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What is a new hobby you got into recently?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Don’t have time.
Work: 60 hours/week
Gym: 3 hours/week (should be higher)
Sleep: 46 hours/week (should be higher)
Chores/Eating: 12 hours/week estimated
Driving: 7 hours/week estimated
Videogames: 8 hours/week estimated

That leaves me with barely 32 hours of free time.


Spend 800 bucks on espresso machine plus grinder, now learning how to make espresso; now I found out I don't like espresso, I do enjoy adjusting and tinkering with it.

Got into gunpla a long time ago, start airbrushing the kits too., but I am taking a long break since I don't really have dedicated space to airbrush my kits. Having to set up and clean out every session really killed my motivation.


Ultimate DQ Fan
I have a few

- Playing video games of course
- Writing. I published a DND adventure a while back. I also wrote the script for an RPG my friend and I made. Right now I'm writing a fantasy novel.
- Playing Piano. I suck but it's fun. Currently learning some DQ songs
- DND. Sort of on hiatus. Hopefully we will start soon.
- Sunday evenings I paint miniatures.


Don’t have time.
Work: 60 hours/week
Gym: 3 hours/week (should be higher)
Sleep: 46 hours/week (should be higher)
Chores/Eating: 12 hours/week estimated
Driving: 7 hours/week estimated
Videogames: 8 hours/week estimated

That leaves me with barely 32 hours of free time.
So you have 32 hours per week to spare.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Ok all the hobbies I thought a retired guy would do, pokemon was not even in my thoughts.

My hobbies include, taking my kids to various practices, video games, and some TV shows.


Don’t have time.
Work: 60 hours/week
Gym: 3 hours/week (should be higher)
Sleep: 46 hours/week (should be higher)
Chores/Eating: 12 hours/week estimated
Driving: 7 hours/week estimated
Videogames: 8 hours/week estimated

That leaves me with barely 32 hours of free time.

Swap videogame time with gym time.


Gold Member
I do CrossFit weekdays and Ultimate Frisbee on the weekends when I am in town. Met some great friends and been staying in great shape.

Mrs and I go away for at least a long weekend every month. Have fun planning and we always have something to look forward to.

Also started reading again and trying some more challenging recipes in the kitchen.

Also started collecting some plants. Tricky keeping those guys alive!

Can’t wait to retire. 😀


Starting a proper vegetable garden as I'm moving on from fish tanks. It's a bit less depressing when a plant dies compared to live animals.


I got into darts a few years back and became downright obsessed with it. My friends and I played in a bar league for a few seasons and it was a ton of fun. I only play occasionally nowadays, but it's the last hobby I can recall picking up recently and becoming serious about it.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I wouldn’t really call it a hobby yet, but I spent the weekend getting my first garden ready. Currently sprouting plants so I can plant everything in early May.

Really looking forward to growing some fresh veggies.
Sketching - Slowly working through a online course. Tried in the past and never stuck with it but having a structured course it giving extra motivation.
Yoga/stretching - Really should have started this years ago but better late than never. Just a short 15 minute session every morning right now.
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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Not "recently", per se, but a few years ago I started learning Japanese. I'm a native English speaker, but learned Spanish as a kid (lived in Mexico for a while) but lost the ability to speak or understand it in a bad car accident 30 years ago - brain damage. Never thought I'd be able to pick up another language again.

What I've found fascinating is that as I've picked up more and more Japanese, my brain has kind of unlocked more and more Spanish along the way. Turns out, the two languages have a lot of similarities (and are also spoken in pretty rapid succession) so I guess that's why. Maybe also just learning another language is doing that.

Either way, it's been a fun hobby and useful to broaden my horizons and culture.


i've never been much of a hobbyist, which to me is someone who has a new hobby every time you see them, it's just expensive to live that boys with toys life.

but recently, wouldn't really call it a hobby, been trying to get into decent proper homemade pasta making. Because like, why not.

but my proper most recent hobby is golf, but that's been many years now, can't play much squash or football anymore and most of us in our friend group are in our 30s so we aren't rushing off to rugby practice to go break some bones like we use to, also fuck cricket, such a snooze, so golf was the best alternative at the time. I still struggle to break a 100 though but again i only really have time to play once a month if even and im usually 5 or 6 beers down by the 18th anyway.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
The harmonica.

