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What happened today in your life.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Got a phone case. Why are phone cases so god awful chunky these days? And expensive. I'm not paying $30 for a piece of molded rubber. Or $40 for a piece of molded rubber that also comes with a piece of molded plastic.

I got a case from UAG that was half as much as an Otterbox case for the same thing. Feels like it's worth about $5.
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Post your story's of what happened today, just to vent.

I will start with mine.

Avoided death today.

Riding on a road with a trailer and a bobcat on it. Minding my own business, suddently car infront of me, brakes lightly then moves abrubly to the right, ghostrider came at me at full speed. I can tell you this, that guy was FAST in front of my car holy shit, janked my car to the right as fast as i could, digged into the car infront of me which was not standing still on the right side, and the clown hitted me on the side where i sit, luckely he deflected at the very end so no damage on me. but the car is pretty bad hit.

White one is the ghostrider.



My little fan.





Pretty sad to see however, feels like my little car is like exhausted sad panda.

Any mister douchebag that tried to delete me in a few seconds from this world, had a real attitude of not wanting to work with me. The cops got a little bit upset as he didn't realized thow he just financially fucked me entirely as i am completely depended on the car and the car isn't worth much through insurance money as its a bit older now but has lots of emotional value to me as i got it from my dad which always drove it when he passed earlier this year. As i basically was telling my life story to this cop. So they facepalmed him in the ground and sended him off to a day in jail which they basically can do. Also he basically drove on the wrong side of the road so yea its kinda you know attempt at murder at this point.

Anyway, that was mine Saturday.
Ask your insurance adjuster about loss of use and lost wages.
Took my partner to the Doctor as she has very bad throat infection. Tested positive for Covid.
Took my car to the wheel shop to get my rear guards rolled for my new wheels next week. Want to fit 275/30 tire in the rear so need as much room as possible.


Went to booksamillion , then got some starbucks( I go like once a month), went to McKays but didn't buy anything, and then got a couple of things at walmart.

I was just pondering why glasses frame cost so much money. Like it is just either a bit of plastic or some wire made in the form of glasses. It should be ridiculously cheap.


Went to Rotterdam by car during my summer vacation, out of Germany. I hated driving the ridiculous speed limit in the Netherlands, but on the other hand, it was kinda relaxing to just swim around in traffic at a hundred, instead of constantly being stressed out by delivery vans riding your rear bumper at 180 all the time. But a permanent speed limit of a hundred would probably break me or land me in prison or poverty :p

Yea its annoying the speedlimit, but once u get used towards it its not that bad really. And about speeding, with the prices of the fines u will soon start to fall in line or indeed go bankrupt. The fines are no joke.

Holy cow, that's crazy! As in the definition of "insane". Really curious as to his intentions, and, it's a miracle neither you or any other rule-following drivers were seriously hurt.

It remains to be seen if it's a miracle the Human Torpedo is ok. You'll need to update us if/when the courts make a verdict on him!

Yea i will keep it updated.

A small update right now, the trailer had such a high impact from energy from the fan, the entire metal that is supposed to support the trainer which are big beams is bend. So that's a lot of force. How the front hasn't snapped off nobody knows.

Jesus dude i hope you are okay.

Can't the insurance pay the damage to your car since it is fully his fault?

It's complicated.

My family died 8 months ago, but everything is still very much mixed in with heritages. I have a sister ( last family member alive) that executing ww3 with me at this point as my dad told he had more then he actually had, and she's mad at me for not mentioning it ( even while i had no clue ) so she tries basically to cull my side of the Heritage with all kinds of bullshit lawsuits etc etc. so everything is a pain in the ass to deal with already.

The fan is basically still signed on my dad's company because i can't write the fan over without my sister permission which she doesn't want to do. She doesn't want to sell it off either, she wants to keep it, but can't because it has rich people tax on it called bpm that has to be paid which the fan is not worth anymore as its a import from Germany when it was originally bought. So its basically in a stale mate on that front. This also results in every insurance being pushed managed through my dad company, even while i do the work with my own company and use it for that completely i can't insure it because i do not own it through that. So i am not sure at this point if the insurance that is basically sueing that company where the guy is from, but also the guy itself which gets dealt with will end up in my pocket or if it goes straight towards the Heritage account which means most of my money falls away towards my sister or goes straight into debt.

