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What game are you currently playing?


The nicest person on this forum
I recently finished Soul Hackers 2, decent game.

its dungeon is not very exciting and story was meh but I would say difficulty balance is much, MUCH better than Persona 5. The final boss was actually interesting fight on hard difficulty, while Persona 5's final boss was brain dead easy even on hardest difficulty.

As MegaTen fan this game was somewhat fun and dont regret playing it but its very basic on almost everything.
I polished the shit out of New Vegas with this stuff (added in order)

1. New Vegas Script Extender (xNVSE)
2. JIP LN NVSE Plugin
3. JohnnyGuitar NVSE
4. UIO - User Interface Organizer
5. ISControl Enabler and Ironsights adjuster
6. kNVSE Animation Plugin
7. lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes
8. ShowOff NVSE Plugin
9. Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP
10. New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod
11. Skinned Mesh Improvement Mod
12. Improved Lighting Shaders

Then proceeded to add Hit's Anims - Season 1, 2 and 3 (basically much better gameplay) and JSawyer Ultimate Edition (basically the final true version of the game). Took all of 10 minutes, didn't use a mod manager since its easier for me to just download and copy paste shit (which is all i needed to do). Played about an hour, and it's smooth sailing. Gonna play it some more later.


Neighbours from Hell
Haven’t gamed as much lately, recovering from COVID, but I tried to play some A Hat in Time because it looked fun and the camera was among the worst I’ve ever played and I usually never complain about the camera in any game. It would randomly for no apparent reason zoom in all the way right up to the main character when you’re running around trying to platform and made it unplayable. I googled and apparently others on ps4 had similar issues. Shame, I really wanted to play it, but no way I could tolerate the camera for an entire playthrough I couldn’t to it even in the first area.


Just finished lost judgment. Gotta say the ending of Kaito Files not being the usual BS was a breath of fresh air especially after how unfulfilling the ending of the main game is.


Started up Fuga : Melodies of Steel on GamePass a few days ago, and been playing it non-stop whenever I have free time. The game has good strategy mechanics, and is surprisingly challenging, especially if you take the dangerous routes along the pathway (which I recommend doing for that sweet XP and better loot). The story is well paced, and the characters/plot have just enough depth to keep you invested while not taking up much time. If you just want to focus on laying waste to enemy machines with your super tank though, you can skip the cutscenes and not bother interacting with the characters much during the intermission segments (spend those AP points on upgrades!)
NFS Heat. Easily some of the most fun I'm having playing a Need For Speed game in a very long time. For sure my favourite to come out in recent memory.

Loving the visuals especially, graphically it's very good.


Replaying Days Gone. Absolutely amazing game. Shame it's so not getting a sequel. This and Infamous Second Son are probably my 2 favorites from last gen.


Biggest Trails Stan
I got further into Alundra

Got through the Mansion. I haven't done the first nightmare yet. I'm about 1 to 2 hours into the game. So far I'm enjoying it. Playing it on Vita

I've been playing Resident Evil 4 on Switch. I'm playing it for the first time and despite my issues with the controls, I've been enjoying the game. I'm almost done with Chapter 1

Mr Hyde

The lighting and shadows on Forbidden West are really impressive, especially in the cauldrons. This game can look so good sometimes. Right now, tied with Demon's Souls as the best looking game on PS5. Also, the story is getting very interesting now. Had some cool reveals of a couple of characters and the path forward is very exciting. Can't wait to play more.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Doing a replay of Monkey Island 1 and 2, before jumping into the new one. MI2 I especially need a refresher on.
I got further into Alundra

Got through the Mansion. I haven't done the first nightmare yet. I'm about 1 to 2 hours into the game. So far I'm enjoying it. Playing it on Vita
I'm surprised that took 1 or 2 hours, you've not gotten very far; the first nightmare is very much still part of the opening of the game imo

I love Alundra though. It's the better 2D Zelda game us Playstation kids had, and it's far better than any said Zelda game imo.

I've been reading Muv-Luv Alternative. I have yet to get to whatever point elevates this dramatically above the (miserable) Muv-Luv Unlimited, but it's at least vaguely more interesting so far.

