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What is Resident Evil to you, and what is your history with the franchise?

My thoughts about what Resident Evil is to me.

The original trilogy is still better(to me) simply for the fact of atmosphere, tension, sense of progression, puzzle solving, reading notes that give hints/references to future puzzles or items that you picked up as you play, mood, SOUNDTRACK and how at any time you could be at the brink of danger even if you just thought you were out of it a minute ago. I even prefer Code Veronica over RE4. Actually, Code veronica proved that Capcom was still able to keep RE's identity while it being fully 3D and while the other half of the game is backtracking, I thought they were creative in how you explored the same familiar ground yet everything looked/felt different as you went into new and old places where with Claire you didn't/couldn't. Which surprises me why Capcom's other game DMC4 has such lazy backtracking when you play with the other character with absolutely nothing new and the same fucking boss fights.

I think the best thing about the original REs for me is that you start out in such a simple place or setting but it turns into a much bigger and complex thing. Mansion, Police Station, Jail Cell, Streets.etc after exploring and progressing you reminisce about the places you were in as you find the key that may take you someplace that is not something familiar and way outside where you spent most of your time playing, exploring and going through. Like who would have thought in RE1, you'd go through a mansion that has a big ass underground lab? or how about in RE2, you go through a police station that ends up with you being in a sewer which then leads to a secret lab that has a train station for an escape. I may sound crazy but the design of the classic REs always manages to make me miss the place where I was because I spent so much time exploring, unlocking doors, doing puzzles, going through notes, defeated bosses, listening to the fantastic score of that place.etc that when I finally reach to the point of progressing without returning to the place I was makes me sad as well as frightened but, it also gives such a sense of progression that no RE except ones done in the classic design was able to achieve.

With 4 and the rest you are mostly going forward during the entire game. You are not given the time to grow into your environment and surroundings, infact the whole pace of RE4 is faster then all of the other REs combined. In the original REs you psychologically felt stronger without the need of upgrading weapons because you got used to your surroundings and learned the map by heart which gives you the sense of progression and satisfaction that RE4 and the others above doesn't, unlike in RE4 where you upgrade weapons and such. All you did in the classic RE games was gain new weapons and even then they weren't much help at all because good luck managing places for your items, herbs and other weapons so you'll have to make a choice by what to keep in the safe box and what not to. You won't use the new weapons you got because they are mostly low on ammo most of the time, usually you will be relying on your trusty handgun and even then you got to manage your ammo so you most likely won't shoot everything in sight but try running away and collecting ammo as much as you can. To be smarter, you'd only kill the zombies in the places you know you're going to be revisiting later due to a missing item there or the like. Both styles cannot be compared though, at all. I'm just stating why I adore the classic design of RE games. A couple of years ago, I played 1 - 3 and last year I finished RE:Code Veronica. Still amazing games that I enjoy alot. We may never get anything like it again since the classics are mostly akin to adventure games(Glad for REmake 2 though!) but I am glad we have the originals to experience them. Another thing I love about the classic design of RE games is that the camera angles always feel like someone is watching over you. Just the whole camera angle gives a sense of depth, perspective, mood and atmosphere that TPS doesn't cover.

They use the environment in such a smart way that you start off not knowing anything to then learning everything by heart which helps when you want to head to places from point A to B. Not to mention each place has it's own piece of music so you'll find yourself humming the music as you go from door to door. The save room themes are enough to call the OST's of RE 1 - Veronica X GOAT. I like to compare the original design of RE games to metroidvania/adventure games. In the sense you start out in one place but then you slowly get stronger and progress through the game which also makes you reminisce about the old places you were in because you spent so much time there and you grew psychologically as a character by learning the ins and outs of where you are as well as what is the fastest, most safest way to go from point A to point B after having the needed item to open a door, lets say. RE4 and the others that come after it just don't have that sense of progression, satisfaction or growth as a player because they are not designed for you to be in one place and slowly you open up new places as you flourish in the environment, It doesn't give you the time to do so since it is designed in a way that you are, for the most part, always moving forward.

In the end though, each have their own fans by now. If I were to say my history with the franchise it's basically that I'm there ever since the first game, got it with my PS1 along side Crash Bandicoot 2. I love the entire franchise and played all the games but my preference lies with the classics.


Resident Evil should be a really good B horror movie.

