! Makes me wish it was that intense without cuts, I suddenly need a ND zombie horde survival game lol
Just remove the bits where you have to babysit and carry ladders etc, a game where it’s just 100% action, but no humans, just a zombie beat’em up, and move the camera out a bit, done! 👍


Paid £10.99 for a month of Extra, this is what it got me.


My thoughts;

Lost Legacy is a brilliant game. I love the map, and Chloe proved that this series can still flourish without Nate, Elena and Sully. The writing is on point. A nice evolution of the series. Also, the 8 hour length was absolutely lovely. I love these short expansions like this and Left Behind, they end up being full of heart. My only complaint with this game was that the train sequence/plot line felt like a weak ending IMO.

Crash 4 is a challenging but fun platformer. Toys for Bob did an unbelievable job. As always with Crash, there are times where I wanted to rip my hair out because I kept dying at simple platforming sections, and other times when I absolutely nailed a rock solid sequence of platforming and felt like a god.

Stray is very vibey and in the spirit of Ueda. Why is this the first time I’ve ever played as a cat? It’s so natural for platforming. Visually stunning, my style of story telling. A fantastic game.

My sub runs out on the 20th (9 days left). Not sure if I’ll play anything else for now, as I have Elden Ring, Sekiro, The Last Guardian and Horizon Forbidden West in my PS5 backlog. I was tempted by Returnal, but I am put off by the length and difficulty. Overall great impression of Extra though.
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Super Aleste (Space Megaforce in US) just got an english fan translation released, so gonna dive into that. Apparently the japanese version has a lot of differences compared to its US version, more content as well. Gonna figure out the details out of curiosity.

Also want to finally finish the original Panzer Dragoon today, that game has eluded me for years. Not today do.

And ofcourse a couple of dozen chaos runs in D2R to end the session.


Got the "true" ending for soul hackers 2. Definitely liked it more than the normal ending. Thankfully it didn't take too much effort to achieve.
Started: stray. This is from PS plus so you can say I'm not that invested. This seems like a game that I would buy when it's 6 bucks on steam and then never play lol.

Anyway, your cat is cute. If you like cats at all it's cool to be one in this game. This is a walking simulator with some light platforming. Not really my thing in the same way that visual novels aren't. I'll play it and I might like it, but I'm mostly clueless on what makes the genre tick. So far, stray is interesting enough to play again this morning.
I was curious about Stray because I'm an idiot and I have a soft spot for cute animals, but when I watched footage it looks like a non-game. Or in other words, a walking simulator.

Visual novels aren't even remotely related though... visual novels are novels. They don't pretend to be anything else. I can't think of a single walking simulator that justifies being a game.

I played every JRPG that exist pretty much :D
But I did not enjoy Persona 5 later anymore, because it was WAY too long. I think it took me 80 hours and I started skipping dialogue near the end.

Persona 5 was disappointing imo. It's nice that they designed actual dungeons instead of procgen corridor mazes but they take so frigging long and the gameplay isn't good enough to sustain it. That'd be fine except the cast sucks... look, Persona 4 had Chie and Yosuke. They're both absolute bros. You wanna hang out with these people. Who the fuck wants to hang out with Ann or Ryuji lol they're intolerable. Ryuji is a little bitch. Ann definitely has a secret Onlyfans. And the story is stupid. Persona 4 didn't exactly have a good story either but it had a good hook and kept you engaged with the mystery throughout. It wasn't nearly as stupid either. I'm looking forward to Persona 3 coming to PC though because I've been meaning to replay that, I'm quite sure it will still pwn and I'm glad it's the PSP version because that's the best one

Anyway, personally I've been grinding through Stranger of Paradise (still a good game, still just a little too thin for the length of its levels) and reading Muv-Luv (I'm liking it more). I intend to finish Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and the new content for it soon. And I've been doing runs on some Gunvolt games trying to get the highest rank... it turns out hard mode on GV1 makes it way easier to get rank since you don't have to engage with the idiotic skill system or with grinding loot to craft gear that you need to get score. You just have to play the game well! Imagine that.

