And did it influence your musical taste at all?
I was born in 1975 to hippies. I distinctly remember a selection of artists and albums that my mother played during my entire childhood growing up in the 80's. I can sing every song on every one of these albums to this very day.
Simon and Garfunkel - Greatest Hits (1972)
Janis Joplin - Greatest hits (1973)
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
Dr. Hook - Sloppy Seconds (1972)
Jeff Beck - Blow By Blow (1975)
Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds (1978)
My parents, like many people it seems, hit a wall with music and never got into anything past a certain point in time. This meant there was nothing from the 80's played by my parents. They never got into disco, or 70's funk. The didn't touch 80's music like Flock of Seagulls, Madonna, the Punk scene, or any of the new rock n roll/hair bands in the late 80's. They literally just listened to a select few artists and never branched out or grew/evolved with the music of the time.
As for myself, I was into everything except what they liked. I hated Janis Joplin and S&G when I was a kid (I like them now though!). I listened to Top 40 and recorded dozens of tapes from songs off the radio.
I can pinpoint the exact age I was really, really into music. It was 1984 and I was 9 years old. Fat Boys, Run DMC, Prince (Purple Rain!), Van Halen, Madonna, and Ray Parker Jr singing motherfuckin' Ghost Busters. The Car's Heartbreak City? I loved that shit. I listened to it so much I wore out the tape. I could go on and on. The year 1984 is my reference point for my entire life based on the music.
My musical taste has always been really diverse and eclectic considering that my parents had such a tiny palate. When I was in my early teens I started to discover older music like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Who, and Pink Floyd's other work. I was dumbfounded that my parents had omitted such fantastic artists from their musical library. They had no excuse! This was what they would have grown up on! Also around this age I was really into rap which had really come into it's own. I had pretty much grown up with the genre itself.
When grunge and the alternative music scene exploded in 1991, I was 16yrs old. Do you have any idea how fucking awesome it was to be 16yrs old with an entirely new genre of music is introduced to the world? It was fucking amazing, that's what it was. I was at the right place at the right time in history and I took full advantage of it too.
Anyway, a funny thing happened just prior to this. My dad changed jobs and had a 45 minute drive to and from work. So, he really got into music. And man, he listened to everything. The first time I ever heard Soundgarden (Ultramega OK 1990), Red Hot Chili Peppers (Mother's Milk 1989), or Jane's Addiction (Nothings Shocking 1988), it was from tapes my dad gave me. He was on the bleeding edge but was completely unaware that scene was going to blow up. He bought his music based solely on how cool the band name and cover art were. I'm totally serious. He still buys his music based on these same two essential criteria to this day.
It was an amazing time to grow up as far as music was concerned. Looking back, I'm glad my parents had pretty good taste in music. I mean, my wife's parents listen to Air Supply, Hall and Oats, The Carpenters, and Folk Music!
I was born in 1975 to hippies. I distinctly remember a selection of artists and albums that my mother played during my entire childhood growing up in the 80's. I can sing every song on every one of these albums to this very day.
Simon and Garfunkel - Greatest Hits (1972)
Janis Joplin - Greatest hits (1973)
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
Dr. Hook - Sloppy Seconds (1972)
Jeff Beck - Blow By Blow (1975)
Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds (1978)
My parents, like many people it seems, hit a wall with music and never got into anything past a certain point in time. This meant there was nothing from the 80's played by my parents. They never got into disco, or 70's funk. The didn't touch 80's music like Flock of Seagulls, Madonna, the Punk scene, or any of the new rock n roll/hair bands in the late 80's. They literally just listened to a select few artists and never branched out or grew/evolved with the music of the time.
As for myself, I was into everything except what they liked. I hated Janis Joplin and S&G when I was a kid (I like them now though!). I listened to Top 40 and recorded dozens of tapes from songs off the radio.
I can pinpoint the exact age I was really, really into music. It was 1984 and I was 9 years old. Fat Boys, Run DMC, Prince (Purple Rain!), Van Halen, Madonna, and Ray Parker Jr singing motherfuckin' Ghost Busters. The Car's Heartbreak City? I loved that shit. I listened to it so much I wore out the tape. I could go on and on. The year 1984 is my reference point for my entire life based on the music.
My musical taste has always been really diverse and eclectic considering that my parents had such a tiny palate. When I was in my early teens I started to discover older music like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Who, and Pink Floyd's other work. I was dumbfounded that my parents had omitted such fantastic artists from their musical library. They had no excuse! This was what they would have grown up on! Also around this age I was really into rap which had really come into it's own. I had pretty much grown up with the genre itself.
When grunge and the alternative music scene exploded in 1991, I was 16yrs old. Do you have any idea how fucking awesome it was to be 16yrs old with an entirely new genre of music is introduced to the world? It was fucking amazing, that's what it was. I was at the right place at the right time in history and I took full advantage of it too.
Anyway, a funny thing happened just prior to this. My dad changed jobs and had a 45 minute drive to and from work. So, he really got into music. And man, he listened to everything. The first time I ever heard Soundgarden (Ultramega OK 1990), Red Hot Chili Peppers (Mother's Milk 1989), or Jane's Addiction (Nothings Shocking 1988), it was from tapes my dad gave me. He was on the bleeding edge but was completely unaware that scene was going to blow up. He bought his music based solely on how cool the band name and cover art were. I'm totally serious. He still buys his music based on these same two essential criteria to this day.
It was an amazing time to grow up as far as music was concerned. Looking back, I'm glad my parents had pretty good taste in music. I mean, my wife's parents listen to Air Supply, Hall and Oats, The Carpenters, and Folk Music!