If the RE7 teaser is a proof of concept and they can continue to make the game feel like that, it's on a good track


I started with the first game. For me, Resident Evil is the first three games. Code Veronica is when the story started getting dumber (more than it already was), and I see Resident Evil 4 as a super fun side game. The Remake is the height of the series for me. I am looking forward to Resident Evil 7, as it looks like it may be another game in the series that resonates me (and it has been a while since that was the case).


I really do wish the series would return to the PS1-Dreamcast era music style. RE5 had a glimmer of it with the figure collection screen.


Resident Evil is the series where aiming your weapon roots your character to the ground, right?

I remember playing some RE4 on PC a few years ago, and I couldn't get past that.


My first introduction to RE was the promo on the PSone Street Fighter Zero disc, and an exhaustive series of beta articles in games magazines at the time, and I was fascinated from that point. My friend imported the original PSone game in 1996 and we spent countless hours playing it, discussing it, laughing along with the terrible dialogue and so on. Although I had my own PSone at the time, it was Japanese, so I waited until I could somehow lay my hands on an english copy of my own, which ended up being the Saturn version, and I played it back to front and upside down. Somewhere between RECV and RE4, RE replaced Zelda as my favourite gaming franchise, and it has remained as such ever since.

To me RE is an adventure/combat series at heart which masterfully blends a horror aesthetic with a string of gameplay limitations designed to enhance feelings of inadequacy, uncertainty and tension, ie limited ammo/saves, static combat, weird puzzles, and enemies which can fight dirty if you let them. And thematically, it's about courage and determination in the face of overwhelming adversity. RE's heroes are survivors, always rising to the challenge with resilience despite facing untold horrors, a stark contrast to the assorted NPCs who cower in vans or just want to be left alone and end up dead.

I pretty much love all the mainline RE titles, with the exception of Revelations, which is just merely decent. I'm looking forward to RE7, but it seems to be the biggest departure for the series yet, so we'll see.


11. Resident Evil Revelations
10. Resident Evil 3
9. Resident Evil Revelations 2
8. Resident Evil 0
7. Resident Evil 5
6. Resident Evil 6
5. Resident Evil: Code Veronica
4. Resident Evil 2
3. Resident Evil (2002)
2. Resident Evil 4
1. Resident Evil (1996)


Neo Member
Played RE1 on my brother PS1, was 12yo I think. Alone in the house, at night, was raining outside...

Remember the begining, the blood in the dining room, the first zombie encounter, the dog when you try opening the main door, an hallway with dog jumping in the window (?), a zombie coming to me, another one in a stairway (?). I probably died, then black-out. I just shutdown the console. Im not even sure if the begenning is actually like this. Never touched it again...

Tried RE2 demo in commissariat, but dont played the full game

RE5 was the first that I actually played, in coop with ex-gf

Then played RE4, but never alone

Tried RE7 demo but never finished.

Im a reel coward....
Never liked zombies. They disgusted me more than getting me scared.
So obviously I wasn't into Resident Evil.

I loved Capcom fighting games. I was (and still am) obsessed.
That's why RE popularity made me really pissed at the time. Fighting games glory was fading away but disgusting zombie-thing was popular.
It's like my beloved Capcom got killed by zombies. Things got better with SF IV but I'm still salty af.


My first exposure to RE was the Saturn port of RE1 and I loved it. I enjoyed it as a horror themed adventure through those gorgeous pre rendered backgrounds. I wasn't exactly impressed with the combat at first but I got over it and saw the resource management side of it as the most important part. The idea of exploring a location full of monsters solving puzzles and reading files about what happened really drew me in. Along with that there was just enough action to stop any monotony setting in.

Moving on from that I played and enjoyed every mainline entry up to RE4. At the time even I needed a break from the original formula but still I just couldn't love RE4 as much. Puzzles where mostly gone, backtracking and knowing your way around was less of a thing and I didn't like the aesthetic at all. It was still a blast to play through but I never felt entirely satisfied. I've later come to realise that I don't find much appeal in the third person shooter genre as a whole and when RE doubled down on that in the following entries that's when I parted ways with it.

I always live in hope that a game will come that has feeling that exploring the Spencer Mansion first gave me. It doesn't have to be a RE game but it's the best chance.


I played 1 and 3 as a kid but never got anywhere really.

4 is one of my GOATs, currently replaying it on PS4.