Soon I will be playing Freedom Planet 2. I didn't realise it was about to be released! I just found out! I really liked the first game so I'm hoping to enjoy this one too.
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Gold Member
A Plague Tale Innocence. A beautiful AA title, improved with an XSX upgrade. Asobo is a such a talented studio. Wanted to give it a run while it was still in Game Pass (until Sept 15) and ahead of the sequel coming out next month. Liked the characters, writing, story, haunting music and gorgeous environments. Mostly easy puzzles (fine by me). Then there the rare, rush combat sequences that can be a pain with instant death and having to repeat actions from the checkpoint before the combat. Looking forward to Requiem.


Alright, it's time. I started Trails of Cold Steel III tonight. I've spaced these games out well enough (I finished Azure a little over a year ago), and I want back on the physical and metaphorical train. If it's anything like the last games, it should take me a month to 100%. Another month after that for CS4 - because obviously I'm playing the direct sequel immediately after it and I've been spoiled CS3 ends on a huge cliffhanger - and then I begin the year-long wait for Reverie to be officially released in the USA.

Persona 5 was disappointing imo. It's nice that they designed actual dungeons instead of procgen corridor mazes but they take so frigging long and the gameplay isn't good enough to sustain it. That'd be fine except the cast sucks... look, Persona 4 had Chie and Yosuke. They're both absolute bros. You wanna hang out with these people. Who the fuck wants to hang out with Ann or Ryuji lol they're intolerable. Ryuji is a little bitch. Ann definitely has a secret Onlyfans. And the story is stupid. Persona 4 didn't exactly have a good story either but it had a good hook and kept you engaged with the mystery throughout. It wasn't nearly as stupid either. I'm looking forward to Persona 3 coming to PC though because I've been meaning to replay that, I'm quite sure it will still pwn and I'm glad it's the PSP version because that's the best one

Dungeons are mostly fine imo. Like allot of technical elements of the game, they're an improvement over the past Persona games. The game's real problems are that the plot becomes aimless fast because most of the team are dumb, that most of the team are dumb, and that the scenario feels too similar to Persona 4's without any of the charm that game's cast and setting brought to the table. Atlus does a good job in creating a bustling city with an in-general fantastic aesthetic, but the game still feels less than the sum of its parts.
Alright, it's time. I started Trails of Cold Steel III tonight. I've spaced these games out well enough (I finished Azure a little over a year ago), and I want back on the physical and metaphorical train. If it's anything like the last games, it should take me a month to 100%. Another month after that for CS4 - because obviously I'm playing the direct sequel immediately after it and I've been spoiled CS3 ends on a huge cliffhanger - and then I begin the year-long wait for Reverie to be officially released in the USA.

Dungeons are mostly fine imo. Like allot of technical elements of the game, they're an improvement over the past Persona games. The game's real problems are that the plot becomes aimless fast because most of the team are dumb, that most of the team are dumb, and that the scenario feels too similar to Persona 4's without any of the charm that game's cast and setting brought to the table. Atlus does a good job in creating a bustling city with an in-general fantastic aesthetic, but the game still feels less than the sum of its parts.

Cold Steel 3 & 4 pwn but also expect stupidity. Expect your IQ to drop about 50 points.

The dungeons in P5 are technically fine it's just they take so long! I did like actually fighting and recruiting demons like mainline SMT games though. And yeah... can I just say that Akechi is one of the worst fucking characters ever. His whole plan is beyond stupid. I hate him. I can't believe they went with the hook of "there's a traitor" and then made it the guy who is obviously sus and shows up at the 11th hour to lead you into a trap. The worst thing is this prick has a suitcase with a big letter "A" printed on it. Absolute wanker

The actual biggest problem is indeed that the team is bad tho. I think that + the setting come together to make it really isolating. You're in this big city packed with people and yet the people you know are shit. In Inaba it's much more tight-knit and also the people you know are cool so it feels like you're the cool kids in town.


Where's your spirit? Your pride of being a gamer? I've seen hogs on a farm with more of a gamerly outlook than that.

Reading the abstract plot summary on a Wikipedia article or, heavens forbid, watching a Twitch stream of your favourite streamer playing the game for ten minutes at a time before pausing to read an hour's worth of donation messages from mentally-ill people is not the same as playing the videogame! There's much more to the experience than the straightforward details of the story! Sit your arse in your gamer cave with some headphones on, move your Purple Heart PVC figures out of view so you don't get too distracted, and freaking game...

