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What game are you currently playing?

I typically avoided From/Souls games because I heard they were hard but the sheer hype for Elden Ring made me buy it. I completed it and loved it and I had BB on my shelf for about 9 years so I decided to give it a shot. I love BB now too and have bought Demons Souls for PS5 and the Dark Souls trilogy on PS4. These games are addictive. Hard but fair.

As you've noticed, the difficulty is overhyped. The games are excellent though, glad you found it in you to give the genre a shot and are enjoying!


Continuing my Lttp JRPG run

Soul Hackers 2 (Xbox Series X) - This game was on my Amazon buying list due to its low price, saw it was on Gamepass currently so i gave it a go (Before ordering the physical copy). About 7 hours in and I'm enjoying to so far, characters and story are quite interesting. The battle system is good, not overly complicated, but you can still customize you characters skills to a good degree. The "Dungeons" are pretty much in the Atlus tunnel variety so far. (Which is fine). Still kinda experimenting with the Demon Fusing, not sure if its best to fuse or to keep leveling up current ones (trying to avoid any guides/walkthroughs for now). (Physical copy ordered)

Mr Hyde

Dead Space 2 on Steam. Still holds up after all these years. Very atmospheric, very eerie and very gory. Got all of the DLC with this purchase so playing around with all the new weapons. It's a lot of fun. Contact Beam feels so good powering up and then BLAM! apple sauce.


Started and beat first 3 levels of Evil West (to play alongside Xenoblade 3). Really fun game that totally leans into PS3/360 era action games. Over the top gore, serviceable B-movie action story, decent visuals, and quite fun combat. Could see myself replaying on higher difficulties.


Plague Tale Requiem: First game was a real sleeper hit and this is more of the same (in a good way). I was actually quite surprised by how it ended! Feels a bit expanded with bigger story, larger areas and skill trees etc, which I don't think is an improvement tbh. Absolutely stunning to look at though. Solid 7.5/10 type of game.

Silent Hill Short Message: For what it is I quite enjoyed it. Setting is interesting. Chase segments are pretty bad although found it getting tense just because of frustration and it being unclear where to go etc. Biggest gripe (and is a pretty major one) is what does this game have to do with Silent Hill???


Made it past the hype but my curiosity remained for Armored Core VI so finally caved and got it yesterday. My first AC. Phenomenal game with gorgeous sprawling landscapes and a crazy sense of scale. Very challenging to keep your 3d situational awareness with so much going on so have to rely on sound effects which are terrific. Everything revolves around builds and there's so many options you could play it for years. Enjoying the hell out of it.
Bramble- great for this type if game (inside/little nightmares). Don't expect challenging puzzles, it's pretty straightforward simple challenges. Beautiful and eerie, paced really well, dripping with atmosphere and just expertly crafted little game. Sound design and lighting is great. Def worth the $12 I paid for it.

Btw anyone have opinion on if Splatoon 3 is worth $40? I'm on the fence but think it might be worth having for the Side Order expansion coming soon. I have Splat 2 and enjoyed it but I'm not big into the multiplayer ...sale ends in a few hours argghh


Playing Gotham Knights and Persona 3 Reload on gamepass. Gotham Knights is okay so far, feels like a 6/10 game that's passable but nothing special and definitely inferior to the Arkham games but the story is not bad i guess. It does feel very repetitive though with not much gameplay variety.
Persona 3 Reload definitely feels good to play. Although I'm not sure if I have it in me to go through 200 floors of Tartarus again.


Currently playing Tales of Berseria on the Legion Go and SOMA on the desktop. Enjoying both.

Played "Like A Dragon" for about 12 hours but bounced. Loved lots about it,but will probably watch a recap and go straight to Infinite Wealth at some point.


Gold Member
Been playing Terminator Resistance.
So far its a fun game set in the post Judgement Day world of the Terminator universe.
Very respectful to the source material and a few nods to the movies as well.
If you like T1 and T2, you will like this game.


