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What game are you currently playing?


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Ratchet and Clank PS4, I forgot how fun these games are and this one looks great. I like the way it ties right into the movie.


Gold Member
I have been playing Timespinner on PS4. I am having fun with it. Its metroidvania with its enemy placement, leveling system, and equipment. The music and the art style are really good. The levels are like a pattern if you ask me. As if you walked into a nice hotel that has each decoration precisely placed at each corner of the room. The characters dialogue with one another hasn't grabbed my attention. I want to know what's going on, but once they start talking its all over my head. The fantasy element is there, but its a lot of jargon from characters that don't feel that memorable. I want to progress further and move on to the next area. Its good in that when I start to feel like I'm bored with the area; I move on to the next area (which is very different). So it draws you in long enough and then it changes. That feeling of it being boring or repetitive goes away, but you feel it for just a minute or two before it happens. It almost feels like the creators were trying to make the perfect metroidvania, but they made something that's very self aware of itself.
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Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Way of the Passive Fist. It's an interesting take on beat 'em ups. Instead of punching people, you dodge and parry attacks until the enemy is exhausted, then poke them and they die. There is a super punch, but you need to build meter in order to use it.
Way of the Passive Fist. It's an interesting take on beat 'em ups. Instead of punching people, you dodge and parry attacks until the enemy is exhausted, then poke them and they die. There is a super punch, but you need to build meter in order to use it.
Wait WHAT? This sounds hilarious and awesome.

Mr Hyde

Currently playing Salt and Sanctuary. It´s one of the most shameful rip offs of a game I´ve seen, but it is helluva damn fun. It´s like a cross between Dark Souls and Castlevania, and it has all the good things that I like in a game, such a builds, loads of weapons and armor customization, skill trees, fun combat, platforming and so on. The bosses are well designed and fun, but easy as hell. The only thing that I can complain is the confusing map designs, and that progress after Castle of Storms is a mess. And I don´t like the wounding either, that sucks big time. But all in all, a fun take on Dark Souls in beautiful 2D artwork. What´s not to love.


Currently playing Salt and Sanctuary. It´s one of the most shameful rip offs of a game I´ve seen, but it is helluva damn fun. It´s like a cross between Dark Souls and Castlevania, and it has all the good things that I like in a game, such a builds, loads of weapons and armor customization, skill trees, fun combat, platforming and so on. The bosses are well designed and fun, but easy as hell. The only thing that I can complain is the confusing map designs, and that progress after Castle of Storms is a mess. And I don´t like the wounding either, that sucks big time. But all in all, a fun take on Dark Souls in beautiful 2D artwork. What´s not to love.
I might replay it now that you reminded me it exists. My experience with it was pretty much exactly what you just said, except I hated how the characters look. Also while most of the bosses are really well designed, a few are just atrocious.
I don't know what they were thinking with the Tree of Men. They might have been trying to make a worse Bed of Chaos and they somehow succeeded at it.


Genning up to play Dontnods 'The awesome adventures of Captain Spirit' before diving into Season 2 of Life is strange over the weekend.

Mr Hyde

a few are just atrocious.

Yeah, I agree with Tree of Men. One of the worst bosses I´ve yet to encounter. I died more on that thing than I did with any other boss, and not because it was hard, but because it was pure shit in its design. I guess every game has to have some sort of low point.


Gold Member
i'm hooked on Fortnite. took me forever to get into it. im mostly playing Save The World. got the season 6 battle pass from v-bucks i earned just playing....the thing is i'm so bad at Battle Royale.

still playing Rocket League but not as much.

i'm playing Cuphead but this one boss is giving me a hard time.

the usual overwatch/forza 7/wow

have hardly touched Destiny 2....i was so excited for Forsaken but i just don't enjoy it anymore :/ not sure what happened there.


DQ11, with some Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon thrown in when I need a break.

And now I have Valkria Chronicles 4 staring at me from the shelf....I am 27 hours into DQ, so I still have quite a ways to go. Wife is out of town this weekend though, so I am going to have plenty of hours of sweet slime-hunting bliss.




Gold Member
going back and fourth between Star Control Origins and Torna the Golden Country.

Looking forward to DQ11


The nicest person on this forum
I’m still playing DQXI and VC4 and still have Fist of the North Star in October 2nd but I’m not gonna dive in to that game until I finished either DQXI or VC4.
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Deleted member 740922

Unconfirmed Member
Going to start Shadow Of The Tomb Raider on my new Xbox One X (when it finishes downloading 😞)


I am long term doing a play through of all the Yakuza games, i finished yakuza 0 a few weeks ago and am in the process of playing Yakuza Kiwami

AJ Gaming

Neo Member
Tomb Raider
Forza Horizon 4
Far Cry 5
Ghost Recon Wildlands
Rainbow Six Siege
Sea of Thieves
PC/Xbox One X
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Genning up to play Dontnods 'The awesome adventures of Captain Spirit' before diving into Season 2 of Life is strange over the weekend.

Scrapped that plan as I still needed to play through the LIS prequel 'Before the Storm' so I figured I'd get that done then replay LIS (I completed it before some of the later patches) and get that 100% completion, then go onto Captain Spirit.

Have to say pretty impressed with the first episode of BTS, the unity build is surprisingly good and the character models look very akin to their unreal equivalents. Plus it's nice to be able to play as Chloe and her be much less a raging bitch.


I usually rotate between a few titles so I won't get bored since sometimes I look for a relaxed experience and other times for more action.
These days I' m playing on my Ps4 pro

Kingdom Come Deliverance
The evil within 2
Dragon Quest XI
Gt Sport

I love all of them but the performance and popup of KCD are a bit distracting.


