Biggest Trails Stan
Got to the third planet in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope
About 8 hours in and at level 15
About 8 hours in and at level 15
Just started Eastward and it's fantastic.
How are they terrible? They're pretty basic, but they help break up the flow of just combat and exploration. At least they would, if the npcs would let us solve them ourselves.I keep going back and forth on my opinion on Ragnarok. Some of these puzzles are terrible. I can see why playtesters told them to add in the aggressive hint dialogue.
These light crystal puzzles are terrible. I think they're just really unclear what you can interact with and what the point of the puzzle even is. And not in a tricky or interesting way. Just poorly designed. I can 100% see how the puzzles playtested catastrophically poorly. And thats basically what Alana whatever her name is confirmed on her recent podcast (she didn't say catastrophically but said everyone was getting stuck). I think its a problem in general for extremely high end graphics games as well like Horizon or GoW. Being able to show visual clarity is difficult when the graphics are this detailed. Same reason why all enemies in GoW have glowing red and yellow circles to telegraph attacks. Same reason why everything in Horizon you can interact with is bathed in neon. Just literally difficult to easily see sometimes.How are they terrible? They're pretty basic, but they help break up the flow of just combat and exploration. At least they would, if the npcs would let us solve them ourselves.
Hard mode fixes a lot of that by the way. Damage from enemies is significantly higher. Everything else is pretty similar. More enemies tooI get it. I love games like EDF and those don't exactly make you think but Gungrave is so plodding and on the default difficulty settings at least, you could beat the game without really looking at the screen save for the few shield enemies they throw at you.
My favorite strategy game, got to plat it thanks to the PS cloud stream. I found that turn base strategy games probably suit cloud stream most as the fun does not come from precise inputs.
Ha, I was playing through that too the other week, it was on sale for cheap.Finished Chip and Dale 2 for the NES. That concludes my journey with the Disney afternoon collection. It was a great trip down memory lane. Lots of childhood favorites in this collection of games.