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What is wrong with us who enjoy Starfield?


my personal best game of the decade.
Straight Face Trying Not To Laugh GIF


You believed Todd's lies and PR speak and don't have any self respect

Or maybe like me, I just played a game that was included with GamePass and I happen to love the game as-is without following any of the previous hype.

Soooo, it's reasonable to conclude that some people are butt-hurt because Todd's promises weren't kept, and said butt-hurt people are now complaining about the game all over the forums and going as far as losing all sefl-respect by review bombing the game and attempting to shame the people that actually do like the game.
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
There are tons of people that love the game although you wouldn't know based on a lot of posts here. I put 250 hours into it and was sad it was over. While there is tons of negative posts here, there are also over 5,000 posts in the Starfield OT and it is still going today so there's nothing wrong with you. Like what you like and ignore the negativity here.


I played it on PC at 60-70 fps with a very fast ssd.

Were there things that could have been more polished and massaged before release, absolutely.

Did I still get completely engrossed and had a heck of a good time. Definitely!

People keep saying it was hyped up to all hell. Well of course it was! It’s a new IP! Need to get the word out for people that don’t follow studios and such.
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Nothing. People enjoy what they enjoy. Satisfactory for example I still don't know how to explain it to people without myself thinking "God, this sounds boring", but I've spent 170.9 hours in it.


I’d ask what’s wrong with everybody else? 🙃

I don’t understand how you can’t seem to enjoy a game with so many cool game systems and so much content and so many ways to play it. It’s a game that never stops giving.

I stopped in early december after having played 211 hours. Started playing Baldur’s Gate 3 instead, about 25 hours.
Then I went back to Starfield again a couple days ago. Now I’m up at 247 hours. 36 hours in less than a week. And I’m yet again having a blast playing it. 🙂

I’m not too excited about the main quest though. For me it’s the side content that makes the game so great. It’s essentially a slimmed down No Man’s Sky with roleplaying and great shooting and a cool ship builder and amazing visuals and atmosphere.


I've loved games with brutal glaring flaws. It's because you see the good in the game even if you are aware of those flaws.


Or maybe like me, I just played a game that was included with GamePass and I happen to love the game as-is without following any of the previous hype.

Soooo, it's reasonable to conclude that some people are butt-hurt because Todd's promises weren't kept, and said butt-hurt people are now complaining about the game all over the forums and going as far as losing all sefl-respect by review bombing the game and attempting to shame the people that actually do like the game.
Well they're like me hurt because of all the lies but also the game feels dated as fuck with everything other than the physics systems. It feels like a game stuck in 2012 and not a game of the generation or even a fucking goty contender. It's a combination of the game being disappointing and being stuck in the past.

When Skyrim feels like an upgrade over this game then you know something has gone wrong
Who knows man. I like musou games which are pretty much universally 7/10 games (at best) with average graphics, dreadful performance, and repetitive gameplay.

But shit's fun.


In love with Starfield, my personal best game of the decade.
I keep reading and watching critical pieces against Starfield, how it didn't deliver what was promised, how it is made with old standards for RPGs etc.

But you know what? This game is all I could ask for, I just cannot stop playing it, my PS5 hasn't been cleaned out of dust for weeks since only XSX is getting heat.
And I am happy to see many gaffers enjoying it just like I do.

I didn't start this thread just to say that I love game which has been hammered by critics, nor to say what I like in this game in contrary.
But let's discuss of the limits of objectively valid points against game versus actual fun one can have with it. You know what I mean?
You guys, Starfield enjoyers, make me sick....
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Gold Member
I can’t really put my finger on why I didn’t like it. But for me I think it’s a general thing with Bethesda Game Studios. All their games have a pretty specific feel to them. I haven’t enjoyed any game they’ve made.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
It’s okay to like bad things.

I think those that enjoy Starfield must really enjoy Bethesda ass games that are even worse in many ways from the ones they made two decades ago

You have to be willing to put up with a lot issues, maybe the “theme” of the world is appealing to you strongly or something idk

Terrible game though, and one of the worst AAA titles I’ve ever played


Well they're like me hurt because of all the lies but also the game feels dated as fuck with everything other than the physics systems. It feels like a game stuck in 2012 and not a game of the generation or even a fucking goty contender. It's a combination of the game being disappointing and being stuck in the past.

When Skyrim feels like an upgrade over this game then you know something has gone wrong

Don't get me started on the loading screens :rolleyes:

Add to that the bugs, like the game crashing when I went to save a long play session, or bugged quests FML! But there's too much good in here to overlook. I'm an Oblivion guy, I skipped Skyrim so I can't compare, but this is like Oblivion in space x 100. Ship building and combat is a game on its own. Farming and Outpost buidling is another game on its own. Quests like the Crimson Fleet faction quest are big enough to be a standalone game. There's so much that needs fixing, but there's also sooo much potential, they haven a massive sandbox in their hands that I can see getting expanded for years to come.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
But it's obvious that Starfield is the latest in a long line of games that get singled out for whatever reason with every single flaw hyperbolically exaggerated far past proportionality

No, it isn’t a game that has hugely positive user reviews and a vocal minority has gripes that are loud.

The game has serious issues and very widely negative user reactions, the vocal minority is with those that are in love with it


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Nothing wrong with it. I had fun playing it, but the way MS and the fanboys hyped it up nurtured hatred. To most people it was a 7/10 game and things like poor exploration/constant loading screens were too much to overcome.


Maybe you have OCD and you like a game where you can arrange your loaves of bread, or you like building ships and mediocre settlements.

That's all i can think of

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Haven't seen anything from double d's 2 but for real souls is so freakin old at this point. Lies of P was so stylish and I was interested in the world but I just couldn't do another souls style game...
I'm the same. Lies of P did exceed my expectations though. Hopefully they branch out more. That team is for real.


Nothing. You enjoy a game that is well made, but has enough controversial design decisions that some others don't.

It has 10+ million players who on average spent 40+ hours on it. People like it. Even if GAF posters (myself included) do not.

Enjoy what you enjoy, don't care about what others have to say.


Nothing is wrong, your personal opinion should always come first in any and every situation. Don't let other people's negativity or toxicity affect how you feel about something. That's all there is to it.

It's why it's so important to not fully believe other people's opinions or reviews. Trust what you feel and believe. If you're genuinely curious about something, check it out for yourself. You never know, you may enjoy it a lot more than you thought.


Like Dragon's Dogma 2 then, or any Souls game.
Lmao souls games are stuck in 2009 because they're just reusing demon souls assets. So yes.

Also Japanese developers haven't really been known for pushing any gaming limits. It's all pretty mid, good games sure but they definitely are stuck in some weird ass year.
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