Finished 5 but think it was shit. Didn't even bother with 6. Probably won't get 7 since it's 1st person.
It's a franchise I've stuck with since the beginning,even the poor ones.Im a horror lover so enjoy anything pretty much related to the genre.
Resident Evil changed and stopped being survival horror for me since 4 onward. They're still great games, but with weapons and ammo aplenty there is no sense of dread anymore, and without that I just can't be frightened. So it's just a campy shooter.
My history started with the first one on PC and I pretty much played every entry. For me it's cheesy lines, body horror, weird experiments, shooting monsters, over-the-top action, great gameplay, Ada Wong, Ada Wong, Ada Wong, Claire Redfield and .... Ada Wong.
7 looks like garbage.

Kai Ozu

The first 4 games.

RE3 and REmake are some of the greatest games ever made in my mind. I still play RE1-3 religiously every year.

I've been playing since 1997.


Saw some preview screenshot of a game called Biohazard in a magazine back in the days, later played it a bit on a friends PS1, maybe until the dogs burst through the windows.

Then basically nothing until about 2011/12 when i played 5+6, threw in some Revelations as well.

So this year i finally managed to play REmake and RE4 (+ Revelations 2 ) which of course are pure greatness.
One thing thats great about the older REs are the similarities with the Souls games which i adore a well.

Next thing might be to wait for REmake 2, Code Veronica also seems interesting.
One of the closest franchises to my heart... It meant to much to me.

I started with the franchise since RE1 back in 1996... The series was among the best in the term of atmosphere... RE4 yeah the changed classic franchise BUT it still hold some of the magic... It was also the last GREAT game.

Sadly after RE4... The series isn't the same as before, lost all the magical feelings it used to be known for.

My ranking:




Resident Evil became my favourite franchise for a long time and followed the franchise which ever console it went on (GC and DC). I started with the original PS1 version that me and brother used to play without a memory card and after countless attempts we completed it without it. It was one of the first games we played that were for "older" people.

The series gave me 2 of my favourite games of all time RE2 and RE4. The only mainline game that I've not finished is RE6 but will return to it soon on PS4. I'm not keen on the series as I used to be but recently liked the Revelations series and look forward to RE7 & RE2 Remake.


Resident Evil 1-3 is what defines RE for me.

Started off playing RE2 first and then played 1 and then 3 and was completely engrossed with the game's plot and lore.

By the time code veronica came out and up to around 4, my interest dropped a bit, but still loved the series.

Around when 5 came out was when the series for me was in decline and 6 was a massive disappointment for me. Even the revelations series were simply average at best and lost a lot of the charm and appeal the earlier games had IMO.

Not looking forward to 7 at all.


One of my top 3 franchises. Probably my favourite. The Resi 2 demo was the second thing I played on my PlayStation and I loved how cinematic it was. Picked up Director's Cut soon after and was completely blown away: the relative linearity of the Resi 2 demo hadn't prepared me for the openness of the Spencer estate. The first game is one of the three PS games -- alongside MGS and FFVII -- that really defined what gaming was at the time and what was possible in it.

Loved Resi 2 and 3 just as much. Was incredibly disappointed when Code Veronica was announced as a Dreamcast exclusive, at least until Dino Crisis was announced and it filled the void a bit. By the time I'd moved on to PS2 I was pretty confident CV would be ported over and remember searching online daily for the announcement. Finally getting CVX was when that generation really started for me -- I'd been pretty disappointed with it up until that point, but that game along with the DMC demo were the start of a pretty nonstop onslaught of great titles.

Picked up a GCN purely for REmake, Zero, and Resi 4. REmake was absolutely incredible and worth the price of entry alone. Zero less so -- it just didn't engage me the way the other games had. And the wait for Resi 4 also seemed unbearable and I kind of lost interest in the series for a bit. Right up until Resi 4 was rerevealed and I fell in love with the new direction. It came out and not only pushed the series back to the top of my favourite franchises, but quickly became my favourite game.

Resi 5 felt like a long wait. I loved it. Ended up being one of my favourite games of last gen. Not quite as solid as Resi 4, but probably the most easy to pick up and play. The wait for the Resi 6 announcement was excruciating, but the final reveal was great. The game ended up being one of the biggest disappointments ever for me though.

I'm pretty excited for Resi 7. Can't wait to see how it fits into the overall series. I'm also nervous though, as Resi 6 really lowered my esteem for the series. I'm really hoping Resi 7 ends up being something special.