I'm playing Kena. I don't know how to feel about this game. It has some really good things and some really bad.
Graphics are great, I like the platforming, a few enjoyable puzzles among other things.
But then, there's the bads. Voice acting is terrible, the story is confusing (I feel there's a story just because).
No point in exploring. There's only hats and crystals (to get more hats) , who cares about hats? Well, at least there are Rots to find...
And the boss fights? What the hell... why are they so god damn hard?! Is this Dark Souls or what?

I feel like this was kind of a miss for what could be a really good game. I'm filing this under "Average+".
But the game was developed by a small team and is their first game. They did a pretty good job for their first attempt.
Playing RE4 OG the first time since finishing the Remake 5 times.

I mean, I always considered the Remake amazing and well done, but replaying the OG just makes me realise how much of a good job Capcom did here. OG is prolly my favourite and most replayed game ever but after the Remake I find it quite hard to play. Miss so many things for the Remake… Crazy. Once again… Capcom did the impossible and improved and almost perfect game. Would have never thought they manage.
Playing RE4 OG the first time since finishing the Remake 5 times.

I mean, I always considered the Remake amazing and well done, but replaying the OG just makes me realise how much of a good job Capcom did here. OG is prolly my favourite and most replayed game ever but after the Remake I find it quite hard to play. Miss so many things for the Remake… Crazy. Once again… Capcom did the impossible and improved and almost perfect game. Would have never thought they manage.
Are you at least playing it with the HD Project mod or GameCube/Wii version on CRT? Because most other versions are bollocks with the exception of Occulus Quest 2 version, which is a different experience.


Infamous Second Son (TLOU2 remastered's cutscenes w/ commentary made me nostalgic for it; Troy Baker, Laura Bailey, Travis Willingham) and last night I took a break from that for the FFVII Rebirth demo. Went to bed right before I got to the reactor.


Too many different things now that I just recently joined GeForcenow and bought myself a shield device. Right now these.

Battlefield 1. Why didn’t ea make their own Assassins Creed? I’m loving this one, the levels on the desert reminds me of an Ass Creed if it was first person.

RE2, RE3,

Star Wars Jedi Order. What a great game this is. I haven’t been this immersed in this universe since kotor. They really nailed this.

A Plague Tale: Requiem. Another beautiful game. Like wow what a graphical showcase this is. The gameplay I feel is a little repetitive in these games, but still enjoying it. Kind of funny to see the main weapon is still a sling shot lol.

Alan Wake. Decided to revisit this. Graphics have aged a bit but still a very atmospheric masterpiece.

But I’m playing even more than this. Too many to list but the above has most my attention right now.
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I'm chipping away at Resistance 3 with the Move controller and wow, the camera is so zoomed in. I'm not sure if it's a bad thing, or just as zoomed in as other shooters, but in hectic gun fights it can be near impossible to even see what the hell is going on, lol.

Also, some of the guns are big as shit. They look amazing but the rocket launcher is laughably big. The AI is damn good too on Normal even, they will always connect. I remembered Resistance games being tough, and this one definitely can be. No recharging health either. Some of the sections in this game, I can't even imagine trying to complete it with a controller. Bullets everywhere and your character is heavy, jumping is about useless in this game.

Look at this gun though, lol.

Finally decided to give death stranding a proper go, loving it after 10 hours or so

I have been contemplating playing this, just haven't had it in me to start a 50+ hour game so close to FF7 Rebirth. Do you feel like I would make enough progress to feel meaningful if I played for an hour or two a night?

I'm playing Kena. I don't know how to feel about this game. It has some really good things and some really bad.
Graphics are great, I like the platforming, a few enjoyable puzzles among other things.
But then, there's the bads. Voice acting is terrible, the story is confusing (I feel there's a story just because).
No point in exploring. There's only hats and crystals (to get more hats) , who cares about hats? Well, at least there are Rots to find...
And the boss fights? What the hell... why are they so god damn hard?! Is this Dark Souls or what?

I feel like this was kind of a miss for what could be a really good game. I'm filing this under "Average+".
But the game was developed by a small team and is their first game. They did a pretty good job for their first attempt.

The story is pretty standard fare but the world is pretty creative and I enjoyed the fights. Definitely more difficult than expected, but the responsiveness of the controls really impressed me. I thought it was going to be another indie game that is style over substance, and it was not that way at all. Really looking forward to the team's next game.

