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What games have you spent the most time on, ever?


I like to call it Pokemon. It's a love-love relationship.
Not nearly as obsessive as the 1000+ hour people, but I enjoyed them thoroughly.
Anything made by Blizzard, really.

I have Diablo II binges every year and a half or so where I play it almost non-stop for about a month. It's all about the items for me, and I always end up working from the bottom up until my main three characters or so have high-level gear, and then I lose interest.

I've put a good 400 hours into Warcraft III on Battle.net, and that's not including the FFA games I play with my friends here in my dorm, which usually take place several times a week and can last for 1 1/2 hours easily. Even with all the time I've put into the game, there's still so much I have to learn.

With Starcraft, I basically spent an entire summer three or four years ago playing that damn game every single night, into the early hours of dawn. Tons and tons of custom maps, as well as plenty of 3v3 BGH and Shared Base games. Fun stuff, although I can thank Starcraft for giving me tendonitis in my right elbow that still bothers me today. Too much damn clicking. :D

As far as console games, only a few games come close.

Tactics Ogre: LUCT for PS1: 175 hours, still on my first playthrough. I'm currently on my second run-through of Hell Gate, with a ton of the game left to go. I should really get around to beating it sometime soon. :p

Pokemon Blue: About 155 hours, not counting battling with my friends. I was obsessed with the game when it first came out, and me and all my friends in 8th grade would play the game every day at lunch. I was the first one at my school to get all 151 Pokemon, too. :)

SSBM: Unknown how many hours total I've put into this beast, but after unlocking all the single player characters and maps, my friends and I have played the game for an insanely long amount of time. For the first year after the launch of the Gamecube, four or five of us would play it every time we got together, often multiple nights in a row. Great game.
MK2, SSF2, and SMK thanks to Xband. EverQuest and World of Warcraft also. Ooohhh, can't forget Quake Team Fortress, which I played for years.


Half-life -TFC- 3000ish hours
FFXI - I quit with about 30 days playtime.

Those are by far the highest..

City of Heroes - 100 hours

CoD MP - 250 hours

Halo - 100-150 hours. Not sure exactly.. nothing to track like PC games, but I've beat it multiple multiple times, and have played through it a lot on weekends over the last few years with friends.

I rarely ever play through single player games more than once, so I don't have like the 3 play throughs of FF-tactics like some other people.

That's mainly this "generation" loosely. If I were going to pick games I spent a ton of time with as a kid I would say Street Fighter 2. I played it a ton in the arcades and then on the NES or SNES.. can't remember. They released SF2 turbo I think. I played the crap out of that.


Diablo 2 and Half Life: Hours beyond count. I always come back to these two games.

Panzer Dragoon Saga: Beat it with all secrets/upgrades at least six times.


I don't really know how many hours, so I'll just sum each game up.

Halo (of course)- Like everyone else, spent MANY hours in MP, did SP many times over on all difficulties. A lot of the time I just play around during missions now. Waiting for H2. :)

Burnout 3 (Xbox)- I play this game regularly on Live everyday, and still loving it.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 (Xbox)- You all know how addicting this game is, probably the best FPS on Live.

GoldenEye 007- I must've spend SO much time on this in MP with my friends. It was like the best looking game at the time and the most fun. It's STILL fun. It will always be awesome.

Perfect Dark- I think I liked this a little more than GoldenEye only because the cooler weapons and maps. Slowing down time, putting sentries on wherever you wanted, and setting Proximity Super Dragon guns was just the best experience ever. :)

Zelda: OOT- I LOVED this game to death. Some of the best feelings in a game ever. Fishing I spent A LOT of time on, and just wandering around Hyrule. Fable brings back some of those memories, so I'm working on that right now too.

Mario Kart 64- Hm..seems like a lot of N64 games are showing up on this list. This game used to be a blast with my friends because of its intensity. Everyone flying down the road, suddenly someone gets a red turtle and someone gets hurt. :) How I loved that game, and Bowser Castle was one of my favorite tracks.

The Sims (PC)- I remember spending too much time on this game, downloading objects, making the biggest houses until the framerate couldn't take it anymore :D , I built the White House. I love(d) this game, regardless if it appeals to girl gamers. I stopped with the expansions at House Party, there were just too many coming out too fast.

Timesplitters 2 (GC)- Another massive time-spender in MP. I still play this game often when I go over my friends house who has a GC.

Team Fortress Classic- I used to switch regularly between this and CS. One of the best online games on the PC.

Day of Defeat- Best mod besides CS. I remember a long period of time where whenever I got on the computer, I immediately played this.

Counter-Strike (PC)- I'd say this has to be the game that took hundreds of hours of my life away, since early 2000 :). This game doesn't even need to be explained

There's many more older games that I'm not going to list, because everyone played those for countless hours. I don't really play any of the Half-Life mods anymore.


1) Animal Crossing - At least 500 hours, if I'm being conservative
2) The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind - 300 hours
3) Star Wars: KOTOR - 180 hours at least
4) WWE Wrestlemania 2000 - A good 100 hours of fun.
5) Pikmin 2 - 50+ hours

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Street Fighter II (all versions) by far

followed by:

Tekken (any of them)
KOF (any of them)
Secrect of Mana (maxed out everything)
Soul Blazer (same...and this took quite a while)
Final Fantasy X (completed the sphere grid with every character)


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Phantasy Star Online (X Box). Got it the 1st day and still haven't hit lvl 200.


Diablo II--somewhere between 200-300 hours, I think. The only game I ever truly got addicted to.

Might and Magic: World of Xeen--I'd guess 100-120, with much of that spent hand-drawing my maps on graph paper in the true old-school turn-based RPG manner.

Then there are a bunch of games in the 60-70 hour range: X-Wing; Goldeneye; Mario Tennis; Ogre Battle 64; Advance Wars; Heroes of Might and Magic I, II, and III (60 each, at least); Civ II; Timesplitters 2; Disgaea.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Master of Magic

X-Com Terror from the Deep


FF Tactics both of them

Mario 3


more to come once I sort out which ones stole my life...


Advance wars. Bought it at release and still playing it now..

edit: you wanna know the number of hours played? er.. probably averaged at least half an hour a day since i got it when you take into consideration i play it almost every night and on any trip or while i'm waiting for something to compile etc - at least so 365*3 years *1/2 half hour a day - prolly around 500 hours! (shit thats a lot - especially as i still have 2 levels in the war room i havn't S ranked!) One day i'll get around to buying advance wars 2 :p
Mario Kart 64
Perfect Dark
Smash Bros
1080 Snowboarding
Wave Race 64
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario 64

Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2

Rush 2049
Soul Calibur

Burnout 1, 2, and 3.
Smash Bros Melee


Phantasy star online for DC - about 600 hours
Diablo 2 - 3 to 400 hours
Final fantasy VII - Finished this 6 times with everything, so that's probably a lot of hours.

Ranger X

Super Metroid
Super Mario Karts
Super Mario Bros 3
Super Mario 64
Castlevania Symphony of the night
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
Need for Speed 2
Need for Speed 3
Gran Turismo 2
Grand theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
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