Surprised a lot of people here actually fell off at 4. Always seemed like in threads past, that was the one action game everyone gave a pass due to its quality.
I've spent a lot of time trying to put my finger on why the original 3 games are still way above anything else in the series on a personal level. I think it boils down to personal taste. I love the first 3 because, even though far fetched, they are based on a virus that could in theory exist in the real world and therefore makes the story more based in reality, which is something I personally enjoy. The more supernatural the story gets, the less interest I have in it. In the remake of the first game they still had stuff like Lisa Trevor in which is why I prefer the original despite it being an inferior game.
I'd always been aware of the series, but never actually played one until a few years back when they re-released RE4 on the 360.

Loved it, so played RE5 and RE6. Both had their moments, but neither got anywhere near matching up to RE4.

I do have the RE0 and RE1 remakes on Xbox One, but haven't quite gotten round to them.

On the whole, in my eyes Resident Evil is the "other" zombie series Capcom has, since I played Dead Rising first and enjoy that series more than I've enjoyed Resident Evil.


Resident Evil is tank controls and pre-rendered backgrounds.

I played 1-CV, never played 4.

Played 5 and Revelations, both were average, I guess.

They need to go back to basics, and bring back traditional zombies.

cm osi

Resident Evil is tank controls and pre-rendered backgrounds.

I played 1-CV, never played 4.

Played 5 and Revelations, both were average, I guess.

They need to go back to basics, and bring back traditional zombies.

pretty much the same, i played up to code name veronica and everything about resident evil 4 turned me off. tried the demo of 5 and 6 and my impression was "uhm, that's not for me alright"
resident evil 7 to me looks way more silent hillish than it should, i remember when i plaed the first time and picked up the vhs i tought "this is silent hill 2". i'm s till kind of interested but i'd rather have a new first person horror ip rather than have it called resident evil


The first time I played Resident Evil I didn't have a memory card. So I would just keep playing it, going as far as I could before I died. The game was much easier after I finally got a memory card. I still love that original game, but I have much less time to just throw away now. Less patience for long run backs.
I didn't own RE2, but I got to the end before... honestly I don't know. I didn't own the game, so I probably just didn't have a chance to finish it.
I remember playing RE3 and Code Veronica in quick succession. I remember Code Veronica more fondly. Probably because of the graphical differences.
Back to Resident Evil. This time the remaster. One of the few times in my life where I bought a system for just one game. And, strangely enough, I did not regret doing so.

My history with RE4 is a mess. I started playing it on Gamecube and stopped. Started playing it on PS2 and stopped. On the PS3 remaster I got to the part of the game right before Krauser and stopped. I finally finished RE4 on my PC roughly 11 years after starting on another system.

I finished RE5 long before I finished RE4. I originally tried it with a controller and was having issues. I switched to a keyboard and mouse and absolutely tore through the game.
Next up would be RE:R on my 3DS. This isn't quite the same as me buying a gamecube for REmaster, but it wasn't too far from that either. It was one of my more memorable games on the system. I preferred the more tanky control scheme on the 3DS.
RE:R2 was next. I liked the game. This is what I want from Resident Evil. I don't need a billion characters or a huge budget. The Revelations games at this point are my go-to resident evil series.

RE6 was a disaster. Even the single campaign that I completed was a mess. Capcom put way too much time in money into this. It would have been better off split into multiple games and tightened up.

And that's where I am right now. I can't wait to see more of the RE2 remaster because it's the only main game that I didn't finish (even if just partially). I hope that there is a third Revelations game in the future because I enjoyed the first two so much.
I don't like what Capcom is doing with Resident Evil 7. I don't like the first person presentation. I don't like that it is in the same vein as PT, Outlast or Amnesia. Those games are not what I think of when I think of Resident Evil.

To me, Resident Evil is a still a survival horror shooter set in third person. Survival in the sense that you need to manage your items carefully. Need to aim more carefully because ammo is short. Horror in the same way that Evil Dead and Dead Alive are "horror" movies. Not the same kind of horror like Silent Hill.


Resident Evil, to me, is the first three games and Code Veronica. Resident Evil 4 onwards is a completely new Resident Evil spin-off series. This is canon.