Basically the guy, deleted my company entirely with his shit.

For anybody in the know for fans, that thing costs a fucking fortune. A new one in the same state is about 70k here and that's without tax, that thing has practically everything in it i need, 190pk engine which means i can actually tow stuff forwards and up hills which i often require, as the load in the car was about ( 2000kg for the car itself + 1000kg it can load + 2500kg it can pull, as the trailer weights ~1000kg itself, i transport often about 1500-2000kg on it. Which is doable.

On top of it, it needs to have 5 chairs with 3 detachable, so i can transport people, and it has to have height to transport engines for trucks, but also shredder gear, and the length for metal pipes that i transport for trucks also. It needs to have full sized doors in the back that open sideways for forklifts, and it needs dark glass on the side and back for transport with people. It need costume made chairs as i transport sometimes directors from one place to another, and they want to see but not be seen. It needs detachable connectors at the bottom so i can place a wood protection plate on it and doesn't tear the bottom side of the car apart when people load and unload 500-1k weight in the fan + a lot of connectors to bolt stuff down on. It need to not have a second wall behind the driver seat because of lenght of stuff i transport but also because of people transport.

I can tell you this, u find absolute dick shit on the web, the 1-2 u find costs a massive amount of money, think about 550.000km on the clock, 12 years old, and energy level 4 ( 6 is needed for city's so can't go in city's ), still go for 33-40k and u can bet u will have to replace some parts after 550k on the counter pretty soon.

The trailer is destroyed, while the equipment didn't move much like 5 cm, it tore the plate up at the bottom as it digged into it and made it crack visible so can't support the 2100 weight limit anymore. The structural damage is also severe. Repair costs is 4k minimum, cost of a new one is 5kk. So in short pointless to replace.

On top of it, company is down the drain now. I spend months to get new clients to get my company rolling, i was going up 10% every month, so things where looking good. Next month i probably had everything under my name as things are finalized at this point, and i had multiple company's giving me more and more work along the line. I all had to can them now, because i can't serve them so all that work is gg overnight.

I asked a guy at a company that buys fans all day long, that i worked for at some point to check if he could find something for me and he basically said 30k+ second handed minimum, so no dice as i need my cash at this point to keep my house.

In short loyally fucked most likely. Which kinda triggered me to no end when that clown came forwards and said sorry, like drop 100k in my bank account and i accept your shitty as sorry statement and i will forget about u just tried to delete me a few minutes ago from this planet.

So yea, kinda winning the shit lottery.

Heftig hopelijk gaat alles goed 🫡

Yea had some metal in my arm, didn't realize until i showered, hurts like hell. They removed it, fixed now.
Ribs hurt a bit to be expected, and lots a nail on my toe lol. That little nail is a real pain in the ass i can tell you that.
Minor neck pain but that's about it.

Glad you're ok but I've never heard ghostrider in this context. What does it mean?

Ghost rider is basically, a guy that drives against the traffic, so he drives in the wrong direction on the road. This is extremely dangerous and deadly.

Now the thing is, if he guy was english i could understand it, as i often saw a English person take the wrong side of the road more then once but in general they don't take the highways the wrong directions, its just in a village or just outside of it. This guy was full blown dutch so there is no excuse really.
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Got a phone case. Why are phone cases so god awful chunky these days? And expensive. I'm not paying $30 for a piece of molded rubber. Or $40 for a piece of molded rubber that also comes with a piece of molded plastic.

I got a case from UAG that was half as much as an Otterbox case for the same thing. Feels like it's worth about $5.
i always buy spigen cases. check them out. good quality and not expensive.


Took a walk to my local grocery store and when waiting to cross the street I saw an old (85+ easily) with a... how do you call it? A walker? Yes a walker I looked it up. Anyways. She asked me to help her cross the street so i did. When on the sidewalk we made some small talk and she started talking about wanting to leave the area (there's new building being build) so I was like yeah it ain't getting prettier. Then out of nowhere she said "yeah and all these foreigners there's no one of "us" left". So in my head I was having a nice little interaction and then boom racism lmao. I asked if she was ok for now so I could nope out.
Holy shit @OP.