Playing RE4 OG the first time since finishing the Remake 5 times.

I mean, I always considered the Remake amazing and well done, but replaying the OG just makes me realise how much of a good job Capcom did here. OG is prolly my favourite and most replayed game ever but after the Remake I find it quite hard to play. Miss so many things for the Remake… Crazy. Once again… Capcom did the impossible and improved and almost perfect game. Would have never thought they manage.

Does it really live up to that standard? I played the demo and it was alright, the controls felt...off. Something about the original was precise. At the same time I am afraid if they did do a good job it will kind of ruin the original.
I have been contemplating playing this, just haven't had it in me to start a 50+ hour game so close to FF7 Rebirth. Do you feel like I would make enough progress to feel meaningful if I played for an hour or two a night?

The story is pretty standard fare but the world is pretty creative and I enjoyed the fights. Definitely more difficult than expected, but the responsiveness of the controls really impressed me. I thought it was going to be another indie game that is style over substance, and it was not that way at all. Really looking forward to the team's next game.

Does it really live up to that standard? I played the demo and it was alright, the controls felt...off. Something about the original was precise. At the same time I am afraid if they did do a good job it will kind of ruin the original.
Yes, absolutely. You may have to play it for a bit to get used to it. But it wasn’t really any different for the original when you’re honest. Remember all the criticism because of the wonky aim and the lack of straffing? That is all gone with the Remake and boy will you miss the parry once you’re used to it.

Are you at least playing it with the HD Project mod or GameCube/Wii version on CRT? Because most other versions are bollocks with the exception of Occulus Quest 2 version, which is a different experience.
Playing on PS5. I do have the HD mod and love it buy I don’t really want to sit in front of the PC after work and also am always bothered by the 60 FPS QTE issue of the PC version which makes some of the QTE impossible to pass without switching to 30 FPS mode.
I finished the campaign in Granblue Fantasy Relink. I was very excited to get into the end-game multiplayer quests but… it just fell flat for me. There is no drive to do these extremely easy and fast quests repeatedly. I spent 100 hours in Monster Hunter doing quests repeatedly to max out gear and weapons. Here, it feels so soulless. Oh well, I enjoyed the game otherwise.

I loaded up Tales of Destiny on my PS1, so I’ll be playing that for a while. This is a quick photo from my TV that I thought was hilarious. I don’t know what else I expected from inspecting a toilet.



Neo Member
So my current rotation features ....

Halo: Infinite because i really enjoy the Arena FPS genre and despite all the negative press it is one of the best Arena FPS games that are currently available IMHO. The dev team resurrected this game in Season 5 and its been a generally upward trajectory since then. Very decent Campaign, Very fun and exciting multiplayer that features a Ranked/Competitive scene amongst social and PVE game modes.

CS2 - Not in a fantastic state anti-cheat wise although if you enjoy playing competitively then FaceIt may be your best option.

Magic The Gathering, Arena - Oh man Magic as an E-Sport? Yes Please.

Triangle Strategy - This has been on my list for a long time. I decided against going just for the story and bumped up the difficulty a notch. The game has SERIOUS depth and anyone who enjoys Isometric, Final Fantasy Tactics style game play paired with story-rich content.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Honorable mention here I'd like to play it more but I think i'm better off upgrading my PC's cooling system before i spend too much time in Liberty City.
I do have the HD mod and love it buy I don’t really want to sit in front of the PC after work and also am always bothered by the 60 FPS QTE issue of the PC version which makes some of the QTE impossible to pass without switching to 30 FPS mode.
I use the recommended trainer and it can do those automatically alongside other QoL features and bug fixes.

Mr Hyde

Finished Dead Space 2. It's still cool. It looks pretty good, way better than the PS3 version, with some beautiful art direction and space vistas. High framerates was a blessing. Smooth as fuck. The game has some wild set pieces, of the kind you only almost saw during the PS360 era and the action is solid. The Sprawl is a good replacement to the Ishimura but the story is unfortunately lackluster and the final chapter and boss is not good at all. You can see the cracks and lack of ideas in this sequel but it's still worth a go. A remake would be pretty cool.