Next you're going to tell me that you haven't played FF7 because you know that Aeristh Diesth
Mang I finished Silent Hill 2 and enjoyed it. I did Born From A Wish as well. You shouldn't say the gameplay is bad, it was underselling it. It was a great game. I got the Leave ending.

I'm playing Dead Space now, I'm on chapter 4. Don't see why this game needs a remake, it holds up well


Unruly Heroes. It's a gorgeous 2d platformer made even better with FPS boost on XsX. While controls don't suck as such, I wish they were a bit more precise. The game gets really hard at the end (at least for me).

Two Point Campus. Didn't get into TP Hospital, because managing a hospital is the last thing I want to do in my life, but this one works just fine and I'm having loads of fun. Would have never played if not for Gamepass.

Just started Steelrising. Too early to tell, but looks to be one of those better Dark Souls rip-offs.
Dishonored 2. Not too far in yet (just finished a very stressful clockwork mansion level. Felt on the backfoot from the start of the mansion) but as usual Arkane level design and variety of ways to tackle the objectives is top notch. Loving Domino! I'm trying to do a no choke playthrough (so relying on darts, shadow walk, tackles and drops for non lethal takedowns). Curious to try out doppleganger.


Decided to take a break from the PS5, and felt like I had to replay some PS2 stuff, mostly these gems:

Finished Silent Hill 2 a few days ago (got the rebirth ending) and yesterday I got into the subway level in SH3.

Gotta say, SH3 is still impressive to this day graphics wise, but it’s clearly not as good as SH2.

Last time I replayed them was in 2017, so yeah.
Mang I finished Silent Hill 2 and enjoyed it. I did Born From A Wish as well. You shouldn't say the gameplay is bad, it was underselling it. It was a great game. I got the Leave ending.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had a whole smug "well, how could I tell you have bad taste?" defense prepared so I'm glad I don't have to use it. As for the gameplay, it's less cumbersome than SH1 but it's still not a real game, you just either run past the monsters or shoot them and you're drowning in resources so it's hardly a consideration.

Leave ending iirc is the best ending for James, but the other endings are worth seeing. At least In Water and the Dog ending. Maybe watch them on Youtube or something.

Gotta say, SH3 is still impressive to this day graphics wise, but it’s clearly not as good as SH2.
SH3's faces in particular look incredible


SH4 wasn't too bad graphically either despite everything else. Then they started outsourcing the games and we got Homecoming:

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Kaycee's mod in inscryption. Have done a couple challenges now and I'm not sure how far ill go with this. I don't feel this has the replay value like I have with slay the spire.

Little bit of Tetris effect but holy shit I suck at tetris.

Returnal too. Doubt I have it in me to beat this.


Report me if I continue to console war
Having a blast in Halo infinite, the dialogue of the enemies is spot on, not many games have enemy dialogue this good.

Uncharted 4 PS5 edition, just got to the Scotland level. Love the visuals in this game.

Just started god of war again to remind myself of the combat.


I finished dying light 2 the other day it was ok. I’ve gone back to Returnal to finish the tower thing while I wait for my friend to return cyberpunk which I was waiting for the next gen patch for.


I've now played through all of the first five Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters. No idea how many times I've now played these, but they're some of my favorite games ever.

Speaking of best games ever made, I'm now onto 6.

Haha. I just had a flashback to when this was revealed and everyone was awestruck at the fact it was only pc and mobile. That is still mind blowing.

I'm 30 hours into triangle strategy. I couldn't find an item at once point and got a game over screen with a synopsis that my clan was decimated and then forgotten to the sands of time. That's pretty dope for a throw away ending that I was able to reload a save from and try again.

Really recommend it. I bounced off octopath traveler even though I pre ordered the special edition so even if you didn't like that game try this out. Alot of story though to be warned. Good story but just be ready for it.
I finished reading the main story of Muv Luv Extra. It's pretty bad tbh. I like the presentation but it's just a really generic high school romance/comedy and the story just kind of... gives up. Two very minor arcs 1. girls cook me some food 2. we try to win at lacrosse then you go into whatever route you're on. I did the Ayamine Kei route and it was insanely boring, threadbare & facile but drawn out as far as possible.