It's just a cool sounding instrument that I can pull out of my pocket and play anywhere, such as at the beach, on the sofa, having sex, in the gym etc.

Only cost me £23 as well. It's a Fender Midnight Blues.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
The harmonica.

It's just a cool sounding instrument that I can pull out of my pocket and play anywhere, such as at the beach, on the sofa, having sex, in the gym etc.

Only cost me £23 as well. It's a Fender Midnight Blues.
Is your partner into hobo role-play? lol


°Temp. member
Learning more about money and finances. Reading up on reddit.com/r/personalfinance, listening to the Suze Orman Women and Money podcast, reading news articles about the fed decision on interest rates after they meet, etc...

Watching NBA basketball and also watching podcasts and shows related to it

Binge-watching anime such as Frieren and Apothecary Diaries

Playing games such as Unicorn Overlord and Persona 3 Reload

Reading about the latest tech news (and also watching YT vids)

Watching my fav streamers on Twitch

Learning more about electric cars and hybrid cars

...I've been on vacation all month and haven't been bored at all. These are just some of my hobbies lol.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
It's just a cool sounding instrument that I can pull out of my pocket and play anywhere, in the gym etc


I've been dabbling in antidepressives recently. There's such a variety and you never know what interesting stuff your doctor will prescribe to you. Though I'm a bit jealous about American pills that look cool like this:


and come in cool American pill bottles like this:


I've always had a thing for those paper cups that psych ward patients in American movies take their pills from(and swallow without water what the heck!):


Perhaps I'll get me some of them for a better experience.

Half-jokes aside, I think you should make a list of hobbies you could be interested in and maybe some that don't interest you, but make you get out of your comfort zone and out of the house. Hammock camping in the woods is an amazing experience or getting a caravan and camping in different towns. Go to theaters and watch plays. To concerts and listen to new music. Perhaps there's a jazz festival in your city this summer?

There's endless possibilities if you're just a little brave. :)
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I bought a compound bow shortly before covid lock downs and it was moved into a closet at some point and I forgot about it.

I was reminded about it today when I saw a billboard for the local indoor range. I'm going to take it in for a tune-up and start going in one or twice a week. I've had a pretty bad injury since the last time I've shot it that's going to be aggravated but maybe the stretch will be good in the long run.


The harmonica.

It's just a cool sounding instrument that I can pull out of my pocket and play anywhere, such as at the beach, on the sofa, having sex, in the gym etc.

Only cost me £23 as well. It's a Fender Midnight Blues.

Hey, my old man could rock a harmonica like you wouldn't believe.

I prolly wouldn't be here otherwise.

Just sayin'.

Good mouthwork makes the south mouth work good.


Gold Member
Shortwave radio. I recommend buying a pellet grill and learning to smoke meat. Make delicious food plus you can share it with friends and family.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
The harmonica.

It's just a cool sounding instrument that I can pull out of my pocket and play anywhere, such as at the beach, on the sofa, having sex, in the gym etc.

Only cost me £23 as well. It's a Fender Midnight Blues.
I've had to cut mine down to just two over the last few years - reading/writing and games. I've dropped the piano, which I've played for years, I no longer run because my knee is destroyed (I've replaced it with a rowing machine at the gym though), and I got really into painting for a year or so, which has fallen by the wayside too. Kids, man. Anything that requires materials and setting up just feels overhwhelming once the evening is mine and I just need to slump. It gets better, right? I always fancied getting into golf.
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Gold Member
I'm learning how to draw. Got inspired from that Pewdiepie video where he teaches himself to draw manga in 100 days, and I started to do the same.

It's nice to focus on a singular task and it's nice to see the progression, even if there's still a long way to go. Plus it's super cheap to start; some pencils, an eraser and a sketchbook is all you need.


Putting together furniture (wardrobes, desks, tables, cabinets etc...) lol.

