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What games have you spent the most time on, ever?


Well first and foremost, let's get the MMORPGs out of the way.

With my stay in Vanad'iel, my playtime for FFXI was around 45 days (Best job combination was my RNG45/NIN22). Approximately 1080 hours, give or take.

As for a regular PC or console game, here's my list:

-I've played through Final Fantasy VII three times. Two of which just went through, did about 50 hours on both. Third time, I decided to get everything, and I did about 150 hours.

-Final Fantasy VIII (PlayStation). I've played through it 8 times, working on my 9th time right now. Most of which were 40 hours, a few under, and one under 20, tried to beat it as fast as I could. I never really got all the GFs and did all the sidequests, but I really enjoyed the story, and on my 9th time right now, I've gotten everything so far at the point I'm at.

-Metal Gear Solid 2. I beat the game about 10 times with my original copy, I traded it in a year after owning that, and bought MGS2: Substance a few months ago, and have been through it about 10 times as well. Couldn't really say how much time I've spent on it, but I still put it in once in a while for the tanker mission.

-Super Mario Bros. series. Ditto.

-Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This is probably the game I've spent more time on, ever. I remember just playing around in Hyrule field. I remember fishing. I remember it raining. I've played through it a few times, too.

-Super Mario 64. Ditto.

-Grand Theft Auto III and Vice City (PS2, Xbox). Have beaten both games multiple times, and one of each playthrough doing all sidequests and getting all hidden packages.

-Halo (Xbox). Ditto. Many LAN parties, many XBconnect games, many casual games with friends over. One whole completion of all difficulties, started over, beat everything on normal, doing heroic at the moment.

-Animal Crossing. I've fucked around with this game so much...and to think, I still haven't paid off my last debt :lol. $350,000 bells to go.

-Madden/NFL2k series (Dreamcast/GameCube). Online games, games with friends, seasons.

-Super Smash Brothers Melee. Ditto. A game for my cousins and myself. Beautiful.

-Goldeneye 007. Ditto.

-Perfect Dark. Ditto.

-The Pokemon games. Ditto. Minus the spin-offs.

-Vigilante 8. Probably the best car combat game...ever. Got addicted to the PlayStation version my friend had, then had my parents buy the N64 version for me for a birthday some years back.

-Aggressive Inline (GameCube :D). This would be better than Tony Hawk. Completed the main mode several times with different skaters. Wonderful game, great music.

-Soul Calibur II (GameCube). Beat story mode with every character. Have had countless matches with my friends, rarely losing.

-SSX 3 (GameCube). One hell of a fucking game. This game had everything, took a week to get through...it was like leveling multiple job classes in FFXI to 15. Great soundtrack, too.

-StarCraft (PC). Beat all campaigns numerous times. Have spent hundreds of hours in online games. Still the best PC game of all time.

-Xenogears. Two completions with about everything there was to get. Still my favorite game ever.

-Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Xbox). Hundreds of hours spent online. Numerous completions of one-player campaign. Beautiful online game.

-MechAssault. Few completions of single-player mode, hundreds of hours spent online.

-Crazy Taxi (Dreamcast). Completed everything. Spent hundreds and hundreds of hours messing around. Cool music.

-Quake III Arena (PC/Dreamcast). Probably my favorite PC-style FPS ever, minus Halo.

-Mortal Kombat 1-Trilogy. I've always been a huge MK fan up until 4. It's been a different game since then.

-The Mario Party series. Ditto.

-WWF Raw (SNES). Always played with my friends. It was beautiful for the day.

-Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Completed it numerous times. One hell of a game as far as an action/RPG game is concerned.

-Tony Hawk's Underground. I've spent probably a good 30 hours or less with one or two completions of previous games in the series (especially THPS3), but THUG owns them all. Two completions of one-player mode and hundreds of hours online with all those stupid dumbfuck bratty kids.

There are probably a lot of older games I'm forgetting from my younger years....but that about covers it.


The Legend of Zelda: I spent years on that shit trying to find the 8th dungeon as a kid. I had no idea the candle burned bushes.

You know, that reminds me. How the hell were you supposed to find out the candle burned bushes and that Level 8 was under a bush?


I'm fairly certain that the top four are:
Super Mario World
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Super Mario 64
Super Smash Bros. Melee


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Everquest for sure, something around 2500 hours total.

Other then that some multiplayer games like Rogue Spear, Myth 1 and Action Quake 2 got tons of playtime.

EDIT: *DUUUUHHHH* Warcraft 2, Starcraft, Diablo, Diablo 2. Dear god Blizzard stole SO much of my life, can't believe I forget them.