Speaking of driving: I've had a really bad week so I was looking forward to playing some Forza Horizon 5 that I got for $1 in that pricing glitch a few days back. Unfortunately the FFB on my Logitech G920 steering wheel started acting up so I took it apart and greased it and to my surprise it worked. But when I put it back together I noticed the right shifter paddle wasn't working. Apperently it's a known issue with the micro switches so I took it apart again and cleaned them. Now the left one doesn't work. I must have spent four precious weekend hours trying to fix this damn thing so I said fuck it and put it back together again, I'll use one of the other buttons for downshifting.

Next I went to play FH and hopped into the auction house to get my favorite car, the Ford GT40. "Forza Horizon servers not available". Spent another hour googling that issue, going through services.msc, checking my Xbox privacy settings and so on. Then stumbled on a recent post on Reddit. Apparently they disabled the auction house because of some money glitch, but didn't bother to put this info in the game.

Fuck it, I'll just watch TV.

Now I'm watching Teletubbies with my daughter and they've replaced the sun baby with a Down's syndrome kid. But they didn't add any blending effects like they used to so now it's just the sun with a Down's syndrome kid on top of it.

True story.
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i woke up at about 4am which is normal for me. at that time i'm usually wide awake and ready to go but this morning i couldn't be arsed. plus it's saturday so i can sleep in. fucked about on my phone for a bit but went back to sleep. woke up again about 6. fell back asleep until about 9 when i got up, let the cats out, and cleaned out the leaves from my garden while my breakfast cooked. went back to sleep until 1pm.

since then just been sitting at my desk listening to music, playing games, and reading shit online. it's now almost 5pm so got a beer. probably gonna play some fifa/rocket league.

nothing is planned for tonight. might order some chinese food and watch some netflix all on my own :messenger_crying: lol

Took a walk to my local grocery store and when waiting to cross the street I saw an old (85+ easily) with a... how do you call it? A walker? Yes a walker I looked it up. Anyways. She asked me to help her cross the street so i did. When on the sidewalk we made some small talk and she started talking about wanting to leave the area (there's new building being build) so I was like yeah it ain't getting prettier. Then out of nowhere she said "yeah and all these foreigners there's no one of "us" left". So in my head I was having a nice little interaction and then boom racism lmao. I asked if she was ok for now so I could nope out.
here we call them a Zimmer!

i try to be nice and kind to old people but it's not uncommon they hit out with racist stuff.
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Gold Member
As is fate the smoke alarm batteries started to die in the middle of the night. So I was out at 3 am scrounging for 9 volt batteries to end the maddening chirping. Since I was up and had the ladder out I went ahead and changed all 10 of them and the HVAC filters. Now I'm going to grill some burgers and Italian sausage for lunch and then take a nap.


i woke up at about 4am which is normal for me. at that time i'm usually wide awake and ready to go but this morning i couldn't be arsed. plus it's saturday so i can sleep in. fucked about on my phone for a bit but went back to sleep. woke up again about 6. fell back asleep until about 9 when i got up, let the cats out, and cleaned out the leaves from my garden while my breakfast cooked. went back to sleep until 1pm.

since then just been sitting at my desk listening to music, playing games, and reading shit online. it's not almost 5pm so got a beer. probably gonna play some fifa/rocket league.

nothing is planned for tonight. might order some chinese food and watch some netflix all on my own :messenger_crying: lol

here we call them a Zimmer!

i try to be nice and kind to old people but it's not uncommon they hit out with racist stuff.

I'm so jealous when reading your morning.. seems so chill. I mean it. Be grateful man. Wish I could relax like that.

I have a cat as well. She's 12 ATM and I've been thinking a lot about her and my life with her. There comes a time right...

Chinese food is great and I'm Solo'ing it aa well. Maybe some PATAT en KROKETTEN or hotdogs I'll see.

Yeah it's the generation. I can't get mad at that but it came out of nowhere you know. Oh well.


As is fate the smoke alarm batteries started to die in the middle of the night. So I was out at 3 am scrounging for 9 volt batteries to end the maddening chirping. Since I was up and had the ladder out I went ahead and changed all 10 of them and the HVAC filters. Now I'm going to grill some burgers and Italian sausage for lunch and then take a nap.

Sorry but I'm laughing so hard at this. I can see it in my minds eye. Great ending A+


Life is nothing but comedies and tragedies.