Don't have the skills yet to make it myself from loose wood but would like to learn.


Weightlifting, gaming, and cooking are my dominant hobbies. Drawing as well, but I haven’t done that in a little while.

I’d love to get into a little kayaking some day. I’ve only done it once, but loved it.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Ive always been a fan of motorsports racing, but I got away from the sports the last 15 years. In the last 2 years I have been getting back into it, especially Endurance racing. Love watching IMSA, European Le Mans and whatever else I can find. A lot of races are put up Youtube after the fact and since its not so mainstream its easy to avoid spoilers. I also got back into Indy, Forumla E and some other series.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Most recent for me has been getting into fountain pens, ink, and fancy paper. It's gotten me back into drawing routinely. This year I'm doing at least a doodle per day to keep myself focused on creating as a fun outlet. Also got me back into journaling, which is a good habit for anybody.

I picked up both of the pens in the picture below (the pic is not mine, just a weird coincidence). I also received a Noodlers Ahab from a friend that has a nice flex nib attached to it.


My primary ink is the Noodlers Bullet Proof Black:

I've also got some fun colors of ink for drawing and writing:

I also wound up getting a dip pen with some G nibs and a Brause 361 Steno Blue Pumpkin nib. I really enjoy the dip pen but I don't draw enough with it in mind just yet. I intend it more for finished work whereas I am mostly just doing quick ideas and sketches.

For paper, I am finding myself preferring the Sansei Tomoe River S paper over the Midori MD paper. Mostly due to how the ink absorbs and dries. I find that the Midori will still smear even after long periods of time (1 day+). I guess my hands are too sweaty for it. :p

Next buy for me will either be a stub nose nib, Noodlers triple tail for significant line variation, or a Japanese extra fine nib for more delicate/detailed work.


Warhammer 40k is always the answer boys. I started with the lore around 2 years ago and got the minis started at Christmas. Join me! For the emperor!
Ready To Fight GIF by Xbox


Biggest Trails Stan
Most recent for me has been getting into fountain pens, ink, and fancy paper. It's gotten me back into drawing routinely. This year I'm doing at least a doodle per day to keep myself focused on creating as a fun outlet. Also got me back into journaling, which is a good habit for anybody.

I picked up both of the pens in the picture below (the pic is not mine, just a weird coincidence). I also received a Noodlers Ahab from a friend that has a nice flex nib attached to it.


My primary ink is the Noodlers Bullet Proof Black:

I've also got some fun colors of ink for drawing and writing:

I also wound up getting a dip pen with some G nibs and a Brause 361 Steno Blue Pumpkin nib. I really enjoy the dip pen but I don't draw enough with it in mind just yet. I intend it more for finished work whereas I am mostly just doing quick ideas and sketches.

For paper, I am finding myself preferring the Sansei Tomoe River S paper over the Midori MD paper. Mostly due to how the ink absorbs and dries. I find that the Midori will still smear even after long periods of time (1 day+). I guess my hands are too sweaty for it. :p

Next buy for me will either be a stub nose nib, Noodlers triple tail for significant line variation, or a Japanese extra fine nib for more delicate/detailed work.

God I love Fountain Pens. I used to use them alot when I was in highschool


Gold Member
I've always gone golfing 2 or 3 times a year with friends and family, but this year I've decided to make it a hobby that I'll work at getting better at. I've signed up for a 9-hole social golf league and you meet up once a week after 5pm. From a cost perspective, where I am a 9-hole green fee is about the same or less than going out for dinner at a sit down restaurant so it's not prohibitively expensive. One of my friends who convinced me to do it said it's a great way to meet new people and it's not uncommon to generate some good networking contacts. Until the season kicks off at the beginning of May, I've been heading out to the driving range when it hasn't been snowing.
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Al Pachinko, Konami President
The harmonica.

It's just a cool sounding instrument that I can pull out of my pocket and play anywhere, such as at the beach, on the sofa, having sex, in the gym etc.

Only cost me £23 as well. It's a Fender Midnight Blues.

Watch those false notes eh
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