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What is wrong with us who enjoy Starfield?

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Reizo Ryuu

Gold Member
The reviews were already trending towards being negative long before it was even nominated for that award my friend.

The amount of imagination necessary to believe that more than 100k people purchased the game just to review bomb it is fascinating. But then maybe that's what's required to enjoy a game of this calibre.
Jim Carrey What GIF

congrats on discussing something completely irrelevant to the fact there are in fact negative reviews that have stemmed from it winning a steam award, which is manipulating the game's score, which is review bombing.
go ahead, make another point I wasn't discussing, or better yet, go discuss it with someone who cares as much as you do.


Anyway, the only thing Starfield will be remembered for in a few years on GAF is this thread.


It works both ways. Some games have legitimate flaws in huge numbers and you can still enjoy it. Some games get nothing but critical acclaim and praise and you can still not enjoy it.

Criticism doesn't exist to invalidate your joy, fun or positive things you say about a game.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Anyway, the only thing Starfield will be remembered for in a few years on GAF is this thread.
For how much this gets used as the butt of jokes (which is understandable, I mocked it in that thread as well), it's basically one guy creating the thread followed by 99% of the posts saying they haven't seen any hype. And this gets used endlessly to say the game is hyped into the stratosphere. Just read the replies.


For how much this gets used as the butt of jokes (which is understandable, I mocked it in that thread as well), it's basically one guy creating the thread followed by 99% of the posts saying they haven't seen any hype. And this gets used endlessly to say the game is hyped into the stratosphere. Just read the replies.
It's the 'massive and growing' thing. I don't think anyone should have taken OP seriously (myself included), they should have just laughed about it instead.


I'm glad you are enjoying it. There is nothing wrong with enjoying something others don't and vice versa. There's nothing wrong with you. Starfield may just check the boxes of your specific preferences. You may not care about the things I care about which allows you to enjoy it. For me personally, there are a tons of design decisions in the game that completely turn me off.

I have somewhat of a graphic design background, and I'm obsessed with presentation and the overall experience of a game above all else. Starfield has quite a bit of moments that are completely immersion breaking and the overall presentation feels rough and not consistent. The characters feel robotic. There is very little interactivity, and there seems to be a lack of atmosphere (ironic). I also don't enjoy very large games where you do a lot of the same repetitive things over and over. I even felt burnt out on Zelda TotK and I was loving it the first 50 hours. Starfield simply isn't the game for my particular tastes.

Lastly, I don't think it helped with the marketing of this game. It was marketed as this overly ambitious game, and I just don't see it at all. I think No Man's Sky feels a lot more ambitious personally and it was done by a smaller team. The poor responses to criticism was the cherry on top. It was handled poorly and I think some gamers are over Bethesda and some may take their frustrations out on those enjoying it.
God, the amount of "flaws" Elden Ring has that people are willing to overlook because it's "DA GOAT"

Or Baldur's Gate 3

Or Tears of the Kingdom

I am not saying Starfield is on the same level as those games (I don't think it is, and I think very few people would), but I do very much think it has been getting a lot of criticisms that other universally acclaimed games also deserve and do not get.
You're right, it's not on the same level. It's better.


Gold Member
Jim Carrey What GIF

congrats on discussing something completely irrelevant to the fact there are in fact negative reviews that have stemmed from it winning a steam award, which is manipulating the game's score, which is review bombing.
go ahead, make another point I wasn't discussing, or better yet, go discuss it with someone who cares as much as you do.

If it were fact then there would be a notification on Steam regarding an outsized sample of reviews indicative of review bombing.

There isn't, there's nothing out of kilter.


Gold Member
Jim Carrey What GIF

congrats on discussing something completely irrelevant to the fact there are in fact negative reviews that have stemmed from it winning a steam award, which is manipulating the game's score, which is review bombing.
go ahead, make another point I wasn't discussing, or better yet, go discuss it with someone who cares as much as you do.
Set him to ignore. Nothing is lost when a haters words don’t reach your brain.
this is me and ff16 i love the game but most shit on it.

FF16 has been weird. Very similar to what happened to Dragon Age Inquisition honestly. Both games were well received at first DAI even won GOTY. Now it feels like I just people shitting on both and I personally love both games.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Wait... are you serious? So based on what you're saying, Starfield is much better than The Last of Us 2 :lollipop_thescream:


Your comment deserves a 5.8 as well.

Context matters.

TLOU 2 was politically charged, and with the main character being killed was highly divisive for that reason alone

For Starfield, there were no major controversies. It runs well, has no major bugs (a surprise for a Bethesda game) or performance problems. You cannot point to anything other than the game’s quality leading directly to those user scores


I enjoyed playing No Man's Sky in 2016 when everyone was hating on it.

If you enjoy play Starfield good for you. Keep on enjoying it.

Same, but I understand that might be because I only saw one trailer early on and was not only on media blackout, but also for quite a while after playing it. I think it's 90% expectations and hype. We should be able to, in hindsight at least, judge games on their own merits.
Is this the case with OP and Starfield?? This thread isn't even supposed to be a re-litigation of the game, but of the dissonance between the "objective" criticisms and one's own experience. I hear people say it's mediocre, I hear people say the loved it. None of the discussion is rising above the level of "it's a 7, it's a 9"...

WHY do we think things can be "bad" to others if we think they're good?
WHY do we accept other people's opinions as more valid if they like things LESS?


You're right, it's not on the same level. It's better.
I am glad it resonated that strongly with you. My best friend adores it too.

Space is my favorite setting and BGS are (were?) one of my top devs, so I had a lot of hype for Starfield, but I ended up being disappointed. But I am very happy it clicked for you (and for so many people) :messenger_grinning:
Its fun in small doses. Like ff xvi which gaf also hates apparently. Problem is most here marathon through content like its doomsday the day after. It definitely has issues and in longer sessions will make you resent it if youre not in the right headspace.
Planet exploration having the same poi is unforgiveable though.