Bring on the "PSO" posts. I'll start:

PSO :p By a wide margin. Nothing comes even close.

Online aside it would have to be various Final Fantasies.


not an idiot
Myth: The Fallen Lords
Nascar Racing 2003 Season
Need for Speed (3DO version, which is still the best of the series by far)
Quake II
Rainbow Six
Street Fighter II, Super Mario Bros. 3, NHL (EA) series, NBA Live series, Sim City, Final Fantasy VII, and Advance Wars 1/2 come to mind.

Oh and how could I forget ... SUPER MARIO KART on the SNES. Man, me and my friends would still play that game years after it came out.

Which reminds me ... isn't it crazy that there's really no press on Mario Kart DS?


In one play thru would have to be Final Fantasy X(around 135 hours), Dragon Warrior VII(157hours), and Dark Cloud 1(122hrs).

All three games I have yet to complete a second time.

Multiple play thru, I wouldn't know. I used to play thru all my rpgs over and over and over again. Although, I think FFT and FFVIII probably raked in the most time.


hyperbolically metafictive
morrowind. i was probably pushing 100 hours on that fucker. and it was all in the space of a week or so. i'm still not sure how such a boring game could be so compelling.


needs to show more effort.
thousands upon thousand of hours in smash brothers.

prolly a good 800 hours in many replayings of ff6
similarly for ff4, especially considering I've played each version multiple times.

thousands of hours in Mario Kart 64 and Killer Instinct Gold as well


Dragon Warrior VII
Wonderboy III
Pro Evolution aka Winning Eleven aka ISS (not this gen's ISS)

and I think Breath of fire III (although I'm not sure it was III or IV the one I played the most).
I spent a good 200 hours playing PSO across all versions.

I've spent 120 hours already in the World of Warcraft beta. Sure to be winner upon release.
Pokemon Blue, around 1500 hours. Played through at least 12 times, and messing around with movesets and whatnot. Also countless hours battling online.

Counter-Strike, probably about the same. Countless hours of pubbing, bots, scrims. If I included watching demos it might be closer to 2000 hours.


well not really...yet
drohne said:
morrowind. i was probably pushing 100 hours on that fucker. and it was all in the space of a week or so. i'm still not sure how such a boring game could be so compelling.
I played this for about 35 hours and I dont think I ever started the actual game....


Grandma's Chippy
I had about 3000 hours into Asheron's Call before I quit (and that isn't even counting beta...lol), and probably that or more in Meridian 59 back in the day.

That is over 9 years though, so it only works out to about 2hrs a day

Ok that is just sad.


I pumped a lot of time into PSO, Ultima Online, and a good portion of my life to the Ogre games.

And I've probably played DDR more times than I've had hot dinners.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Easy - Civilization and Civilization 2. I've played at least one game where I won out on king with every civilization. Those games were such black holes for my time


I have played countless hours of all the main MK games across all the platforms. MKT on PSX the most.

I've played through FF VII and VIII a million times too.


-Over 100 hours on Final Fantasy VII

-Countless hours on Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64

-Chrono Trigger

As a rule, I don't replay games much. There's just too much I haven't played yet to be playing games twice.
goldeneye007, and perfect dark. Prolly played each one every day for 2 years after their respective releases.


mario kart snes

oh yeah and the ghost recon series


Junior Member
Gran Turismo- six months solid game playing non stop. Every car upgraded fully and tuned to perfection. I lost 18lbs durring those six months from missing meals.


Animal Crossing- 150 hours

Pokemon Red- 140 hours

Grand Theft Auto III- 124 hours

Super Smash Bros. Melee- 118 hours

Xenogears- 72 hours
Oh, man, my mental blocks must be working, 'cause I totally forgot Diablo II, where I've taken 5 of the 7 classes to Hell difficulty. I must have hypnotized it out of my system to prevent Yet Another Relapse.


Games I have spent at least 200 hours playing (some well over 1000 hours):

The old DOS version of Sim City
Master of Orion 1 + 2
Every Blizzard game other than Diablo 1
C&C: Red Alert
Wing Commander: Privateer
Pretty much all the old Papyrus racing sims (Indycar Racing, Nascar Racing, Grand Prix Legends)
Heroes of Might and Magic 2
Freespace 2 + mods
Zelda 2
Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Tactics Ogre
Pokemon Blue + Gold
Gran Turismo 2 + 3

While I rent a lot of game, I only buy games that I know I will spend a lot of time with. In fact I don't think I have ever bought a game for myself that I didn't spend at least 100 hours with. My theory is that it is much more fun to play a single triple A game for months rather than to rush through every triple A game without really enjoying any of them.