Started Muv Luv Unlimited and it seems more interesting so far... they're clearly working towards something here so I'll give it a chance, but I get very strong vibes of "we got bored writing the other thing so let's write something different instead!" Which, like, fair enough.

Also been playing a fair bit of Freedom Planet 2. It's more flawed than the first. The boss fights have no consistent balancing, with some being unfairly difficult and others being challengeless. Levels are more ambitious than the original with more routes, but at times it feels a bit too messy, especially when the progression direction changes suddenly or there's some gimmick that doesn't work too well... there are a lot of good levels too though. In general I kinda just with the game was more focussed. We don't need four playable characters and very complex levels if that impacts the level and boss designs too much. We're all playing as Lilac anyways lol


Grabbed Resident Evil 4 on Steam at 4.99 & installed HD mode / having a blast. Right now working towards the end of castle.
Always wanted to replay the game as I beat the game on the original GC (don't have it no more) - and I also have Wii ver... but just can't get used to the control, nor the blurry visual on my TV. (Wii ver. using Wii U)

Took a bit of getting used to go back to the non-strafing control scheme. I remember having pretty hard time on the shooting gallery mini game, but on PC ver, using mouse for the mini game makes the shooting gallery almost a joke. Thing is, I have hard time getting used to the ASDW as directional keys... and pressing shift/space bar etc at the same time. :(

Wanted re-jiggle my memory before the RE4 Remake hits... but now I'm little concerned that how much they are going to cut from the original.
The game is HUGE compared to any previous RE games. (Not sure of RE5, but RE6 certainly is bigger than this game... and it's got masterful pacing. (Ashley being annoying is another matter though.. ;))
When you say "HD mode" do you mean the HD Project mod? It's an amazing mod for sure. I do though recommend playing RE4 with a controller, just cuz it was made that way y'know?
I have just finished Absolver's story mode and starting Arcadeggedon now, I'm going thru it alphabetically

Sometimes play some GT7 or E-football, haven't even scratched the surface of my PS5 unfortunately

Naked Lunch

Playing all versions of Radiant Silvergun over and over again. The Saturn version is still king.

This probably my favorite videogame of all time. The ultimate skill based game.
The stuff this game pulls with its bosses is just unbelievable - and the high expectations they put on the player - you could write and essay on every one of them - and theres like 50 in total. Many of them are homages to past shmups both popular and obscure. The next to last mechanical bird boss is riffed straight from a boss in the PCEngine CDs Slyphia. And an early boss IS the player ship from RType. Wild.

Xiga's final diamond heart section is the most insane moment in gaming history - on top of the 100s of crazy moments in RS before that.
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Neo Member
Currently I’m (re)playing Pillars of Eternity 1, I’m also playing Gunfire Reborn, Vault of the Void and Vampire Survivors.

I’d definitely recommend playing all 4 of these, Pillars of Eternity 1 is one of my favorite CRPGs ever, think Baldur’s Gate but way more accessible, POE1 and 2 uses a ruleset designed specifically for the game which allows you do roleplay builds like the intelligence Barbarian, the Muscle Wizard, the gun toting Wizard or you can still just minmax. The writing is pretty good but very verbose which may or may not be a down side for some people and I really like the companions. Vault of the Void is a roguelike deckbuilder that aims to bring a more CCG experience into the formula, it’s currently in Early Access right now but it’s getting a 1.0 release soon. Gunfire Reborn is pretty fun. Vampire Survivors probably needs no introduction.
I just finished reading Muv Luv (Extra and Unlimited)

What a big fucking waste of my time on Earth. It feels like it might be leading to something, there's a lot of big obvious red flags, it seems as if the BETA don't really exist and there's some weird shit going on, and given how it's presented there probably is something going on, but "it's in the sequel!" isn't enough of a justification for just dropping it and revealing nothing


Biggest Trails Stan
Been playing Alundra on Vita

Hard game but enjoyable

The next games I'm planning on playing are


Trails From Zero
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope


Tactics Ogre Reborn
Persona 5 Royal


Crisis Core Remastered
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Manji Uzuki

Trying to catch up with the Yakuza series, playing 6 now and enjoying it a lot. Want to take my time with it as I know 7 is very different.

Also playing No More Heroes 3 which is for sure a wild ride :messenger_tears_of_joy: And for quick plays bouncing between Mushihimesama and Capcom fighting collection
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