Neo Member
-Stardew Valley. What a lil shiny jewel that is despite not being perfect.

-Dragon Quest XI. Quickly climbed to my current gen's Top 5. Loving it.

-Sweet Home. Unfinished business with that one. It's...not Capcom's best, but the completionist me wants it beat.


Thx to the BC program and a recent discount, I currently play Splintercell Blacklist on my xbo.
Also … just because of Season 15 Diablo 3 xbo & PC


Dragon Sinker on PS4.

Even though the graphics are comical it’s not a bad little budget JRPG, and relaxing to play.


Currently juggling new wow expansion, battlefield 1, Rainbow Six Siege, FF XV, Yakuza 0, CS GO, Overwatch. I only have about 12 hours a week I can game because of adulting. So what i'm finding is I can really only balance two games at once. I also plan on getting the new cod because I really liked the blackout beta and zombies is very festive for Halloween.

So cod will be in the rotation and i'll have to drop most of those. I'm thinking it will be cod and wow, but ill drop wow when I feel i have played enough of the content and maybe try and play one of my man single player games I own.

I don't even have any children. I can't imagine the spare game time once children factor in....


Currently juggling new wow expansion, battlefield 1, Rainbow Six Siege, FF XV, Yakuza 0, CS GO, Overwatch. I only have about 12 hours a week I can game because of adulting. So what i'm finding is I can really only balance two games at once. I also plan on getting the new cod because I really liked the blackout beta and zombies is very festive for Halloween.

So cod will be in the rotation and i'll have to drop most of those. I'm thinking it will be cod and wow, but ill drop wow when I feel i have played enough of the content and maybe try and play one of my man single player games I own.

I don't even have any children. I can't imagine the spare game time once children factor in....

5 hours to none, per week. Thats for me at least. Its significantly lower with a second child.
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I am slowly getting through God of War on PS4.

I've been taking my time trying to explore all areas possible/accessible to me as I go. Though 1 particularly tough
battle I had to leave as I kept getting my butt handed to me!



I am slowly getting through God of War on PS4.

I've been taking my time trying to explore all areas possible/accessible to me as I go. Though 1 particularly tough
battle I had to leave as I kept getting my butt handed to me!


This is GoW at it's best. Unfortunately, it really funnels towards the end. I don't know your playstyle, but I wished I saved some loose threads for the end, rather than hitting a big "post-game" stop sign and chomping at the bit for the story to wrap up.
-Stardew Valley. What a lil shiny jewel that is despite not being perfect.

-Dragon Quest XI. Quickly climbed to my current gen's Top 5. Loving it.

-Sweet Home. Unfinished business with that one. It's...not Capcom's best, but the completionist me wants it beat.
I love Stardew Valley! I'm hoping that lmitedrungames does a physical copy for the Switch. Pretty stoked they did one for Golf Story.

Mr Hyde

NG+ now in Salt and Sanctuary. You get a sick amount of salt now, I have leveled up quite a bit plus transmuted a staff to class 5, using 100000k salt. The final boss was the hardest boss in the game and a serious difficulty spike. Every boss up to him I have killed in 1 or 2 tries, but this one just fucked me up beyond repair. I tried tackle him at lv 70 but it was impossible. He hits hard as hell and has insane tracking with his sword, superaggressive near the end, infinite stamina bullshit all the way. But after I leveled up and geared up with better armor and sword he finally bit the dust.

All in all, S & S is pretty lackluster I must admit. It´s a cool combo of Dark Souls and Castlevania, I´ll give it that, the exploration is top notch and it has a hefty amount of wicked bosses. But it has no original ideas of its own, Ska Studios just copies off the Souls-formula and call it a day, like a lazy student who´s copying off yesterdays homework from the more ambitious pupils. The 2D is nice in pure graphical terms but the art design is pretty bland and the later areas are short and boring. They should have cut some areas and made the rest a little bit bigger. The progression after Castle of Storms is all over the place and it gets tedious real fast. I like the combat though, is pretty satisfying, but I wanted to use magic and so far that has been underwhelming to say the least. I don a 5 class staff with S scaling and the spells suck ass despite that. It´s also hard to switch between spells, items and healing since everything is in the same hotbar, and that is really annoying.

I´d say give it a shot if you´re into Dark Souls but if you don´t then this is a hard pass. I´m only nice to it since I´m a die hard DS fan. From Software is still the king over all of these copycats, they ain´t close to the magic that Miyazaki brings to his shit.


I finished RE6, I like that game now... and .im ok with that...

I'm up to chapet 10 of The Evil Within on Akumu difficulty, just reached the second Laura fight. I managed Akumu already on 360, but I'm still wanting that survival horror rush so until RE2 lands in January and this is about as good as it gets. I've been playing it differently this time - shoot the legs, burn them - rather than going for the exquisite headshot the game has. I'm loving it, it has to be one of the true, proper modern survival horror games out there. The level design and pacing is fantastic, something that the sequel seems to have forgot about.

I haven't watched any YouTube playthroughs that show tricks and stuff, but I have been reloading my saves when I go to the lockers as you basically want as much green gel as possible to upgrade early on in the game. Flash bolts, shock bolts and stamina are now maxed so I'm just upgrading capacity and damage now.

The game runs like ass, but you can't have everything. I hope RE2 is as good as this.


Spintires. Awesome game thanks to the physics.

Hauling logs through the serene Siberian woods. I tipped my truck over because I went over a steep embankment to dodge something else then had to get the fuel truck to tow me upright again, picked up the logs with the grabber and was on my way again :)

Slowly "grinding" my way through this game and I love it. I love the river crossings.

This is the most peaceful and satisfying slog in gaming and a perfect antidote to AAA.
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