My first contact with Resident Evil was in 1995 when the first psx version came out. I wasn't aware of this release and used to play at a friend's store were he rented his new videogames per hour to other people. At the time I hadn't a psx, so I was used to go there to play new games. So, some day in 1995 Resident Evil arrived and I decided to pay an hour to see what was it about.

My native language isn't english and at the time my knowledge of this language was very basic, so I didn't catch the cheesy dialogs at first, everything looked very serious to me and contributed to the atmosphere of the game. I was completely mesmerized by the tension and eerie atmosphere of the game. It was an instant must for me. From this day I played many hours every day until the end. After this, I deicided to buy a psx and play any release of the franchise. And, aside the shoot editions and RE6 (disaster), I've played multiple times all other versions. RER and RE4 are the best versions to me.

J Range

I started with resident evil 4. So fir me RE is about a tense atmosphere with a lot of mental build to psych yourself out, the most horrifying and inventive boss battles in the industry, and some one liners and campiness in the dialogue and characters.
American biological action horror with Japanese drama sensibilities.


Resident Evil 1
Resident Evil remake
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil Revelations
Resident Evil Survivor


Resident Evil: Revelations 2

I played a demo of this and I hated it. It didn't feel like Resident Evil at all. It just felt like a generic third-person shooter with uninspired art direction. I literally found myself running through it like it was an Uncharted game. I also hated the dialogue between Moira and Claire.

So yeah, RE:Revelations 2 isn't a Resident Evil game to me.
Resident Evil 1 will always hold a special place in my heart. Some of my favorite memories involve playing that game with my cousins being scared to go into a new room and making fun of the cheesy dialogue. I remember reading GameFan, GamePro, and Electronics Gaming Monthly magazines at night leading up to the release so hyped for it. It was a great game. I've beaten Resident Evil 1-4. I haven't played any of the other games in the series, but I'm looking forward to Resident Evil 7.


Unconfirmed Member
Bought Resident Evil on PS1 day one. I had a few friends over when I first started the game up and I'll never forget how totally blown away we all were. I remained a huge fan of the series up until around RE4-RE5. I felt the games had become less about survival horror and more about just being a generic action shooter. Nowadays I don't care very much about the series. Will always love the classics but this new stuff they are putting out just isn't for me. (Played the RE7 demo but that's not the type of Resident Evil game I want either. The REmake was perfect. Give me a new game made like that.)


Cool thread idea, Jawmuncher! For me, my first exposure to Resident Evil was through Dino Crisis. I loved the game, and it was my first exposure to Survival Horror, not to mention the first mature game, and first PlayStation game I'd ever played. In addition to really making me fall in love with Survival Horror and want to try other games like it, it also came with a demo for RE3: Nemesis. That was my first time playing RE, but I decided not to start with 3, but rather to snag 1 first and play 'em all in order (unfortunately, I played the version that featured this gem of a soundtrack, heh https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0kcF7E69C6Q).

Aside from the bizarre soundtrack, I LOVED everything about RE1. The camera angles and backgrounds, the characters and lore, the cheesy dialogue, the monsters, the survival elements, and heck, even the tank controls! It all clicked with me on a level that few games ever have, and I've been a massive RE fan ever since, having played every single mainline release in the franchise (and quite a few awful spin-offs, unfortunately). I've loved the series through all of it's major reinventions and while I'm skeptical of 7, I'm also more than willing to give a chance to win me over.

As for what RE is to me, I'd say it's story, characters, fun gameplay, and high replayability. Horror, tension, resource management, and survival elements helped to define the older games for me (and it is a style of gameplay that I love and wholeheartedly want to see make a comeback), yet I still loved the newer games which largely lacked these elements. I think the story, lore, and characters kept me invested despite the drastic changes the series would undergo, and I think that's part of why I was more receptive of, say, RE4 than RE7. There's just nothing familiar for me to grab onto in 7 yet, and it's probably why I'm looking forward to RE: Vendetta more than 7 at the moment. I realize that many don't think highly of the story and characters in this franchise, but I've always loved 'em, and they're a big part of what makes RE what it is to me, along with fun gameplay and high replayability, which are also constants throughout the series in it's many forms.
I played a demo of this and I hated it. It didn't feel like Resident Evil at all. It just felt like a generic third-person shooter with uninspired art direction. I literally found myself running through it like it was an Uncharted game. I also hated the dialogue between Moira and Claire.

