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What if Bloodborne 2... by Naughty Dog?


Tom Hardy Bait GIF


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Aren't all their games linear hallways full of bombastic setpieces and scripted stuff? Doesn't sound too much like Bloodborne to me.

I'd rather get nothing than a Bloodborne not made by From to be honest. If they want to make something similar, then sure go ahead, but naming it Bloodborne 2 when the same people isn't behind it ain't cool to me. Same thing with Baldur's Gate 3, I guess.

Bluepoint is probably a more logical choice
Have they made anything that's 100% of their own? I think they aren't experienced enough to make something as good as Bloodborne.
Maybe not the actual game design, but if they were to handle the back end with tech and animation, that would be great. I didn't think anyone really wants an actual Souls title from them, but they could certainly help with what the Souls games have had their biggest issues in handling.
It would go to Bluepoint instead of ND most likely, but either way no thanks.

Bluepoint is a small support studio, a project like Bloodborne 2 is way beyond their skills/capacities.

Only From can pull it off. Or any other talented Asian dev with the assistance of XDEV.


Walking and talking sections, and squeezing through gaps, just what Bloodborne needed.
Oh, and also yellow paint to point out exactly where you need to go. You don't want players to have to figure things out on their own.
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Bullshit. They knocked demons souls out of the park. They could rise to the occassion.

They did a great job, but this is a completely different animal. Besides, they are small. You need like 300-400 devs to make an ambitious Bloodborne sequel. On Sony only Santa Monica has experience/size to tackle a big fantasy project, besides the old members of Japan Studio, now in XDEV.


You guys are literally clowns with these baits. The last thing From games needs is a touch from Cuckman.
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