ok, which is the most likely in your opinion...
Best case: Bush wins, they gain Senate seats, gain House seats
+ Bush is leading in the polls
-The Micheal Moore voters aren't being counted as they are young in in college, so Bush needs a massive lead just to pull even on election day...
-Democrats have phenomenal candidates for Senate (mostly conservative ones). They are running convservatives to challenge and it's paying off. Even in safe states like Oklahoma, Democrats can pick up seats, regaining control
Medium case: Bush loses, Repub's keep seats in the Senate or slight gain, keep house
+Bush leads popular vote, but electoral vote is leaning Kerry, and Kerry leads in important battle states
+having realigned Texas districts, there is almost no way for the House to go Democratic anytime soon
Worst case: Bush loses, Repub's lose Senate, keep House
+Bush is leading nationally, but the Fahrenheit 9/11 pissed off too many people that took it as gospel, there's a landslide waiting to happen
+They may lose seats in House, but will still maintain majority, plus lots of Democrats are conservative anyway, not that hard to peel votes in the House
-maybe polls are right
The comfort for Republicans is that the House will almost certainly still be Republican after election day. The Senate is looking weird at the moment, if Bush wins, the Senate will almost certainly stay Republican.
I think the only issue here really is the uncounted (not undecided vote). Young people (as is usual in the US and around the world) are anti-establishment, want change, more rebellious, etc.. etc..., and this year, they bought right into Micheal Moore's propaganda.
That the anti-Moore crowd was so slow to respond is amazing... Fahrenhype 9/11, Celsius whatever it is, and Moore Hates America are like 3 months too late... that said, Fahrenhype 9/11 did manage to sell 200,000 copies, even I'm surprised considering the people buying won't have their minds changed, so why buy it?...
Best case: Bush wins, they gain Senate seats, gain House seats
+ Bush is leading in the polls
-The Micheal Moore voters aren't being counted as they are young in in college, so Bush needs a massive lead just to pull even on election day...
-Democrats have phenomenal candidates for Senate (mostly conservative ones). They are running convservatives to challenge and it's paying off. Even in safe states like Oklahoma, Democrats can pick up seats, regaining control
Medium case: Bush loses, Repub's keep seats in the Senate or slight gain, keep house
+Bush leads popular vote, but electoral vote is leaning Kerry, and Kerry leads in important battle states
+having realigned Texas districts, there is almost no way for the House to go Democratic anytime soon
Worst case: Bush loses, Repub's lose Senate, keep House
+Bush is leading nationally, but the Fahrenheit 9/11 pissed off too many people that took it as gospel, there's a landslide waiting to happen
+They may lose seats in House, but will still maintain majority, plus lots of Democrats are conservative anyway, not that hard to peel votes in the House
-maybe polls are right
The comfort for Republicans is that the House will almost certainly still be Republican after election day. The Senate is looking weird at the moment, if Bush wins, the Senate will almost certainly stay Republican.
I think the only issue here really is the uncounted (not undecided vote). Young people (as is usual in the US and around the world) are anti-establishment, want change, more rebellious, etc.. etc..., and this year, they bought right into Micheal Moore's propaganda.
That the anti-Moore crowd was so slow to respond is amazing... Fahrenhype 9/11, Celsius whatever it is, and Moore Hates America are like 3 months too late... that said, Fahrenhype 9/11 did manage to sell 200,000 copies, even I'm surprised considering the people buying won't have their minds changed, so why buy it?...