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What is your prefered Point of View in gaming?


And the obvious choices are:

First Person View (FPS)
Sidescrolling 2D
Overhead 2D
3rd person 3D
A combo of 2D & 3D (2.5D?) etc ToS.

I admit that I am a lil tired of the First Person Views. My fav point of view is the 3rd Person 3D view(Zelda OoT, Zelda MM Zelda WW). It's difficult to get the 3rd person view correct due to camera complications, but when it's excuted perfect it's brilliant.

ToS surprised me that a combo of 2D and 3D works very well too.
I'm not a big fan of first person, but that is mainly due to the games that are typically first person, of which Metroid Prime and Deus Ex are just about the only games I've liked since Ultima Underworld 1&2.

I love all the other categories, as each is necessary for different games that I play, but I would dearly like more games that call for 2.5D (a new Klonoa or Valkyrie Profile would do nicely).


recently, i've been kind of a first person whore. it's nice to play a 3d game with zero camera problems.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Anything other than first person, it just bothers me so much. I've said this sooo many times before, but the only reason I couldn't enjoy Metroid Prime to its fullest was the perspective. I would kill for a version of the game in 3rd person..and before anyone says anything, I'm quite aware that the morphball sections are 3rd person. But you can't really look around and fight during that time. Something about seeing the character model is key to the experience for me, but thats just my personal preference.

If I had to say which one I like the most, I would go with 2.5D. Like Viewtiful Joe, Klonoa, and whatnot.


I enjoy all, though If I had to choose my favorite would be well implemented behind the character 3rd person (camera must NOT be locked directly behind character and also must trail the character when s/he turns...but the delay must not be too long or too short) and my least favorite would be isometric


Definitely 2d over head.
I want to say 3rd person, but usually the camera is just a BIT too close to the character, and it pisses me off.

Deku Tree

Hard to say... depends on the genre I suppose.

I like FP for FPS, 2D for platformers and 3rd person for action and/or adventure games ('cept prime).
I like the Tales battle system alot, so 2.5D is good too.
3rd person for racing games.

I guess the answer is I'm not partial to a certain point of view independent of genre.


Grizzlyjin said:
Anything other than first person, it just bothers me so much. I've said this sooo many times before, but the only reason I couldn't enjoy Metroid Prime to its fullest was the perspective. I would kill for a version of the game in 3rd person..and before anyone says anything, I'm quite aware that the morphball sections are 3rd person. But you can't really look around and fight during that time. Something about seeing the character model is key to the experience for me, but thats just my personal preference.

If I had to say which one I like the most, I would go with 2.5D. Like Viewtiful Joe, Klonoa, and whatnot.

Retro did try with 3rd person metroid according to rumors.


Depends on the genre entirely. Racers are definitely 1st person at all times--3rd person/out-of-car views are cheezy imo and take away the suspension of disbelief for me, plus how "sim" can you be using this view?

1st person shooters are great in that you really are immersed and get a sense of strategy and skill that a 3rd person shooter (say Counter Strike vs Socom) can't achieve imo.

Survival horror games, I prefer 3rd person for some reason.


Gold Member
I cannot stand FPS. I want to see where my feet are.
Third person is the best, but depending on the games, overhead is ok too.


FPS over 3rd person anyday for my shoot'em'ups.

I also prefer the in-car view for all my driving games except the Colin McRae series where I find I race better using the out-of-car view.


First Person View for any game where i have to shoot things, 3rd person for anything where i have to explore environments.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
First Person all the way, it makes for a much more immersive gaming experience. Thats not just for shooters, but just about any Genre.


I don't really have a favorite pov, it's really all about how well the view flows with the game. Although when it comes to rpgs, I love first person view.
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