Threads like these always bring up such great memories :)


GameFan Alumnus
Street Fighter II World Warrior (arcade) - probably spent 3-12 hours a day on that for the first two years it was out. Played all the SF's from 2 -> 3, so over 7 years... (grabs a calculator) that's like 10,000+ hours of Street Fighter? It's not going to be pretty when I fight some of you online in a few days.

Finished Final Fantasy VII 3x and twice the clock rolled over 99 hours, so that's about 250 hours there.

PC games like Quake 2, WarCraft II, Diablo II and Enemy Territory have had the most replay value of the home stuff. Easily logged over 250 hours apiece on each of those.


PSO easily. I've probably spent over 3000 hours on that damn game. In fact I just started playing the xbox version again. *sigh*


Final Fantasy XI. my first MMORPG and hopefully my last.

Over 150 realtime days and counting (as in 24*150 hours of play time).


Unconfirmed Member
DDR. I worked at the arcade. The day we got 5th Mix in, I spent $40. After my shift. I was there from open to close. Working 6 hours, playing DDR for 5 straight hours. So much time, so much money, so much fun.
Final Fantasy X: Finished the game after 65 hours, got some celestial weapons.

Kingdom hearts: Finished after 50 hours, got some special weapons

Pokemon Sapphire: 66 hours and counting, just finished elite four and got Rayquaza, looking for al regi's now, BTW my Kyorgre owned the Elite 4.

Animal Crossing: A lot of hours, we even used the game on Newyears eve for the countdown. Still makes me laught thinking about the funny faces of my family as i fired up animal crossing, nobody really saw what was so cool about it.

Eye-toy play: Not that many hours but still use it every birthday party, lots of beer and eye-toy = total fun!

J2 Cool

Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country
WCW Revenge
WWE Wrestlemania 2000
Resident Evil
MVP Baseball 2004
various FF games


Lambtron said:
DDR. I worked at the arcade. The day we got 5th Mix in, I spent $40. After my shift. I was there from open to close. Working 6 hours, playing DDR for 5 straight hours. So much time, so much money, so much fun.

videos requested


Dragon Force on the Saturn. Every spare waking moment from January to March 1997 was spent playing that game.


Countless hours in:

Street Fighter Alpha
Street Fighter Alpha 2
Street Fighter III: Third Strike

Quake 2
Let's see...

About 100 hours on Pokemon Red
About 200 hours on Final Fantasy Tactics (3 play throughs)
About 370 hours on WoW beta
Much much more than that on Halflife mods
Much much more than that on Diablo 2
Much much more than that on Starcraft
Much much more than that on Warcraft 3

I rarely even make it through games let alone replay them. I can't think of the last time I've beaten a game. I can't think of the last console game that really held my attention.

I can probably count the weeks I've gone without playing TFT since release on one hand. I dunno if it's really fair to count all the halflife mods as one. I know I haven't spent 100 hours on DoD or NS, but I'm sure Counterstrike and TFC are near 200 each.

Oh, I remember the last game I beat. Metroid Zero Mission, which took a grand 4 hours.
1. Day of Defeat

Perfect Dark
Super Smash Bros. Melee

Most regular single-player games I only play through once. Except for any game with Mario in the name.


FFXI unfortunately. I don't think there's a single other game that has even come close to the 1000+ hours I put into that :)


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I have spent disgusting amounts of time playing these games...

Double Dragon II - Not sure, I was young, didn't have much else and played a TON
Super Mario World -- Ditto
F-Zero - Ditto
Super Street Fighter 2 - Ditto

Tetris Attack - Gotta be pushing 400 hours at least, I was a psycho
Street Fighter Alpha 3 - I'm guessing 300 something

Mario 64 - Played it for 6 years, incalculable
Unreal Tournament - Ditto, cept 3 years

Mario Kart 64 - Probably around 200 hours
Final Fantasy VII - Ditto
Rune Quake - Ditto
Quake 3 - Ditto

Longest streaks...

Final Fantasy Tactics - Almost non-stop, I went out for a bit a couple times, but 75 hours in 5 days I think, the first 3 days were very solid.

Gauntlet Legends - Played with my friends for 2 1/2 days straight one weekend

Disgaea - Played for 160 hours... *coughinounwkecough*

I'm on an all-time no gaming streak right now. It's been probably 3 months without playing more than 10 minutes of anything. Dunno why, I just haven't been in the mood. I'll probably pick it up again in the winter as usual.
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