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What did you like as a kid that you grew to hate as an adult?


cormack12 cormack12 to go along with your strawberry gummies I used to love candy corn. It always had kind of an off taste to it but I enjoyed it. Now, I'll eat it I guess but I'm not going out and buying it
Everyone started believing in their own lies that they were something very special, that's pretty much it. The internet it is then.
I don’t think that is necessarily true. I do think there is truth to the fact that due to cost of creating new projects and the risk involved, is why they now continually recycle older content, as it is saFe.

It is also easier for marketing companies to advertise and build hype for an existing brand.

It is called sequel-itis. It is why gaming is all sequels nowadays mostly.



Also mushrooms. Used to love mushrooms as a kid and as an adult I hate them for the most part.
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