So yeah, RE:Revelations 2 isn't a Resident Evil game to me.

Umm did you play the full game?


Resident Evil 3 I think was my first introduction to the series, I was at a friends house and watched him play, Jill had an M60 and just mowed down the zombies.

Never played it myself though.

The first game I bought and played myself was Resident Evil 5. Had so much fun.

Been hooker since.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Hard to put in words
I first saw Resident Evil in a local games shop, didn't know what it was or what is was playing on, it was an import and I was still in the 16-bit Era
Other than 2d games from the era and games like Doom this was something else, it had realistic graphics in this detailed Mansion in which the camera watched you, the Music was amazing and it was like nothing I've seen before.
Fast forward and I finally get a PSX with Tomb Raider and Resident Evil was my second purchase
Along with Tomb Raider and Tekken it became part of the elite list of games I would continue to be part of for the next 20 years
Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy would also join that list along with Silent Hill
Sadly Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill would all died this generation and in a way, so did Resident Evil
This has been a terrible generation.
I'm still looking forward to RE7 but I'm treating it as a new IP while Resident Evil as I know and love is gone with the other 2 great series of that generation


Resident Evil is tank controls and pre-rendered backgrounds.

I played 1-CV, never played 4.

Played 5 and Revelations, both were average, I guess.

They need to go back to basics, and bring back traditional zombies.

pretty much the same, i played up to code name veronica and everything about resident evil 4 turned me off. tried the demo of 5 and 6 and my impression was "uhm, that's not for me alright"
resident evil 7 to me looks way more silent hillish than it should, i remember when i plaed the first time and picked up the vhs i tought "this is silent hill 2". i'm s till kind of interested but i'd rather have a new first person horror ip rather than have it called resident evil

Have you guys played REmake and RE0? If not, you really should, REmake especially. You can play them on pretty much any modern system or PC now (except Wii U, :p) thanks to the recent remasters.


This is how I feel as well, RE4 was the start of the downfall of the franchise which has led to RE7.

My only hope is that when they do REmake 2 they keep it as it was just with improved graphics, I do not want a third person view or any of the stuff that will take away from the atmosphere of the game.

I know others prefer RE4 and that's fine but the classics are the best imo.

Yeah, even as someone who really enjoys the newer games, I think Capcom needs to keep RE2 as it originally was. I think adding new characters, enemies, areas to explore etc. like RE1's REmake would be absolutely fine, but the traditional gameplay of classic RE needs to stay intact. There hasn't been a game in that style for more than a decade now, and I really don't think it's obsolete or outdated. There's no reason why Capcom has to make RE2 into a shooter or anything else to make it sell, especially when the remasters of REmake and Zero sold so well, and prove there's still a strong demand for classic Survival Horror.


A reference of Classic Survival Horror alongside Dino Crisis (1 & 2) and Silent Hill (from 1 to 4) that died after his 4th entry.

Played 1, 2, 3, 1RE, Zero, CV and 4. Classic RE vibes,

5 and 6 are a third person shooters.
7 look like an on rails Amnesia, Condemned kind of horror game for Youtubers, not like the vanilla survivals previously named.


The more i think about the less i liked Resid nt Evil for its horror and the more I love it for its dread.

I probably cant get scared in the same way as I used to and remake will forever be the goat for me particularly for how it made me feel but looking back it wasnt just horror. I was also scared of code veronica but dont love it nearly as much, it was the absolute sense of dread and challenge.

Right now im playing re0 hard mode, a little ways after the centipede fight. I have no health items, rebecca and billy are in danger with only 1 hit left in them, they have a combined total of 8 handgun bullets and 4 shotgun shells with billy too weak to use the knife and this game is more engrossing than ever.

RE4 first playthrough is a lot like that as well but really empowers you later on. The Evil Within was horrible but its resource giving was near perfect and i would have loved to see that in RE4.

I think the series is at its peak when its not trying to be just horror or action but when its presenting you with a limited amount of resources in interesting (and in many cases optional) combat scenarios making you dread the next fight.

Ots my biggest complaint with RE6. The game is nonstop adrenaline lacking the "release" moments of even RE5. Your running through endless setpieces that most of them become a blur and only a few stand out. The game gives you no respite and pushes you on. This is my biggest gripe with modern RE and its why RE4 is still considered the best. There is a lot of downtime to be had in 4 in between the extremely tense setpieces.

