I wonder if y'all didn't watch Arrival, or if you simply didn't like it. That movie had me pondering my own life for weeks.
Felt it was overhyped
I wonder if y'all didn't watch Arrival, or if you simply didn't like it. That movie had me pondering my own life for weeks.
I'll give the vote to District 9.
I can understand that if you go in expecting an action movie. The movie is slow-paced, and in this day an age where everything seems to go at blazing speeds, it's not for everyone.Felt it was overhyped
Nothing like the mindfuck of InceptionI can understand that if you go in expecting an action movie. The movie is slow-paced, and in this day an age where everything seems to go at blazing speeds, it's not for everyone.
But to me, it is the first movie that surprised me in years. One of the things I liked about it is that it protrays humans as the enemy to themselves, rather than the aliens being the enemy. It was also a bigger mindfuck than Inception, the soundtrack and cinematography was simplistic yet amazing, and it made its impact without being flashy.
Arrival is a movie for people who like to smell their own farts a lot.Also wish I could block anyone who voted for Arrival. Fucking hate that film.
Why? Because it's not your typical happy ending? Or because you didn't understand it? Or because it touched too close to home?Also wish I could block anyone who voted for Arrival. Fucking hate that film.
That one should have won by a land slide... so awesome (glad it never got a sequel).I'll give the vote to District 9.
I like Moon and Distinct 9 a lot. Annihilation is just a remake of Stalker. Blade Runner is laughable (in a bad way). Edge of Tomorrow stars Tom Cruise so no way. Interstellar is
too full of itself.
I'm going with The Watch. Ben Stiller comedy. I just love invasion movies.
I don't like Tom Cruise but I'll be damned if I dont enjoy his movies!Edge of Tomorrow is unfairly penalized bc people don't like Tom Cruise imo, it is a stand up sci fi movie and v enjoyable. Moon is another good shout, I'm also with the District 9 bros.
Interstellar almost winning ... and the rest ... this century sucks for scifi :/
70-90s scifi is so good.
How about some commentary with actual substance? Why does it suck? What makes the other decades better?
Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Starship Troopers, Event Horizon, Independence Day, Cube, Back to the Future 1-3, and so on.
i'd put starship in my top 10, prolly aliens as well
Same here. Didn't have a problem with that scene.the love thing was never cringe to me, not when you look deeper at quantum entanglement