Hear hear

Then again, when viewing ourselves as not only actors but also as the writers and directors we get more say so in how we see and thus act upon the scenes wherein. Not to say some of us happen to be lucky enough to star in blockbuster movies.

Hope your nap and wieners were awesome <3
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weathers getting really cold now so there's condensation on the windows...and on my ceiling! tried phoning someone to come have a look at it but nobody turned up. this is the third day now... can't have this turning into mold.

went up into my loft to have a look and it seems there's no insulation where it's getting damp. there is a hole in the ceiling where someone has probably passed through a TV aerial. so that stupid cunt has ripped the insulation up to get into the corner. i found some spare bits of insulation lying about so packed that all into the corner. hopefully that helps!

i'm exhausted lol. the ladder i have is not big enough to climb into the loft so i need to put a foot on the bathroom door frame and push myself up the rest of the way. not only that but i wear glasses and because i was wearing a mask it kept getting steamed up. also i had no where to hang my torch so that it made it harder to see.

kicking myself now because i should've brought the christmas bag of decorations down while i was up there. i'm going to need to go back up soon.

going for a shower now because i'm all itchy!
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Went out to get some pizza. We've got a gang of big ass wild ducks have putt up their resident next to our building over the last couple years. Cute, besides the poop lol.

Anyway it was "watercold" how we say in Holland. Near freezing. Felt a sudden urge to so something so bought some kitty kibble (all they had) and took some carton left behind in our common "cellar" and put it nice and cozy next to some bushes where they love to chill. Poured all the kibble and wished them a nice evening. Felt good even tho the carton wouldn't help shit and the kibble isn't what they really need but still...
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°Temp. member
I went to tour some houses with my Realtor this morning. I didn't quite like any of the homes (3) that I saw but I'll keep looking. Hopefully next weekend I find something.


I bought some new bootie slippers to keep my feet warm in the freezing British winter. They are marvellous. Thankfully I only need them for another three weeks, before I fly back to Queensland until UK spring. But they were totally worth the fifteen quid. Toasty, I say. Super toasty..
it's currently 9:45AM. so far all i've done is wake up about 6:30AM, took out rubbish, fed the cats and cleaned their trays. they wanted out but it's too cold for them so they don't stay out for long. once they come back in they start meowing again after 5 minutes to go out again lol.

opened a parcel i had delivered last night. it's birthday presents so i was making sure nothing was broken! everything looks great so i'm happy with them. went back to bed and watched an episode of The Watcher on Netflix. Now i'm up sitting at my desk. Not sure if I want to play some FFVII or Fortnite :messenger_tears_of_joy:

haven't got anything planned today... just relaxing, video games, netflix.


We had the annual musicians festival at my town last weekend where we make a concert in the afternoon and then at 3am we make an event where we play our instruments while going go the houses of the new members of the band and then we go to their bedrooms and 'wake them up' playing in their ears.

IU was suposed to not take part in this because last year something happened that pissed me off. But a good friend of mine ended up involving me in this.
It was having some great fun until this girl, who I have (well, had) the wierdest and unhealthy crush on, and made me quit playing with the band some months ago, also ruined the night because she ghosts me so hard that I always end up feeling like shit when she is around.

The night was great overall.


I built Dad a Plex server about 10 years ago and he has outgrown the 2TB hard drive. Over the weekend, I bought a 5TB drive, loaded it up with his backup, added a few more shows, and I’m driving the three hours up to his house to install it. I can’t spend too much time with him though, because I need to get back home in the afternoon to pick up the kids from school.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
We have an elderly neighbor that got laid low with the flu. He made a post that didn't make a lot of sense on NextDoor, which just happened to send me an email notification, so we went to check in on him and that's how I found out. Went to the store and got him some fluids to keep next to his bed, tissues, all that stuff. I've FaceTimed him twice before he went to bed for the night to make sure he was OK. My good deed for the year, right towards the end.
it was -9C when i went to work this morning. went to defrost the car and my fingers were sore after a couple minutes and i was wearing gloves. couldn't press the spray on the de-icer can. car fan was making a grinding noise when i put it on full. turned it down to 3 but once the car heated up a bit i turned it back to 4.

at work i won a few gifts but gave them away except the box of chocolates! kept them for myself. a couple things happened that made me feel a bit upset and pissed off. i try not let shit bother me once i leave work but by the time i got home i was still in a bit of a mood. seriously thought about calling in "sick" tomorrow and maybe even the rest of the week.

