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What kind of farmer would you be?

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I'd so be a zucchini farmer. They don't taste very good but the plant is so sweet looking.

White Man

Zucchini is my second favorite food, next to broccoli. You are clearly a member of the feckless and tasteless majorit, my good NLB2.

Anyway, I wouldn't be any sort of farmer. Too. . .drawn-out and anti-climactic. I would be a logger though. Probably in a minute, too, if I wasn't a weak guy.


White Man said:
Zucchini is my second favorite food, next to broccoli. You are clearly a member of the feckless and tasteless majorit, my good NLB2.

Anyway, I wouldn't be any sort of farmer. Too. . .drawn-out and anti-climactic. I would be a logger though. Probably in a minute, too, if I wasn't a weak guy.

Oh man, take that back. I loooooovvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee broccoli. You fry it up with a bit of olive oil and some garlic and its delicious.


either Marijuanna or Poppies. I hear there's big money in that field, just look at my friend Pablo Escobar.

Maybe there'd be a gruesome death that I could come up with similiar to Pablo and the Columbian necktie. I think I'd call it the Irish hankerchief. You'd
slice open someone's stomach, and strangle them with their own intestines.
<- for the weak.


All my crops would be genetically modified crops, apples that taste like strawberries, grapes that taste blueberries, and they'd all be pollinated by butterflies with bee stings having deadly taipan venom.
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