Also playing Freedom Planet 2. I have more respect for this game now that I know it's absurdly long for an indie 2D platformer. The spotty quality makes more sense now, and I think on balance they did a very good job, but it's clearly overly ambitious. There are a bunch of really great levels here, and some really bad levels too. Bosses balancing is very inconsistent. But they made a huge game and it's impossible not to respect the good stuff that is here.


Biggest Trails Stan
I'm surprised that took 1 or 2 hours, you've not gotten very far; the first nightmare is very much still part of the opening of the game imo

I love Alundra though. It's the better 2D Zelda game us Playstation kids had, and it's far better than any said Zelda game imo.

I'm about 3 hours now and I got the bomb to enter the coal mine. As for better than Zelda, I love Zelda, and I disagree there. I think Okami is better than most 3D Zelda games though :p

As for my feelings for Alundra, I love the game so far. Hoping it doesn't get too difficult

I grew up with both Nintendo and Playstation. I love my PS1, PS2, Vita, SNES, GameCube, DS, 3DS, and Switch

As for Resident Evil 4. I got to Chapter 2-2

El Giganto was a tough boss. Overall this game is one of the toughest RE games in the franchise

I'm about 4 to 5 hours in
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Biggest Trails Stan
Splatoon 3; can barely get a game since the last patch. What I did play pre-patch, I loved. Waiting on a new patch to fix disconnections.

Tonight I’m finally starting Elden Ring on PS5. Praise the Sun.

Nintendo really needs to do something about their internet. I don't play multi-player games at all but Splatoon 3 interest me. But the online issues it's having at the moment is what's preventing me from getting the game


Currently have a few on the go asusual, but i started Greedfall again yesterday, and actually had a lot of fun. Played for 5 hours straight and the funny thing is i didnt like the game when it released way back when.


Started the centennial case and finished the first chapter 1. Assuming the mysteries escalate well it should be a good time.


Margit down. Can already tell this is a GOAT. That intro is dripping in lore, going to be watching Night of Black Knives videos on YouTube tomorrow.

Naked Lunch

Daytona USA [Xbox Series X]
I play this every couple months or so and somehow, someway always outdo my previous best time on each course. Sega had a way with making something seem so basic, have so much flexibility and skill. Each and every corner can be approached in so many different ways with different gear shift timing.

The graphics have that perfect color palette, signature Sega blue skies, and crisp look. And the hilarious music will simply never get old.
A timeless videogame.
I'm about 3 hours now and I got the bomb to enter the coal mine. As for better than Zelda, I love Zelda, and I disagree there. I think Okami is better than most 3D Zelda games though :p

As for my feelings for Alundra, I love the game so far. Hoping it doesn't get too difficult
I totally forgot you can wonder around a lot in that game, maybe it's not that strange to make slow progress depending on how much you explore at first...

I don't think the combat gets too hard to my recollection, but there are definitely some mean puzzles and annoying platforming bits. Not too many but enough to piss you off.


Biggest Trails Stan
I totally forgot you can wonder around a lot in that game, maybe it's not that strange to make slow progress depending on how much you explore at first...

I don't think the combat gets too hard to my recollection, but there are definitely some mean puzzles and annoying platforming bits. Not too many but enough to piss you off.

Yeah I'm planning on getting everything and making sure I'm always well stocked on health items. That way the game can be easier for me

I'm going to get Trails From Zero next week so once I get that game I'll be giving Alundra a break. I'll go back to Alundra once I finish Trails From Zero


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?



Star Ocean demo
Mafia Definitive Edition
Alan Wake Remastered

Enjoying Deathloop. It's way more Dishonored than Pray. Hopefully that demo isn't limited time only.
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Digimon Survive

I don't know why I'm bothering with it. It seemed interesting at first which is why I picked it up but it's so mind numbingly boring. The writing is awful and the story is dragging on. I'm about half way in and next to nothing has happened. The biggest thing so far is that someone died and other than that it feels like I've spent hours on trying to find someone. The "big reveal" at that part was so obvious.

Gameplay is almost non existant because all you're really doing is mashing A (i'm playing on switch) to go through text. The voice is only in japanese which I can't understand and it bugs me to skip text when voice is playing so I turned it off. So i was just mashing A but then i found out there is auto skip so i'm not even touching my Switch most of the time while I'm reading. I need to make sure I press a button every so often or my Switch will go to sleep lol.