got home and my ceiling was damp AGAIN. this time there were drips of water going down the wall and the paint is ruined a little now. tried to dry it up and then went up to the loft to move about the insulation. hopefully that helps. it's because it's so cold there is condensation. i obviously missed a spot last time i was up.

a bit later got a letter that rent is going up by at least 6%. fucking yey.

started to really feel ill. kept sneezing and my nose has been running. throat and chest are sore. my nose started bleeding. having problems with my one of my teeth again and i think my gum is infected. i was just at the dentist last week. despite that i'm feeling a bit better now. chest is still sore. tried having something to eat but not really got an appetite at the moment.

watched two episodes of His Dark Materials and read a chapter of a book. i'm in bed now just browsing shit. i want to watch the world cup game but feel tired.
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Update on my car crash part.

Dude got send to jail, as he was involved in a bunch of other shit also, he ended up being suicidal alright as they found a note, but they also searched for his ass for other things they didn't disclose so yea rip him.

The accident involved 3 people, 1 guy i drove in the back and total loss his car while i was dodging the ghost rider, with my car getting destroyed by the ghostrider. To get to raw numbers, the trailer is worth like 5.000 euro's, and the car is worth like 70.000 euro's that's in new state, as both where a bit older now and they had a lot of miles on them, the trailer was 2.500 and the car was worth 4000. The reason for 4000 was because of falling out of a energy bracket which basically makes the car on resale worth nothing.

So as both where total loss basically as the trailer was bend at the front from the impact it had to endure, the Insurance company offered 5500 for both of them to be done with it. Now as i lost wages, i lost clients, i can't get anything for that money maybe a super expensive bike but that's about it, its ridiculous low. So i got some insurance guy on my side to work with there insurance to see if they could get something going, so after lots of talks and lots of more talks for a couple of weeks now, they basically offer me about 21.500 total its a take it or leave it type of deal. Which at this point helps me out, as i can basically lease another fan with it and replace the trailer for 2.500 with another one for about 16.500, the other 4 to compensate me for my lost wages. The new fan will have a better energy label which will result in drastically increase in work and lower costs so at the end it works out well.

The other guy, got screwed by his insurance also as i added him to whatsapp to ask if everything was going well for him. he got like barely nothing back for his car like 2.000, he paid like 5k or something a year ago for it. So he was massively dissapointed, so i asked my insurance guy while he was working with the ghostrider ensurance and he ended up squising 10k for him out of it becuase of it ( its basically a lawyer that gets hired by my insurance company so he could cover him also for 500 which i paid for him ).

Dude was massively happy about that, a week later he calls me up and asked his boss which ended up being my biggest client to help me out with my fan situation. He went around with company's that are connected towards him, they ended up really needing somebody like me as i sit in a segment that's basically nobody cant find anybody for. and they basically are getting a new fan for me a brand new one that's worth 50k, if i do jobs for them for free the next year which at the end costs me like like 12k about that, i get it for free. So its basically a gift.

So yea, shit is going pretty darn well.

About injuries, as the airbags didn't go off in the car for some reason. My left shoulder hurts like hell because of the belt that keeps you in place, its still a bit annoying when driving longer ways but its recovering i feel like so that's good.

So yea, at the end of the day not to bad.

Ask your insurance adjuster about loss of use and lost wages.

Thanks for the tip, did exactly that and it opened a lot more doors.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Update on my car crash part.

Dude got send to jail, as he was involved in a bunch of other shit also, he ended up being suicidal alright as they found a note, but they also searched for his ass for other things they didn't disclose so yea rip him.

The accident involved 3 people, 1 guy i drove in the back and total loss his car while i was dodging the ghost rider, with my car getting destroyed by the ghostrider. To get to raw numbers, the trailer is worth like 5.000 euro's, and the car is worth like 70.000 euro's that's in new state, as both where a bit older now and they had a lot of miles on them, the trailer was 2.500 and the car was worth 4000. The reason for 4000 was because of falling out of a energy bracket which basically makes the car on resale worth nothing.