Went back to AC Valhalla after a long break. I kinda like this game. Only AC that's clicked with me. It's very beautiful. Love the Viking theme and setting of England. Very well done. Intriguing plot and fun little side stories and mysteries that breathes life into the world. Lot's of activities beyond the story. You never quite know what you'll stumble upon to, which makes exploration rewarding. It feels much better than Odyssey, which I got bored of due to the insane copy and paste feel of the world and locations.


Playing RE4 OG the first time since finishing the Remake 5 times.

I mean, I always considered the Remake amazing and well done, but replaying the OG just makes me realise how much of a good job Capcom did here. OG is prolly my favourite and most replayed game ever but after the Remake I find it quite hard to play. Miss so many things for the Remake… Crazy. Once again… Capcom did the impossible and improved and almost perfect game. Would have never thought they manage.
I played and enjoyed the remake, beat it multiple times. Good game. That being said, I couldn't disagree more.

For some reason I just find the original so much more replayable. I love everything about it, it's a perfect game to me. The remake is quite good, but there were so many times that I wished I was just playing the original. My wife expressed similar sentiment. Granted, it's our favorite game and we've both beaten it literally hundreds of times, so the new one was appreciated just for being new and shaking things up, but I find the original to just be a vastly better game in terms of design tightness. Different strokes I guess.


Alternating between Ultrawings 2 on PSVR2 and Doom 3 on PSVR1 when the controllers run out of battery 😅
I want to start a replay of FFVII soon, if possible this weekend, before starting a replay of FFVII Remake in preparation for Rebirth.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I just got a TurboDuo and I’m playing through Bonk’s Adventure for the first time. It’s pretty good!



Been messing around with Arma Reforger. I didnt even realize it had left early access.
Just been going around the map exploring and sniping ai. Not really done any missions as i just find it really interesting exploring the map.


I've just finished Final Fantasy VIII Remastered (PC)... I'm 25 years late to the party and my played-time was 52 hours... but I did it, Goddamnit.


Now onto Final Fantasy IX Remastered (PC).
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I played and enjoyed the remake, beat it multiple times. Good game. That being said, I couldn't disagree more.

For some reason I just find the original so much more replayable. I love everything about it, it's a perfect game to me. The remake is quite good, but there were so many times that I wished I was just playing the original. My wife expressed similar sentiment. Granted, it's our favorite game and we've both beaten it literally hundreds of times, so the new one was appreciated just for being new and shaking things up, but I find the original to just be a vastly better game in terms of design tightness. Different strokes I guess.
Hmm… My biggest issue with the Original after playing the Remake is the lack of parry and the fact that I always have to go into the main menu to switch the weapon. Both were such great additions.

But yeah, different strokes. RE4 will always be one of my absolute favourites but Capcom really has done a wonderful job on the Remake.


Finally started Destroy all Humans 2: Reprobed. About 70% done, had 2 freezes and the missions are quite repetitive. Had more fun with the first one.


Gold Member
Playing the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy, starting Shadow of the Tomb Raider (third/last game) in a moment.
...if I manage to escape from the Xbox discourse. It's just too funny.
I recenlty bought a Series X

I'm playing HALO 1, HALO Infinite, Gears 5, Resident Evil 2 and Mortal Kombat 11

Halo is a great game, oh my god!

I think they must put some true next gen graphics on next Halo, but that's a good game anyway...
Halo 2 and 3 are even better. Have fun mate.


Played through The Invincible on Steam. Another walking sim / story game as I am going for some shorter ones recently. Really pretty game and enjoyable - nothing groundbreaking.

I wanted something more action based so started Scarlet Nexus on PS5 which is scratching that anime/action itch but have also started Silent Hill 2 Enhanced Edition on PC to play when its dark. I only recently played through Silent Hill on a PSX emulator on Steam Deck and everyone goes crazy over 2 - am looking forward to it.


Granblue Fantasy Relink (PS5). The combat is damn solid, I love it. I'm close to beating it so I'll do that tonight. After that, I may try to finish the platinum in Tekken 8 (PS5) or continue my first run through Hogwarts Legacy (XSX).
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