I mean, you might be right about there being something that these types of games do for people like me with ADHD and OCD. I get lost in games like Starfield. There have been days where I I have a plan for what I want to accomplish, but then I turn on the game and something distracts me. 4 hours later and I need to go to sleep. I’ve probably spent 40+ hours in ship building alone. Ship building has been a huge distraction. A distraction that I have loved. I still think I have the best ship ever.

Her name is BF. Short for Bullfrog.



I love that design!

I thought mine was cool, I was inspired by someone who made a Mech looking build, so I went for the Iron Man look.

Haha, the Bullfrog name is perfect!

Here's my Iron Man:

Well they're like me hurt because of all the lies but also the game feels dated as fuck with everything other than the physics systems. It feels like a game stuck in 2012 and not a game of the generation or even a fucking goty contender. It's a combination of the game being disappointing and being stuck in the past.

When Skyrim feels like an upgrade over this game then you know something has gone wrong
Some people prefer to be "stuck in the past" when a lot of "trendy" games with modern design are unlikable. Nothing wrong with liking different things because there's plenty of styles to go around with so many developers and games these days.


People like different things. I dropped starfield about 10 hours in because compared to every other major rpg the last 15 years it's just worse. It's stuck 20 years ago and Bethesda refused to learn i guess.

But if you enjoy it what does it matter. One of my favorite games is Alpha Protocol. That game has the most broken gameplay i have seen and i still have finished it 8 times. Whatever floats your boat man.


Nothing's wrong.

At the end of the day, if you like a game, other people's opinions are irrelevant.
Well I like starfield but not as much to play through it without a pause. Also never finished Skyrim but still like and play it from time to time.
Also there are many low rated games I totally love and high rated games i just don't like (looking at you Nathan Drake who only has luck the whole game).


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Context matters.

TLOU 2 was politically charged, and with the main character being killed was highly divisive for that reason alone

For Starfield, there were no major controversies. It runs well, has no major bugs (a surprise for a Bethesda game) or performance problems. You cannot point to anything other than the game’s quality leading directly to those user scores

Please tell me this is a satire post. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

What's politically charged about GT7, why is it a 2.4 user score on Metacritic?

Hint: Don't use user scores, especially from Metacritic, as any kind of a worthwhile gauge.

I enjoyed my time with it; between Baldur’s Gate 3 and Starfield, 2023 was great for RPG’s.

Diablo 4, BG3, Starfield. 2023 was the year of the WRPGs.
2024 looks like it'll be the year of the JRPGs with Persona 3, Rebirth, Gran Blue, LaD: Infinite Wealth and such.
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I'm only 5 or so hours in, but I've really liked it so far. I was expecting a Bethesda RPG in space, and that's what it is. My main fear was that the gunplay would be as poor as Fallout's, but thankfully weapons work very well long range and it doesn't have the same hit detection issues. At this pace it will definitely be in the running for one of the best 2023 titles.


Gold Member
I'm only 5 or so hours in, but I've really liked it so far. I was expecting a Bethesda RPG in space, and that's what it is. My main fear was that the gunplay would be as poor as Fallout's, but thankfully weapons work very well long range and it doesn't have the same hit detection issues. At this pace it will definitely be in the running for one of the best 2023 titles.
Bethesda game in space is exactly what I wanted and was delivered.


Skyrim is my fave game of all time, and Bethesda rpg's are probably my fave genre. Starfield for me, after 100+ hours, is a 7.5. It would of been a 8.5 but i spoiled myself with the story details, and i really didnt like what i found out so in the end i didnt even finish the story, and probably never will with future playthroughs.
The side content though (which lets be honest, the side content in Bethesda rpg's are like 90% of the content, and usually more intersting than the main story anyway) is classic Bethesda and top notch for me.

At the end of the day the game was just too ambitious for their aging engine, which caused a lot of technical problems.
I'd like to think that it will he a different story with Elder Scrolls 6 as it will be just one map, and something they know through and through.

One thing i do want to add though is i have skimmed this thread and a lot of people are just wrong about the review bombing it def was a thing. I spent a lot of time on the Steam forums around the games launch and the trolling ws the worst i have ever seen on Steam. And the amount of negative reviews with 1 hour playtime that came flooding in at the start, well you cant even get to constellation in that amount of time, and thats the proper start of the game.
Also some Steam threads were posted on here (a couple by myslef) where people were asking for clarifcation on Steams refund policy as they 'wanted to buy the game, leave a negative reviews, and then refund'.
So yeah lets not try to pretend SOME of the negative reviews werent review bombed.

Bethesda rpg's i have played ranking -

Fallout 3
Fallout 4
Fallout New Vegas
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James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
What's politically charged about GT7, why is it a 2.4 user score on Metacritic?

Mostly from charging practices early on that were fixed

Steam reviews are also highly negative for Starfield

Major outlets gave Starfield poor reviews. It’s certainly not some overwhelmingly positive perceived title


In love with Starfield, my personal best game of the decade.
I keep reading and watching critical pieces against Starfield, how it didn't deliver what was promised, how it is made with old standards for RPGs etc.

But you know what? This game is all I could ask for, I just cannot stop playing it, my PS5 hasn't been cleaned out of dust for weeks since only XSX is getting heat.
And I am happy to see many gaffers enjoying it just like I do.

I didn't start this thread just to say that I love game which has been hammered by critics, nor to say what I like in this game in contrary.
But let's discuss of the limits of objectively valid points against game versus actual fun one can have with it. You know what I mean?
You have low threshold and don't value your time, that's all. Good for you, enjoy the game.
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