So as both where total loss basically as the trailer was bend at the front from the impact it had to endure, the Insurance company offered 5500 for both of them to be done with it. Now as i lost wages, i lost clients, i can't get anything for that money maybe a super expensive bike but that's about it, its ridiculous low. So i got some insurance guy on my side to work with there insurance to see if they could get something going, so after lots of talks and lots of more talks for a couple of weeks now, they basically offer me about 21.500 total its a take it or leave it type of deal. Which at this point helps me out, as i can basically lease another fan with it and replace the trailer for 2.500 with another one for about 16.500, the other 4 to compensate me for my lost wages. The new fan will have a better energy label which will result in drastically increase in work and lower costs so at the end it works out well.

The other guy, got screwed by his insurance also as i added him to whatsapp to ask if everything was going well for him. he got like barely nothing back for his car like 2.000, he paid like 5k or something a year ago for it. So he was massively dissapointed, so i asked my insurance guy while he was working with the ghostrider ensurance and he ended up squising 10k for him out of it becuase of it ( its basically a lawyer that gets hired by my insurance company so he could cover him also for 500 which i paid for him ).

Dude was massively happy about that, a week later he calls me up and asked his boss which ended up being my biggest client to help me out with my fan situation. He went around with company's that are connected towards him, they ended up really needing somebody like me as i sit in a segment that's basically nobody cant find anybody for. and they basically are getting a new fan for me a brand new one that's worth 50k, if i do jobs for them for free the next year which at the end costs me like like 12k about that, i get it for free. So its basically a gift.

So yea, shit is going pretty darn well.

About injuries, as the airbags didn't go off in the car for some reason. My left shoulder hurts like hell because of the belt that keeps you in place, its still a bit annoying when driving longer ways but its recovering i feel like so that's good.

So yea, at the end of the day not to bad.

Thanks for the tip, did exactly that and it opened a lot more doors.

That's crazy. Here in the US the at-fault driver's insurance pays for everything, and if they run out of liability coverage your insurance company covers what there's cannot while going after them legally without you ever having to worry about it. It happened to me with a brand new car that got totaled by some old pill head that wasn't supposed to be driving. She totaled a bunch of cars, including mine, and her insurance ran out around $35k - when my car alone was worth more than that.

Anyways, I'm happy things kind of worked out in the end, and most of all that you were able to walk away from the crash.


°Temp. member
Today I ate some pizza, played some games, and watched a Christmas movie on TV.
I'm hoping that 2023 will be better than 2022.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I slept in about two and a half hours extra, acquired my free LSD mobile lab in GTA Online, and didn't have to answer to anyone since my woman is out of town until Christmas Eve. I didn't even bathe until a few hours after lunch. It's the most wonderful time of the year.


That's crazy. Here in the US the at-fault driver's insurance pays for everything, and if they run out of liability coverage your insurance company covers what there's cannot while going after them legally without you ever having to worry about it. It happened to me with a brand new car that got totaled by some old pill head that wasn't supposed to be driving. She totaled a bunch of cars, including mine, and her insurance ran out around $35k - when my car alone was worth more than that.

Anyways, I'm happy things kind of worked out in the end, and most of all that you were able to walk away from the crash.

Its simple here also, problem is the value of the car isn't equal towards the damages that i receive because of this. The value of the car is low because of age/miles/energy class. However its high for me because it runs my company where i invested heavily in + have lots of other stuff involved with it, so the damages are real if there is no solution. They didn't understood this until they did and then they started to come around the table with far higher offers which took a while.

Yea even the cops stated the same thing, got lucky indeed.


Woke up early, set an alarm for 8am, so I could go to the post office collection place, as for some weird reason it's only open 8am-10am 🤷‍♂️

Annoyingly I must laid on my face or something, as my sleep mask (cpap) left a red mark on my face, so I put one off them covid masks on (quite useful)

Anyway a good friend had sent me Pacman World Repac for Christmas, so I can relive a part of my childhood Christmas day 💪

Then I went post office, put £60 in the bank so I can pay off my preorder off wild hearts that was £55 and it's left me £5 for bus fare. (I remember when my bus fare was only 42p each way, now it's £4.70 return)

Played some Hot Wheels Unleashed online, love this game, mega under rated imo, I've also 100% the entire single player mode and finally beat the unleashed times that I couldn't do 💪

& Soon I'll make some dinner before I leave for work :(

Pretty uneventful day.
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