-On ipad, ignore spelling.
One of the first games that was ever purchased for me was Resident Evil: Director's Cut. I remember I was 5 at the time, so this places this around June of 1998, and I had seen a trailer for Resident Evil 2 on TV, and decided that I absolutely had to have this game. I mean, it looked cool! I found out that 2 was a sequel, so I begged my parents to get me a copy of Director's Cut, and when my birthday rolled around in June they decided to get it for me. I've followed the series closely ever since, although I haven't played the last few games because at some point the gameplay became a departure from what I wanted out of the series. I still have a lot of interest in the ridiculous story and characters, though, and I think I can thank this series for helping develop my taste in story-based gaming at an early age.

Also, Resident Evil: Survivor was amazing to young me and I still think it's awesome. So take that!!!


Don't exactly remember when I started, but it's one of my favorite series. I liked all of the mainline series games, though I think revelations 1 is alittle meh. It to me is an action game with b tier horror movie vibe. My favorites are Re3, Remake, Re6 and Re5.


It was a long time before I owned the first RE. I rented it a bunch and borrowed it from friends and I don't think I beat until sometime after two came out.

RE2 was one of my most hyped games though since I owned a PS at that point and it was scheduled to be a birthday gift. A friend of mine got it before I did so I ended up beating it at his place the night he got it. Personally, I'm not a really a fan of it. All the cool stuff from 1.5 was axed and replaced with a bunch of half-baked systems and Claire who I hate and is pretty emblematic of everything that went wrong with the series. The game was also stupidly easy which didn't help matters. Leon's side of the story awesome but the rest of the game I can live without for the most part.

RE3 was the reason I got my first job. Unlike part 2 it actually surpassed my expectations and is my favorite game in the series. The stripped down story, characters, and pacing were all on point. The ammo creation was flawed but aside from that I loved every bit of it.

RE:CV was shit and where I realized that the series was no longer for me.

RE:0 was a ton of fun and Billy was great but dear lord was the story and villain bloody awful

I gave RE4 chance but the terrible story/characters, Leon's new annoying personality, and braindead combat were total turnoffs and everything after the village was just a mess. I liked the idea of moving away from the typical western zombie film and doing something more akin to Italian cannibal films but sadly that just wasn't they had in mind.

I didn't bother with RE5 until years later because of what they did to Jill and how bad sheva's a.i was. I played through with my brother and it was as awful as I thought it was.

RE6 felt a little better but the Sherry/Jake campaign was the only good part of the whole thing as the other campaigns were all poorly designed and a chore to sit through.

The two bright spots after CV for me were the REmake and Outbreak. The presentation, atmosphere, and extra modes in the REmake were what won me over. The crimson heads and Lisa were pointless and Chris's new design and personality sucked but those were minor issues compared to how amazing everything else was.

Outbreak is my second favorite game in the series and the only online game I ever got into seriously. The atmosphere and music, straightforward premise, the unpredictable gameplay, and the more human approach to the story were all marvelously done. To me it was the exact kind of online multiplayer approach that the series should have aimed for.

I do prefer the more classic survival horror approach but that isn't my biggest gripe with the series turned out. The story and characters just got too bloated and larger than life. It ended up becoming bad Japanese anime melodrama where everyone feels like a superhero and the story just starts jumping the shark repeatedly. I like the more grounded personal approach of the earlier games where the characters felt like people and things felt more like a skewed version of reality. James Bond-esque flashbang sunglasses, John Woo gunplay, super-powered Wesker, the over-sexualization, and everything else just don't click with me at all.

In the end, I'm pretty much done with the series. I'll probably watch my brother play RE7 but I won't be playing it myself since I don't find first person horror games scary in the least. I do sincerely hope it turns out well since the series really needs to change course and try to find the horror again.

It's a shame we never got one big send off game in the classic style. I would have loved to play a game where you take on Umbrella headquarters with all the various mechanics from each entry in one place and improved on.

RE2's zapping, A/B scenarios
RE3's live selections, dodging
REmake's visuals, defensive weapons
RE0's partner system and anywhere inventory dropping
RE Outbreak's character abilities

I could have played that one game for years.


"RE4's braindead combat"


I ran through the majority of the game aside from boss fights and certain setpieces by using flashbangs or stunning an enemy with a shot than using a kick to knock everyone down and running past.
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