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What is your personal comfort food game?


There it is! Had you added Halo 3 and any given Mario Kart, it'd be 👌

I wanted to have some limits and keep it from being a "best of all time" list which would definitely include titles like Mario Kart and Smash, but I don't consider them comfort food games because I've gotten pretty bored of them unless local multiplayer is involved.
Yakuza is both my favourite food and my comfort food. Nothing like setting foot in Kamurocho for the first time in a game and thinking "Aw yis, I'm home again mofos"


Ages ago it was Halo 3. I'd just go into social slayer, btb, or team snipers and relax. A few years ago it was BF3 noshar canals tdm or metro conquest. I would put on music and just get into a flow state with every different weapon leveling the stars up. Those two games I developed significant skill so I was on pretty much on cruise control.

Then it became Dark Souls, just creating new builds for different runs and for pvp (must have made 100's of builds). I don't have a comfort game anymore as I just can't play as often, and when I do I like to enjoy new experiences.


Gold Member





Not entirely sure I understand the term comfort food game. A chill game? Always pleasant to return to or replay?
Maybe Super Metroid, No Man’s Sky, Starfield, Cities Skylines, even Elden Ring. And C64 IO, The Last Ninja, Amiga Turrican. Minecraft.


Gold Member
World at War.

I stopped playing it, but I used to play Diablo 3 a lot, and didn't really care about maxing up levels and harder levels. I got to a point I was happy just plowing through every Neph Rift at I think Torment 8 around level 40. I forget.

But I used a Crusader and had enough abilities and item perks to spam those ghostly grey helper warriors at double the number (4 total), double the duration, at half the reload time. Something like that. It was at a point I could spam them at all times before they even disappeared. These things went ape shit killing everything like those ghost warriors Aragorn got in LOTR.
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The nicest person on this forum
At this point it’s safe to say it’s Elden Ring….I replayed this game unhealthy amount. I keep wanting to stop myself to replay this game so I wouldn’t get burn out but every time I finish recent playthrough, I’m craving to do another.
Hard to say.

Then Yakuza games (the departure from the 3D brawler formula in the newer entries has alienated me though). They used to be my "annual Madden" back when SEGA announced them yearly. They carry some real life nostalgic value for me. Coincedently, I'm playing Yakuza 5 now. Just learned "The essence of furious thrusts".
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Dead Cells is usually my go-to. Be it starting a fresh save, playing on an existing one, or just messing about on my 'I have everything' saves, I always find it fun. Returnal & Hades also get some attention, but less so than DC.
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Mario 64 or Mario Odyssey. Easy to fire them up and instantly start playing them without having to trouble yourself remembering where you left off.
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