I like Digimon and I've played lots of visual novels before and enjoyed them. One of my favourite games of all time is Persona 5 and a large part of that is reading but at least that has some kind of animation going on. In Digimon Survive the characters have a few expressions but otherwise everything is so rigid and static. Once the characters shut up talking you're going through menus, "pointing and clicking" in a situation, or fighting a battle. The battles are piss easy. So far I've only had to retry a battle once.

I've put the game up for sale on eBay but so far only 3 people have looked at it. Mines is the cheapest price and it seems like nobody is interested in this game. I'm probably going to need to cut the price down a bit and/or sponsor it to get rid of it. At least I'll get most of my money back since it's a Switch title.

It might sound like i hate the game but I'm slogging through it until someone buys it. I'm not bothered if I finish it or not but I'll keep playing for now.
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Recently completed Immortality. Close to the end of Fenyx rising. (Both very good games).

I've started playing Wanderer (VR game) and Deathloop.
After watching cyberpunk anime i started playing the game and i got hooked, its really good.
I will probably play this until next year when elden ring dlc comes out.
i was planning to wait on the expansion before going back to cyberpunk but i'm seriously tempted to go back right now having watched the anime. got too many games to be playing at the moment though.


Played a couple hours of the MW2 open beta and it definitely is a COD game. Few hours is enough for me to not touch it again.

Finished playing the Last Stop and was really disappointed by it. Seeing it was made by the developers of Virginia I had fairly high expectations in terms of narrative but it was not very good. No real choices and a story that petered out into nothing. Very little interactivity in general. The only thing I thought they did well was the architecture of London.

Next game: Deathloop
Haven't really played anything lately as I have no energy with the amount of work I have. I booted up the PS5 this past weekend and just started a fresh God of War playthrough to get a refresher on the story in preparation for Ragnarok. I had almost forgotten absolutely everything mentioning Tyr, so I am in desperate need of replaying it for the sequel, but I'll take my time in reading every bit of Lore and get most of the random/triggerable dialogue options to get a full experience.

But aside from GoW, I generally play on the PC. My younger brother has gone pro in CS, so we can't really play together that much but we've bounded more by playing Valorant and Apex in his free time. I watch my backlog growing more and more and I don't feel compelled into playing any of it, maybe when I get some vacation.


Gold Member
Started Deathloop yesterday after playing around a bit with AC Odyssey on the weekend. Probably give MW2 beta a go when it’s opened to everyone this weekend.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - Completed main story now just exploring the map and doing some side quests.. I think I'm pretty much done with it (not 100 completion.. and that is fine)
Easy Come Easy Golf - Playing through Tour mode (Really enjoying this one)
Splatoon 3 - good game but hasn't grabbed me like 2 did (Is it the stages? not sure)
Deus Ex: Invisible War

I've been a hard core Deus Ex fan for so long yet I never made it more than a couple hours in to this game, and that was over a decade ago. Bizarre how dull and lifeless the hub worlds are when compared to its technologically inferior predecessor. My expectations were low though so it's not a complete dumpster fire.
I'm actually playing a Cloud game.

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Currently Zelda Skyward Sword on the Switch. The controls take some getting used to but I like the game so far.

Also Switch games look good on my new TV and I wasnt expecting them to. I'm curious if the TV is doing something with the upscaling.
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I’ve played through Assassin’s Creed 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 3, 4, Rogue, Unity, Syndicate, Freedom Cry, and am on Liberation now.

Playing them a little out of order but I’ve been on a fucking tear. Never played any of these games after 2. After Liberation I haven’t decided if I want to touch Chronicles to get them all but I guess I’m starting Origins.

Don’t really care for the open world ones as much. I love the combat in the older games better than the Dark Souls combat they adopted.


In the end I gave up with Judgement on the final battle with Kuriowa, or whatever his name is, prior to that I beat him twice, but on the very last battle, without any health replenishments to go on, no assistance in fighting him when I needed, it, I just quit the game, deleted it and deleted all the saves, and watched the remainder part on Youtube....I regret getting it in the end, and it is one of those games that suits something like Gamepass...this game in the end had about as much appeal to me as Yakuza Kiwami's and I didn't enjoy those much at all...
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