Playing Phantasy Star IV for the first time. It's kinda hilariously bad in story.
Fun enough to play with some archaic systems (I can't seem to even be able to sort my inventory which doesn't stack items so they all show up in order of acquiring rather than by type or whatever, it's not been a problem yet with a limited number of them but, we'll see). but, even though theoretically it's a fine setting and plot, if you read a synopsis or something it's not gonna sound bad at all, the usual ancient civilization tech unearthed or discovered, new baddie trying to do something with it crap and all, but just the way it's so juvenile and simplistic about everything is funny.
Go around exploring after a mission as a hunter or whatever and it appears this Zio guy has been wreaking havok across the land, you meet a destroyed village here, another where its people have been turned to stone there. The party leader is being all greedy asking more money from this one client about every new thing encountered, that's actually a nice funny bit every so often, the last time he went all how it was gonna be his marriage funds.
But yeah it's like. You meet random character who goes:
- My parents were killed by Zio and I want revenge take me with you (some character chimes in about how maybe it's better not to). I'm going anyway!
- Ok dude come along!
Go in temple to rescue this scientist, turns out it's some kind of ancient lab or whatever, you find the grandpa.
- This area seems safe, how did you ever survive this long?!
- This person saved me!
Out pops an elf ear chick like she was hiding behind him all this time so they didn't see her.
- I'm Rika! Come talk to Seed he'll lexplain it all!
Go to next room.
- Ok who's Seed?!
- He's in front of you (the computer)!
- I'm Seed! Hi, this lab and others like it are keeping your planet ecosystem and climate in check so the human race could survive past the apocalypse but it's old and malfunctioning so you better destroy it or it'll do more harm than good hence all the monsters around and you can do this by destroying this central structure that powers all such structures. But you need to rescue this android for it as only it can destroy that!
- Where's the android?!
- Zio has it!
- That bastard!
- Also take Rika with you she's my daughter made from 1000 years of improvement and evolution on the bioengineering systems or whatever and she'll help!
- Awesome, we'll take her!
Go back out that place. Seed self destructs the whole place mumbling about now knowing Rika will complete the task.
- Rika you have to look ahead and fulfill Seed's wish!
- Ok!
Just funny as heck how simplistic every dialogue and everything is like children wrote it. I wonder if it's the same in Japanese. This seems like one of those, it's only a famous series because it was made by Sega and they didn't have anything else to compete against Final Fantasy with so it has to do.